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    Dwarf Fortress Steam Community Update 29 July 2021: Menus for Trade, Status and Work ⛏️

    Dwarf Fortress Steam Community Update 29 July 2021: Menus for Trade, Status and Work ⛏️

    Steam Community Update 29 July 2021: Menus for Trade, Status and Work ⛏️

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    The last stand of our empress and the confusing dwarven ascension rules

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    I changed our ruler from queen to Empress since we had incorporated multiple nations into our civ. Seemed fitting.

    She was named Boudica because she was the leader as our people were freed from enslavement from a goblin civ we unleashed after digging too deep.

    Both she and her, at the time, lover Pious were prisoners and refugees from the Hex of Vomit.

    When our fortress formed they met again here and married

    Pious nicknamed for he was the only dwarf who actively worshiped each god in the pantheon and Boudica for her campaign of freedom

    Anyway. We get six invasions a year on average. Every time we wiped out a dark pits goblins from civilizations across the world would move in and later declare war on us because of proximity so we are fighting every goblin in the world now

    After 2 recent battles with no casualties the Hex of Vomit arrived for their yearly raid

    Boudica and Pious lead the charge with the fortress guards. Pious has over 50 kills as a spearmaster and Boudica over 30 as an axelord with an artifact axe we took from a human criminal

    It should be a standard battle no deaths, but for some reason these invaders are particularly talented and keep from taking serious injuries for a long time. Pious is out front and so is using up all his energy dodging arrows, bolts and blows allowing others to move in.

    Before he falls he kills several and maims many more. Spear and body flying and dodging through the air. Where he stabs in one direction with his spear he follows it up with a kick to another goblin's face.

    His fellows don't quite reach him in time as he collapses from exhaustion. He continues fighting on the ground punching, kicking and biting as they fatally wound him. His fellow dwarves reach him in time to fight off the goblins, but not in time to stop blood loss.

    Moments later and only tiles away from him Boudica was in her own battle. A goblin swordsman cut off her hand and she lost her axe. She dropped her shield too and kept fighting. She would bite goblins and shake them around while others chopped them apart

    One of the goblins Olngo was different. Most goblins these days were young creatures, but he was one of the first goblin swordsmen to ever walk the earth. How he came to join a young evil civilization such as the Hex of Vomit is anyones guess

    Both of his arms had been broken by the halfway point of this battle and he was similarly also attacking with teeth. Often to no avail considering how heavily armored each dwarf was.

    He found Boudica on the field though. She had another goblin's skull in her mouth and she shook him violently to death. He leaped and sunk his own teeth into her throat. It was crushed and her arteries severed.

    She fell to the ground still shaking that one goblin as much as she could as others beat Olngo to death.

    He made one last attempt to bite her and only got her iron cap before a steel warhammer burst his skull

    Boudica died only moments after her husband as reinforcements came and attacked the goblins from behind wiping them all out.

    Strangely their son Pious Jr did not inherit the throne. It was taken by a young dwarf of 60 years who literally has no previous history in this world

    Also my game crashed as it was saving so I lost all this epic progress and also motive for wiping out the rest of the Hex of Vomit. Sad.

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    A Doom Delayed (Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    It was a good thing, Garl supposed, that he had not yet died. Slaying the kobold had done little to change his desire for it, but he was quietly thankful that he had not met so ignoble an end.

    As he pivoted his footing, working through motions as he became accustomed to the weight of the shield the arena armorers had provided him with, he reflected on the match to come. Krat had informed him it was to be a cheetah woman. Young, inexperienced, but very fast and seemingly possessed with rare natural talent.

    She had already slain no less than seven opponents, having survived the royale preceding the tournament, and in Garl's eyes she had proven herself to be a worthy combatant. He would not regret a death by her blade, only that she would have to sully her steel with his unworthy blood.

    submitted by /u/ReverendBelial
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    Mermaid bones again!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I apologize in advance if this is widely known.

    I've been experimenting with fell moods. Turns out, that if you as an adventurer necromancer manage to resurrect a mermaid as an intelligent undead at a retired fortress, then immediately retire the adventurer and unretire the fort, the undead mermaid sticks around as a "Current Resident" that is not hostile, and can survive on land.

    If you then stick a tanner workshop near it, and get a dwarf to enter a fell mood, and lock them in near each other, the dwarf can use the undead mermaid to craft an item :D

    Furthermore, some wacky artifacts can be created via fell moods using adventurers from conquered vaults, and possibly from certain creatures that you can force to follow you.

    I've got a morion helm, and some vomit leggings. Haven't had any success finding something made of fire to try turning into a battle axe.

    The hardest part is getting fell moods. Even living outdoor in filthy sludge, and expelling all but the weakest, I've barely got 25ish miserable dwarves to work with.

    submitted by /u/randomkyu
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    Story about one of my fallen fortress: Lalîbmat, Southspark

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    This is one of the first few fortress I have ever built since I started playing this game ,I read a lot of wiki pages and used this subreddit for help. I decided to start a fort since I'm pretty sure I got all the basic things I need to know. Since I'm pretty new to the game,I chose a relatively safe spot to embark,it has warm climate,moderate amount of trees, both shallow metal and deep metal ore available, 1 layer of soil and a nice little brook for water source and fishing.I also have some friendly dwarf and human neighbours nearby.The only bad thing about this site was that it has a necromancer tower three days away from my fortress.But apparently it only has a population of 10 according to the civilisation screen.So I didn't worry about it too much.Thinking I could just create a squad later and pillage it.

