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    Thursday, June 10, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Was instantly destroyed by flying steel spider titan with deadly dust.

    Dwarf Fortress Was instantly destroyed by flying steel spider titan with deadly dust.

    Was instantly destroyed by flying steel spider titan with deadly dust.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    Welp, there goes my 3 years of progress... time to start fresh! Might be even more fun!

    Also, what are the chances of this titan existing? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/agb64
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    Currently on a quest to destroy necromancy

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Started an adventure mode run where my goal is to kill as many necromancers as I can and burn every book of life and death I can find

    So far I've iced one whole tower and collected seven books, just the first stop of many

    submitted by /u/ValvanHNW
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    I'm sure it'll be fine

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    My Venice style fortress : Reveredbridges

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    My Venice style fortress : Reveredbridges

    Just wanted to share the present state of my actual fortress to motivate a little bit to continue it.

    I wanted to try a fortress with canals for no other reason that it's a pretty cool design, with fun potential (plus some useful use for hospitals or if i want to engineer some mechanical stuff later with water powered mills).
    That was a long project to simply dig that unfinished fortress, i started with 5 miners and fishermen to have stuff to eat.
    Presently i'm waiting for the river to unfreeze, then i'll probably first muddy my garden/field/pen levels and terraces, before breaching the caverns, and meanwhile i'll probably dig some temples and other buildings, maybe i'll dig some gallerys with a view over the forest, south of the main level, maybe with its own canal, it would be nice i think.

    Maybe i'll do an enclosed area with walls near the outside river deviation to repurpose the temporary entrance, it will probably require some work on the mountain side so i'm not too sure how it will look like, if it even ends up used.

    It's obviously far from being an optimised setup, but that's of course not the goal here, it's only for the fun.

    If it brings you any idea as to what i could do or if it inspires you, share, i'll be glad to ear from u




    submitted by /u/UristMacReddit
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    [Kruggsmash] [Modded] Redvault #6: Downtime

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    My dwarves won't store food

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    There is one food storage north of the main inn of my fort, and it was 50% full. I have enough trees and other materials to create all the bins/barrels/bags I need. After a while my dwarves started to take out food, eat it on the floor although they have tables and chairs, and then just leave the food on the floor and go do something else. Also after a while the empty barrels were carried off to the furniture storage and left the food storage empty.

    Obviously after a while miasma kicks in and they don't seem to care all that much and continue singing and dancing.

    I thought that perhaps I will cancel the area and recreate it but that didn't work, and I also dug to the west of the inn and gave it a lot of space for food storage but that didn't work either.

    I've set an automatic workflow constrain in my kitchen to 5-10, and even though there is a LOT of food on the floor, my dwarves won't count it and will make even more food.


    submitted by /u/cmyster
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    My DFHack Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    So I've been playing a while now and I have used DFHack to get ahead or speed up some sections of the game to allow me to see more without restarting or jump ahead to a dug-out fort to try out industries. Took me a bit to gather it all in one place so I thought I'd post it for new players as examples of commands.

