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    Sunday, August 1, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Dwarves of Strength: Crimsontrumpets

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Dwarves of Strength: Crimsontrumpets

    [Kruggsmash] Dwarves of Strength: Crimsontrumpets

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    I made a DnD statblock for the beloved horn beetles from Scorchfountain

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Is there a reason Kruggsmash videos getting blocked

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Using the search you can the most recent search result for "Kruggsmash" is 24 days ago. When you search by 'new' in the subreddit nothing shows up there for the past few weeks. So I tried to post his new video and got redirected to this one day old post by /u/Swede-fo-life, with zero up or down votes and zero comments. Looking at his profile you can see the same thing for last week's video last video, one vote, zero comments, doesn't show up on the subreddit.

    So what's the deal? They aren't getting removed but they are being hidden from the users for some reason.

    submitted by /u/JumalOnSurnud
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    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE Promo II [Gladiator Tournament, Pre-Round II]

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    It's the MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE here, and this one is callin' out to you, Plyp. Since I've been quiet for a while, maybe you think that I've been scared of this match-up, but ooh no, no I've just been preparin', yeah. You see since that first fight I've got that Momentum, that momentum yeah, and its been buildin', buiiiiillllldin' up, like a wave across that big beautiful blue, oh yes it has. And I'm riiisin' up to the crest of that wave, and I've got the MACHO CRAB Fans helpin' to lift me up there, oh yeah. If anyone should be worried it should be you, Plyp, cause if you had an ear you'd hear the cheers, yeah, and when you hear those cheers you'll start feeling the fear, cause this MACHO WAVE ain't gonna stop till I'm at the top, oh yeah.

    So I see you out there Plyp, I see you out there, stoic with your fancy sword moves, thinkin' your're some sort of San-ji-ro. Well I've never been much of a fan of Kurasowa, I'm more of a Sturgeo Leone man, and let me tell you, the bets on the MACHO CRAB are more than just a clawful of dollars, oh yeah. When I'm done with you, you're gonna end up forgotten as the shroom with no name while the MACHO CRAB reaches up to claim that fame.

    And you know, I got a little somethin' for you Plyp, yeah...[MACHO CRAB pulls out a +Cherry Wood Barrel+]...I had this one made just for you, cause after I win, and I will, you're gonna be off to the still, and all the MACHO CRAB fans out there in the Crustacean Nation are gonna toast my win with that libation.

    Cause I'm the MACHO CRAB, dig it, the Chief of the Reef, Hell in a Shell, the Crab with the Stab that'll earn you a Slab, and I'm going right to the top and I ain't gonna stop, and I promise you at the end of round two I'm gonna have my Crab Cake and I'm gonna eat it too. OH YEAH!

    submitted by /u/imperator1123
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    I keep capturing this dumb Gorlak in my cave tunnel cages and then pit him 18 levels back into the caves. What intresting way can i sue to end his dumb fucking life.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    Kudos to the visiting Goblin Dancer who single-handedly fended off a Giantess attack by biting her in the head and then VIOLENTLY SHAKING HER TO DEATH.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:06 PM PDT

    Irtirtobul Reclaimed

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:16 PM PDT

    A few days ago I lost my fortress, Irtirtobul, to a vile force of darkness. Irtirtobul is now a vast, haunted ruin situated between two rivers fed by a large lake and it was constructed right smack dab in the middle of the largest goblin civilization in the whole of Thur Kador.

    I'm a new player and that loss marked my first experience with full on Fun and I was determined to reclaim it. I hand picked a company of dwarves, named The Bloody Boots, and endowed them with a singular purpose; reclaim Irtirtobul by any means necessary. And so seven battledwarfs led by Bearmaul the Brave and their medic, Crutches, set out to seek vengeance on 16,000 goblins, their slaves, and their warbeasts.

    Ever aspect of these dwarves lives was dedicated to remembering the firstfallen, preparing for war, and the unremitting hatred of goblins. Their standard depicted three goblins buried alive in burning coffins. Their first artifact was a yak bone sarcophagus. Their children played with toy weapons exclusively. Most of the figurines and engravings made by the craftdwarf immigrants depicted scenes of battle and memorialized the dead. They built Founder's Hall, an elaborate tomb and shrine, adjacent to their dormitory. They were a warrior culture, top to bottom.

    The first two years were spent cleaning up the exploded stockpiles, burying the founders, putting ghosts to rest, and completing the forts defenses. I had learned a lot about siege defense and made many improvements to the design of the walls and the keep. I constructed a tavern at the end of the main bridge that would double as an archer tower, built up the keeps walls a couple layers, added rows of fortifications, and repurposed the north pasture to be a killing field.

    The spring of the third year brought the first skirmish. A force of 55 goblins, trolls, and beak dogs assaulted Irtirtobul. The tavern/archer tower wasn't completed in time and proved to be worse than useless.

    Several of The Bloody Boots were in the tavern when the siege began. Most of them made it across the bridge in time with the exception of Bearmaul the Brave, who was catapulted back into the fortress by the closing drawbridge, and Crutches, who refused to fall back and seemed determined to have one last drink before meeting the invaders in the tavern alone.

