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    Monday, August 2, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament - Upgrade Post, Round 2

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    The following managers were victorious Round 1 and therefore are eligible to upgrade their gladiators for the next round:

    Note about the algorithm: if you look at the numbers a bit closer, you can see that whenever the simple multiplication by 1.5 created a number that had something other than .5 in its decimal part, we rounded it up to the closest .5; so, .25 becomes .5 and .75 becomes 1. This was done to avoid infinite splintering of the points.

    The Arena Personnel asks you to provide your upgrades as soon as possible. The deadlinethe Fifth of August, 17 GMT. We ask for your understanding on these matters; we need time to run and process the fights.

    Good luck and go with Armok!

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    I don't know myself.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    The Bay 12 Games Report, August 1st, 2021

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Future of the Fortress 1 August 2021: "There's definitely going to be a second pass on keyboard stuff ..."

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 05:04 PM PDT

    Metalbalded journal, entry 9

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    Another elven caravan arrived. I don't know why they bother making the dangerous trek all the way out here with such pitiful fare. I traded away some trinkets for their berries and acorns and left them in the icy trading post.

    Another migrant wave arrived. Led by a fish dissector named Melbil Ogradèrith, all in all their company brings our village town up to a population of a hundred. For some reason, we've managed to accumulate enough fishery workers that they've formed a guild, "The Guild of Saffron." We don't have any water to fish yet, and no fisheries for them to work in, but it's an easy matter to carve them out a space to meet if they want it.

    A butcher who's been with us for a while, Kel Zestastesh, got taken by a great mood, and created Gídthuridräth, "Grasping Treasures," a grand magnetite statue depicting our founding here at Metalbalded. I'll put it in the tavern for people to enjoy while our new bard sings us songs to drink to.

    That still leaves the question of what to do with our vampire mayor. Despite knowing what she is, I haven't been able to convince anyone to unseat her yet. I decided to approach Athel about the matter; his knowledge of the undead proved enlightening. The vampire needs no food, sleep, or air. Further, he reminded me that I still have some power over the creature. When she gets released from prison, I need not send her away -- in fact, I mustn't, as she'll be free to feed on whatever community I send her to. I can assign a ward for her to live in as part of my structuring duties, and then have her sealed away. Perhaps I was wrong about the necromancer.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, manager, record keeper, and broker of the town of Kelroder, 14th Slate, 147

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    Entry 4

    Entry 5

    Entry 6

    Entry 7

    Entry 8

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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    A build from my stream I finished a couple weeks ago: "The Towers! (explanation of each floor in the comments)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    The Researcher's Retirement (DFGT VI)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:43 AM PDT

    Dr. Nathan Harrison's nerves shorted as the spear impaled his brain. He thought of how unnecessary it was to stab him when he was already dying.

    He'd been so sure of himself. Fancied himself a beacon of hope for Cataclysm Prime. Hoped to raise the money the Hub needed via victory.

    Jeremias too. His book would have a limited reach, instead of being read by beings far and wide. As his world went dark, several jumpsuit-clad people in the stands leapt up.


    "I want you to to give us his body, right now!" Jeremias shouted.

    The guard remained stoic and firm. "No can do sir, rules are rules-- what are you--"

    A deafening shotgun blast shook the wing. Jeremias shoved the guard over, who was screaming bloody murder, and dragged out Harrison's body.

    Outside, he loaded up the corpse on a stretcher with the Head of Security's help. She'd fired up the wood-gas van for a quick getaway. The number plates were left on - no use hiding who they were, after all, with the Hub having the only cars for miles around.


    "For fuck's sake!" jeremias shouted as they drove towards the Hub.

    Jeremias holds his head in his hands. Harrison had gotten himself killed. All for nothing. Just like Adrinna...

    Why had he seen fit to sneak off into the Arena? They'd already chosen someone! And now, that person would have to wait another year...

    Well, he figured. they'd hold a funeral of sorts. Dr. Nathan Harrison, wannabe gladiator. The date they used on his tombstone could be worked out later, as would the expenses.

    submitted by /u/Extension_Driver
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Round 3 Betting

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Congratulations to u/FedoraFinder with the big bet on Duke Grubugosh, netting him 305 gold, and barely edging out the next biggest winner, u/bchill123, who made 303 gold on Hoggs. The three most popular gladiators were Slitherfuk, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE, and Burning Squash, who had 388, 384, and 330 gold bet on them respectively. Burning Squash has also continued the tradition of the third most bet on gladiator losing, just like Litava. Will that change next round? Let's find out! Bets can be found on the master document.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    DevLog 1 August 2021: "The report to start August. The Q&A for August. The summer video update post (video link on YouTube)."

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    After the scariest siege of all, the dwarves of Shemzon have earned the right to try the taste of the greatest victory of this land. Glory to the brave!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Pride's Fall (Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    Garl Barrowmane, last of his tribe, was dead.

