• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 4, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress in the grip of a hostile takeover by the Gnomes of IKEA

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress in the grip of a hostile takeover by the Gnomes of IKEA

    Dwarf Fortress in the grip of a hostile takeover by the Gnomes of IKEA

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Dead within 20 seconds – what a few wereelephants on the loose do to a fortress

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    The end of an era! Tarn and Zach have finished the last of the crayon rewards!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    And here's a back cover to go with my previously posted boxart!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    Can anyone tell me what "The Fell" might be in this age? I can't seem to find anything in legends about it.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Smallriver #3 — ☼ The Wall is (almost) Done ☼

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Previous part  


    I haven't sent any news from Smallriver since last winter, and we're now at the beginning of the next one — winter of 76 —. The last couple of months have been pretty hectic.


    We tried to focus on the finalization of the perimeter wall, letting only a few people to keep working on the mining and food industries. Things were going pretty well until a dozen giant keas came out of nowhere. For all their bird-like looks, the giant keas are actually reptilian in nature and seem to have a natural dislike for dwarves. Their monstrous cry echoed throughout the whole plain, frightening the hell out of everyone. All those who were working on the wall ran away, until our marksdwarves succeeded in killing one after shooting around a hundred bolts all over the place. The other giant keas somehow managed to evade all of their arrows and fled. Luckily, no dwarves were hurt, but we should expect them to come back at some point.


    While everyone was getting back to work, three kobolds tried to infiltrate the outpost. These are very sneaky creatures, but they were noticed soon enough. One of them was hurt by the military and thankfully they all escaped before they could do any harm. I didn't know there was still an existing kobold civilization left, it's really surprising that they haven't been wiped out yet.


    All these events have made me realize that the military aspect is becoming alarming. We have started training a few marksdwarves: we might be able to successfully fight against savage wildlife in a few months eventually, but there is no way we could beat more serious enemies as it is. We'll need more soldiers, more training, more weapons, but also metals since we don't have any yet. I'll make all this a priority for next year: we are now so close to finishing the wall that I'm not willing to divert any dwarven resources from it.


    Indeed, the wall is almost done now, despite some dwarves who decided to retire from the job because of the giant keas attack. There are two stone layers, an archery tower in each corner, and a circular walking route around the perimeter of the wall. Surprisingly, there were no injuries during the construction, though there have been a few close calls. All that remains is to finish the southern part: we are waiting for the river to freeze solid — which should only be a matter of days — so that the dwarves can cross it and finish the job. Once done, we'll have a decent defense in case of goblin attacks or any other violent encounters, as well as a reasonably safe outpost. Kogan tells me that the defense will be weak, and that flying or swimming opponents will be able to get in. I can't say I disagree entirely, but I feel that's the best we can do for the time being.


    One of the metalsmith's sons who arrived last year, aged 5, created a work of art out of rock salt stone and the bones of a recently killed giant kea. He turned these materials into a pretty nice crown. I must say that I am quite impressed by what he achieved at such a young age. On the crown is depicted Mon Mellowpassion, a female human abducted in the year 38 by the lumbering troll Ura, who then turned her into a lumbering troll herself. It's a pretty well-known story among our people. The crown is rather heavy, and I'm not sure about its practical worth, but it's nice to look at. This artefact caused quite a bit of excitement in the community, and it is certainly our most elegant piece of dwarven craftsmanship so far, so I decided to place it into the temple, where people can admire it all year round.


    There is one last occurrence I want to record here: a huge wave of new migrants arrived a few weeks ago. There were so many of them that I didn't have time to greet them all. I immediately had a number of new beds built for the new arrivals, then I asked them to help the others finish the wall. As soon as things have settled down, I hope to spend some time with them, get to know them better and give them suitable jobs.


