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    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Things got a little risqué in a masterwork siege with succubi

    Dwarf Fortress Things got a little risqué in a masterwork siege with succubi

    Things got a little risqué in a masterwork siege with succubi

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    There's nothing stronger than the dwarven law.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Obsidian Fortress stage 1: Obsidian Generator

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    Traffic Areas are your best friend. Learn to use them.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    d-o let's you set traffic areas. These are not visual, they only show up when you are in this screen. They are vital to the optimal performance of the pathfinding algorithm and the health of your game. Dwarf Fortress uses an implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm. Even if you don't want to learn how A* works, know that it checks every square of your entire fort for a path for every job in an order defined by two things:

    • is that square in the direction of the goal
    • how much distance will that square add to the path

    Traffic areas affect the "how much distance will it add to the path". Default values for traffic area [High, Normal, Low, Restricted] are [1,2,5,25].

    How do you use this? Make paths around your workshop HIGH traffic. Those squares now add less to the estimated distance and Dwarves will walk around the shop instead of entering it and running into the worker inside. Make mined out areas LOW if there's a little ore left to pick up and RESTRICTED after they're empty. Make dead ends like offices, the hospital, and tucked in workshops LOW. The pathfinding algorithm will spend far less time in those areas and few dwarves need to go there.

    Your dwarves rarely spend time outside except for areas marked for lumber and plants. Any areas you aren't using get set to LOW if you're pretty sure you're not going there and RESTRICTED if you are sure.

    The performance impact can be huge. I needed slate so I strip mined a 20x20 sqaure that was marked LOW. My performance dropped from 75 updates/second to 20. A lot of dwarves were tasked with picking up rock, but the LOW traffic area was making them search the entire top surface before they found the rock. I updated the traffic area to NORMAL and UPS went to 65. I marked the area RESTRICTED when I was done and I'm back at 75.

    Traffic Areas. Learn them, use them, praise the miners.

    submitted by /u/CitizenCaecus
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    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    A Brief Interview with the Trapped Warden, Ironhorn the Minotaur (and his manager)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Ironhorn sits behind a comically small table next to a human, with the table sitting above and in front of a small crowd of probably bored interviewers.

    Human: Welp, Ironhorn did it and secured his life for at least another week! Who has any questions?

    The crowd looks bored when compared to the human's overhype. A dwarf with a notebook raises his hand sheepishly. The human manager points excitedly.

    Human: Yes, you! What do you have to ask the mighty IRONHORRRRRRRNNNNN?

    Dwarf: Uh, yes. I am with Rock and Stone magazine. We want to know what Ironhorn's training regime is.

    Ironhorn sighs and huffs.

    Human: What he means to say is that he works on training with the pike for the most part. Several hours every day, in the morning and evening. After breakfast every day he practices dodging attacks. He has also practiced combat with armor this past week!

    Ironhorn: No.

    Human: No? What do you mean no?

    Ironhorn: I took a day off. Saved twenty eight and a half strength for training next week.

    Human: What does that even mean?

    Ironhorn simply huffs and says no more.

    Human: Well, that was cryptic but there you have it! The mystery is sure to keep everyone on their toes! Who is next?

    The room doesn't look amused by the odd combo but a goblin raises her hand after an awkward moment. The human excitedly points her direction.

    Goblin: I'm here with Bleeder's Digest and we are wanting to know Ironhorn's thoughts on this week's fight.

    Ironhorn immediately stands up, knocking over tiny table in front of him.


    The goblin interviewer looks nervous and sits back down as she trembles.

    Human: What he means to say is that he is ready but hopes for a good, fair fight and wishes Arin Ironlung good luck. Who is next?

    An elf raises his hand as Ironhorn grabs his table and throws it into the wall behind him and storms off stage.

    Human: Well, unfortunately I think that is all the time that Ironhorn has for us today. Give him a big hand!

    A few golf claps happen in the crowd while the human manager is applauding as if Ironhorn hasn't already left earshot.

    submitted by /u/arbyD
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    Battle between Ulm and Evala (DF Gladiator Tournament VI)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Adding aesthetic polish to mature forts

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    What do you guys do to add life and aesthetic flair to a mature fort?

    I've recently tried to outline my hallways and room thresholds with colored materials. I've found that lay pewter accents look great on gabbro/granite.

    submitted by /u/klungeE
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    Metalbalded journal, entry 7

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    The farmers told me there were screams in the caverns again. We had thought all the unfortunate monster slayers long since dead, but they began banging on our walls screaming insane gibberish about flying gigantic earthworms. After that, there were sounds of a struggle, then silence. I am glad our walls are strong enough to keep whatever the hunters found well enough away.