    The fight had been quick and brutal, the lion dismantled by his smaller, younger, more agile opponent. His last thoughts, before pain stole his reason, were of his failure.

    Failure to protect his people, their screams echoing across the savannah as the Titan from the hills crushed and devoured them. Failure to persuade his only remaining friend to leave him behind, to not shackle himself to an old fool's shame. And now, finally, failure to redeem himself.

    As his head, parted from his shoulders by his opponent's deft slice, crashed into the ground, bone trinkets rattling a final mocking laugh with the impact, Scorpionman Krat thought of failure too. Failure to persuade a noble, broken soul to move on from his pain and not throw his life away for the customs of a tribe who didn't deserve his sacrifice.

    He skittered down the stands and over the lip into the arena proper. A guard attempted to stop him, but was quickly dissuaded by a stinger poised scant inches from his face. Once upon the sands Krat kneeled down, and hoisted up Garl's severed head.

    He would take it far from this wretched place, and give it the honor it deserved. Free from its burdens, as he already began to carefully untangle the bones weaved within its mane.

    Garl Barrowmane was no more, consigned as yet another forgotten name in the annals of the world.

    Garl Goldclaw, Champion of the Savage Plains, was a name he hoped would pass into legend.

    submitted by /u/ReverendBelial
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament: Round 2

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Greetings, our beloved spectators! It's certainly felt like a long time since we've had any bloodshed, hasn't it? Well, that is about to change, for in just a few moments, blood will spill, legends will fall, favorites will die and be replaced by new ones, and Armok will laugh, looking upon us from his bloody throne! This is the Second Tound of the Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament, and we hope that you will be appeased by this offering of blood, for only sixteen fighters will walk out from these gates alive! Now, we shall not delay you any longer, and let the battles begin!

    2A: [Redacted] the Kobold vs Goon the Rodent Man

    Combat Log


    On one end of the arena, we have [Redacted] (managed by u/Eris235), the mysterious thieving kobold. He stabbed the body of Rocky the Bald Boa many times in his last fight, eventually bleeding out his towering foe. And in the process, he pierced ours as well (but he's still only coming out of the arena by killing everyone else in it. Or in a box). He preens to the crowd, showing off his new shinies on his hands and head.

    Opposite, we have another small, thieving rascal, Goon (managed by u/shpurpl)! No matter who wins this fight, we can promise you lawbringers out there that justice will be served in at least one case! The skulking rodent man slyly took advantage of his last opponent's superior size to duck and dodge under his blade, all while cutting his stomach open. But these two races are well aware of each other's tactics, having warred with each other countless times in the caverns beneath our feet.

    The two demonstrate this familiarity in the blur of parries that follows their initial collision, each predicting where the other's blade will land. However, [Redacted] gains the upper hand by stabbing Goon in the left arm and right leg, causing him to topple to the ground. Goon continues to block with his sturdy iron shield, but the kobold is able to slip some stabs through, further perforating his legs, and severing his tail.

    With a squeak of outrage, Goon stabs at [Redacted], but the quick kobold sidesteps his foe, and stabs him in his shield arm, causing him to lose his most valuable protection. [Redacted] continues his stabs into the rat man's body, reducing Goon's leather armor to shreds, and bleeding him out. Congratulations [Redacted], you've served one bit of justice! Now you just have to continue until your own is as well.

    2B: Carlos Pastor the 113th Cockroach Man vs Treadwell the Grizzly Bear Man

    Combat Log


    Carlos (managed by u/aspy523) waves his steel gauntleted hands, wielding two bucklers and a dagger, in a mesmerizing pattern before the hulking body of his opponent. He will win for his mama, and make her proud for her bebe. He beat that strange human before, at the cost of several hands, and from what he saw, the human was far more skilled in combat than this hulking brute. Será facíl!

    Treadwell (managed by u/Narwhal_Rider) snorts and hefts his iron long sword in one hand, and his shield in the other. He's encountered all sorts of bugs in his forest before, litterbugs, firebugs…, and he taught them all the same lesson. The same one he's about to teach this pompous little cockroach. The bear man

    The two charge at one another, Treadwell's steps shaking the arena, while Carlos scuttles quickly along, and as they meet, Carlos stabs the larger and slower bear man in the stomach and paw, causing him to fall to the ground. Treadwell growls in frustration, and swings his long sword around in a massive arc into Carlos's body. The cockroach man tries to stop it, but he's too late, and is separated into two pieces, spurting ichor all over the arena. Treadwell merely picks himself up off the arena and heads back to his gate, as Carlo's upper and lower limbs already begin to curl in on themselves.

    2C: Gary the Cannibalistic Gazelle Man vs Dr. Nathan Harrison the Human

    Combat Log


    Gary (managed by u/RandomRambler003) adopts his silent ready pose once more, all while under his helm, his mouth salivates and his tongue twitches. It's been so long since he had some gazelle meat, and he just saw a caravan form the savannah arrive in town. It will be so goooood to finally get some in his belly. But first he has to get rid of this speed bump in his path. How good do humans taste…?