    Our current population is now about forty-nine dwarves, up from the usual fifteen that we had a few months ago. Something about this small outpost just feels permanent now, like we will all be here for a long time to come.

    submitted by /u/Hoofrad
    [link] [comments]

    DFHack 0.47.05-r3 released

    Posted: 04 Sep 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Download here: https://github.com/DFHack/dfhack/releases/tag/0.47.05-r3

    Release notes:

    DFHack 0.47.05-r3

    New Plugins

    • dig-now: instantly completes dig designations (including smoothing and carving tracks)

    New Scripts

    • autonick: gives dwarves unique nicknames
    • build-now: instantly completes planned building constructions
    • do-job-now: makes a job involving current selection high priority
    • prioritize: automatically boosts the priority of current and/or future jobs of specified types, such as hauling food, tanning hides, or pulling levers
    • reveal-adv-map: exposes/hides all world map tiles in adventure mode


    • Core: alt keydown state is now cleared when DF loses and regains focus, ensuring the alt modifier state is not stuck on for systems that don't send standard keyup events in response to alt-tab window manager events
    • Lua: memscan.field_offset(): fixed an issue causing devel/export-dt-ini to crash sometimes, especially on Windows
    • autofarm: autofarm will now count plant growths as well as plants toward its thresholds
    • autogems: no longer assigns gem cutting jobs to workshops with gem cutting prohibited in the workshop profile
    • devel/export-dt-ini: fixed incorrect vtable address on Windows
    • quickfort:
      • allow machines (e.g. screw pumps) to be built on ramps just like DF allows
      • fix error message when the requested label is not found in the blueprint file

    Misc Improvements

    • assign-beliefs, assign-facets: now update needs of units that were changed
    • buildingplan: now displays which items are attached and which items are still missing for planned buildings
    • devel/query:
      • updated script to v3.2 (i.e. major rewrite for maintainability/readability)
      • merged options -query and -querykeys into -search
      • merged options -depth and -keydepth into -maxdepth
      • replaced option -safer with -excludetypes and -excludekinds
      • improved how tile data is dealt with identification, iteration, and searching
      • added option -findvalue
      • added option -showpaths to print full data paths instead of nested fields
      • added option -nopointers to disable printing values with memory addresses
      • added option -alignto to set the value column's alignment
      • added options -oneline and alias -1 to avoid using two lines for fields with metadata
      • added support for matching multiple patterns
      • added support for selecting the highlighted job, plant, building, and map block data
      • added support for selecting a Lua script (e.g. dorf_tables)
      • added support for selecting a Json file (e.g. dwarf_profiles.json)
      • removed options -listall, -listfields, and -listkeys - these are now simply default behaviour
      • -table now accepts the same abbreviations (global names, unit, screen, etc.) as lua and gui/gm-editor
    • dorf_tables: integrated devel/query to show the table definitions when requested with -list
    • geld: fixed -help option
    • gui/gm-editor: made search case-insensitive
    • orders:
      • support importing and exporting reaction-specific item conditions, like "lye-containing" for soap production orders
      • new sort command. sorts orders according to their repeat frequency. this prevents daily orders from blocking other orders for simlar items from ever getting completed.
    • quickfort:
    • tailor: allow user to specify which materials to be used, and in what order
    • tiletypes-here, tiletypes-here-point: add --cursor and --quiet options to support non-interactive use cases
    • unretire-anyone: replaced the 'undead' descriptor with 'reanimated' to make it more mod-friendly
    • warn-starving: added an option to only check sane dwarves


    • The Items module moveTo* and remove functions now handle projectiles


    • Install tests in the scripts repo into hack/scripts/test/scripts when the CMake variable BUILD_TESTS is defined


    • new global function: safe_pairs(iterable[, iterator_fn]) will iterate over the iterable (a table or iterable userdata) with the iterator_fn (pairs if not otherwise specified) if iteration is possible. If iteration is not possible or would throw an error, for example if nil is passed as the iterable, the iteration is just silently skipped.


    • cursed_tomb: new struct type
    • job_item: identified several fields
    • ocean_wave_maker: new struct type
    • worldgen_parms: moved to new struct type


    • dfhack-examples-guide: documentation for all of dreamfort's supporting files (useful for all forts, not just Dreamfort!)
    • quickfort-library-guide: updated dreamfort documentation and added screenshots
    submitted by /u/lethosor
    [link] [comments]

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