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    Sunday, July 25, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Round 1

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Round 1

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Round 1

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Ladies, Gentlemen and everyone not adhering to these two categories, welcome once again to the Grand Arena! It is time for us to witness the beginning of yet another glorious tournament in honor of Armok, to see the stories begin and end, to relish in the bloody battles and be surprised by results. 64 have entered the arena, but only 32 will come out tonight. Are you ready who the lucky ones shall be? Then let us begin!

    1A: Rocky the Bald Boa vs [Redacted]

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    In the top corner we have Rocky the Bald Boa (managed by u/MatiusX), the only known snake person who chooses fist fighting as their style. Don't let his name confuse you, his biological heritage is that of the much larger anaconda, even if his cultural heritage is that of a Boa. Will he be able to put his weight behind his blows?

    In the bottom corner we have [Redacted] (managed by u/Eris235) a thieving Kobold. Maybe that is an unnecessary clarification. He has refused to give out his name, but that didn't stop us from throwing him in the ring as punishment for his crimes. We even handed him a steel spear, so that he might last a little bit longer.

    The horn sounds and the contestants meet in the middle, exchanging carefull blows. [Redacted] is the first to score a hit, and the Bald Boa starts bleeding heavily from his tail. He follows up with at strike to the snake mans arm, breaking it. Not a good thing for a fist fighter.

    Rocky tries to use his superior weight in a last desperate rush, bodyslamming Red to the ground and starts hitting him with the buckler. Red seems unfazed, and gets his balance back. Using speed and his long spear, he dodges around the anaconda man, stabbing him again and again. Blood starts covering the arena floor. The steel spear finally finds the head of the snake, and Rocky collapses in a pile. The fight is over!

    Congratulation [Redacted]. Your death sentence has been postponed until next week.

    1B: Sire Louvin De La Fontaine vs Goon

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    Sire Louvin De La Fontaine (managed by u/UristMacReddit), a small wolf man with a big sword. Covered in black bronze armor, he intends to take a step up from slaughtering innocent sheep and kill honorably in the arena, forging his legend for eternity. Does he have what it takes to fight something that fights back?

    Goon (managed by u/shpurpl), an even smaller rodent man. He is a dirty fighter, small children his prey of choice. He uses a scimitar and wears an iron helm on his head, otherwise he looks quite scruffy. Will the outlaw rodent be able to beat the noble wolf?

    The fight starts and the two fighters rush towards each other. Blades strike, blocks and parries. Goon scores the first hit, dodging underneath the wolf mans blade and striking him in the belly. It is clear that the armor did not protect against the entire force of the blow, chainmail rings clattering on the arena floor. The rodent pulls his blade from the Sire Louvins belly and cuts off his opponent's left hand, and in quick succession cuts him in the leg as well.

    Sire Louvin de la Fontaine seems to be struggling. In a last attempt to turn the battle, he rushes the rodent and tries to use his bodyweight as his weapon. He keeps crashing into Goon, slashing at him every time he tries to get back up. Unfortunately he seems to be unable to get any kind of strength behind his blows, wielding a two handed sword with only one hand.

    In a spray of blood, Goon slashes off the noble wolfs right arm as well, and follows up with a strike to the belly, opening the poor wolfman up, organs spilling out, his spine showing.

    The crowd goes nuts with blood lust! What a show from the outlaw rodent man!

    Congratulations Goon! Fighting dirty is clearly the way to go.

    1C: Nobody vs Carlos Pastor the 113th the Roach Man

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    Here on one side we have he of much suffering, the storm tossed, and the "master" mariner, Nobody! Nobody certainly seems to somebody though, that spear of his was supposedly put to a nasty demonstration of skill before his manager (u/JA_Pascal). On the other stands Carlos Pastor the 113th (managed by u/aspy523)! He blows a kiss towards the center of a large infestation of Roach Men, and bows before them. "Bueno suerte, Señor" he says, turning to face his opponent.

    Nobody merely hefts his weapons, and the two fighters launch themselves at one another! The two exchange blows for a bit, but then Carlos slashes Nobody's hand, causing him to drop his shield! But Nobody pays Carlos back in return, stabbing a hand off!

    However, Nobody's defenses are now open, and Carlos stabs him in the leg, causing Nobody to fall, but he loses another hand. Carlos then stabs at Nobody's weapon arm, and he loses hold of his spear. The roach man then begins to stab and slash wildly, and Nobody's right leg and left arm go flying, before a crunch is heard, and Nobody stops moving, as Carlos' dagger embedded in his head. Congratulations Carlos, you advance to the next round!

    1D: Yoko the former beetle Beetle Woman vs Treadwell the Grizzly Bear Man

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    While waiting to begin, Yoko the beetle woman (managed by u/CalamarRojo) drums out a nice rhythm on her shield with her dagger, rousing her side of the crowd. She's thinking about writing a new song about this whole experience when she wins, and getting audience feedback is always important. That'll show those other beetles! Treadwell (managed by u/Narwhal_Rider) merely curls a lip and readies his weapons, waiting to begin.

    And begin it does! Treadwell's large blade scores the first blow, entirely shearing off one of Yoko's arms. Yoko pays him back in return, getting a quick slash across his chest. The two exchange blows, seemingly evenly matched as they parry and block, but Yoko manages to stab Treadwell in his shield arm, causing him to drop it as he loses control over it. Treadwell snarls in fury, and slashes with his own weapon, lopping off another of the beetle woman's arms.