    Dr. Nathan Harrison (managed by u/Extension_Driber) once again considers his foe before him. Yet another amalgamation of man and beast, and this one of a gazelle of all things. Was that...drool coming out from underneath it's helm? Perhaps it was rabid. He'd heard all manner of reasons for people entering, or being forced to enter, the tournament as he drank at night in the only human dominated tavern he could find in town.

    The two trade a furious number of blows, parrying and blocking, but the hungry Gazelle Man is the first to wound, stabbing the doctor fiercely in his left leg, and throwing out his hip. Dr. Harrison attempts to return the favor, but his blow only manages to scratch the leg of Gary, and fails to do any damage. Gary then savages Harrison's unprotected legs and feet, poking a dozen holes in him, as the doctor attempts to defend his head and torso with his shield.

    Frustrated with the slow pace at which his opponent is losing, Gary decides to expedite things by stabbing Harrison in the shield arm, causing him to let go of his most vital piece of his defense. Gary stabs him in the now unprotected head, but his thick skull protects him from instant death yet again. However, Gary manages to send him into shock, and as Harrison steadily convulses on the floor, offering no resistance, he shoves his spear blade deep into his head.

    2D: Plypp Helmett the Plump Helmet Man vs MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE the Crab Man

    Combat Log


    Plypp (managed by u/DizziWasp) shuffles into his place in the arena. This small, unassuming mass of mycelium was able to cut a massive Monitor Lizard Woman in half folks, so don't start betting on his number of breaths remaining quite yet. That scimitar of his may keep serving him well.

    However, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE (managed by u/imperator1123) seems to have observed his foe's fight, and has picked up a rather bright;y fringed iron mail shirt for himself, to prevent any sudden reductions in size. He tips his strangely shaped helm at a group of crab people in the arena, shooting them a smoldering look from over the top of his sunglasses. The Chief of the Reef certainly has a number of admirers here.

    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE performs some intricate knife work, slashing off Plypp's left foot and right leg, sending the plump helmet man tumbling mutely to the floor, all while blocking his determined blows. Plypp decides to return the favor to the crab man crime boss though, feinting a slash that turns into a pommel bash to his chitinous leg, cracking it, and sending him to the floor as well. From there, he takes off his opponent's left foot as well, displaying a surprising amount of vindictiveness.

    Tearing off his sunglasses, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE lunges in anger at the prone plump man, slicing off his right arm, left hand, and left leg, reducing him to a rather large mushroom with a face on it. He then begins to stab and slash at his downed foe, but Plypp headbutts him, fracturing open the cheatin on his injured left leg. Howling in pain, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE then decides that this game ain't fun no more, and promptly severs Plypp's head, lying on the floor and breathing heavily until he's fetched away by the medics.

    2E: Kurby Stomps vs Hoggs the Feral Wild Boar Man

    Combat Log


    Inner peace...Inner peace… The mantra that Kurby's (managed by u/kippyster) teachers always mumbled during their own meditation sessions now echoed around in his head, as he hopped up and down in his parachute pants, practicing kicks in the direction of his opponent. He had mushed the fearsome Litava with his flailing hooves, what was one pig with an old boar spear supposed to do against him?

    Hoggs (managed by u/Jebidijed) examined the energetic young monk in front of him through the eye slits of his bascinet helm. Not a single weapon on him, unlike the Goat Man Monk from last year who he'd heard his guards discussing. He supposedly had practiced a single sword swing a thousand times before moving onto the next one. This peppy fool didn't look like he could sit still for a thousand seconds. It was a shame the arena manager saw fit to only match him up against oafs and fools, but eh, it's better to kill than be killed.

    The two gladiators rush at one another, Hoggs expertly defending himself with his shield against Kurby's initial kick, and retaliates by stabbing at Kurby's left leg and hoof, severing the hoof and damaging the leg, which causes the young goat to fall over in surprise. Time seems to slow for Kurby as he falls to the ground, as his moving meditation is interrupted with thoughts of his own fragility. Half of his weapons are gone, and his opponent remains untouched! What can he possibly do?

    As time resumes it's normal flow, and he impacts the ground, Kurby reaches his decision. He can fight.

    And fight he does! He lashes out with his remaining hoof at the Boar Man, but Hoggs' defense remains solid, his shield and hide an impenetrable wall to the goat man. From his wall though, he is able to lash out with his spear, puncturing the monk in his chest, his belly, his arms, and his legs. With every stab, Hoggs seems to grow more energetic, while Kurby loses his frantic pace. Eventually, Hoggs' spear sinks deep into Kurby's lower body, and his remaining hoof goes still, as he seems unable to move his legs.

