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    Monday, July 26, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Just booted up legends viewer to see some stories of my world, and I am absolutely blown away at the depth of this game.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Well, two days ago I decided to try out this game for real. After a reasonably successful first year in fortress mode, I decided to check out what is my world history, frankly expecting little.

    But what ensued is the story that rivals in epicness any story from the real life.

    The civilization my fortress belongs to is the Deep Mirrors, a pretty large but yet not massive dwarven kingdom occupying the center of the map. Aside from the current war fought against basically every goblin around, the only war previously fought was against goblin civilization Silent Hell - The War of Routing, fought from summer 34 to spring 35.

    It was 22nd of Malachite, 34, and the goblin force was approaching then the northenmost settlement of Lanternchamber. The force consisting of majorly goblins, but also by quite an amount of trolls, ogres, monsters and one human was led by the black monster Uktang Greasestarves. In a time before time, Uktang founded the Silent Hell. Recently, he has pushed some bureaucratic reforms, as well as traveled to the depths of the world, coming back with two pets equally horrifying as himself, the cave crocodile and the giant rat, both of whom followed him now. His plans since he arrived at this world was to conquer it, and his first step was Lanternchamber, and the Deep Mirrors as a whole.

    Their adversaries were not a particularly warlike civilization. The queen, Bim Packoils, had more interest in mining, diplomacy and family making than warfare - so while she was to be present in the army, leading it was out of question. The leadership was delegated instead to general Dodok Lobsterpainted. He was a general since Deep Mirror's foundation, although truthfully he wasn't much of a military man. He once traveled to the depths of the world, taming an elk bird. But Dodok always had trouble with his love life, finding himself multiple wives, all of which he divorced. But his newest wife he married just this year seemed like a fresh new start. The pair has decided to move from the bustling capital of Laboredmirror to small newly founded fort of Drillens, seemingly planning on retiring there. But the events got the better of him, and he answered the call to arms - Uktang had to be stopped, now or never. Dodok led 97 dwarves and 5 elk birds against 71 goblins, 18 trolls, 5 giant rats, 5 cave crocodiles, three ogres and a human.

    Goblin army attacked, and the battle was already going downhill for the Dwarven warriors. Dodok was among the first to fall to the ogre's deadly blow. The beheaded army fought vigilantly, but the goblins, trolls and Ogres were striking them down left and right. At that point Uktang also decided to join the fray with his two pets. He decided to head for the queen's tent, so that battle would be ended for good. And in no time, the bodyguards were slaughtered, and the queen met premature end at the crocodile's jaw. But Uktang got too carried away in piercing dwarven lines. Before he knew it, the dwarves surrounded him at all sides, and killed him - the name of the exact dwarf who freed the world from this scourge was lost to history.

    Suddenly, the battle turned around. Without their leader, the forces of darkness' spirits were shattered, and they turned around fleeing in panic. The dwarves were stunned. The goblin casualties were light, only two trolls, a human and Uktang, while 54 dwarves and an elk bird were slain. But the great victory was won, and Uktang's plans were stopped in it's roots. After some tense negotiations, the war was over by Granite, with no more bloodshed.

    I shall never underestimate stories this game can create again.

    submitted by /u/Kleanthes302
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    The Ver Short Legend of Olund! Second DF comic based on one of my ganes. All way awesome till first spring hit... (Sorry my dialogue marker bit it during this sketch)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    [Tournament VI Story] Ortinar the Harrower Sophomoric Tale

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    "I payed a lot of money to find you," said the cloaked human. His eyes and hair were dark brown, and he had neither facial hair nor scar. He dressed like a thief, in leather armor, dark cloak, and buckler.

    I had only one thought, so I said it aloud. "Why? To rob me? I've no satchel, just tattered rags an' axes."

    "Ortinar, let me ask you a crazy question," he continued after a slight pause, "Have you ever felt like everyone only ever says a few select phrases from a short list?"

    "Eh?" I boggled. The longer I thought about it, the more I realized that certain phrases are repeated quite often.

    "The look on your face says it all, Ortinar," the human said after a brief pause. "My name is Harkness. I am a natural philosopher who is studying nothing less than the nature of reality itself. And I'd like for you to join me."

    "Just answer me question," I replied calmly, "Why?"

    "Because of the thing in the ice." Harkness' inviting smile turned very serious.

    I was stunned. The thing in the ice induced madness, compulsions, seizures, and amnesia. I tried to burn the entire fortress and everyone in it to prevent the thing from escaping to the larger population.

    I failed when Gakit and Urist rescued me, and brought me to the mountainhome.

    After that, three dwarves dressed in black-painted adamantine interrogated me (with violence). They threatened to lobotomize me if I told anyone what happened.

    "I don't talk about the thing in the ice," I told him.

    Harkness not-so-subtly started tapping his finger in response. A few seconds go by where the tapping of his finger seemed like the only sound in the world. Harkness then demands, "Tell me about the thing in the ice."

    "The thing," I say, my hands trembling, "It consumes me every waking thought, and I dream of nothing else. I wish to understand it, find it, and destroy it." I wanted to tell him everything, so I the full details of the incident.

    I asked, "What can you tell me about the thing in the ice?"

    Harkness' eyes lit up, and he pulled a book out of his bag, explaining, "They belong to a family of creature not akin to any other family of creature. I am calling them, 'Moddid Beasts.'"

    I interject a question, "'Moddid?' What's it mean?"

    "It's the monastery where I discovered the first of them." He flipped through some diagrams (top-down, face-on, profile, and isometric) accompanied by text in the human language. I couldn't read it at the time.