    The two continue to strike at and dodge around one another, but finally, Yoko manages to stab Treadwell in the tail. Treadwell spins around angrily, but Yoko ducks around him, and stabs him in the tail again. Treadwell roars in rage, and brings his sword down in an overhead blow, which Yoko is forced to block with her buckler. Seeing the impediment to his squashing of this bug, Treadwell snaps his jaws around Yoko's hand, and both it and her buckler drop to the ground.

    As Yoko retreats in pain, she manages to stab the Grizzly Bear Man in his leg, sending him to the ground, but as she retreats, she collapses to the ground as well, all the blood having been drained from her body via dismemberment. Treadwell peels his lips into what we think is a smile, as he advances to the next round!

    1E: Gary the Cannibalistic Gazelle Man vs Guki Steelbeak the Snapping Turtle Man

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    The two gladiators stand off at the separate edges of the arena. Gary the Cannibalistic Gazelle Man (managed by u/RandomRambler003) makes a fearsome sight, his antlers springing up from his bronze helm, and spear hefted up in front of him. On the other end, Guki Steelbeak, the monster that didn't have to be (managed by u/JDaddyFly ), menacingly pounds one meaty scaled fist into the other.

    At the ring of the bell, Gary bounds forward, jabbing his iron spear into the snapping turtle man's leg. A sickening crack is heard throughout the arena, and Guki falls down, his injured leg collapsing under his weight. As he falls though, he snaps at Gary, drawing a little blood from his leg. Gary responds by stabbing him in the neck, from which a gush of red blood pours onto the arena floor.

    Seemingly undaunted, Guki punches at one of Gary's hooves, but is unable to do any damage. Gary then bites him in return, seeming to want to determine how snapping turtle man meat tastes in comparison to gazelle meat. He then swiftly stabs him in the left arm and right leg, both times producing more cracks and gushes of blood.

    Suffering so much damage, sends the downed snapping turtle man into shock, and Gary takes advantage of it to sink his spear twice into his head, penetrating the skull on his second blow, and claiming his victory!

    1F: Dr. Nathan Harrison the Human vs Sergeant Uluru Chaga the Emu Man.

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    Dr. Harrison, from the Hub, (managed by u/Extension_Driver) hefts his axe uncertainly, looking across the arena at the peculiarly shaped Emu Man across the way from him. Sergeant Uluru, a veteran of the Emu Wars, (managed by u/Urytion) seems unaware of this inspection, as his gaze seems to focus off into the distance, twitching every now and again as he sees something no one else can.

    The two gladiators leap at one another as the fight begins! Dr. Harrison scores several blows on the Emu man, but they only seem to be glancing ones, and his fire axe seems dull from a lack of use. For Sergeant Uluru though, these blows serve as a wake up call, as his instincts from his Uristie hunting days in the bush of Uristralia reawaken, and he lashes out with a stab to Dr. Harrisons foot, penetrating his boot, and causing him to fall to the ground.

    The two trade blows once again, with Dr. Harrison's axe continuing to be unable to penetrate Sergeant Uluru's grizzled hide and Outback baked clothes. Sergeant Uluru pecks out again with his spear, this time at his head, and a resounding crack is heard as blood appears. Astoundingly, Dr. Harrison still continues to swing, and even though his axe seems unable to cut, he's still able to damage the delicate structure of Sergeant Uluru's legs enough to send him tumbling to the ground.

    The two continue to tussle on the ground, and Dr. Harrison finally managed to land a severe cut on Sergeant Uluru's arm, causing him to lose hold of his shield. The good doctor then follows it up with a blow to the base of the Emu Man's bobbing head, decapitating him, and ending his nightmares forever. Dr. Harrison advances!


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    The crab man crime boss, the Chief of the Reef, (managed by u/imperator1123) sways back and forth to a beach tune that only he can hear, exciting the crowd as his well oiled shell catches the sunlight with his moves. Morris the mute goblin (managed by u/DanVzare) shifts unsteadily, not really used to so much attention. He tries twirling his mace (or at least the gnarled glumprong tree branch that we organizers hesitantly classify as a mace) to get some attention, but it comes off as nervousness more than anything else.

    When the fight begins, the two gladiators exchange a surprisingly even number of blows, but MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE's street skills are put on display when he stabs forward with his knife right into Morris's shoulder joint, causing the silent goblin to gape in agony and drop his weapon. MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE (yes, he's paying us to say it like this) keeps up his attack, slashing the goblin in the leg, severing the muscles there and sending him tumbling to the ground.

    The goblin cowers behind his featherwood shield, managing to protect his body from the worst of MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE's stabs, but not all of them. Undoubtedly feeling cornered, Morris lashes out with a bite to the crab man's left foot, first fracturing the chitin, and then tearing it away completely, sending MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE to the ground next to him. Murder gleams in MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE's eyes, and he swiftly slashes the goblin in his dangerous mouth, stabs him in the left leg, and slashes his right leg right off of his body.

    The crab man crime boss continues his work of dismemberment on the goblin, chopping off a hand, and stabbing him hard enough to lift his body off the ground and punch the dagger through to the other side. Morris' limbs go limp in response, and he drops his shield. However, his head continues to thrash at the end of his neck, as he tries to bite off more of the crab man. MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE then seems to switch tactics, snatching him with a claw in the foot, and then in the neck, which causes a large amount of blood to pour from the already beaten up goblin. He continues to stab him, but the goblin's head eventually stops moving as his lifeblood flows out of him. MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE advances!