    ## To Dig out fort faster, or get jobs caught up / avoid catastrophe ## fastdwarf 1 1 ## Move stuff marked for "dumping: to cursor" / handy for collecting logs in rivers ## autodump ## Create item at dwarf under cursor, used for seeds mostly, or strange moods in dire circumstances ## gui/create-item ## I want an orchard ## gui/create-tree ## eliminate ramps I didn't want anyway after channelling deramp ## We need food! ## growcrops all ## Create stack of items at cursor create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:SANDSTONE 250 create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:MICROCLINE 250exterminate him create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:MARBLE 250 create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:JET 250 create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:COBALTITE 250 create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:BAUXITE 10 create-items BOULDER INORGANIC:CINNABAR 10 create-items logs oak 20 create-items bars copper 10 ## Spawn unit at cursor ## spawnunit BIRD_OSTRICH MALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit BIRD_OSTRICH FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit CROCODILE_SALTWATER MALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit CROCODILE_SALTWATER FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit DOG MALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit DOG FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit GIANT_ALLIGATOR MALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit GIANT_ALLIGATOR FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit SPIDER_CAVE_GIANT MALE -AGE 2 spawnunit SPIDER_CAVE_GIANT FEMALE -AGE 2 spawnunit JABBERER FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit JABBERER MALE -domesticate -AGE 2 spawnunit CROCODILE_CAVE MALE -domesticate -AGE 3 spawnunit CROCODILE_CAVE FEMALE -domesticate -AGE 3 ## Kill selected unit ## exterminate him ## Move selected unit ## gui/teleport ## Revive important dwarf ## lua print(dfhack.gui.getSelectedUnit().id) quit full-heal -r -keep_corpse -unit ID_NUM ## Making magma forges / kilns / etc liquids o of m q ## Activate magma workshops ## feature list feature show # ## Making drinking holes and bathhouses ## source add water 0 source add water 3 source add water 7 ## I want this square to be soil / sand ## tiletypes p mat soil quit ## That was the wrong kind of soil ## changelayer FIRE_CLAY changelayer SAND_BLACK 

    I know there are lots of others I'm not a military guy, so I never adjust stats on dwarves, but I may in the future add to my cheat sheet.

    submitted by /u/Thebuda
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    The ire of Kulet

    Posted: 09 Jun 2021 07:28 PM PDT

    (This is a story I wrote after a kung fu fighintg elf destroyed my fort. It is based on the Legends of that world. I hope you enjoy)

    Lora Mistydawns, born in 38, was a simple elven girl, daughter of a swordsman and a farmer. She became a herbalist very early in her life, and later an animal caretaker, and was dedicated to her job, not even dreaming about her glorious future. It was only in the year 90 that a war against The Mindful Gates - a ruthless dwarven mercenary company - forced her to join the elven army of The Pure Swamps and learn to fight. But to everyone's surprise, Lora was a natural fighter, and she survived 5 battles against her ferocious enemies. Her wrestling abilities were rapidly developing, yet she had never actually killed an enemy. Her destiny was forever sealed, however, during the Attack of Martyring in Lyricsweet, when the spear of Sibrek Meetinghandle managed to pierce her lungs and end her flourishing life. Sibrek also died that same day, victim of another spear of a female elf. Lora's body was buried in Lyricsweet with honorable ceremonies.

    Several years earlier than this, though, in 29, the dwarf Kulet Matchedmerchant became obsessed with his own mortality, and started worshipping a dwarven entity of death and rebirth in order to understand the secrets of life and death. In the year 47, his deity, The Flowery Phantom, created in Kulet's hands a slab with such terrible secrets. This slab would change the fate of this world forever.

    After losing 15 wrestling competitions to Momuz Groovepaddles, Kulet started raising suspicions at his fortress, since he appeared never to age. He fled the place and founded his own government, the Earthen Relief. He started raising the dead to his favor and teaching his necromancy to other dwarves and humans looking to serve him. He later came back to his old town just to win some wrestling competitions, before setting his ultimate goal to rule the world and retire back to his tower.

    Things weren't easy for the humans of The Amethyst Empires in the first century. Born in 45, the young girl Mater Waxfang became a fish cleaner for a living, but later joined the scouts in the village of Snarledbooks. She was a very good scout and spy, and made many efforts to learn other civilizations' secrets for her kingdom. She later joined a prominent society and became a judge, but she was later convicted of embezzlement after the investigators found her misusing public resources to her own favor, and was imprisoned by The Trampled Coalition in 73. Her term was supposed to last for 9 years, and while in prison she became a Holy Oblivion of the religious group called The Fatal Denomination. She managed to escaped prison in 79 and settled in Columnboards, where she created a temple for her religious order.