    Still, he keeps up the fight, but his pace continues to slow as the boar man savagely stabs and gores him. Finally, Kurby's arm sinks down after punching wildly, and moves no more. Hoggs is the winner!

    2F: Erith Nunurshorast the Dwarf vs Tholtig II of Circletower the Dwarf

    Combat Log


    Erith (managed by u/Fleeting_Frames) grinned to herself. A royal sent her here, and now she got to kill a royal? Life was just too good to her sometimes. Not when that uptight dwarf got upset about her relaxing a little while on duty, sure, but this was going to be an easy fight. After all, everyone knew most dwarf nobles were incapable of lifting a finger to satisfy their own needs. Probably just chance or Arena favoritism that the daughter of only the most famous dwarf queen ever got to advance. After all, everyone cheated a little at something, right?

    Tholtig II (managed by u/Morpheus_Darkwater) looked onto her opponent with disdain. In her mother's kingdom, had it survived the endless attacks of elves, she might have one day stood at her side in her royal court as the hammerer. Armok knows she was good at killing things. And it would have been her duty to deal with dwarven trash like this, who are derelict at their duties, and get other good dwarves killed. She would take pleasure in this one.

    Erith and Tholtig, polar opposites in station and belief, but matches in build and talent, both meet in the middle of the arena, dealing simultaneous blows to the other. Erith bashes Tholtig in the foot, but the blow is poorly aimed and bounces off. Tholtig's shears through Erith's shoddy copper gauntlet, and into the flesh within, causing her to drop one of her morningstars. Tholtig then savagely hacks at Erith's right leg with her copper axe, and though it doesn't penetrate like the iron one, it's swung with enough force to pop the ligaments, and drop her to the ground.

    Erith continues trying to strike at Tholtig, but her axework is superior to Erith's unwieldy management of her morning star for now. Tholtig punches Erith in the head, jerking it back, but Erith swings back at her, denting her iron high boot and dropping her to the ground. Tholtig, shamed at this wound, then begins to hack harshly at Erith's body. She cuts straight through the mail shirt and out the other side of Erith's body, as the tip of the axe pushes out the back of the shirt. Congratulation's Tholtig II, only 2339 more enemies to go!

    2G: Burning Squash the Chipmunk Man vs Ortinar the Harrower

    Combat Log


    The chipmunk man (managed by u/Sethatos) brandishes his bright blue dagger in the air, as many a greedy eye watches the super-fine adamantine blade hum through the air. His teeth and claws served him well against the fragile mosquito woman, but against tough dwarf hide and muscle, he'll need to actually use the weapon which he barely seemed to realize he had in his bloodlust last fight.

    Ortinar the dwarf (managed by u/ergotofwhy) holds his twin copper axes at the ready. If he wants to learn more about the strange "moddid" creature he saw in the ice, he'll need to survive this fight. And who knows what the Dwarfs in Black have planned for him. Can they interfere in the fight? They wouldn't dare, the arena protects all its competitors, even from themselves.

    The bell rings, interrupting his thoughts, as the two gladiators meet in a clash of blades, each parrying and dodging skillfully around the other. Ortinar lands the first blow, though it's a minor one, merely tearing a shallow gash in Burning Squash's leg. The deadlock continues, until Ortinar bull rushes at the smaller chipmunk man, bowling him over, and as he stands back up, he kicks him hard in the gut.

    With Burning Squash frazzled by the blow, Ortinar lands a solid blow on Burning Squash's left leg, and is rewarded with a spurt of blood as he falls to the ground. Burning Squash tries desperately to defend himself, but Ortinar then hacks off the wounded leg's paw, as well as the hand holding the adamantine dagger. The dwarf then determinedly hacks the chipmunk man all over, no longer having to fear the repercussions of the infinitely sharp blue blade, only ceasing when his opponent goes still, and the bell is rung for the second time. Congratulations Ortinar!

    2H: Suya the Ostrich Woman vs Slitherfuk the Magnificent Anaconda Man

    Combat Log


    Suya (managed by u/Black_N), shifts nervously as she considers the opponent before her. The larger anaconda man strikes an imposing figure, encased in silvery steel armor as he is. It seems that the ease of her last match is being counterbalanced with the difficulty of this one. Nevertheless, she will do her best to knock this farcical gladiator out.

    Slitherfuk (managed by u/flaccidusmanager) barely seems to notice that he isn't alone in the arena. While his well oiled skin is no longer on display, encased as it is in steel armor, the armor itself still his, to allow for maximum maneuverability, not only to dodge, but also for his...preening shows, which he is doing once again to rile up his side of the crowd.

    He abandons his little shell as soon as the bell is rung though, and the two rush at one another. The two initially seem evenly matched, both scoring hits on one another, but it's Suya who takes damage to her left arm due to her unarmored state. Suya seems to gain the advantage from there, striking a whirlwind of blows against Slitherfuk, who is unable to land a blow. Looks like she put herself to work training hard over the past week!

