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    Monday, August 23, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    3 Years of Vettlingr! Recently remastered my first graphical mod that started this whole journey. Thanks for all the support!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    An attempt at inviting fun

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    An attempt at inviting fun

    After a few mediocre fortresses, I wanted to see some glory, so I started a fortress two tiles away from a necro tower, and also near an elven and goblin civ. All 3 of which we were at war with. I was asking for an early death, basically.

    3 or 4 years came and went without anything notable. Mostly just regular stuff. Two dwarves passing out from constantly missing giant tortoises, piles and piles and piles of mussel shells, and and the like. I kept mostly to myself, and didn't raid anything, as I wanted to get some equipment before that. I only had some armor made from those mussel shells, which probably wouldn't cut it.

    Just before the fun invited itself in, I got my fourth artifact. I had rushed to smelt some metal for this one, as the last two attempts had failed for lacking that. "Scorchcurled", A legendary iron mace. Much expensive. Looked pretty promising.

    First event. Elven ambush. About 10 or so. Nothing serious. However, one dwarf lost the ability to stand, and two others lost the ability to both stand and grasp. They just sat in the corner of the hospital, contributing nothing. Luckily soon after a migrant wave came, and I had some new hands on board. Got some anvils made, new guildhalls, and started working on a water reservoir. Up to around 80 dwarves at this point. I was just starting to really get into the armor and weapon forging stages before they came.

    The Crested Demon, the previously mentioned goblins, laid siege. There were around 90 of them, including trolls and beakdogs. As it turned out, a ton of my dwarves were currently outside gathering plants and fishing. I immediately got my soldiers to attack them, and they were able to kill maybe a third before they all died. The goblins went in and lowered my numbers to 20. Ended up succumbing right there.

    I left a caravan and an adventurer there, to do their own thing while I make my next fortress. It'll be a calming break, as we'll be on a tiny island with no threats to worry about. Except maybe leopards. And a volcano to play with.

    In conclusion, when in need of fun, don't wait for it to come to you.

    Here's a bonus.


    submitted by /u/Phagescope
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    Possible vampire dwarf

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    I had a dwarf that would drain every last drop of blood from my dwarves, does that mean he was a vampire?

    submitted by /u/0trash_mammal0
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    That's a pretty funny name!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 05:31 AM PDT

    My first adventurer has a lot of fun

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:36 AM PDT

    So I (my adventurer : human, male) started travel, with one party.

    It was quite smooth, drinking water from river, killing emu to get meat...

    Once I slept in night outside and a pack of dingo attacked, which became bunch of meat.

    I had to cross mountain, and I thought crossing inside dwarf's giant underground maze would be better idea because I can get access to fortress when I need.

    It was my mistake.

    I had ran out of water, has no source of it, couldn't find fortress, and start dehydrate.

    I came across some stairs but it just lead me into living/industrial area, but no tavern to grab some booze.

    Suddenly cave toad attacked and my friend died because he trapped in web.

    And my (adventurer's) end is this - he was too thirsty, and try to drink any water available.

    He saw there's some water below surface, and jumped in.

    But he didn't realized it is underground pool... And no way to get out of there...

    He drowned.

    Water : approved source of Fun.

    submitted by /u/dhnam_LegenDUST
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    crazy roast here

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    crazy roast here

    so i was looking at the prepared meals i had and i find this beast of a meal

    looks like apricot salad or something

    it is worth 44384 dwarf bucks

    stack of 146 finger millet roast

    submitted by /u/_ZachBoB-
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    Tarn Adams Talks About: Dwarven Psychology and Mental Health

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    The Dukes End

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:34 PM PDT

    The arena had long since emptied out, as even the custodians finished cleaning the stands of worm man blood and severed hands from the minor riot. The Duke's body, in accordance with his final will and testament, lay where it fell. Within a few hours, his corpse would rapidly decompose into nourishing, dangerously fertile soil. It was one of the benefits of being a worm man. Another was an incredible durability, allowing Grubugosh to survive horrific cuts and beatings that would kill most any sapient being. Not that it would save him now, but it had kept him alive far longer then he had any right to be.

    Duke Grubugosh gazed upward from his one intact eye, the right having lost sight hours ago. Without the arena's flames, the sky was scattered with countless glints of multicolored light. Stars. Horrible things. Any respectable roof should be covered in rocks, roots and tubers, not ridiculous points of light. This was a bad place to die. He wiggled his body slightly, flopping his face into the dirt. Much better.

    The Dukes mind drifted as he felt the last of his life drain into the ground, reflecting on the horrors of these past weeks. Killing had never bothered him before he came to the arena. It had always been for the glory of the Under-Kingdom, to expand his own holdings or even in self-defence, once or twice. Here, it was different. Images flashed across his single eye. Phalanxes shattered body, dear Porklingtons exposed skull, Scars blood-soaked mane, Sirus' mess of broken fangs, a great hammer wielded by a vaguely frightened looking bear. What had he been doing it for, again?

    Grubelina, the focus of his affections, flashed last of all. Oh, right. Great Annelid Below, it really hadn't been fucking worth it. Duke Grubugosh, Conqueror of Slug Mountain, Lord of Dirtsbury, Champion of the Under-Kingdom and many other titles besides, sighed, and closed his eye. He was beginning to hallucinate. Hands, lifting him from the dirt, carting him from the arena. Brain damage, surely. What an ignoble way to die. The Duke's mind drifted into darkness, for a long time.

    He awoke to his reflection. Blearily, mind fogged from the lingering coma, Grubugosh touched the three chunks of adamantine shrapnel buried just above his empty right eye socket, now covered with a black eyepatch. With a shock, he realized that his right arm was somehow still intact, stitched together with necromantic energy. Flexing his left, he marveled at the adamantine prosthesis now attached just below the elbow. Wormington, his ever faithful wormservant, lowered the mirror at the foot of Duke Grubugosh's hospital bed, and spoke.

    "We did all we could for you, my lord. The Kingdom believes you dead, and for good reason. Your injuries were horrific. You have been kept at this underground medical facility for the last six months, tended to by the last of your supporters. M-My lord. I'm afraid the King stripped you of your titles, posthumously, for the crime of dying aboveground and disgracing the Under-Kingdom. Dirtsbury was given to Hive Lasius, repayment for the slights you've dealt them. I… There is nothing left, Duke Grubugosh."

    The worm man on the bed raised himself up, slowly. His eye hardened. "If my titles are gone, then I am a Duke no longer. Until the day that I can reclaim my honor, reclaim my home, I must go by a different title. Until that day, call me…"


    submitted by /u/FedoraFinder
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