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    Sunday, August 22, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress This game is fucking awesome

    Dwarf Fortress This game is fucking awesome

    This game is fucking awesome

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Just made it to 50 people and found out about nobles. What the actual fuck? Mayor who can appoint replacements for other nobles for you? Crimes and conspiracies? World villains being able to spy and corrupt your people? And all of that with real figures I can read about in Legends Viewer? I can't even begin to describe how cool it is, I played Rimworld before I found out about this game, but man, now it's complete dogshit in comparison.

    submitted by /u/Vincent_Plenderleith
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    Don't mind me, just another update. [OC]

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Semifinals

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Welcome to the semi-finals, our dearest spectators! The gladiators are ready for their penultimate round, and we shall delay no further; after all, we know you are thirsty for blood as well. Let us begin!

    5A: MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE the Crab Man vs Slitherfuk the Magnificent Anaconda Man

    Combat Log


    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE (managed by u/imperator1123) enters, clad in his new steel helm and mail shirt. Time to show that punk of snake man who the boss is! He's had plenty of experience settling problems with the working gals of his section of the beach, one landbound eel working guy ain't gonna be no problem for him. Especially when he's spent the better part of the last week honing his knife skills, to the point where the instructor provided by the arena admitted that he had no more left to teach him. He's a crabbo with a stabbo, the chief of the reef, and he's here to collect what's his!

    Slitherfuk (managed by u/flaccidusmanager) slithers in to a rather subdued applause. Now fully clad in adamantine now, like his monolegged compatriot Duke Grubugosh, he's reckoned to be one of the more formidable foes this year. However, he's earned the ire of the dwarves in the audience, not only for besting their champion and dashing their hopes of finally bypassing round 4, but for his shocking "performance" with her unconscious body. The snake of the night doesn't seem to care much for them though, and begins to wind his long body sinuously in the air, showing off the shining blue of his adamantine armor in the noon sun throughout the arena.

    The two charge at one another, and MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE enters into a whirlwind of knife blows, stabbing, slashing, and bashing with it. Slitherfuk manages to evade a few, but he doesn't have to, as each one of MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE's masterful strikes merely bounces off of his adamantine covered hide.

    "My turn", says Slitherfuk, licking his lips with his long tongue, and lashes out with the flat of his blade, mushing the knife-pincer of his opponent, and causing his to drop his weapon. MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE shrieks in rage, and rushes at his opponent, but he merely bounces off of his much greater bulk. Slitherfuk tsks disapprovingly, and casually slashes to cut open the crab man's unprotected right shin, collapsing him to the ground.

    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE roars in outrage at this continued indignity, and swings with his shield, but Slitherfuk parries it, and reaching under the beckler with his sword, slashes off the pincer that holds it, leaving MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE handless. He then stabs him in his remaining unwounded shin, leaving the crab man with no options but to use his body against his opponent. However, he merely bounces off Slitherfuk's bulk, flopping to the floor, and not rising again, his little body bled of its life. Congratulations Slitherfuk!

    5B: Borm of the South the Polar Bear Man vs Duke Grubugosh the Worm Man

    Combat Log


    Borm (managed by u/TeflonPrince) hefts his new copper warhammer, forged from the remains of his trusty copper greataxe. It served him well in the past, and it will need to serve him well again if he's to wound that worm man through the adamantine armor which he's surrounded himself in. It's truly strange, he fled his home in order to seek adventure and escape from all these troublesome royal duties, and yet here he finds himself, effectively fighting a royal duel against another noble. Strange how the universe works at times.

    Duke Grubugosh (managed by u/FedoraFinder) sways in place seeming to dodge things that no others can see. Perhaps it's the currents of the air he's practicing against, or predictions of what his opponent will do to him? Who can say, he's surpassed even Keesa and Sirus in his skill in it, and unlike them, he has no bones to hold him back. Can he repeat Slitherfuk's performance, and make this tournament a threeway between the legless races?

    Borm seems determined to prevent that though, swinging out with his massive copper warhammer. Unfortunately, his initial blows to Duke Grubugosh's upper arms don't appear to have an effect on the worm man, and the Duke repays him for his insolence by raining blows on his upper arms, and breaking one of his toes. The two continue to rain blows on the other, each seemingly too convinced of their odds of winning to bother dodging. Each of Borm's blows produces a ringing like the pounding of a bell, and the Duke hits Borm again and again, occasionally lashing out at his head and snapping it back.

    The tide seems to turn though, when Borm smashes the Duke in his belly, causing him to upchuck all over the floor. Seemingly disoriented, the Duke raises a hand to ward off the next of the polar bear man's blows. Borm's swing catches the Duke's right thumb, and the force of the blow causes the entire hand to be torn away. It seems he was paying attention to Scar's fight!