    However, Slitherfuk's armor prevents any of precious blood from being spilled, and growing tired of all her prods, he lashes out with a pommel strike to Suya's left leg, pushing the knee out in an ugly direction. The ostrich woman collapses to the ground, and with her advantage in mobility lost, Slitherfuk pounces. He first cuts open her belly, spilling her intestines all over the arena floor, then cuts off her left hand. Suya continues to resist feebly, but with only one hand, she can't strike as well with the large pike, and soon, Slitherfuk reduces her to zero hands. Suya then collapses fully to the ground in a massive pool of her own blood, and doesn't move again. Congratulations Slitherfuk, it looks like your protection worked!

    2I: Garl Barrowmane the Lion Man vs Sirus Windpaw the Cheetah Woman

    Combat Log


    Garl Barrowmane (managed by u/ReverendBelial) snarls and bares his teeth as he considers the foe before him. Sirus may have made it the far on some skill, he'd grant, but she also did so via some dishonorable kill stealing in the battle royale, as well as by being given a wimp of an opponent in the first round. Really, what kind of gladiator decides to just curl up in a ball as their strategy to win? Preposterous. He'd show this skinny little whelp why lions are king, not cheetahs.

    Sirus (managed by u/Meatyblues) doesn't seem to care for Garl's antagonism, or notice it really. She just swishes her steel rapier back and forth in the sunlight, seemingly fascinated by its glimmer compared to the dull iron one she had before. She's defeated one big cat in Tony the Tiger Man, can she do it again?

    Sirus' answer seems to be an emphatic yes, as she ducks around Garl's first blow with his great axe, and severs his tail. Garl roars in pain and spins around, but Sirus manages to dodge or block his next several blows, before stabbing him in his left thigh down to the bone. Garl and Sirus both seem to grow defensive, parrying and dodging each others next several blows, but it is Sirus who finds an opening again, stabbing him down to the bone in his right thigh this time for a matching wound. The pain of two broken bones is too much for the Lion Man, who goes into shock. Sirus then completes the fight with her signature decapitation.

    2J: Arthur, the self proclaimed King of the Humans vs Evala Silverthorn the Elf

    Combat Log


    Arthur (managed by u/repovellu) has prepared thoroughly for his next obstacle in his path to the Holy Grail. Wielding a new steel sword and copper mail shirt (as well as a very snug honey badger man leather hood), he is prepared to cut down any who seek to prevent his divine mission. But is he ready to slay one of the Fey Folk? Evala (managed by u/Kesperan) certainly seems happy to prevent him from doing so. Could this foreign madman of a "King" have been the one to kill her master? He seems capable of it, with his disassembly of Terry the honey badger man.

    The gladiators rush at one another, both striking blows near simultaneously at one another. Arthur smashed his sword into Evala's foot, breaking her fragile elf bones with a nasty crunch, but on her way down, the elf stabs up into his armpit, severing his sword arm. Arthur swings at her with the buckler in his remaining arm, but Evala ducks away, and with another slash, decapitates the human, sending his head spinning away as his body thumps to the arena floor.

    2K: Scar the Lion Man vs Kupek Tet the Warthog Man

    Combat Log


    Scar (managed by u/eFFiX) examines the warthog man in front of him. The snout and tusk remind him quite a bit of a rather annoying warthog man back at home, though this one's attitude seems much more dour. Oh well, they all should taste the same, and when he defeats this opponent, he can imagine he's slaying that indefatigably cheerful beast back at home.

    Kupek Tet (managed by u/TheGrandMugwump) is decked out in the leather and iron armor supplied to him by his hometown. He doesn't move, doesn't shuffle, probably doesn't think, either. All he wants to do is break.

    The bell rings, and the two large gladiators pound paving stone to rush at one another. Scar parries Kupek's first strike, and then ripostes, landing a blow that rings throughout the arena on Kupek's helmed head. The helm seems a little dented from the blow, but Kupek looks even worse. He teeters and totters, and then collapses backward, his eyes seemingly frozen wide open, as his weapon and shield are released from his hands.

    Several crowd members look to the arena managers' stand, but the dwarf with the mallet by the bell remains stationary. Scar begins to whale on his helpless opponent, smashing at his left hoof until it's in pieces, and then in the lower body, causing a little bile to burble up from his lips. Scar continues his assault all over Kupek's body, tenderizing the Warthog Man, but still the bell is not rung. After a solid blow to Kupek's chest, some red begins to blend with the yellowish green coming up from his mouth. More and more blood flows from Kupek's body, until the bell is finally rung, and Scar roars in triumph, hefting up the bloody morningstar.

    2L: Jonathon Porklington the Wild Boar Man vs Duke Grugubosh the Worm Man

    Combat Log


    Johnathon Porklington (managed by u/RustyBrusher) is an adopted Wild Boar Man, fighting for the love he never got from his parents. He seems to have swapped his bronze battle axe for one made of steel, and he is sporting a very dashing red coat and matching trousers. Clever move, blood does not show as readily on that attire.