    1H: Cuetzpalin the Monitor Lizard Woman vs Plypp Helmet the Plump Helmet Man

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    The Lizard Woman (managed by u/Daniel_The_Finn) hulks over the puny Plump Helmet Man (managed by u/DizziWasp). Her strange obsidian sword is of a design even our most skilled smiths have puzzled over, and these are the guys who work with adamantine like its iron slag! Nevertheless, she seems to wield it with deadly efficiency in the harvesting of hearts for the Feathered Serpent. But does a Plypp even have a heart? I suppose this Fortress raised creature will have to defend himself in order to find out. Let's see if some dwarven martial skills rubbed off on him, eh?

    Cuetzpalin lunges forward, stabbing him deep in the leg, but no blood or any other fluid comes out. Not a very good start if she wants a heart. She then attempts to strike again at Plypp, but misses, and Plypp responds with a cut to her waist, and he completely cuts her in half. That's...that's the fight folks! Plypp advances!

    1I: Kurby Stomps the Mountain Goat Man vs Litava the Moth Woman

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    Kurby Stomps (managed by u/kippyster) swaggers into the arena. He spares a quick glance upwards at his supposed teachers, then spits out his was of chewing cud on the floor. He can't wait to show those old fogeys that you don't need no stinking weapons to win a fight. Hard goat hooves are capable of doing the trick just fine! Litava (managed by u/Shrine94) flutters on the other side of the arena, her scimitar held calmly. She smashed a gremlins spine with a single punch, and cut an Owl Woman, one of her greatest fears, in half. What's one delinquent goat on her path to freedom from elf domination?

    Kurby lands the first decisive hit in their duel, splattering one of Litava's hands and arms to gooey ichor. His master's murmur in shock at the violence in their pupil, but their concerns are drowned out by the crowd's roar of approval at first blood! Litava then begins cutting at Kurby's arms, but those aren't the real threat. She seems to realize this, and begins working on his hooves and legs, but her dull copper sword isn't capable of really doing anything to them, as he dances away from her, and avoids any serious blows to them.

    As he does this though, he once again leaves his arms open, and Litava stabs ferociously, causing a gout of blood to spurt from him. A thump is heard in the stands, and those nearby see one of Kurby's masters unconscious on the floor, with the others trying to wake him. Litava then resumes working on Kurby's legs, but he seems far more motivated to protect those than his arms. As she focuses on those dangerous hoof delivery implements, Kurby lunches forward with his teeth, grabbing Litava's upper body, and with a single shake, collapses the carapace around her chest, collapsing it as ichor gushes out onto the arena floor, and she goes limp. Kurby, much to his master's surprise and fear, advances on to the next round!

    1J: Hoggs the Feral the Wild Boar Man vs Brutalus Cleftfoot the Wild Boar man

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    One clutches an old iron boar hunting spear, the other a copper morningstar. One a criminal seeking to gain glory or death, the other a warrior seeking a proper test for their skills. Otherwise not much separates these two, who could have been neighbors, friends, or even rivals in another life. But they're in this life now, and the only escape from it is by the blessing of Armok!

    Hoggs (managed by u/Jebidijed) and Brutalus (managed by u/ticklebert) charge at one another, but just as they reach one another, Brutalus seems to lose his nerve. Squealing like a stuck pig (even before he gets stuck by Hoggs), he runs from the grizzled criminal, who pursues him determinedly, who stabs him all over his body, legs, arms, and body. But the most severe blows are those that knock both of Brutalus' tusks out of his mouth, a sign of shame among the Wild Boar Men, who prize their tusks above all else.

    Finally, Hoggs sends Brutalus into shock as his body receives too much pain for it too process, and with two hard stabs, Hoggs cracks Brutalus' thick skull wide open, putting him out of his misery.

    1K: Tholtig of Circletower vs. Alcri Wehali

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    Tholtig of Circletower (managed by u/Morpheus_Darkwater) is an adventuring dwarf, possibly the daughter of famed Queen Tholtig of Circletower. She has signed into the tournament to prove her heritage, wielding two battleaxes. And what better foe to start her career with, than an elf:

    Alcri Wehali (managed by u/XaaluFarun), thespian mercenary. Unusually, Alcri prefers metal weaponry, unlike his elven brethren, and for this tournament he has chosen a copper spear. Winning this tournament will be a right of passage for Alcri, a part of a highly esoteric ritual performers of his troupe are needed to undertake to reach the highest level of membership. Will his brace and finesse be enough to beat the daughter of the warrior queen?

    The gladiators face each other. Tholtig shouts: "My mother killed 2341 enemies! You will be my first!" Alcri does not respond, just bows with a flourish, and invites Tholtig to charge.

    The signal is heard, and the contestants meet in the middle. Tholtigs dwarven fury is met by elven grace. She must have underestimated her opponent, because his quick stabs easily finds her right hand, and her copper axe falls to the arena floor, dwarven blood flowing freely from the wound. With her other axe, she hits the nimble elf in the foot, sweeping his leg and causing Alcri to fall. The acrobat elf wastes no time, even from the ground, and stabs the dwarven warriors foot. From this angle however, the power behind the blow seems too weak to penetrate leathery dwarven skin,

    Tholtig keeps hacking at the thespians feet, trying to avoid him getting back up where he will be strong again. The elf keeps stabbing impotently at her legs, and suddenly an overhead swing of dwarven iron hits his neck, sending his head rolling away.

    Congratulations Tholtig II! Only 2340 more to go to be able to claim the same fame as your mother.

    1L: Palentonga the Pangolin Woman vs Erith Nunurshorast the Dwarf

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    On one end of the arena we have Palentonga (managed by u/manyhoops), the eager adventurer, out to prove her fighting skills with just her claws and feet, and advance on in the world. And on the other, we have a disgraced dwarf militia captain (managed by u/Fleeting_Frames), clad in shoddy copper armor, and wielding a morningstar, and exiled in penance for her dereliction of duty at her home fortress.

