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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Lost my first fortress; the fall of Irtirtobul

    Dwarf Fortress Lost my first fortress; the fall of Irtirtobul

    Lost my first fortress; the fall of Irtirtobul

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I built a couple of small, successful fortresses over the past two weeks. Following guides, reading the wiki, checking this subreddit, just figuring the game out and learning. I'd become somewhat proficient and I felt bored building wealth in safe areas (my most successful fortress is on an island) and so filled with hubris I embarked deep into goblin territory and setup at a very defensible nook between two rivers fed by a large lake.

    I was not ready. At all.

    The first siege, my first defense ever, came from the north and took 20% of the population, the cleanup took a season and I learned a lot more about defenses. Catapults can't shoot over walls, and don't deconstruct any part of the wall during a siege. More walls went up, I built a keep over the entrance, and started working on a moat. No migrants came to replace the fallen and work was slow.

    The second siege came again from the north and another 15% were wiped out. It took the survivors a month to work up the nerve to collect their dead from the gatehouse. This delayed the moat again, and more importantly the new bridge.

    I built the bridge through the western wall. I figured it was fairly safe because there was no way for the goblin hordes to get there, unless they attacked in the dead of winter. Which, of course, they did.

    The rivers froze, the lake froze, and they attacked from the west. The mechanic was literally putting the last mechanism into the bridge to connect the lever as the trolls charged. Too little too late. Time was up.

    I refilled the squads and watched my dwarfs fall in their dining halls, and their bedrooms, and their work shops. I checked on their thoughts as they died and felt a twinge of pride for the soldiers who died without fear, and regret for those who died in terror.

    Finally there were only four dwarfs left. None of them were trained soldiers but they wore the armor and held the axes of better dwarfs. None of them panicked. They obeyed my final order and pulled back to the lowest layer of the fort.

    They died fighting deep in the earth, in the mines, like true dwarfs.

    My next embrak won't be with craftsdwarfs and farmers. It's going to be with the most heavily armed and armored berserker dwarfs I can buy and we're going to reclaim Irtirtobul, and I'm going to finish that moat and fill it with goblin blood. Losing is fun, but revenge is more fun.

    This game is dope and thanks to this subreddit, the wiki, and Kruggsmashes excellent videos I can experience the Fun of Dwarf Fortress and tell my own stories.

    Strike the Earth!

    submitted by /u/nomansskyisanowagame
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    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    I got a barony on my first autumn? My civilization is also fine in the world, no lack settlemente.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    700,000 lines of code, 20 years, and one developer: How Dwarf Fortress is built

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    ambushed by wrestlers

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    so i was playing adventure mode in masterwork i tried to write something then all of a sudden a group of wrestlers ambushed me in the middle of town then just ignored me and murdered everyone nearby

    submitted by /u/leviand1
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    Minor PSA: disabling artforms/instruments in the raws can greatly increase performance during worldgen

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    I was profiling Dwarf Fortress on a lark when I found a couple assembly lines that were taking up a huge chunk of worldgen time. I disabled those lines1 and found that, yeah, worldgen ran a lot faster once I did so. When I contacted Toady about it, I included my errorlog and he suggested disabling art etc. to see if the same speedup happens, which it does. So, yeah, remove the following lines from entity_default.txt:


    and worldgen gets quite a bit faster. I generated a 600-year large world in something like 30 minutes via the binary patch (you can download this world here, note it might be corrupted in unknown ways!), so it's pretty sizeable.

    The binary patch is as follows; you can use DFHack's binpatch util to install it. The effects of this patch are unknown. Worlds generated with this patch active may have long-term corruption bugs. I've experienced crashes with this patch active in worldgen. You have been warned!

    This difference file was created by IDA Dwarf Fortress.exe 00000000007BA3C6: 48 90 00000000007BA3C7: 8B 90 00000000007BA3C8: 54 90 00000000007BA3C9: 24 90 00000000007BA3CA: 78 90 00000000007BA3CB: 8B 90 00000000007BA3CC: 92 90 00000000007BA3CD: E0 90 00000000007BA3CE: 00 90 00000000007BA3CF: 00 90 00000000007BA3D0: 00 90 

    This is not unlikely to be fixed in the next release, mind, I informed Toady about it a couple days ago.

    1 literally replaced each byte of assembly thereof with 0x90, which is nop lol, it's a very brute-force way to do it

    submitted by /u/Putnam3145
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    Part 14 of the Crowdkitchens saga is now live!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    Metalbalded journal, entry 4

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    We've had troubles, but with all struggles come satisfaction for those who endure.

    The outpost liaison has told us that we need to strengthen our military for the coming year; she seems to fear that wars abroad may spill over on our people, but was very cagey about the details. I responded that I would do what I could with those that came to join us. That seemed to satisfy her, though as of this writing, she hasn't yet left. I think she may be hesitant to venture back out to the surface for fear of being caught in the endless pellets of goblin blood that we have to endure.

    The miners, bless them, found chalk after digging out veins of lignite and magnetite below the ice. I immediately ordered another smelter built for the sole purpose of creating as much steel as possible. The queen's desire for a profitable outpost will surely be met now. We've also had our first crop yield of plump helmets.

    Would this were all I had to record in these pages.

    We had our first encounter with the local wildlife. A great white beast of a bear wandered into our wagon tunnel. I was inspecting the trade depot when it lunged across the ice at me. It clipped my head with its big meaty claw, but I managed to escape with only a small scratch. I called for help, and the doughty Militia Commander Imush charged straight for it, though she was unarmored, wielding only her steel battle axe. The beast gave her a grievous wound on the leg -- I fear the bite may have broken the bone -- but Imush repaid the bear a hundred-fold, splitting its head wide open while it was latched onto her.

    Imush refused all help, limping her way to the dining hall for a stiff drink. I had the bear butchered; we mustn't waste anything here. I also order cage traps built in strategic locations along the wagon tunnel; they won't interfere with the passing of any wagons, but should serve to trap any unwelcome wanderers well before they reach the interior proper. I also ordered individual living spaces dug out, and the miners have worked day and night to make my ordered plans a reality. They've all worked exceptionally hard to carve out our space here. Two of them are even recognized among their peers as some of the greatest miners to have ever lived, legends in their own time for all the work they've put in.

    There were reports of a spirit found lurking near the farms in the caverns, but after placing all of the prepared slabs down in the dining hall, no one has said anything more about it to me. I don't know if the spirit was real, and if it was, I don't know which of the poor fools trapped in the caverns came back to visit us in this mortal realm. They're at rest, now, whoever it was.

    Another celebration: we've produced another artifact. This one is a wooden cabinet made by a fishery worker from the wave mentioned last time, Zas Likotëlot. Even more happily than the creation of the priceless furniture is that in its creation, Zas used the bones of the beast that attacked me and wounded Imush so roughly. We now have Kûbuklocun Stistmigtadar, "Lancerisen the Entangled Mortality." An apt enough name, I suppose.

    I think I'll have it placed in my office so that I can admire its beauty while I feast on a succulent roast of polar bear brain.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the outpost of Kelroder, 21st Obsidian, 145

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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