    Duke Grugubosh (managed by u/FedoraFinder) is the worm man champion of the Under-Kingdom. He is wearing impressive gauntlets of "worm-steel", his only weapon. Some say a strange choice for such a small gladiator, but he seems to get by.

    The start of the fight is signaled, and the contestants ferociously clash together. Mr. Porklington scores first blood on the worm's arm, but it does not seem to slow down the Duke. The Wild Boar Man uses his size to bodyslam the worm to the ground, but Grugobosh easily gets back up. Duke Grugubosh starts blocking the axe blows with his gauntlets, and gives swift jabs to Johnathons body in between exchanges. His punches are incredibly fast, though not powerful.

    Once in a while the Wild Boar Man makes contact with his axe, but the damage is negligent. His opponent dodges and weaves around him, a flurry of blows. The entire fight turns into a war of attrition, a war Johnathon can win. With every blow from the worm he gets slower and weaker, the Duke however does not seem to slow down. Eventually Johnathon resigns, falling down on his knees, his axe limp at his side. The Champion of the Under-Kingdom gathers all his strength for a finishing move, and delivers such an uppercut, that the poor Boar Man's head explodes in a cloud of blood and gore. The crowd goes wild! This has been one of the finer displays of pugilism seen in this arena in a long time.

    Congratulation Duke Grugubosh! You move closer to the title of Arena Champion.

    2M: Thob Thotiltath the Pangolin Woman vs Keesa the Ocelot Man

    Combat Log


    Thob (managed by u/Runixo) shifted uneasily on her feet. Pawnan had been far larger and physically intimidating than her current opponent, but at least there was something about him that was still thinking and feeling. Even if most of what he thought and felt was pain and humiliation from servitude. But the Ocelot Man across from her stared at her with a gaze that was completely predatory, with no trace of concern or worry, or really any other emotion. And that concerned Thob a lot.

    Keesa (managed by u/PurpleMastodon) stood stockstill, ready to shoot off at a moment's notice at his opponent. Still not a single human to kill. It looked like he would have to be satisfied with just other half-men like himself for now. Still, it would be one less nattering voice to disturb Kessa's peace.

    The gladiators rush at one another, Keesa's iron spear striking like lightning, once, twice into Thob's legs, and is rewarded with twin cracks, as his spear penetrates deep enough to fracture her legs bones. Thob falls over, and begins to twitch in pain, unaware of her surroundings through her delirium. Keesa begins to plunge her spear in and out of Thob's body like a dwarf piston, eventually landing a blow that causes Thob's head to be the only part of her that can move. With another several stabs, Thob's body is perforated so completely that her chest has a massive tear ripped through it, making Keesa the winner.

    2N: Borm of the South the Polar Bear Man vs All-Smiles the Mountain Goat Man

    Combat log


    Borm of the South (managed by u/TeflonPrince) is a huge Polar Bear Man, wielding a copper great axe. His axe was a bit on the blunt side last fight, but he came out on top anyway. Killing the Panda Man gladiator he was facing made him uneasy, but he seems to have recovered now, bloodlust apparent in his eyes.

    All-Smiles (managed by u/BauxiteMechanism) is a Mountain Goat Man, much smaller in size, but ironically also wielding a great axe, this one made of steel. He seems to always be smiling, but in an unnerving kind of way. Facing a huge opponent, there is still no trace of fear to be found in his eyes.

    The horns sound the start of the match and the two great axe wielding gladiators clash together. Both seem to realize the damage a great axe can do, and there is a lot of dodging on the arena floor. Looks like it's going to be an interesting fight. Borm scores the first hit, and All-Smiles starts bleeding from his arm. This is followed by another strike to the same wound, finally severing the goat man's arm. He really should look into sharpening that axe. Anyway…

    All-Smiles loses hold of the axe, as it is way too big for him to hold with only one arm. His smile actually seems to be fading, contrary to his name. The Polar Bear man wastes no time, and removes the other arm as well, this time needing only one good chop. Even without arms, the crazed Goat man keeps running around, trying to headbut or bite the bear, who knows what this thing is thinking?

    Finally Borm hits a leg and takes All-Smiles down. It's easy to chop him into pieces as soon as he is lying still on the ground. The fight is over!

    Congratulations Borm of the South! May your victories grant you the affection of your loved one, only a couple more to go.

    2O: I the Kea Man vs Leg'O Beef The Glazed

    Combat log


    I the Kea Man (managed by u/n00bmaster11) is a former cashier with a sizable stomach. He hopes to win his job back, wielding a warhammer.

    Leg'O Beef The Glazed (managed by u/Immortal_D) is a grizzly bear man wrestler, clad in iron and steel. Standing next to I the Kea he is a towering monstrosity. Let us see if he is fast enough to get a grip on the nimbler I.