    The caravan from the mountainhome arrived. We traded Steel disks for an abundance of cloth, hides, and precious gems. Erush Iriduzol, the liaison (I finally remembered her name long enough to write it down), brought us news of the artifacts that our people have made across the land. She also told us that news of our own artifacts had reached far and wide. She was not pleased with our lack of a standing military; I must get on that before her next visit. She was very interested to learn that we had a necromancer living among us; they spent hours talking in the library, though I never could get close enough to find out what they were discussing.

    Speaking of artifacts, we had another fit of ecstasy, the result of which was Bëmbul Laztulon's magnum opus, Nêciktakùth, "The Singed Chasms," a grate made of granite. The intricacies of its design and decoration are too numerous to list here, and I'm sure I'd forget some of them, but I value it as the most expensive thing we've yet managed to create here. I will have it placed in the Temple so that worshippers can admire it while they commune with whatever god they pray to.

    Another migrant wave arrived soon after the completion of the grate. This crew was led by a fisherdwarf named Ùshrir Berlod, twenty-four strong. I was told that they were caught in our goblin pellets; some fell to the ground in horror. I cannot blame them, but I confess to feeling less than empathetic to the reaction at this point; I may have become inured to the revulsion I had first felt upon seeing the endless sea of frozen blood. I cannot say for sure, as I have not been up to the surface for over a year now.

    A farmer's guild, The Company of Shores, has been established with the arrival of this new batch of citizens. It took no time to cut them a designated space into the rock for meetings and tutorials for all of the skills a farmer might need among our people.The cavern water tunnel progresses as planned. It will not be long before it's operational.

    Two hillocks have been established a day away to the northeast, depending upon our continued industry to bring them prosperity. In return, they offer us what workers they can when called upon. It's a wonderful system, and one that ensures mutual benefit to all.

    Ugh. The necromancer wants to meet with me again. This will be the third meeting this winter. I had noticed from observations that his fixation on studying and pondering something called a "crucible" was causing him considerable distress. He was not eating, sleeping, or drinking (he told me that his … kind have no need for such things), but most distressful to him was that his time in the library was keeping him from praying to his gods. So I ordered him out of the library and to take care of whatever needs he had. One of his needs seems to be crying, as he has done this every time we've met. From the sniffles I hear outside my door, I expect more.

    Perhaps I should move our meeting to the surface, so that the tears will freeze instead of slicking up my floor.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the village of Kelroder, 22nd Moonstone, 146

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    Entry 4

    Entry 5

    Entry 6

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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    A noobs first game of df.. Starvation, a werebeast, and a badger.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    This was my first DF experience.

    • I made a small fort.
    • Leader goes and wanders the forest instead of helping with tasks.
    • We are starving.
    • Leader still wandering (annoying), runs into a badger (amusing) (edit, holy cow that was bloody)
    • Only one hand works now.
    • We get food, no longer starving, I forget about leader who eventually wanders back.
    • A werebeast comes but it doesnt sound scary so ignore it, it was like a wereelk or deer? weak
    • Turns out the weredeer is a WWE Pro wrestler heavyweight champion
    • So many ruined dwarf bodies.. Broken limbs, bleeding out from bites.. Bodies all over..
    • Looks like the end..
    • What's this? It DIED? er and 2 dwarves are alive, nvm one bled out.
    • One lone survivor, who is it?
    • The annoying leader who afked while her people were starving then redeemed herself in my eyes by wrestling a badger to death.
    • It looked like she was using her good hand for grabs and her bad hand to punch? Teaming up with 2 others?
    • She is mangled, cannot stand or walk, is just laying there.. She won my heart back and I want to help, but I cant
    • Eventually she dies too.
    • But there is something I missed..

    I look afterwards to try to better understand things.. HOLY COW she had a miscarriage and some kind of severe depression. I feel so bad. She wasnt a lazy bad leader she was just struggling and sad.. And I felt gleeful watching that badger claw and bite her (it seemed like well deserved karma at the time).

    Ultimately she died laying there, surrounded by bodies of her friends, immobile, in a pool of blood, the lone survivor.. Having achieved an INCREDIBLE victory, but not before the woodland werecreature sealed her doomed.

    Not what I expected. And wtf there are miscarriages in this game?

    submitted by /u/Nobles_Fightclub
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