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    Tuesday, December 3, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress Stalin "Stalin"

    Dwarf Fortress Stalin "Stalin"

    Stalin "Stalin"

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 09:56 AM PST

    Dorf music: shaking a huge stationary ceramic block

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:28 PM PST

    That was satisfying

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:59 AM PST

    My third-year fort just repelled a necromancer invasion

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:12 PM PST

    My fort was going about its usual business, with trees getting chopped and coffers being carved and lots of people talking in the tavern, when all of a sudden I was informed that The Dead Walk. Now this, I'm sure anyone would agree, is Bad News, and so I told my dwarves to do what they always do when Bad News comes to destroy their home, which is to run inside and shut the big gate at the entrance.

    I've heard talk of undead invasions consisting only of three shambling corpses easily hacked to bits, but unfortunately this was not one of them. This was an undead invasion consisting of seventy warriors led by three dwarven necromancers, necromancers who had seen fit to equip much of their army with steel. I've also heard talk of entire squads of legendary fighters annihilated by undead hosts less well-equipped than the one I faced, so I thought it best not to send my eight somewhat-trained soldiers to defend us, especially considering my steel industry had so far only produced axes, shields and helms. No, my strategy was the simple, time-honoured way to stay safe: sit and wait and hope it goes away.

    The necromancers did, in fact, go away. The seventy armed zombies did not.

    What also went away was some amount of my livestock, starving to death one by one as they wandered the decidedly grassless stone halls of my fortress. What went away shortly after this was the patience of several of my dwarves, who threw tantrums and started fights that caused some dwarves to go away to the hospital. These injured dwarves of course needed to be cleaned with soap and water, for which the soap was readily available but the water was held in a reservoir behind a floodgate, and the floodgate was closed because beyond that was a very long and narrow passage that led to the surface and to seventy undead soldiers who were meandering about with no clear direction. I resolved to open the floodgate just long enough for a doctor to retrieve some water and then close it again before any zombies got in, because if people died in the hospital more people would be upset and start fights and then even more people would die in the hospital and so on until the zombies would find their work done for them.

    Opening the floodgate worked, and the doctor was able to quickly get in and out, and there were no Dead in the hospital, Walking or otherwise. Some had managed to find their way into the very long tunnel, but that's as close as they got.

    Unfortunately this needed to be repeated several more times, until finally one undead elf maceman found his way to the side of the reservoir from which a doctor was fetching water, and I had to send the militia to rescue him. This worked, but it took long enough that several more zombies were approaching. Thankfully my soldiers were lucky and slew them all, but more were coming down the tunnel. One of my warriors noticed this and, as dwarven soldiers often do, immediately ran off to wave his axe at it no matter how foolhardy it was, so rather than let him die I sent his comrades, including the other squad that wasn't on duty that month, to assist.

    It turns out that a very long narrow tunnel is a perfect spot in which to fight invaders one by one, and they had halved the undead army as well as gained a lot of very valuable live training experience by the time they reached the other end. I ordered them all back into the tunnel to keep fighting them on that more favourable ground but eventually their bloodlust overcame them and charged out to meet the entirety of the remaining force, at which point there were only 20 adversaries and I thought I might as well let them go for it.

    Several martial trances and but a single fallen dwarf later, and the invasion was over, my animals returned to pasture and a great deal of arms and armour recovered from the slain.

    I hope this does not happen again any time soon.

    submitted by /u/Libertine-Angel
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    Now that's some dedication!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:18 PM PST

    Bannercrafts 1 year in!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Elves ambushed me

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:32 AM PST

    Recently I am trying to take over every single fortress other than dwarfs first i attack the elves then humans then goblins after taking over one fortress of the elves my dwarves hacked a few elves to death and after a few days I got ambushed by the elves and they killed no one except a innocent dwarven woman and her baby

    submitted by /u/Coolgamerlul
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    Volcano Island

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Volcano Island

    Just started playing dwarf fortress again, created a new world with a island consisting of a single volcano near the top of the map thought it was interesting.


    submitted by /u/dr5hark
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