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    Dwarf Fortress Another magma try.

    Dwarf Fortress Another magma try.

    Another magma try.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 02:36 AM PDT

    SteamDF - Super duper WIP magma river. Magma was mentioned as looking odd, so I had another look.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    A 5-minute recreational scribbling in Paint grew into a full post about my favorite deity in DF, images ahoy!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    A 5-minute recreational scribbling in Paint grew into a full post about my favorite deity in DF, images ahoy!

    Stibmer is a deity of The Silver of Braids. Stibmer most often takes the form of a male dwarf and is associated with rivers, lakes, coasts and oceans.

    This is my rendition of him, complete with the eye of Armok under the hat. In another unfinished drawing the hat brims turn into a hammer-head shark features, so in his more natural aquatic form he must look less "gandalfy". What so special about this guy is that the dwarves named me after him, to my big surprise and delight. And it made sense.

    In case this image doesn't zoom in upon clicks: in 257, Stibmer destroyed a masterful hood by melting.

    That rarely happens when something or someone of value gets destroyed by a draw-bridge. Despite the legends saying "melting", I believe that it was the draw-bridge that I used for destruction of various clutter and, incidentally, that masterful hood. So I said "Allright, Stibmer it is then!" and took on the role of that deity (the active part of it was reimagining the history of the civ before and after I took over as a player). All the following headcanon basically built itself from the convenient lore bits that were already in place.

    A coastal house of worship, dedicated to Stibmer, top view. It stands on stilts. There's a porch and a /-shaped roof.

    After all, It was I that led the nation of The Silver of Braids across oceans, them sailing for a rich volcanic island, away from the certain destruction that faced them in their historical home. Be it the massive goblin hordes that only needed one last push to finish the job, or the cultural assimilation into other local dwarven nations, when the last fortresses of The Silver of Braids inevitably fall. I know that sea-faring is not technically a thing in DF, but it's hard to imagine it being non-existent in the world, when you build a bigger picture of it in your head; and given the natural ingenuity and technical advancements of the dwarves. I even plotted and mapped their journey between islands and continents. Besides, one of their favorite songs was "The Sun Sets on Boats"

    \"The entire performance should evoke tears\". The one about leaving your home forever.

    Stibmer was fond of these dwarves, 'cause they believed in him, and they were horrendously treated by their neighbors, a fact which he frowned upon. He sought to help them find a new place for themselves, to rebuild, to grow (and worship him some more, not a lot going on in Stibmer's legends entry, in 2 of them, actually). I imagine that he revealed himself to a chosen few and drew to them a vision of a glorious future for their people, and promised to lead them there, though the journey be long and perilous (from one end of a large world, to another). And so with his blessing and guidance, wave after wave, the people of the Braids sailed across straits and open seas to settle in this new and wondrous place, the tropical volcanic island, the domain of Litast, the dwarven goddess of earth, mountains and volcanoes. Surrounded by the waters of Stibmer. To his (and my) delight they did build wondrous things, wrote wonderful books, made discoveries, met new friends and enemies, created many stories of hardship and industry... And carried out a little glorious revolution against their old monarch, but that's a story for another time.

    Inside the coastal house of worship. Through its windows it overlooks the volcanic island across the last strait the dwarves had to cross. The statue in the middle of the wall is open to the elements and the waves often splash against it. It's a marble statue of Stibmer striking a triumphant pose.

    submitted by /u/Have_Some_Tea
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    Adventure Mode Lording

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    After playing around with world generation and a little bit of (failed) fortress building, I decided to jump into a fresh advanced world with hidden history as an adventurer.