    Borm then begins to rain blows on Duke Grubugosh's exposed right forearm, first bashing it with his warhammer, then kicking at it, turning it into a mushy lump of ichor and flesh. The Duke attempts to dodge away from the polar bear man, sheltering himself with his remaining left arm and hand, but amazingly, Borm appears to be denting the adamantine with his incredible strength. Finally, one of his blows lands where the gauntlet is not, and smushes the left forearm of the duke as well. Grubugosh, weaponless, only manages to dodge a few more blows before collapsing to the ground in a pool of his ichor, his mushed arms splayed out at his sides. Congratulations Borm!


    And that will be all. Our finalists have been determined, and Armok shall soon decide who of the two winners is worthy of wearing the title of Champion. Until next week, and good luck!


    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    Opposed to liaison

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I created a new world, chose the year 1050 start.

    The first few months went as usual: mine rocks, cook food, brew booze, craft goods and start constructing.

    When the first group of migrants arrived, I noticed that about half of them were sentient undead creatures. It looked like they had spent a few hundred years each practicing their skills, as they all was legendary at something. Therefore I decided it would be ok to let them in, even if I was a bit skeptical about their undead nature.

    In the autumn, when the first caravan arrived, I opened the gates to let them trade. I also had all the dwarves in the fortress on hauling duty to get goods to the depot.

    As soon as the wagons arrived at the depot, the Outpost liaison and my dwarfs attacked each other. Turns out that he was an undead thrall and opposed to life, some of the guards in the caravan started to attack my dwarves and others attacked the liaison.

    The undead migrants arrived at the scene, and they seemed to pick targets at random. They didn't care if they killed their new friends at the fortress or the not so friendly caravan guards, and at some point no one knew who their allies were. There was animals, dwarves, undead and goblins, everyone is fighting everyone and my dwarves are dying fast.

    There was no survivors from the fortress, but I think the liaison wandered safely out from the map.

    After world generation, there was necromancer towers everywhere, so I did expect having to fight undead. Never thought they would use tactics(bugs?) like this though.

    submitted by /u/PokingPenguin
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    You couldn't have picked ONE

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Finale Betting

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    Borm's upset over Duke Grubugosh has cost our most successful betters dearly, u/Rowsdower11 and u/flaccidusmanager walking away with gains. u/flaccidusmanager walks away as the biggest winner, with a winning of 1099 gold!

    For those left with gold to bet, they're due by August 29th, at 17:00 GMT.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    Slow Wikipage

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    I'm noticing that the wikipage for dwarf fortress is very slow and at times completely unresponsive. Anyone else noticing that today?

    submitted by /u/Waaswaa
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    Undead siege . Idk how I survived this .

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    First fortress , a few years in , about 150ish dwarves .

    After surviving a couple of sieges by making the fortress cut any contact from the outside I decided to prepare my defenses against future ones so I could actually fight them out . Since the base fortress wasn't really built with defense in mind ( only having a moat , a drawbridge and some fortified walls ) I created a smaller "bait" fortress right in front of it which would actually allow access to enemies and funnel them through a few underground hallways filled with traps up to my main fortress lower floors in order for the AI to take the bait , and have a few underground moats and draw bridges to pull up in extreme cases . I had also managed to train and equip in full copper armor and silver warhammers about 3 squads of dwarves , they probably weren't the best but they had been training in barracks for a couple of years already and copper and silver were all I had access to .

    Right while I am still busy figuring out how to improve these defenses an undead army decides to lay siege to my fortress , no necromancer with them . Alright . I give the order to pull up the main fortress' drawbridge , priority task . Long short story....no one does it...the undead start coming through...so I select one of my squads and send them up to try hold them off , then select a second one and...why is the "move" button grey'd out ? Why is it grey'd out for the other squad as well ? I'll never know . The first team held their ground for a little but then got overwhelmed relatively soon . While my miriad of dogs and random civilians deal with the enemies on the ground floor I decide to see if any of them took the bait anyway...and turns out a large part of them did...except they are waltzing through my traps much as if they were Neo in Matrix...alright...pull up the second drawbridge so they don't reach our lower floors , priority on that lever once more . No one pulls it . The enemies reach the 4th floor underground and start killing whoever they see...my soldiers from the other two squads still just chilling in the barracks as if nothing was happening .

    Out of 150ish dwarves about 100 are still alive...out of 68ish undead 40 have been slain....idk why the others decided to give up on the siege .

    submitted by /u/Aurelyan
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    Dwarf fortress goes blank when I try and stream on Discord

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I'm using Mephs launcher, and it loads up fine, but whenever I try and stream on discord, I'm left with a blank page.

    Anybody have this issue?

    submitted by /u/ALeakyTeapot
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