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    Dwarf Fortress Utility Idea: Dwarf CCTV

    Dwarf Fortress Utility Idea: Dwarf CCTV

    Utility Idea: Dwarf CCTV

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: This is a repost from me from over a year ago. Hopefully, this wouldn't be considered spam. ;) DF is a game that I always come back to and its siren song is luring me back in at the moment. I figured I repost this idea because I would REALLY love to use something like this when I play and get back into streaming. Someone told me that Toady himself has mentioned implementing something like this in the Steam release. So I'm not sure how much it is worth for a community member/team to make it right now. ;P

    This idea came to me when looking at the artifact screen. One gets a little window that shows the location of the artifact and it's surroundings.

    Imagine a utility included in the Lazy Newb Pack that allows you to pick a dwarf/creature/item/static location and be able to monitor it in real-time while the game runs in a separate window.

    This should be doable. Utilities like Armok Vision exist. I imagine the window size would support any number of tiles, but somewhere between 7x7 and 11x11 would be the most comfortable. Tilesets should be supported but I would be fine just with ASCII. The name of the entity selected should appear somewhere on the window.

    The possibilities are endless: One can keep track of a troublesome dwarf or monster. Keep the window centered on the tavern where there is always interesting things happening. Multiple windows can keep track of a whole family of dwarves. Assign the camera to an artifact to help notice if someone starts to steal it. Streamers can use this utility to great effect. Maybe the user can create a "playlist" that cycles between locations/creatures with a keybind or after a given amount of time.

    Forgive me if this actually exists already. What are your thoughts? I wish I could make this but I have no coding skills. I feel there would be a strong demand for this among DF players once they are made aware if its possibilities. Especially those who use multiple monitors.

    submitted by /u/VonHeer
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    My militia commander got a rather fitting special title after dispatching some spies. They had just been released from some lengthy prison sentences.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    Metalbalded journal, entry 3

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    I can now claim several successes for our small settlement!

    We've got our magma forge established; as soon as the caravan arrived, I had the forge built and ordered steel axe blades forged using the bars brought with us from the mountainhome. These highest of goods, though not expertly made, were worth more than enough to procure food to see out another year, as well as other craft goods besides. I even managed to barter a book into our possession; if I can have a library carved out soon, we may be able to spend what little free time we have in reading. Instead of merely loitering and drinking in the frigid dining hall.

    The liaison brought most welcome news: our kingdom reclaimed my family's ancestral home, the hillocks of "Homageurns." It brings me much gladness to know that my parents and extended family may finally return to their cozy burrows before long. I cannot pretend that this news did not hearten me, and it will help to keep me warm through the winter months.

    The caverns are completely secure. Unfortunately, none of the monster hunters found themselves on our side of the constructed walls when they were completed. This is regrettable, but necessary. I cannot risk our safety to breach the walls. Danger lies in the caverns, and we need no more of that here. I have ordered slbs of rock carved out to commemorate their loss. The farmers tell me they can occasionally hear shouts and the clang of steel in the deep beyond the protective walls. I assured them that silence will come soon. They seemed content with that, though I'm not sure they grasped what the silence could mean. I hope the engraver bothered to learn their names.

    Behind the caravan came a wave of migrants to this desolate place, a group of thirteen adults and children led by a fisherdwarf, Vuton Èritharan. As before, they were met as warmly as we could allow; we need more working hands to shore up defenses and begin producing more crafts. We've set up stills and every workshop that we might need, we must have workers at the forges below, and the farmers will not tend to themselves. Seeds have been planted and should sprout soon. Without a supply of fresh water, yet, we must rely on alcohol to survive. Not that I'm complaining; a well would be a last resort anyway, but it is a last resort we must construct. Just in case.

    The best news came when Militia Commander Imush told me that one of our new arrivals, Kûbuk Nishteling, a ranger by trade, had begun muttering intently to herself in the corner. Her time had come upon her! What luck that it should happen so early in our endeavor. She made for the craftdwarf's shop, and I made it clear that she was not to be disturbed as she worked. Within a day, she had taken two huge lumps of magnetite into the workshop, and she worked feverishly through the night. She emerged drenched in cold sweat and breathing heavily, bearing a bracelet of singular beauty. Edtûl Umar she named it, "The Groove of Smoothness," and we all marveled at its cabochons and its graven image of precious gemstones. I have seen the masterwork crafts of our people, but I confess that this is my first encounter with the summation of a lifetime of a dwarf's creative frenzies, a true artifact.

    We must decide where to display such a wonder. Perhaps the dining hall, or in the library I wish to set apart.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the outpost of Kelroder, 4th Timber, 145

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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