    Endok Logemzuglar is a demigod dwarf (I wanted to feel like an important hero), previously a metalsmith now an adventurer, he set forth with iron weapons and armor in search of a great teacher, one who could help him forge a mastercrafted sword.
    Along his journey east towards the capital of his faction, Endok discovered Vostkunod, a human inhabited and ruled castle. He decided to stop and stay for a night and possibly lend a hand to the humans if they were in trouble.
    Upon passing through the gates and entering the keep, Endok came face to face with the human man Baron Kar Danceages. While attempting to offer assistance to the Baron and his court, the Baron grew impatient mid conversation and pushed Endok aside in order to go to his mother who was in the court, knocking over our hero.
    Furious that he had been humiliated and belittled after offering help to the Baron, Endok approached Kar from behind and in a fit of rage attacked him, severing his right leg and then slitting his throat while incapacitated. The Baron was defeated almost instantly as the court watched in horror. None dared to raise a weapon in defense of their lord.
    Upon seeing himself victorious, Endok shouted to the court that he had claimed the castle and taken over The Golden Tools. Nobody stood in defiance of their new short lord, and in fact a huntsman who witnessed the regicide swore loyalty to Lord Endok.

    Endok Logemzuglar, Demigod Dwarf Lord of Vostkunod

    So now that I have put myself into a position of power without any effort, what do I do? Are there any special controls or menus that I should know about that will help me be a ruler? Is it even possible to play as a ruler in adventure mode? I barely know how to feed myself in this game, so ruling a castle on day one might be a bad idea but I'm down to try it.

    I'm using version 47.05 with DFHack

    submitted by /u/Bioniclefreak25
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    platypuses in df

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    This may seem odd to ask but didn't know where else I could ask this but does anyone know if you can milk platypuses or get there eggs

    submitted by /u/bearing9502
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    Part 8 of the Crowdkitchens saga is live!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Drunians Are a large quadruped with a mane circling its manlike face and hands at the end of its forelimbs. It lives underground and is fond of raiding the supplies of cavern outposts. First time I've ever encounterd them So I drew em and couple other things from my fort.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    If we are mark'd to die, we are enough To do our fortress loss; and if to live, The fewer dwarf, the greater share of honour.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 06:18 PM PDT

    I heard water was important so I embarked in a heavy aquifer for my first fort

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    The aquifer is 7 z levels deep. Didn't really realize what an aquifer meant in the game. I started on the double slit method and got to the next level. Walls around stairs etc., but it's gonna take a long time to punch through 6 more.

    I have 143 dwarves and a Duke, with a duchess. I am just near the end of my third year.

    Should I abandon it?

    Got heavy wood industry. Plenty food. Squad of Marksdwarves who have already killed a Cyclopes, no casualties, mind you.

    I am enjoying the experience.

    submitted by /u/meowassassin
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    Imagine finding this while searching through someone's diary

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    My body is not prepared for this

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 09:29 PM PDT

    Apparently I have a necromancer. And he's now the mayor

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    My Necromancer used her arcane abilities to TROLL

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    My Necromancer used her arcane abilities to TROLL

    So there was this hunter going after a Camel, swirling all over the place and such. The mayor/necromancer comes out to help out the hunter bro.

    The Camel is soon struck down. Right as the hunter goes to pick up the corpse, the mayor decides to animate it. The Camel then kills the hunter(Blue Arrow)

    The Necromancer then gets kicked into the river by the camel(Orange Circle)

    The Camel then goes on a rampage by luring the dwarves over to the bridge to kick them off... somehow.


    Look at the reports. Camel attack -> mayor mandate ended -> camel rampage.

    The bridge has walls now...

    submitted by /u/coolestardude
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    Learning fort Ver.4 is coming along - Live Now

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Over 50 hours of game play, starting to get the basics as I establish my 4th fort that I have dubbed a learning fort. We are almost done constructing a fortress wall to protect the court yard. A well was erected but not functional, but its okay we have beer! Im hopping to finish the wall today, fix the well and start channeling the moat! Backseating allowed! https://www.twitch.tv/lefawndah

    submitted by /u/Lefawndah
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    To play or not to play

    Posted: 08 Jun 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    I know you all get this all the time, but I love the storyline of DF, the concept of the building, but i keep on leaving the game because I have issues with ASCII. It just does not sink in no matter how slow I play or even read up on it. Can you all suggest add-ons or graphic add-ons.

    submitted by /u/Ravenx2020
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