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    Monday, September 13, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My Captain of the Guard, who is a Lion man, just decided he would be the king of my Dwarven civilization.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    He was captured along with a lion woman near the beginning of our fortress's founding. After some time, they agreed to join (using some dfhack trickery) and were given their own squad of beastmen and mercenaries. After about 4 years, he decided that it was time to become the king! I guess he at least he talked it over with his subjects??

    Here he is lamenting his paltry living quarters, not befit for a king. The dwarves are already busy crafting numerous chests, cabinets, and weapon/armor stands for their new lion king.

    He left his position as military Captain, but he agreed to at least retain being a member of his former squad. The lion woman, Idenrash, is now the acting Captain. (I wonder if she bosses around the king now?) She also took over the position of Captain of the Guard. They're both Legendary swordsman, wielding falchions and shields, and are amazing at combat.

    Thb, I was pretty surprised by this turn of events. I thought my favored mayor, if anyone, would be the king (although I didn't even know the position of king was up for grabs). Still !fun! times!

    submitted by /u/QuantumTunnels
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    [Art] "Dwarven militia, mostly"

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Adventure Mode

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 07:13 AM PDT

    I feel, and I'm wondering if any others feel the same, that it's a shame there hasn't been as much focus on adventure mode. I think it has incredible potential, it could be even better than the fortress mode tbh. We're looking at a possibility of the single greatest roguelike ever created, and ungodly mix of the very best elements of a dozen other masterpieces: the resource gathering/mining (and possibly base building?) Of Minecraft, the good-humored bizarre world and difficulty of caves of qud, and an open world more deep and expansive than any AAA action RPG we've ever seen. God damnit I want to go mining and become a master stone mug craftsdwarf already!

    Does anyone agree? Interested to hear what others think of adventure mode's potential. With the steam release it'll probably be a while until we see anything new tho lol. In the meantime I'll just be over here spending 2 hours finding the perfect embark then having everyone die in 30 minutes because I forgot to make a farm lmao.

    submitted by /u/MageMasterMoon
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    Modular & Compact Mist Generator

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    The Mushroom Park Expansion, How I Set Up Megaprojects

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Finale & Championship Fight

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Slitherfuk the Magnificent vs Borm of the South

    Combat Log


    Two titans of battle, both born of blood and for one of them, other...bodily fluids. They struggled long and hard to reach this point, to be pinnacles of combat in the face of all the variety of enemies this life has to offer. On one side we have Borm of the South (managed by u/TeflonPrince), a mighty Polar Bear Prince dressed in his finest silk clothes for what will either be his success or his funeral. He has junked Jake of the Shadows Edge, amuptator of All-Smiles' smile, killer of Keesa, impaler of Ironhorn, and grappled with Duke Grubugosh and lived to tell the tale!

    But can he withstand the seductive serpent, the salacious symbol of slavish desire that is Slitherfuk the Magnificent (managed by u/flaccidusmanager)? He has covered up the softness of his belly with a solid steel plate, and has regained the iron short sword he sold a while back. And in comparison to Borm, he is the slayer of Sire Galehonk the Swan Knight, the slaughterer of Suya, the opener of Ortinar, the thumper of Tholtig II, and the masticator of MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE!

    It seems the gladiators are eager to answer this question themselves! As soon as the bell is rung, they rush towards one another, with Borm being the first to land a blow to Slitherfuk's left hand, throwing the limb back, but not enough to dangerously over extend it. Slitherfuk attempts to land a retalitatory strike, but is only able to glance on the Polar Bear Man's leg as he is thrown off balance by the force of the swing.

    The two briefly enter a quick exchange, but it ends when Borm uses his greater mass to bull (or perhaps bear?) rush into Slitherfuk, knocking him over. The Anaconda man quickly regains his bearing, but seems shaken by the humbling experience, one he hasn't had before. As he recovers though, Borm lands another blow on his left hand, once again throwin it backwards, and follows up by kicking him in the head, snapping it back. Slitherfuk responds with a series of slashes and stabs, managing to only scratch the polar Bear Man through his thick skin with his glancing blows.