    The fighters charge at one another, but fail to land any consequential blows until Erith lands a strike on Palentoga's right lower arm, fracturing the bone. Palentoga seems angered by this, and after another series of blows, manages to mush Erith's right eye with a swift kick. Erith then strikes the offending limb, and the spiked morningstar tears it to bloody tatters, causing Palentonga to fall.

    Erith then begins bashing Palentonga all over her body, with Palentonga unable to do anything to Erith through her armor, and Erith continues to tenderize the poor Pangolin Woman, eventually landing a blow to her neck that tears her upper spine, and lose hold of her shield, taking down her last layer of defense. The angered Erith then shakes her by the head several times, before cracking her head open like a rotten watermelon. It seems that when Erith's own life is put at stake, she can fight well!

    1M: Burning Squash the Chipmunk Man vs Shukarkurig the Mosquito Woman

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    Burning Squash (managed by u/Sethathos) brandishes his shining blue dagger ambitiously. Many an eye is wide with shock at seeing such a potent weapon this early in the arena, and one that wasn't provided by the arena managers either. His opponent buzzes over the ground, wielding 4 blood thorn bucklers in her 4 hands. Shukarkurig (u/Vecus) is ready to redistribute blood to some Mosquito Man children in need, and Armok is more than ready to oblige her.

    The two gladiators charge at one another, and Shukarkurig's shield work keeps her safe from the infinitely sharp edge of the adamantine dagger. Meanwhile, Burning Squash is pummeled from what seems to be every direction by a wooden buckler, striking him in his head, his guts, and over all his limbs. However, Shukarkurig seems unable to do lethal damage to the Chipmunk Man.

    Burning Squash seems tired of vomiting, and lashes out with a paw, severely scratching one of Shukarkurig's arms, and rendering it useless. Having gotten out from under the rain of blows, he begins striking back in earnest now, biting off one of her hands, biting her chest, and scratching more of her arms with his sharp claws. Finally, he cracks open the chitin on her upper body, spattering her ichor all over the arena floor. In accordance with her wishes, her blood will be donated to Mosquito Men in need.

    1N: Ortinar the Harrower vs Arachnida Chop Suey the Jumping Spider Man

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    Ortinar (managed by u/ergotofwhy) is a surprisingly clear eyed and well groomed dwarf to be clad in only his loincloth, and dual wielding two copper axes. We asked him about it, and he claimed that it was the only proper way to fight horrors beyond mortal comprehension. And a horror beyond mortal comprehension is just what he'll be fighting. Arachnida (managed by u/PM_ME_UR_ADAMANTINE) twirls his 6 copper short swords in a menacing fashion, kicking up sparks whenever the lower two scrape along the stone arena floor.

    Arachnida and Ortinar trade several blows, but then Arachnida manages to slip one of his swords through Ortinar's guard, and into his liver. Recovering from the pain, Ortinar then parries several other strikes in quick succession, before hacking one of Arachnida's 6 arms into uselessness, causing him to drop one of his swords. Ortinar then becomes a butchering machine, chopping up Arachnida's right leg, several arms, and then ends by cutting him in half.

    1O: Slitherfuk the Magnificent the Anaconda Man vs Sir Galehonk the Swan Knight

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    Sir Galehonk (managed by u/Akatavi) stands, even in his exiled state, as a shining example of Swan Man chivalry and martial prowess, his spear and shield held at attention, his neck properly curved, and his eyes focused unerringly on his opponent. As for his opponent, well, Slitherfuk (managed by u/flaccidusmanager) seems to be rubbing oil onto his body for the enjoyment of the crowd, and showing off his sinuous body.

    Anyways, the fun and games end when the bell rings, and both gladiators charge full tilt at one another. Sir Galehonk strikes first, but Slitherfuk, in a surprising display of skill, parries and ripostes, right into Sir Galehonk's spear arm, causing him to drop his steel spear. Some members of the crowd gasp, knowing that a gladiator losing their only weapon is never a good thing. Nevertheless, Sir Galehonk keeps up the fight, swinging his shield in an attempt to hurt Slitherfuk.

    The serpent of temptation seems to be toying with his prey though, as he merely swings his body away from wherever Sir Galehonk aims his shield, dragging the wounded swan all over the arena. Slitherfuk eventually tires of the game though, and lashing forward, smashes his sword into Sir Galehonk's foot, and is rewarded with a snap, as the Swan knight falls to the ground. After a few more cursory blows and slashes, Slitherfuk swings straight down, and nearly cuts Sir Galehonk in half, opening up his chest for all to see the noble heart within. Congratulations Slitherfuk!

    1P: Suya the Ostrich Woman vs Haresbane the Hareman

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    Suya (managed by u/Black_N) stands tall and proud, her head bobbing on the end of her long neck. Longer still though, is the bronze pike that she holds at attention, ready to stab forward at a moment's notice. On the other side of the arena stands Haresbane (managed by u/Northern_fluff_bunny) hopping (several feet) up and down, and shadow boxing in the air. They're ready to show the world that not all bunnies are birdfood.

    Haresbane strikes first, punching the bigger Ostrich woman several times, before biting her in the hand, and severing her right middle finger. Suya hisses angrily, and stabs two holes into Haresbane's upper body, from the second of which spurts a great gout of blood. Haresbane jumps away to gain some space, but Suya pursues, and bites the hareman in the right paw, and begins shaking him around with all the leverage of her long neck.

    The leg begins to snap, crackle, and pop, as Haresbane is flung around wildly. Holding the hareman in the air, Suya then precisely stabs in twice more in the chest, after which the hareman hangs limply, and blood only oozes out in trickles. Suya has advanced to the next round!