    Goblin squads swames the moat and climbed the trees under fire from the marksdwarfs in the keep and took the tavern. Crutches put up a hell of a fight and cleaned up the first wave, but ultimately fell. The goblins used the walls I had built to protect the tavern bridge from their archers as a road into the courtyard and the real business of killing began.

    The bottleneck worked as intended, despite the unforseen breach, and The Bloody Boots engaged the horde in melee while the marksdwarfs rained death from the walls. The first siege was broken, and the moat was filled with a satisfying amount of goblin and troll corpses.

    The fallen were laid to rest in Founder's Hall, having earned their place amongst the honored dead. The dwarf who had crafted the artifact coffin was entombed in her creation.

    The second siege came in the late autumn of the fourth year. The goblins brought their Elven slaves this time. It was the largest army of invaders I've seen so far, and they attacked just before winter. Shades of the past.

    The lake had already frozen but the rivers were still flowing. I did my best to break the siege quickly, but failed.

    Winter came and the rivers froze. I tried to pull my squads into the keep but they refused. The Bloody Boots fought their last battle on the western bridge, The marksdwarfs were ambushed by trolls who climbed the eastern walls, the keep was taken and the slaughter began.

    I locked the daycare's door. The firstborn was one of the lucky few who were playing in there when they breached the keep. I don't know if theres an actual mechanic for sound, but If there is I'd like to think that the stone door and walls were thick enough to keep out the screams.

    Eventually the children were the only dwarfs left alive. The siege wasnt breaking, so I made a plan to herd them down to the food stockpiles. I guess I was hoping they'd survive long enough to reach adulthood and fight back. A desperate, and probably impossible, longshot

    They didn't make it to the stockpiles. The children scattered and were hunted down by the looters. The firstborn bolted for the surface and hid in the snow covered statute garden along the eastern wall, and was the last to die.

    Irtirtobul fell to ruin, again. I may try to take it back someday, but for now I'll let it fade into myth. A legend of bravery, the folly of hubris, and what a few determined dwarves achieved against all odds.

    I embarked with a different civilization on the other side of the world, to strike the earth and begin a new story. Using the lessons learned from Irtirtobul, I think this new fort will stand for some time. At least until some fresh new hell Fun comes to visit them.

    submitted by /u/nomansskyisanowagame
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    Random Goblin Attack

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    A bit after I sent the entirety of my military off to go pillage my neighbor, one of my fishermen got interrupted by a goblin Spearman. To my shock I had about 20 goblins right outside my fort and there wasn't a seige tag on my screen.. Fortunately my military showed up about a minute later and sorted them out but I lost a good 10 dwarves.

    Has anyone ever had this happen before? Is it a bug? .

    submitted by /u/MrForwardMotion
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    Metalbalded journal, entry 8

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    My hand shakes as I update this account. First, I will make a record of mundane matters before turning to the cause of my revulsion and horror.

    We have grown large enough in size that a more formal governing structure was deemed necessary by our citizens. As such, we held an election for mayor, and I am no longer the expedition leader of Kelroder. Edëm Iliddumat, one of our newer migrants, has been chosen as our village's chief administrator. The mayor's quarters and offices have been set aside for her use. These rooms are nevertheless, at the moment, empty.

    My horror springs from the discovery of the corpse of Cerol Tolisdastot in his bedroom. He died, by all appearances, in his sleep. His body was drained of blood. I have never seen a dwarf so thin and pale. Every dwarfling who has ever hid under her sheets in terror knows what a bloodless murder victim means. We have a vampire in our midst. When the discovery was made known to me, I informed our new mayor. She delegated the investigation to me. However, I have no time to conduct interrogations or follow-up on witness accounts; though I am no longer the leader of this place, much of the daily operation of its industry relies on my other duties. So, using my delegated authority, I appointed someone I trust implicitly: Nish Rerrasmeng, one of our founding miners.

    He was reluctant to take the position, citing a lack of credentials or family history in law enforcement, but I assured him I trusted few others to do the job, and their qualifications and family histories were no less lackluster. He set to work at once, following my advice. I immediately suspected the necromancer, though in hindsight, this suspicion was obviously misplaced. He has barely left the frame of my office door for wanting to unload his problems onto my ears of late. Nish then began asking pointed questions of all the newest batch of migrants, since the killing only happened after their arrival. None of them had any knowledge of the killing, and I began to lose hope as Nish told me of each dead end. However, he finally made his way down the list to the mayor herself. Nish appealed to her vanity, and coaxed a confession out of her. Her real name is Logem Wiltrim. She has embezzled funds from previous settlements she'd attached herself to.

    The mayor is a vampire.

    Not knowing what else to do, Nish arrested her and placed her in chains in a makeshift dungeon he dug out near the forges. Were I still in charge, I would have had her executed or banished. However, the power of banishing is invested solely in the hands of a village's mayor. I must move quickly to have her ousted, lest she be set free to kill again with impunity.

    I'm no good at politics.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, manager, record keeper, and broker of the village of Kelroder, 2nd Granite, 147

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    Entry 4

    Entry 5

    Entry 6

    Entry 7

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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    I made Bad Apple in Dwarf Fortress

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    With the second round of the gladiator tournament coming up, check out our recap of Round 1!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:46 PM PDT

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