    Borm responds with a series of punches and kicks, and while one once again thrown one of Slitherfuk's arms off balance, it fails to do serious damage to the snake man through his adamantine and steel mix of armor. Borm once again bear rushes Slitherfuk, knocking him over once more. This time though, he capitalizes on it, and pounds down on Slitherfuk's gut like he's beating a sheet of metal flat. The impact rings throughout the arena, and Slitherfuk's breastplate is visibly bent out of shape.

    Borm attempts to land several more blows, but the panicked Anaconda man parries them quickly, before wriggling out from underneath his titanic opponent, and regaining his footing. Slitherfuk then stabs forward with his steel short sword, puncturing clean through Borm's right hand. Borm roars in anger and pain, and the two exchange blows several times, each perfectly parrying and riposting against the other, then dodging around as they seek to get around the impasse of the other's determined defense.

    Borm is the first to get around it though, as he first lands a blow on Slitherfuk's right upper arm the disorients him, before landing a solid blow to his chest that produces an audible *crack*! After a feint to the left hand, Borm swings with all the force he can into Slitherfuk's right upper arm, making another *crack*, and Slitherfuk hisses deeply in pain as his arm goes limp and he drops his iron shortsword.

    Slitherfuk's body and armor are both looking increasingly battered, but it seems that he's realized playtime is over. He stabs Borm in the right upper leg with his remaining steel shortsword, the tip clacking against bone. Borm sinks to the ground as his leg gives out and with a swift one, two swish of his sword, Slitherfuk relieves Borm of both of his hands.

    Slitherfuk then begins to hack and stab at the growling and thrashing Polar Bear Man, who's teeth seem unable to find a purchase on Slitherfuk's smooth armor. Finally, Borm goes into shock after one too many wounds are dealt to his massive body, and Slitherfuk promptly decapitates him. Wearily, the battered Anaconda man raises his still working arm and his bloody blade into the air in triumph. But another challenge is still to be overcome…

    TITLE MATCH: Slitherfuk the Magnificent vs Molorus the Python Man

    Combat Log


    Slitherfuk's wounds are swiftly tended to, and his battered breastplate is replaced with a shiny new one. Slitherfuk readies himself in the center of the arena, the crowd waiting silently. Suddenly, a ratcheting noise is heard throughout the arena, and a gate underneath the arena manager's balcony that has remained shut for the entirety of tournament booms open. Slithering out is Molorus, the champion of Tournament V, and the slayer of the terrifying Paul the Pulverizer. His goal in coming to this gladiatorial fight was to champion the warming of the world for ectotherms around the world, and the success of serpent people such as Slitherfuk this year certainly speaks to that.

    "I'm ssso closssse" says Slitherfuk, "Ssso close to being able to releasssse my own messsssage of liberation from prudity all acrossss the world. And all I have to do is deal with you!"

    Molorus merely raises his steel gauntleted fists in response.

    With a lound *BONG*, the last match of Dwarf Fortress Gladiator VI begins! The two serpent men wind and weave around one another, but Slitherfuk is the first to land a blow, his sword bouncing off of Molorus's armored tail. Molorus bowls into Slitherfuk, his greater mass knocking the anaconda man down. Slitherfuk merely uses it as a chance to shoot himself off the ground like a spring though, rapidly slashing at Molorus' gut and hand, but his sword once more bounces off of his opponent's formidable protection.

    The two once more being to twist and dodge around the other, as Molorus throws a barrage of punches, and Slitherfuk hacks and stabs at the air where Molorus ought to be, but never is. Molorus punches Slitherfuk in their dance of death though, landing a blow to his left hand with his own left hand. Slitherfuk seems to have allowed this though, as he takes advantage of the over extension to stab Molorus in his less armored upper arm with his steel short sword, causing blood to spurt from the wound and begin to seep out of the mail.

    Molorus opens his mouth wide and lets out a loud hiss of anger, charging into the smaller anaconda man, knocking him over again. He then begins to whale on him with his fists, but they seem to do little more than amuse the downed Slitherfuk through his adamantine armor. Slitherfuks' amusement begins to turn into genuine frustration and fear though, as he finds himself unable to get out from under Molorus' greater mass. There's no safeword for him to use in this arena! Molorus strikes a particularly impressive blow when he punches Slitherfuk in the head, bouncing his adamantine helmed cranium off the arena floor, momentarily stunning the showy serpent.