    1Q: Sirius Windpaw the Cheetah Woman vs Kingling Erling the Pangolin Man

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    Sirus Windpaw (managed by u/Meatyblues) was the victor of the Heavy Battle Royale, having slain 7 other of the gladiators thrown in there with her. Her speed and skill with the rapier were demonstrated for all to see, but how will they fare next to Kingling Erling (managed by u/MarvellDuceau)? The Manglin' Pangolin is clad head to toe in iron, and he looks ready to rumble!

    And rumble they do! The two gladiators trade blow for blow, neither able to gain the advantage over the other, and Erling's punches don't do more than bruise Sirus, while Sirus's sword can't penetrate Erling's iron defense. However, the fight changes when Erling, seemingly cowed by the lunging Cheetah Woman, withdraws into a ball.

    Sirius continues to whale on his curled up form, but is unable to do anything more but make him uncomfortable. Finally, she seems to figure out that the Pangolin man's curled form is not a benefit to him but a weakness. She first unbuckles his helm, and then undoes his iron mail shirt. She then proceeds to slash and stab like a mad cat at his exposed upper torso, only stopping when the Pangolin man goes limp, and uncurls in a pool of his own blood.

    1R: Garl Barrowmane the Lion Man vs Shuuja the Kobold

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    Garl Barrowmane (managed by u/ReverendBelial) hefts his axe and stands proudly, displaying his decorated mane. Shuuja (managed by u/ikurhai) shuffles a little more uncertainly at the intimidating sight, holding her favorite shiny, her steel spear, in her hand. Maybe that gold won't be as easy to win as she thought.

    The two gladiators rush at one another, dealing heavy blows nearly immediately, with Garl severing Shuuja's left arm, and she stabbing him right in the lower body. Garl seems to have the advantage though, as while he takes small pokes and stabs, he severs Shuuja's right foot, and hacks apart her right leg and arm, causing her to lose her spear. As he pulls his axe out of her arm, she feebly kicks him, but as he prepares to deliver the final blow, she goes limp, all her life bled out of her by his ferocious assault. The Lion Man roars in victory!

    1S: Evala Silverthorn the Elf vs Ulm the Olm Man

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    The elf (managed by u/kesperan) stands steadily at her end of the arena, unbothered by the jeers of the nearby dwarves. She has a mission to discover which gladiator killed her mentor, and she will fulfill it, by the sacred groves! However, one who certainly didn't do it was this uncertain looking olm man (managed by u/Tseralith), who clutches his copper spear like it's some sort of protective fetish.

    Evala and Ulm rush towards one another, with Evala scoring the first blow, a stab to his foot that sends him tumbling to the ground. In a panic, Ulm, thrusts forward with the spear, catching Evala in the chest. Evala didn't care about this Olm man before, but now she wants him dead! She slashes him first in the left arm, and then stabs the right hand, severing it, and depriving Ulm of his weapon. She then stabs him in the head, sending it flying across the arena. You are now one step closer to finding the killer Evala! ———

    Tournament run by: u/BlackGriffin23

    Fights 1A, 1B, 1K written by u/Morpheus_Darkwater

    Fights 1AA-1FF written by u/NordicNooob

    The rest of the fights written by u/Mkhos

    Betting run by u/Mkhos

    Continuation in the comments

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
    [link] [comments]

    DevLog 24 July 2021: "The conditions for work orders related to products and reagents are a lot less cryptic now."

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:05 PM PDT

    Metalbalded journal, entry 1

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    We've arrived at our frigid destination. The forlorn desolation of the glacier sprawls in all directions. Nothing but blinding white snow and ice as far as the eye can see. When the wagon settled, my first order was to unload the sandstone blocks provided to us to encapsulate the wagon and all our animals within walls and a ceiling, a measure of protection against the biting cold… and worse. These lands have a nasty reputation, said to be crawling with yetis, wolves, and even the walking dead. Strange rumors have reached our ears of tales of unnatural weather in these parts, and I want no part of any of that.

    After we entombed ourselves, I set the miners to tear the wagon apart and begin digging straight under where the wagon had been. We'll need to find suitable soil for planting crops, and the caverns our people know so well are our only hope for such soil here. It was not long before we heard the muffled sound of snow and ice falling outside. In addition to the downward stairs, I also ordered a place for the trade depot to be built. For whatever mad reason, we are expected to build a trade outpost here at the edge of the world.

    We breached the caverns earlier than I anticipated. I had the miners plug up their hole with masonry; the caverns will be our salvation, but we cannot risk letting the beasts from below into our fortress before we are ready. I ordered the miners to continue digging down elsewhere until they breach the magma far below the surface.

    I set one miner to cooking "meals." Dimple cup spawn are no delicacies, but they are hardy enough fare to prevent us from resorting to hunting vermin to survive. Before we can get the cavern's water, we have plenty of booze to help us survive.

    The magma sea was found. On the way down, we struck several metals and stones, but none as valuable to us as the magnetite and lignite we seem to have in abundance. Our wayfinders assured us that we'd find flux stone here as well, though we've not found any yet. By all the gods, if we can get a supply of food and drink set up, we may be able to set up a sizable industry here after all. If we can find the flux, we can even make steel.

    I prepare to lay down on the stone floor. I've chosen not to sleep on the ice itself near the surface, though some of my less discerning companions have done just that. Instead, I rest on a rough floor of granite. I should set our carpenter to work on turning some of the wood we brought with us into beds. I will do so tomorrow. We may have to butcher our grazing animals sooner than I'd hoped. More consideration for tomorrow.