    In 92, the local government persecuted the Trampled Coalition, destroying the temple along with several smaller sacred sites, expelling Mater to the village of Viselkindled. There, 16 years later, frustrated with the little return of her religious fervour, Mater started wondering about her mortality, and became obsessed with it. In the year 120, she had a fateful meeting with Kulet Matchedmerchant, from the Earthen Relief. That year, Mater learned the secrets of life and death.

    In the year 99, an old female Kobold called Shumis found the abandoned fort of Lyricsweet and decided to settle in. She lived there peacefully until 120, when she died of old age (she was 169).

    The Earthen Relief, led by Kulet, started attacking local sites, waging war against human and elven civilizations. The Amethyst Empires were first. Attacked by an army of 99 undead elves, a small human village was completely wiped from the face of the earth. Then came the elves of The Pure Swamps. Amongst the elven territories invaded by the undead forces of Kulet in 123, there was a solitary abandoned fort, full of a terrible story. Mater Waxfang entered the fort and found the body of an old but strong kobold, Shumis, which she revived to serve her. Looking further into the crypts, though, she saw the burial chambers containing the resting place of an honorable fighter of the elven kingdom. It was Lora Mistydawns. Mater experimented her black magic in the old corpse of the elf, and thus arose Lora Mistydawns, the Void Stalker. The empty eyes of the elven warrior were hidden under a magically reconstructed body, looking like a living being, but strong as the grasp of death!

    Kulet, knowing now of his powerful ally, sent Lora Mistydawns to lead Shumis and a young necromancer called Nish Pillarspread to attack a fort of his own former civilization, The Crewed Chamber. They quickly departed for the attack, which started on a cold winter, when the river that could protect the poor dwarves was frozen.

    The fourteen dwarves never stood a chance. Lora alone managed to kill 12 of them with her bare hands, losing only a tooth in the chaos. Her punches were so strong they blew holes in the dwarves' chests, and exploded their heads in gore. It was a massacre, today known as The Onslaught of Warriors. Lora was entitled The Molten Wines of Rampage after that battle.

    This is the story of Lora. But also the story of the 14 dwarves of the Webbedlashed fort. And Kulet, and Mater, and Shumis. In the end, it is a story of tragedy.

    submitted by /u/Necr0wizard
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    The Giantess Usek Ostoststratab Ugu fought with the secrets of life and death

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Unexpected update from the Revered Bridge Fortress, the underground Venice
    When i took the screenshot i had the misfortune of being under siege by a giantess. Digging my city i had not took time to create a proper military. So i had first planned to wait for her to leave BUT she was just roaming around, maiming dingo men and women and badgers and shit, basically just camping but hardcore.
    So in the end, i created two squad, equipped them with the few spears i had, and bid them farewell in a fight i knew would probably be deadly, though with twenty dwarves i wasn't too worried about the eventuality.
    We fought, and she took 8 of our dwarves, but when she started loosing the advantage she was basically maimed with two spears in her head and kicked, punched, bitten and strangled to death by traumatized and frenzied dwarves, the usual deal.
    But then, as i was finally reopening the fortress and seing with glee that urist mac feymood had finished his stuff requirring yarn (i suppose he recovered some from the remains of the trade depot) when we opened i noticed i had a new artifact...

    A slab of bright metal and of the highest quality...
    A slab reading "The Secrets of Life and Death"...
    A slab that has a list of EIGHT NOTABLE KILLS

    Turns out that Giantess had stolen a slab from a village where a necromancer had been living 180 years before her arrival in my fortress. Although, since she wasn't herself an undead, she, obviously, never read it or understood what it was she had in her possession.

    I can only picture how she probably stole it from the necromancer who was like "Nooooooo the secret of life and death, Bonesash the Grave of Fate" and she must have thought "If shiny rock is secret to life and death, it must be food or weapon or both" and after a short scientific procedure declared that it was obviously a weapon, and went her way to use it bring the secret of death to everyone in her way.

    Now i have to store that shit though

    submitted by /u/UristMacReddit
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