    Finally though, he manages to slip out from under his tormentor, rolling away from another few blows before regaining his posture. He promptly decides to get risky, slapping Molorus hard in the butt with the flat of his blade. The python man champion doesn't seem rather happy with that, and lunges at the extended arm with his teeth, chomping down hard and latching on. Slitherfuk's eyes bulge within his helm, as he tries to tug his arm free and hacks at the armored python man, but he is unable to get it loose.

    "SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE!", chants the crowd, knowing the signature move that Molorus used to end the terror of Paul the Pulverizer. And shake he does!

    Slitherfuk is swung around rapidly by his left upper arm, and snapping and popping noises fill the arena as his body is swung around like a blue and silver ribbon by his arm. Molorus drops him to the ground eventually, a bloody smear forming on the ground where Slitherfuk impacted it with his now useless arm.

    Molorus once again bites and shakes Slitherfuk by his left hand, but releases it much sooner as the anaconda man puts up more of a fight to avoid a repeat experience. As Slitherfuk strikes at Molorus with his remaining iron short sword, Molorus ignores the impacts and begins to grapple with him while punching him, seeking to find a way to injure him through all the armor.

    Slitherfuk opens his mouth to hiss and bare his teeth at Molorus as he grapples, but Molorus lunges forward and bites onto them as he does so, in a sick approximation of a kiss. With a twist of his head, Slitherfuk's fangs go flying in drops of blood.

    The maimed python man seems to faint at the sight of his own teeth, and Molorus takes advantage of it to unbuckle his breastplate and helm, pounding on his head with his fist. However, Slitherfuk seems to have a resilient skull, and Molorus eventually passes out on top of him. Slitherfuk awakens to find Molorus draped over him. He opportunistically begins to hack at his head, but he seems unable to remove Molorus' helm. It seems all those knocks to the head have confused him a bit.

    Molorus eventually awakes to the sound of an unpleasant alarm, and grabs Slitherfuk by his mail shirt, hoisting him up into the air as he begins to continue beating him. He bites him in the mouth again in a strange kiss, and the two seem to simultaneously lose consciousness. Molorus is the first to regain it though, and begins to rapidly shake Slitherfuk around. Blood begins to spatter all over the place, and Slitherfuk's mouth takes on a distorted appearance that not even a snake jaw should ever take.

    Finally, Molorus throws Slitherfuk loose, and his large body pounds to the floor in another smear of blood. As Molorus advances on the downed Slitherfuk, the bell rings one last time, as Slitherfuk's heart has run out of blood to beat.

    Congratulations to Molorus! He now joins Beorge Gush the Lizard Man as the only gladiator champions to defend his title for 2 years in a row! Can he do it a third? Come along and find out next year!

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    Book FUN

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Book FUN

    So I have been sending my military out on raiding parties to secure riches for my fort. Failed to notice they brought back a certain book. Now I have 20+ necromancers in my fort. Suggenstions for FUN will be appreciated.


    submitted by /u/knifemane
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    Food production

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I'm having trouble with my food production

    How do I get a consistent and renewable plant production?

    I usually start by planting my seeds.

    But when it yields fruit. I can't plant them anymore, I run out of seeds. Gor what I could tell, cooked food don't yield seeds.

    Is there a simple solution for extracting the seeds from the plants whilst having the food able for cooking?

    submitted by /u/tpsSurvivoR
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Finale Betting

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Drumroll please! Our richest Urist this year is...u/flaccidusmanager, with a whopping 1655 gold! Other results can be found in the master document.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    Dwarf fortress remote on IOS

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    I have heard about this game for years and finally I saw they had a remote app for IOS that allows a subscription for them to host the server remotely for you.

    Being that I do not have a computer and I use my iPad for everything (I do have a shadow pc subscription for my iPad), I downloaded Dwarf fortress and paid the subscription price so I could play it.

    Now, where can I find guides for the remote app specifically, every guide I can find os for the pc game and all of the guides assume that you know how to play the basics. I need a guide that starts with the basics, but how it correlates to the remote app, since there are no keyboard shortcuts for the remote app.

    Anyone know of any guides, it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MonitorIllustrious45
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    Welp, that went well...

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 06:45 PM PDT

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