    Thus is the founding and initial construction in Kelroder, called "Metalbalded," on a glacier known as "The Worried Ice," by the order of Queen Fath Teshkadsolon of Adil ÃŽton, "The Wall of Halls," begun.

    — Vucar Melbilnish, expedition leader, manager, record keeper, and broker of the outpost of Kelroder, 4th Felsite, 145

    This is a writing project I've started to log my efforts to build a fortress on an evil glacier, as voted on by all of you yesterday.

    submitted by /u/Cabbagetroll
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    Ah yes marital issues in my fortress

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    The Story of my First Dwarf Fortress (run on version 44.12)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 10:42 PM PDT

    I embarked at the base of a mountain. I chose the location because of a beginner video suggested I avoid spots that had an aquifer, which turned out to be few. I didn't custom-make my party, opting instead to go completely random since I figured it would take a lot of time for me do that. Besides, I doubt I would know how to properly design one anyway.
    I set up some basic provisions near the entrance, which was made of fire clay. Initially, I just had a farm and a kitchen. After I dug a bit deeper into the mountain, I made a meeting hall for my dwarves to congregate in with some tables and chairs. I also built a dormatory beside it so they'd have a place to rest.
    I dug around on the same layer for a while, trying to find resources. All I found was wood opal. It appeared that the entire mountain was built of siltstone. I dug down one layer and found gabbro. This layer had cobaltite and rubicelle in it, but no metals. Foolishingly, I had my gem cutter work on the cobaltite at first, thinking it was a gem. Upon reading the wiki though, I found out that actually it was a type of stone only known for its density. It turned out the gem cutter can work on most stones, gems or not, as I found he could also work on gabbro.
    I found it hard to keep my dwarves happy, since there really wasn't much to do. I built a brewy, which remained active for the entire life of my fort. That didn't seem to help much, because now my dwarves were complaining about not having mugs. I started converting the stone into mugs, which seemed to make them somewhat happier.
    As I explored the mountain, I found I had a severe lack of resources. I could find no aquifer, no matter how deep I dug. I did find layers with marble and rock crystal. These stones, gems, and wood, is all my fortress ever produced.
    My dwarves were getting quite unhappy being unable to do anything other than farm, mine, and hang out in the great hall. I made the appropriate workstations for their professions, but I didn't have the resources to make use of most of them. My miners, gem cutter, and farmers were the only ones that really saw any work.
    Migrants kept coming in though, and my population continued to grow. They also kept bringing in new animals. However, I never could figure out how to take care of them, which meant they were all doomed to starve to death.
    Eventually, I decided to make the most of my situation and trade gems for the resources I did not have. I had plenty of gems though, which the mountain seemed to be filled with. Exploring the exterior, there even seemed to be gems embedded in the mountain side!
    My fisher dwarves also were finding a lot of turtle shells in the lakes on top of my mountain. I wasn't aware of this for a while, which resulted in a lot of dwarves dying of thirst the first few winters. This was solved once I started brewing, but for a while I was mystified as to why I had dwarves dying of thirst every winter. It was because their only source of fluids were those three lakes ontop of my mountain, which froze over every winter. I made amulets out of the turtle shells, believing that I was going to always have a huge number of them, but for some reason the shells stopped coming in rather quickly. I guess the fisherdwarves hunted the turtles to extinction, but I don't know.
    The merchants though didn't prove very lucative. The human merchants never brought much metal, and they never did bring the seeds I requested. My dwarves ended up living in plump helmets for the entire lifespan of my fort. They quickly got sick of this, but I couldn't do much about it. I did decide at some point to make an extra pair of farms deeper into the mountain for security reasons, since everything I had built was close to my entrance and I couldn't find metal so I could arm my troops.
    My first military squad was made up of hunters and rangers, since all I could arm them with were crossbows. Luckily, due to my animals dying non-stop, I had plenty of bones which I used to make their bolts.
    I largely built all my rooms on the starting layer, building a catacombs one level down when I found corpses building up in my fortress since my dump outside was always filled with dead animals. My catacombs came to include 8 rooms with 14 gabbro coffins in each. This proved sufficient for the longest time.
    For trading, funny enough, I mostly traded with the elves for wood. They were the only merchants selling any resource that I needed. The humans just seemed to carry furniture, cloth, and leather. I rarely chopped down trees myself, outside of this one occasion I ran out of wood during a large building project. Namely, building some rooms for my nobles to work in. The elves sent a liaison once to threaten me, I decided to promise to not cut down anymore trees since I didn't have the gear for a war. Besides, I could get plenty of wood off of them anyway. I had my miners strip-mine this marble layer that had rock crystals in it. I was quite wealthy. I could buy all the wood the elves had and still had more than enough gems to sell. In fact, I never even noticed when my gem cutter died because I had such a stockpile. I only noticed when I found I had hundreds of uncut gems in my stockpiles but an increasingly smaller number of cut gems. I chose to never sell the uncut gems. Besides, I also had my dwarves building crafts out of siltstone, which I eventually ordered them to do perpetually through my manager. I ended up with a stockpile of siltstone crafts that dwarfed even my gem supply.
    However, my dwarves were never happy. They were always depressed, constantly refusing to work due to stress that just seemed to keep building, and they also were throwing tantrums all the time. I could find no way to make them happy. I built a statue garden of marble statues early on, but that didn't seem to help. I smoothed and later engraved the walls in their meeting hall and dormitory, but that didn't help either. Eventually, I built a temple to no specific god in my efforts to please them. It quickly proved to be popular, and it did make a dent in the stress problem, but it never went away.
    At one point, I noticed a lot of my dwarves were injured, so I built a hospital. They couldn't do much though since I had no cloth and every time winter claims, dwarves in the hospital would die of thirst due to the lakes freezing over.
    I eventually decided to try and drain the lakes down into a pool in my base. My first attempt failed, giving me just a room with a floor coated in mud. I chose then to drain the second largest of the original three lakes (the first was the smallest). This gave me a pool of water 4 units deep. This seemed to solve the water problem, though I still had dwarves dying of thirst sometimes. I thought that maybe they wouldn't access it so I built some stairs by the edges (I tried to build ramps, but I couldn't get the game to do that for some reason). They didn't help either, and they were destroyed when I smoothed the area. I ended up building two wells above the pool instead, which seemed to permanently fix the water problem, though my dwarves mysteriously kept running out of buckets. At least now they weren't complaining about not being able to wash the injured dwarves, which had now also had a better odds of recovering. I was even able to get some traction benches built, which helped a lot and really reduced the complaint-messages I was getting (at least from my fortress' doctors). After a while, I realized that I could make cloth from pig tails, which my dwarves somehow had seeds for, so I set my two back farms to grow those during two of the seasons. They produced enough where I needed to make two farmer's workshops to get everything processed before it rotted. This finally gave me fabric, which finally completely eliminated the complaints the medical dwarves were giving.
    Most of my dwarves though were still out of work, since I had nothing else. In particular, it was rare I could smith a metal item. My miners, farmers, cooks, and one gem-cutter were the only ones with consistent work. Even the carpenter was often unemployed unless I was doing a large building project. I had him make splints and crutches in his down time, though mysteriously my dwarves refused to carry them to the stockpiles in my hospital. I only noticed this when the carpenter's shop was destroyed and the room it was in was flooded with barrels, splints, and crutches. I ended up building a massive stockpile for furniture to try and clean up the mess. Even then though, the dwarves mysteriously refused to carry the splints and crutches to their stockpiles.
    Things were going good for a while. I was swimming gems and siltstone crafts. In fact, I had set up 5 workstations just for siltstone crafts, and even then they never ran out of material to work with because I just had so much. I smoothed all the walls and floors throughout my fortress, and also engraved some of the walls (mainly in the noble's quarters, hospital, and temple). My dwarves still didn't seem to be happy for the longest time, until I built them a library, which turned out to be my largest single building project yet. After it was done, my base was inundated with visitors, which I chose to allow to try and fill my library with books. I was getting visitors seemingly non-stop, and for a time my dwarves even stopped complaining, with red messages now becoming rare. I guess I finally made my dwarves happy, but sadly it didn't last long.