    I the Kea Man starts hitting the bear with his warhammer, putting all his strength behind the blow. It does not seem to matter. Leg'O does not seem to mind. The Grizzly bear man grabs the Kea Man and puts him in a choke hold. The much smaller gladiator quickly passes out, and Leg'O takes them both to the ground, sitting on top of the poor bird, and starts pounding and bending on the small feathered body, showing off his wrestling techniques to the arena crowd.

    As soon as he has demonstrated all of his best moves, he picks his opponent up by the throat, holding him in the air with only his left arm. Then he squeezes. After a little while, it is quite apparent that the cashier will not get his job back.

    Congratulations Leg'O Beef The Glazed! The weight difference really made this fight easy.

    2P: "Arin Ironlung" the Dwarf? vs Ironhorn the Minotaur

    Combat log


    "Arin Ironlung" (not managed by u/nate-tive), a goblin pretending to be a dwarf, has been sitting in his room all week waiting for his manager to show up. He has not. The arena guards still make sure he shows up to the fight, but he seems a bit worried.

    Ironhorn the Minotaur (managed by u/arbyD), actually a Minotaur, has spent his time honing his skills. The goblin/dwarf is in for a rough fight. The horn sounds and the gladiators crash together. Ironhorn blocks Ironlungs strike, and inserts his spear into the head of the goblin. The poor abandoned goblin goes limp, and the sadistic Minotaur starts stabbing him all over his body, making sure to prolong the suffering as long as possible. Arin Ironlung screams spine chilling screams that do not end, and most of the crowds go silent. This torture session was not the fight they hoped for. 

    Eventually the screaming stops. Congratulations Ironhorn. Let's hope your next contestant gives you more opposition.


    And so yet another round ends. With many upsets and brutal slaughters, this was certainly one grand sacrifice to Our Lord of Blood. Till next week, our dearest spectators!


    Tournament run by u/Black_Griffin23

    Betting run by u/Mkhos

    Fights 2A-2K, 2M written by u/Mkhos

    Fights 2L, 2N-2P written by u/Morpheus_DarkwaterDocument HubDocument Hub

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    Ortinar the Harrower Rounds out his party

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    "Next time, tell me before you drag me to a damn kobold cave!" I hollered at my adventuring companion, as I swung overhead and bisected one of the dog-headed devils.

    "You didn't need to know!" Harkness called back. He held the door on the opposite side shut as he drew his crossbow.

    This left me to defend a two-meter wide corridor, packed to the brim with kobolds - pitiful creatures, more cowardly than goblins, and the sneakiest thieves in existence. I rushed forward to meet them.

    Two were ahead of the pack; the first thrust their spear low, so I stepped over then on it, wresting it from the kobold's grasp. The second swung his sword in a wide, horizontal arc; I blocked it with my axe then thrust with so much force, the pitiful creature was disarmed.

    They turned to flee back into the charging masses, and I let them. They were valuable because they slow the coming charge.

    I took a defensive stance as the throng arrives!

    My left axe blocks a small spear-thrust with enough force to relinquish the spear from it's wielder, while my right axe swung wide and low. Two kobolds scramble out of the way in time, dodging into the packed ranks behind them.

    I use my left axe to block and parry a low spear-thrust, and severe the hand of some dog-head. It screams, and fights its way back through the horde.

    Three particularly brave specimens advance, two spear-wielders and a sword-user. I do a defensive sweep to keep the cowards off of me, and I size up my challengers.

    They have no hope, but they try to flank me anyways. Two spring to life, trying to rush by my sides and make me have to fight from three directions at once. I had to pick one to stop, and I chose the left.

    The cheeky devil blocked with his spear and then rolled with the momentum, which knocked me off balance!

    I swing like a madman. I have to keep them out of weapon range until I'm off of my heels again, but the three kobold challengers press their advantage.

    The swords-kobold, with expert timing, knew he didn't have to land a hit; he just kept me off kilter. It was the spear-wielders who aimed to strike true.

    After a few seconds of this dance, I started to worry. The longer this went on, the more likely another kobold will get brave, and join.

    As one of them jumped-thrust, a bolt hit him in the back. I expected to see Harkness, but instead it was Dukukthea, Harkness' kobold contact.

    "Leader is there!" She shouts, pointing at the door. Harkness had put down his crossbow and was struggling to keep it shut. "I have plan. Empty that hall!" She called out to me.

    I positively detested being given an order by a kobold, but Armok-be-damned, I had already set my mind to this particular task.

    "ARMOK!" I yelled! And I set to work. With only one spear aiming for my backside, I found my balance, and kicked the sword-kobold hard enough to send him flying. I swung both axes around at the spear-user; he deflected the first, but the second landed squarely in his chest.

    I rushed at the line of cowards, swinging my right axe in a backswing that disarms, and left axe decapitates. A dog-head tries to stab with an obsidian sword, so I sundered it with my next swing.

