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    Tuesday, June 15, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress My first time trying to rescue a dwarf that got caught out side during a siege.

    Dwarf Fortress My first time trying to rescue a dwarf that got caught out side during a siege.

    My first time trying to rescue a dwarf that got caught out side during a siege.

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    [OC] Dwarven tapestry - Creation of the dwarves according to DF talk #24

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    TIL about layering armor, and that the default uniform doesn't do it.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    I've been using the default outfits, so my poor dwarves have been wearing metal boots without socks. Their toes are probably in shambles.

    I also learned you can wear things like hoods and cloaks over armor so my army is way edgier now.

    submitted by /u/BigPawh
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    I have a hypothesis that dwarves train their armor-wearing skill more slowly the more of it they wear.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    I can't be the only one who's observed this, right?

    For whatever reason, when you equip a squad of raw recruits in full armor set to "replace clothing," so they're wearing a full suit, the Armor skill seems to lag behind the other combat skills. I just always assumed that the armor skill took longer to train than others, but I recently had a squad that I forgot to change from "overtop clothing," so they didn't have boots or the usual double-chain & cuirass setup, just one chain shirt in addition to greaves, gauntlets, and helm.

    And the less armored dwarves seemed to train the armor skill faster. Could just be a mistake of my perception, or some variable I'm missing, but I didn't end up in my usual situation of dwarves being Legendary in every other combat skill but Proficient in armor.

    Before I set up an in-game experiment to test this, I wanted to check and see if this had become a known thing in the time since I took a break (roughly five years, and still in alpha. bless this game). Obviously, novice dwarves are less effective in heavy armor *in a combat situation* because they tire more quickly and get fewer shots off as a result. But I didn't anticipate this cropping up during drilling.

    My working theory is that armor is trained when an otherwise dangerous blow is abated by the armor, and since recruits aren't effective in heavy armor they don't take many blows while sparring that their armor would deflect were they in a live-fire situation; their agility score is impacted so severely that they aren't able to turn or shift their bodies to cause strikes to glance off harmlessly. Like a tin can of tasty dwarf meat waiting for a troll to crack open (as opposed to drunken mobile blenders that are the Axe Lords)

    This working theory counts on the game predicting whether or not a blow will be dangerous, which I'm assuming it can as it knows the material properties of a dwarfs skin/fat/muscle/bone/etc. Next migrant wave, I'm making two half-squads with different equipment and training them in isolated barracks around the clock. A sample size of ten is not a rigorous study, but I'm interested in the results either way.

    If anybody has a ton of Lye Makers and Wax Workers in need of a spear & shield, give some more armor than others while they're set to train and test this alongside me.

    submitted by /u/Numerous_Idea_1416
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    I killed my dukes baby son

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Why isn't there a warning when placing statues that it will block paths?

    This is my first fort and I had placed some statues in the duke's room so I could get that room value up. Apparently, it blocked the staircase.

    I was reloading a save and found the skeleton of the duke's son still in his bed.

    I have no previous save.

    This game. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/meowassassin
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    Well That Doesnt Sound Good

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Tilesets are scary and disorienting.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    So I was trying to help my friend with getting into the game. Unfortunately, he is hellbent on using a highly graphical Tileset which I do not understand.

    People who use graphical tilesets, how do you not get overwhelmed with the indescribable amount of very small flashing png's?

    I physically cannot do anything, and it takes me hours to find things.

    submitted by /u/Baccara01
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