    Then I did the usual stuff,cutting down trees, channel out some space underground and built a trade depot and a 11 by 11 stockpile for storing the stuff we bring.I also built some farmlands for plump helmets and cave wheat. I also turned the 226 units of cow milks I brought into delicious cheeses for later cooking.Then my cooks cooked the most delicious food I have ever seen: +cow cheese roast+ that is made out of cow cheese,cow cheese, cow cheese, cow cheese,cow cheese and cow cheese.Really wonderful dishes I'd say.Then I realised that I need to increase the variety of food and drinks my Dwarfs consume. So I pressed k and started looking for plants to gather.I found some wild blueberries and some wild rye. Built a still and turned these rye and fruits into wines and beers, I also set up a chicken and turkey pen and built some nest box for them.After I got the food and drink situation solved,I built about 25 bedrooms for my dwarfs just because I want to increase the overall happiness in my fort.I'd have to say that setting up these bedrooms was the most tedious task I have ever did in my entire life because I have to manually command my dwarfs where to put these chests, beds, cabinets and doors.(I use the 2x2 bedroom designs) Then turns them into bedrooms by pressing r so my dwarfs don't feel embarrassed.Then,my first migrant wave came. It was a group of 5 dwarfs that is 1 fisher,one fishery worker,1 cheese maker and 2 kids.With the few pet they bring.I immediately built a fishery and got them into fishy business(no pun intended). After a few months, The caravan came and I traded with them,I mainly bought metal bars,cloths,threads,seafood,fruits and some armours, melee weapons and bags.I requested metal bars,some garden veggies and armours and weapons for military.And that's about it for my first year.

    In the second year, pretty much all I did was trying to satisfy my dwarfs needs,I built a farmer guildhall ,a dining hall and a small hospital with some basic equipment like threads, gypsum plasters,some beds,traction benches and a few tables.

    Third year, unfortunately, was the end of my fort all because I'm a big bastard and being too cocky, what happened is that I trained a squad of 10 dwarves, hoping that they could take down that necromancer tower mentioned above, that tower, has a whole bunch of sweet artifact loots like books and high quality artifact axe and swords. So after some training, then sent my squad on mission to pillage the tower of necromancers. It didn't end well. So apparently the tower has 300 undead living in there,and only the commander came back alive, but a few days later, a HUGE undead siege with about 60 zombies lead by a necromancer came back for revenge.I couldn't do anything other than watching them killing everyone and taking over my fortress bit by bit.

    Lesson learnt:

    • Never underestimate the power of necromancers and their tower, they can be a huge bastard at times.
    • Don't trust civilisation screen, they don't count the number of dead people in an area.

    Give extra training to dwarfs before sending them off to a important mission like killing 300 zombies in a necromancer tower.

    Thank you for reading the story about my pathetic little fort. If you got any good advice making a better fort than this please leave it down in the comment.

    submitted by /u/FakeMr-Imagery
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    The world building in this game is something else, this is several paragraphs all about a tune being played in my tavern

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:57 PM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Metalbalded journal, entry 5

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    The dawn of the new year brought us only ice pellets and snow.

    However, aside from the bear attack, we had an easy winter on this forsaken glacier in this cruel corner of the world. Nothing truly monstrous attacked us. My hope that rumors of the dead stalking these lands being false is bolstered. If they are here, they are giving us a wide berth.

    To my surprise, the elves sent us a caravan. I did not think we would have caught the interest of the elven lands. In truth, they did not bring much in the way of valuable goods. I traded some discarded crossbows and ammunition to them in return for some of their fruits and nuts. Their goods will spice up our meals, if nothing else. We had to turn away no fewer than eleven prospective monster hunters. With the caverns secure, we have no need of their ilk. They did not come to join us and work, so they left empty-handed across the barren ice.

    I ordered three rooms dug deep below the chalk and iron mines -- a tavern, a library, and a temple. The temple is for general use, not dedicated to any of our gods in particular. I want no visitors to any of these places; anyone looking for a drink, to worship, or to read and nothing else must go elsewhere. My next project will be to tap into the waters in the caverns without risking our security. The library will prove a useful location to think on that problem.

    Another wave of new citizens followed the elven caravan, led by Etur Shetbrêthsibrek, a stonecrafter of legendary repute among our people. More noteworthy than even him however, was a scholar by the name of Athel Rimtaristbar. He told us that his principal studies were in the field of geography, but he also claims knowledge of the secrets of life and death. I have never met a necromancer before, and I do not trust him. Their towers are said to be haunted fortresses crawling with foul experiments, demonic powers, and hordes of the undead. I will be watching him very closely.

    I have ordered doors placed over the entrances of our middenchamber and abattoir.

    Locked doors.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the village of Kelroder, 26th Felsite, 146

    Entry 1

    Entry 2

    Entry 3

    Entry 4

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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