• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress DevLog 27 July 2020: "More UI progress - I've finished the first pass and most of the work I'll need to do on designations."

    Dwarf Fortress DevLog 27 July 2020: "More UI progress - I've finished the first pass and most of the work I'll need to do on designations."

    DevLog 27 July 2020: "More UI progress - I've finished the first pass and most of the work I'll need to do on designations."

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    wow I feel bad for killing a creature with so much...heart

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    A weird water formation.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 01:10 AM PDT

    Hey, how's college going?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Announcement! From the Manager of Tulantuk the Caveman. (Tournament V)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Yes, I'm actually his manager. Papers? I don't need to give you any papers! Look, do you want the coins or not?

    Micrphone Feedback Hey, I'm Thafatha the elf. But I don't expect you to know me. The name I do expect you to know is Tulantuk Reshtar. Still doesn't ring a bell? Well maybe you recognize his nickname "The Caveman". Slayer of Odsnes the Strangler and Kol the dwarf.

    I'm gonna tell you exactly what he's thinking right now. "This tournament is too easy. None of these guys are worth my time." And honestly, I can't blame him during two rounds of this little tournament you wanna know how many wounds Tulantuk has taken? Zero.

    Not to get too picky but I think that's one less than his next opponent. I remember asking him "hey, what's your strategy for dealing with Anyola? She's pretty quick and none of her opponents have gotten a clean hit on her yet." He looked me in the eyes and said " Why would I need a strategy to for an oversized song bird?"

    He's more worried about what the inn's serving for breakfast tomorrow than he is about this fight. So if any of you see Anyola tell her to get her affairs in order. Because the next time she steps into the arena, she gonna leave with a hole in her head!

    submitted by /u/Meatyblues
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    My first fortress

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    i ran out of water/drinks in my fortress!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    I noticed that my fortress ran out of drinks, and unfortunately there isn't water near the fortress.

    How can I get something to drink?

    (I am in Autumn btw)

    submitted by /u/YourfriendlyCesar
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    [GladiatorTOU] PreFight City Guard VS Zip Zop

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Divinebrass - Caverns and Crenellations (2hrs, starting 18:30 UTC)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    Military miners and woodcutters

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    So I'm in the process of converting my fort to a full civilian military, but checking the wiki I see there is a big ol' warning right at the start that putting miners and woodcutters in squads is strongly discouraged. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried with any degree of success? I really want every dorf to be armed and armoured, and I really like the thematic idea of them all going into battle with the tools that they use for work (miners with ther picks etc.)

    Is it possible to get it to work at all? Even if I have to make twice as many picks/axes as there are dwarves or something I'd love to get it working.

    submitted by /u/leekeegan
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    Seven Person Dance Party

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    How to make your fort dance

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Ever since I saw some party goers in one of my forts join hands and start dancing around in a circle, I've been kind of fascinated by dancing in Dwarf Fortress. In my fortress of Swampcavern the dwarves danced quite a lot when the fort was new, then seemingly less and less over time. I tried to encourage them to dance. It didn't go well at first. Here's what I learned so far:

    People in the fort only dance under certain conditions. One, they have to know some dances. I suspect that in a very young world it would be possible that a civilization has not invented any dances yet. But in Swampcavern's early years it was mostly tavern visitors doing the dancing. I'm guessing your civ does not need to know a dance, so long as one of your visitors' does. They could probably even teach it to your fort, or at least train skill in it. I also bet that in a world where dancing has not been invented yet, no one ever would, unless someone in your fort invented it, or someone visited from a civ that had since the player started the fortress.

    You have to have enough floor space. There used to be a bug in the game where people in the fort would not socialize properly. I'm pretty sure that's been fixed. But as a consequence taverns or meeting spaces where built large in looks, but defined in a tight small area around some tables.

    Not all the dances take place in the same size so far as I can tell. I've seen them dance in a circle in roughly a 5 by 5 area. The dance that is their favorite in Swampcavern mostly takes place in a 6 by 6 area, but there is one extra person in the dance, I picture them calling the dance moves. Counting that person you need a 7 by 7 space to do the full dance with all the people, although I've seen them do it with less.

    Then, this is the hardest one, they have to have free time, and choose to spend it at the tavern or meeting hall. This is why Swampcavern almost stopped dancing. When we built big projects like construction on the surface or digging a lot, the fort was busy, but there was down time between orders. As more and more people got dumped into the military, more people were constantly training. May soldiers seem to like being soldier and will practice even in their free time so far as I can tell.

    It can be tricky to tell if your fort is really busy or not, because there is the reports you get when the game is paused, and what happens when the game is running. Just because you have a lot of people that report having no job as the game is paused, doesn't mean they aren't busy. I see a lot of people using the manager function in the game, and they don't seem to realize they've effectively ordered hundreds of tasks. If your guys are cycling through jobs quickly, a lot of them might say they are free at once as they just finished tasks - only to get a new job a split second later. If you're mining, building, training a military, cooking, harvesting, writing books, making statues and art, have weapons and armor ordered - especially if you don't have that large of a population - your whole fort is going to be very busy for a long time. They are not going to have time to dance.

    So to get the best chance of getting your guys to dance, you have to have a bunch of people with free time, really. Some of them will go to the library, the church, some of them will train in the military.

    Here are some things you can control to make dancing more likely:

    The number of visitors. When I did see dancing in my fort, usually most of the people doing it were visitors, and only a few would be people from my fort. Early in my forts history I had the number of visitors turned up because I was entertained by it. Later I turned it way down because FPS was becoming an issue. Not surprisingly, bards seem to like to dance in particular.

    After years of pretty much non stop practice, I told several squads to stop practicing temporarily. Many of them kept doing it for fun, but some wandered off to the library or churches. I'm sure this also freed up some to go hang out in the tavern, thus increasing the chance of dancing.

    Have a large enough free floor space. You can even see how much room there is in the description of your tavern.

    Have a large number of people free to goof off. If the goal is to get them to dance, let large mining jobs or construction jobs run out without assigning more. Be aware if your manager is doing jobs on conditions they might be automatically assigning lots of people to cook, brew, harvest, make clothes, weapons, armor, art, trade goods. If you have a lot of stone smoothing and a lot of people allowed, that can be a project that uses huge amounts of people sometimes.

    Hiring people to work at your taverns does NOT increase the chance of dancing so far as I can tell. They just spend their time handing out drinks, at least that's what my guys did.

    If anyone ends up doing some dwarfy science on this I'd love to hear about the results.

    submitted by /u/TheEqualsE
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    The Baroness of my fort, Dabblingbolts, which is 14 dwarves strong (my max pop cap). She has meager social skills and killed six trolls before she came to my fort.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Unretire bug

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So basically when I unretire, I get a standard embark screen. If I go through this process I get to my old fort but i can only control my new dwarves. And all my old dwarves cause ambush messages, even though they aren't hostile.

    Would really like this fixed. Unrelated to this, the same fort did not receive a single caravan after the first.

    submitted by /u/the-reason-you-live
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