    At one point I had a werelizard pay me a visit. I didn't know how to operate my squads the time (I had assumed they would automatically guard the place). Luckily, the werelizard transformed back into a goblin shortly and left without causing any harm. I didn't realize at the time that this goblin would prove to be the end of my fortress. My last great building project was setting up individual bedrooms for my dwarves. Sadly, that project would never be finished. The werelizard returned, and this time I had learned how to command my troops, so I had them kill it to put a permanent end to the thing. Before this, they had only fought two or three kobold thieves. The thing killed a couple of my units, which I was a bit sad about. The thing was dead though, so I assumed my troubles with it were over. How wrong I was.
    I started noticing I was getting messages of dwarves dying in mass, often ending with the death of a dwarf who was a werelizard. These incidents remained fairly rare, but they became increasingly common as time went on. Eventually, my hospital turned into a bloodbath. One of the dwarves would turn into a werelizard, and then kill several of the dwarves in there before either dying from bleeding, or being put down. Soon thereafter, one of the survivors would change and kill more dwarves. Eventually, my hospital was perpetually coated in blood. I tried to expand the hospital to allow in more injured dwarves since I noticed many were just laying on the floor in there. The transformations kept happening though, and the dead seemed to be piling up faster and faster. I chose to build a wall infront of the door while one rampage was happening to try and contain the situation. Besides, I was having a problem with the hospital being perpetually filled with miasma, which would often flood into the hallway just outside every time the door was opened. Quickly, the rampages stopped, and everything seemed to be calm inside the hospital even though there were obviously living dwarves in there. Foolishly, I decided to open up the hospital, even though I had planned to never do that (even before this I was thinking I needed to move my hospital closer to my wells anyway). I found my dwarves seemed to refuse to remove the corpses though. I set up a huge corpse stockpile just outside, but it never got used. Eventually I found that my catacombs had apparently been filled within a short span of time due to the excessive deaths. I set a designation to build a new wing with room for 112 coffins. Sadly, that never got dug, and one coffin got built. Shortly after I re-opened the hospital, everything dominoed out of control. My dwarves were getting slaughterd left and right as more and more them turned into werelizards. When the chaos finally ended, my population of 150+ dwarves was now just 33. Among the survivors, only about a dozen were adults, most of whom were farmers. I think they were spared by the rampage from them being busy with my back farms. I no longer had a manager, or miner, or really anything useful. All I had was farmers, a few traders, and the mayor. Everyone else was dead. Now, the dogs and cats which had been overrunning my base comprised the overwhelming majority of things living in there. Even the visitors in my library outnumbered my dwarves. I tried to move on, but my fortress was now littered with dozens of corpses which my dwarves refused to get rid, which quickly flooded my entire fortress with miasma, making them all refuse to work. I chose to close my library to visitors, so outsiders wouldn't have to see the mess, but mysteriously they kept coming anyway. Guess my library was popular. Of course, this meant I had more humans in my fortress than dwarves.
    With such a small population of unskilled dwarves who were now refusing to work due to the ever-present miasma, I opted to just abandon my fort. Besides, the miners were the only ones really doing anything, and they were all dead now. I'm not even sure what my dwarves were doing, since I couldn't see them through the miasma, but I was constantly getting them red messages saying they were refusing to do various things because of shock, horror, and of course the miasma. I didn't see anyway my base could recover littered with corpses and most of the walls covered in blood, with only a skeleton crew to rebuild who were less skilled than even my initial party, so I decided to abandon the fortress to ruin.
    I find it ironic that my fortress fell the way it did. With my riches and lack of an army, I thought I was going to instead get invaded. I even thought about walling up the entrances to my fortress to avoid this, but it never came for some reason. Of all things, what did my fortress in was a single goblin who infected the warriors I sent to slay it, who in turn eventually set off a chain reaction that turned my entire fortress into a blood-soaked tomb.
    What did I learn from this? Well, I learned more about the mechanics, and thought that I could probably have organized things better, and maybe not put everything on one level so I would have more room to expand my various workstations' stockpiles. Funny enough, I found a layer really deep down made from gabbro but also had a large patch of fire clay. I though I could eventually move my fortress down there, but I never did since I didn't see the need to go through the trouble. Next fortress I make, I'm going to make sure there's an aquifer, and also shallow metals. Maybe a cavern too, since I never found that, but that was partially because I was afraid to dig too dig else have my fortress get overrun with demons.
    Honestly though, I found the experience more frustrating and at the best of times boring. Even when things were going (relatively) well, I was just sitting there watching my dwarves run around willy-nilly. I often found myself out of ideas for commands to give them. I hated not knowing the mechanics, and not being able to understand why I couldn't do certain things (which many of which I never did figure out). I was also aimless and had no idea what I could and couldn't do. Also, my fort was pretty boring since the only materials I had in abundance was stone and gems. I never did hit metal, and I couldn't keep my animals alive long enough to use any of their products besides their bones (most of which went into bolts for my crossbows). I had multiple workstations sit eternally idle, never having the materials to use them. My butcher and clothing stations in particular never got used. I did issue a mandate to make clothes for my dwarves, but my manager was already dead by the time I did that I think. It never got approved. I also tried to set up a soap maker, but no one ever built the workstation since I had no soap makers on site. My dwarves were also always stressed for some reason, even the miners who found regular employment. Their screens said nothing about why they were stressed. It literally just said everyone was under varying amounts of stress, but were happy about everything I had built for them. I don't know what more I could've done.
    As for trying again, honestly, I don't think I feel like starting over literally just days after my first play-through began. Besides, considering how the first one went, I don't feel too optimistic for future ones. In particular I seem to be really bad at alleviating stress, even though I did everything I could find. I mean, what more could I have done them? They had a statue garden, engravings everywhere, a temple, a famous library, high quality furniture everywhere, the only thing that most of them lacked was consistent work, but even that didn't seem to satisfy the few that did. I honestly have no clue what more I could've done to make them happy. All I got from playing was a dull fortress built around mining gems filled with grump dwarves that only briefly stopped complaining, right before they were all killed by a freaking goblin.
    So that's the story of my fort. Sadly, before I retired my fort, I didn't think to get its name. It was a randomly generated name that I thought was utterly stupid anyway. All I have to show for it is yet another generic story of a first-time play-through that never really went anywhere. The most amusing part of it was how everything was built out of siltstone, from the chairs to the crowns. Since I had so much of it, I decided to turn it into the theme for my fort, besides, it was littering all my tunnels anyway, and making everything out of siltstone was the only way I could find to clean up the mess. I also happened to have more of it than any other resource, so there's that. I guess we could call my fortress the 'Encrusted Siltstone Fortress' (even though I rarely encrusted anything).
    If there is a next time, as stated, I'll choose a location with an aquifer and some shallow metal. Preferably though, I would like to know how to deal with animals. The only ones that seemed to survive were the dogs and cats, which seemed to be overrunning my fort at one point, but I couldn't figure out how to tell my dwarves to eat the cats and dogs to deal with this problem. Luckily I was playing a version from after the cat-splosion glitch was fixed. Next time, honestly, I think I may switch to the latest version, which means I'll have to make a new world. Oh well, I can always return to the version I had my first fort on. In particular, I may like to see if I can re-claim my first fort.