    The crowd changed directions, and suddenly it became a scramble to see who could get away from me the fastest.

    "That's right you cowards! Run for your lives!" I screamed, chasing after them. At the end of the hallway, tables turned, because I found myself face-on with the business end of a ballista, and nowhere to go but back.

    "MOVES!" Dukukthea shouted! Harkness abandoned the door and ran to the side of the room. I wasn't going to make it in time.

    I dropped to the floor, and I hear the click while I'm falling. Time felt like it slowed down, except for the ballista bolt. It grazed my back, giving me minor cuts, thank god. But the for the kobolds rushing into the now-opened door, it dealt more significant damage.

    Like a hot knife through butter, I ran full speed through the remainder of the group. The tiny room echoed with the lamenting screams of the terrified and hopeless.

    Finally, I see the main chamber. There is the kobold captain in his finery, stained in blood. Harkness stands over him. All the kobolds still alive by now ran away, except Dukukthea.

    "Ortinar," Harkness softly intones. He turns and makes eye contact. His eyes had no pupils. "Ortinar, you're my closest friend," Harkness said, "You wouldn't kill your fri-"

    I interrupt him with a charging horizontal slash to the throat! I meant to decapitate but the thing dodged just enough to keep his spine attached.

    Harkness eye's remained pupil-less as I cut circles around him. I aimed for tendons, and to leave him with numerous lesser injuries. He sprung backwards to run, so I threw my right axe with all the force I could muster, and it lodges firmly into his back.

    Yeah, I cared that I hurt my friend. I just care that I hurt the thing more.

    I brought my hand to his collar and felt around his clothing. I eventually found what I was looking for: an unusual creature with a body the size of a gold piece in the shape of a sphere. Long tendrils that can best be described as 'prehensile hairs' flowed out from it's central body. When it's hairs wrapped around me, I could feel my thoughts change.

    Each thought became slower. Every sound took effort to hear, and every sight required work to see. But I already decided what needs to be done; I am destroying this thing by taking it to the smelter and throwing it in.

    It took control of me twice before, back when I first discovered it. The first time, it took control when I decided to report back to base. It took control again when I decided to get help.

    Which led me to my hunch: if I don't make a decision, then it can't take over my body.

    I don't know if it works or not because I am having trouble seeing, hearing, or feeling anything. I'm operating on muscle memory alone. I walk straight to the forge I set up for this, and I am assaulted by visuals, sounds, and feelings of other creatures on other worlds being killed, screaming, and dying, from the perspective of the dying.

    The visions are what the thing has done to other creatures, what it will do to me, and what I am doing to it.

    I walked up to the furnace, unthinking. I stuck my right arm into the smelter, and it caught fire quickly. I don't notice the pain; the visions cycling through my mind are wracking me with physical sensations I can't even BEGIN to describe. This thing has been to world after world, killing wantonly, taking every resource, and moving on to the next world. It's been doing this since before the dawn of time.

    I counted to one hundred, and then I took my hand out of the furnace. It was singed beyond use, and would never function again!

    "What happened?" I said.

    Dukukthea, the only person present, said, "You stick in hand. Thing squeals. Thing pops. You fall. Get up."

    "Squeals? Pops?"

    Dukukthea made a high pitched sound, and then walks the pitch to the top of her range. Then, she clapped her hands, and said "Pop!"

    "So it's destroyed?!" I ask.

    Dukukthea nodded to confirm. "You kill thing. Kobold safe from thing. Kobold not understand. Kobold think you kill kobold. Kobold think Dukukthea bring you here. Kobold think Dukukthea is traitor. Dukukthea leaves. With Ortinar?"

    I thought about it for a moment. This creature would have had a difficult time surviving in the wilderness, and I thought about the advantages of having a tiny scout. Dukukthea was also the only person I knew who was aware of Harkness' discovery, the 'Moddid Beasts', named after the monastery where they were discovered.

    "Aye, join me and we'll see what bits o' info we can find about these 'Moddid Beasts,'" I said, motioning to Harkness' pack, "He had a book of diagrams, with writing in the human tongue. We need find someone who can read it."

    Dukukthea finds the book and opens it. "Kobold writing."

    "Oh!" I exclaim, "What's it say?"

    "Dukukthea, if you read this, Harkness dead. Harkness can't die. Go to Agwanithros, Hag-Abyss. Wait in Rockslide Inn. Harkness comes soon with a new face, new name."

    "What a nutbag," I said, "Dead is dead. Need a necromancer to undue what I did, and even then, it wouldn't be him, just... his body. Where is this Agwanithros, anyways?"

    She pauses and says, "Um... Long ways. By sea."

    I pondered a bit more and said, "We'll head in that direction because it sounds like he had another contact."

    "Yes. Dukukthea ready. We go."

    submitted by /u/ergotofwhy
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