    He flipped past diagrams of an eel with four tentacles, three eyes, and no visible mouth. The next set of diagrams depicted a humanoid figure with elongated head and hands, and four tentacles dangling where should be a mouth. The third set of diagrams was a giant eyeball, covered in stalks that end in little eyeballs.

    My eyes bulged at the final set of diagrams, for they depicted the thing in the ice. Suddenly the text on Harkness' pages was so much more than clutter; I had to master human writ if I wanted to know more.

    "I'm in," I say. "This is the first real lead I've had since escaping Cogzenon."

    "Then it's settled. Rest well, Ortinar, I've got your room and board for tonight. Next dawn, we depart for Anzishogred, Actionswamp."

    "Why?" I inquire, "What happens at Anzishogred?"

    "Well," Harkness said, pausing before his reply, "My contact there caught something in a cage trap. According to her accounts, it does not fit in to the typical hierarchy of nature. She's keeping it secret, but we have to hurry before the Dwarves in Black get wind of it."

    I quaff the remainder of my whiskey neat and say, "Forget dawn. We leave now."

    submitted by /u/ergotofwhy
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    Metalbalded journal, entry 2

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    Much has transpired since my last entry. I note that it's been months since I've made an update here. I've spent the intervening weeks setting orders, updating the stockpile records, and meeting with newcomers.

    Shortly after my last entry, our woodcutter/sole military axedwarf Imush Babmang informed me of banging on our shelter from above. He told me that they were sensible beings, having yelled at him through the walls to be let in for fear of freezing to death. I quickly ordered a wall torn down to allow them in. What greeted us was a horror.

    The entire glacier as far as the eye could see was covered in pink and red pellets, making divots in the white snow. There was no mistaking the composition of these frozen meteorites; we all knew what frozen blood looked like. Imush tasted one and spat it out in disgust. Goblin, he said. We must make every effort never to go to the surface again. All in all, eight visitors had sought us out in order to hunt monsters on our behalf. I accepted hastily, knowing we'd need their help in the caverns, but had to soon send two of them away; the freakish weather had put them in an unspeakably foul mood, leading one of them to start lashing out at random in fits of violence.

    The depot was finished, made entirely of the ice we find ourselves surrounded by. Sazir, one of our miners, asked why we should make it out of that, and I told her that if we had to suffer through this, so should anyone daft enough to visit. There was laughter at that. I think it helped their spirits that day. I ordered a tunnel wide enough to accept a wagon built to the surface, with a drawbridge near the entrance to seal ourselves in should the need arise. We have yet to see any sign of undead here; I pray the rumors about them prove false.

    I had beds and nest boxes made, so our birds should start providing us with eggs to eat soon. I plan to let a brood hatch before we begin to feast, however. We did have to butcher our pack animals. Their meat will preserve us through the summer until the caravan arrives.

    I also ordered the cavern breached again. We immediately set about fortifying our position, building walls two stories high to mesh seamlessly with the natural cavern walls. The hunters went to work gleefully, chasing down all manner of beasties in the dark. Some of the hunters are human, but they went into the dark anyway. I haven't bothered to learn any of their names; I don't expect them to last long, and will take no great pains to make sure they are sealed in on the right side of the wall when the last brick is laid. My mission is to build a stable and sustainable outpost for trade here, not to babysit anyone foolish enough to go hunting monsters in the dark. If they make it in, I shall count it as a boon. If not, they'll be one less mouth to feed. One of them already ran afoul of a giant bat and bled out onto the uncaring stone. I only hope the smell of blood does not attract anything more menacing.

    Two migrants have also joined us, a farmer and a miner. We've work aplenty cut out for us, so they were most welcome through our gate. I just hope they're not expecting any gourmet food here. We've set up plots for farming in the fertile soil of the cavern, but we've no crop yield yet.

    One thing still bothers me. Even after we've opened ourselves up to the surface via the wagon tunnel, we've still seen no sign of any wildlife, living or dead. Nothing at all crosses our borders. Just the pink-dotted white waste and ice as far as the eye can see. It seems that we should have seen something by now. I wonder—

    I've just received word that the mountainhome's caravan has arrived. Gods be good, I'd almost forgotten they were meant to come this week. We've little enough to trade, but we should be able to gather some goods to resupply for the winter.

    Not that the winter will be any worse than the summer and spring were. Right?

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the outpost of Kelroder, 10th Limestone, 145

    Entry 1

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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    V5.4 and V5.5 of the MephTileset Launcher both produce this! Suggestions are very welcome.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament - Upgrade Post, Round 2

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Document Hub

    The following managers were victorious Round 1 and therefore are eligible to upgrade their gladiators for the next round:

    Note about the algorithm: if you look at the numbers a bit closer, you can see that whenever the simple multiplication by 1.5 created a number that had something other than .5 in its decimal part, we rounded it up to the closest .5; so, .25 becomes .5 and .75 becomes 1. This was done to avoid infinite splintering of the points.

    The Arena Personnel asks you to provide your upgrades as soon as possible. The deadline is 29th of July, 17 GMT. We ask for your understanding on these matters; we need time to run and process the fights.

    Good luck and go with Armok!

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Round 2 Betting

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Lots of gold made and lost in the last week or two, with u/kippyster winning 205 gold from a 50 gold bet on the seemingly doomed Kirby. Our three most popular gladiators were MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE, Slitherfuk, and Litava, who had 319, 300, and 260 gold bet on them respectively. Please check the bet section of the master document to find out how much gold you have gained or lost.

    Bets are due by August 1st, at 17:00 GMT.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    Dwarf Fortress Tournament: Favourite Tracker

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    This is completely unofficial BUT, out of curiosity, after the first round of fights, who is YOUR favourite gladiators and why?

    submitted by /u/RandomRambler003
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