    submitted by /u/IXBlackHeartXI36
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    "Blank-Slate" Succession SPEEDRUN (20 fortresses CHEAT%)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    "Blank-Slate" Succession SPEEDRUN (20 fortresses CHEAT%)

    The World, point zero:


    Gotta go FAST. Build 20 fortresses, each done by a different person. Everyone has a mere THREE days to build their fortresses. Anyone who want's to join in, go ahead, DM me. It should be done in... 2-3 months? Yeah. To make things at least a lil interesting, you can CHEAT! Tho, no modifying the raws or the save directly. VERY unsafe.

    Other Rules:

    - NO Adventure mode.

    - Keep it a SECRET, (At least from the public) or else...?

    - Uhh, Location should be revealed at least.

    - One fortress per player... NO spoiling.

    - Cheats must be "deactivated" at the end of your turn... They'll be off anyways when someone else has it. Unless...?

    That's about it. This is really an idea to have a bunch of players in a game like dwarffortress build whatever they wasn't in the hopes that someone else would experience it. Expectedly, in Adv Mode. More of an Idea, inspired from the forum. Like, I'll try, but not too hard to see this through.


    1) # UNKNOWN #

    2) # UNKNOWN #

    3) # UNKNOWN #

    4) # UNKNOWN #

    submitted by /u/Qwatfinite
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