• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 12, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress My master's thesis is examining how players engage with emergent narratives in video games. You can help my research by taking a brief survey!

    Dwarf Fortress My master's thesis is examining how players engage with emergent narratives in video games. You can help my research by taking a brief survey!

    My master's thesis is examining how players engage with emergent narratives in video games. You can help my research by taking a brief survey!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Hello everybody. I am a graduate student from SMU Guildhall working on my thesis and I am running a study on which mechanics people find more engaging in games with emergent narratives. I am looking for people that have played any of the following games: Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Crusader Kings, or The Sims. The 5-10 minute survey will ask you to rate how engaged you were interacting with certain mechanics, your learning style, and your goal orientation. I would really appreciate it if you answered this survey for me and feel free to share it with anyone you know that plays any of the listed games.

    Here is the link to the survey: https://smu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4OTrs5gDPuJK28K

    I have received permission from the mods of this subreddit to post this here and by answering this study, you can really help provide some data in an area that really does not have all that much study done with it. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/MichaelGuildhall
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    What Are The Possibilities Of The Dwarf Getting Into Crossover Games?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    What gloriousness is this...

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Finally, an artifact worthy of note!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    this is a sketch on tree-paper of a dwarven caravan and the human swordsman, the dwarves are labouring, the human is socializing.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Lore: How do you interpret rope weed?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    I'm looking to grow some rope reed in my fortress. All the background I found on it is that it has "precise lines" and can be made into cloth.

    So far, I feel "pig tails" and "rope reeds" seem like names for hardy plants with rough fabric which may not be altogether pleasant for the dwarves to wear as clothes, maybe used in absence of softer fabrics.

    As it is a fictional plant, I'm interested to find how you have interpreted it based on the scarce in-game information and what you use it for in the fortress.

    submitted by /u/Remikov
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