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    Dwarf Fortress 3D Model - The Legendary Artifact Golden Mace: Asteshtulon

    Dwarf Fortress 3D Model - The Legendary Artifact Golden Mace: Asteshtulon

    3D Model - The Legendary Artifact Golden Mace: Asteshtulon

    Posted: 05 May 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    bronze colussus [OC]

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress - Multiplayer Mod Gameplay

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Discuss: Best year to end world gen

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    I've been ending it at 450 myself for my adventure mode worlds but the fact that none of the civilizations ever developed metal armor really made me wonder if I didn't give them long enough or if it was just a weird quirk with the world

    submitted by /u/ValvanHNW
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    The Legend of Rilstud Valleyrider, the "Single Tax of Truth" and Scourge of The Old Realms. [Diving into Legends]

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I generated a new world overnight. The year now is 2021 and a world once full of majesty has become a hardened land where more dead walk the lands than living. I decided to really check out what Legends is all about and I found an interesting character, so I'm writing his story here. A single hunter forged a path for a bandit gang led by a necromancer to eventually rule nearly every developed land in all the realms. Rilstud Valleyrider, the Single Tax of Truth, was behind it all. This is his (extremely condensed) story...

    Youth and the Companionship of Ijam Wavedchew

    In the year 196, a human boy was born in the blossoming hamlet of Bushcrew. His childhood was typical for a boy out in the sticks, except for a sudden infatuation with a wandering boy named Ijam Wavedchew. They fell in love when Rilstud was only 12. Ijam's recounted a tale from just a year before of a giant wolf ambush he had survived. Inspired by the story, Rilstud decided to become a hunter immediately. Ijam was, with horrible irony, ambushed again by the giant wolf now known as Dousedscream, suviving once more but not without great wounds. In the autumn, inspired again by Ijam's prowess in combat, the two boys signed up to fight in a battle now known as the Disemboweled Clashes in the Tapered Mire.

    A History of Violence

    For the next 20 years, Rilstud fought in numerous conflicts. From the 'Assault of Fists' to the 'Attack of Gales' to the 'Scorching Siege', Rilstud fought in 23 different battles, often alongside Ijam. Despite Ijam taking a wife early in these years of war, they remained lovers and both found glory as untouched warriors on the battlefield. Rilstud was a great warrior and his comrades knew it.

    A Lonely Death

    In the year 233, Rilstud had fought his last war, or so he thought. He became an abbot of The Creed of Pantomimes, a religion devoted to Quamun the Certain, goddess of persuasion, poetry, and writing. He joined under the new identity 'Veilhours the Mysterious' and settled in Bellysleeve to live a quieter life. It was then that Ijam revealed that his time at war drove him to obsess over his mortality. This drove a wedge between them as Rilstud had a deep disdain for the evils men produce during such endeavors. They broke up.

    For 35 years Rilstud stumbled in and out of failed relationships and even began to accept bribes as abbot of The Creed. He attended foot races to satisfy his desire for competition and battle, but never once won. Ultimately, he met with Ijam again and reignited their love... but it only lasted one year. Again a few years later they had one final chance, but their relationship failed for good not long after and Rilstud died a mundane death in year 312 of old age.

    Nela Motherwaves

    In the same year of Rilstud's death, a wild boar man named Nela Motherwaves became obsessed with his own mortality. He was taught the secrets of life and death and his talents were so great that he had an apprentice of his own within a year. He spent his life attempting to corrupt others but always failed, and eventually was chased out of his home when townspeople grew suspicious that he hadn't aged in 37 years. He fled to the wilderness and founded a gang of bandits called The Azure Sorcerers. They eventually settled in Bellysleeve while plotting a coup against The Honest Empire. There he immediately began raising warriors he called fainted hunters... including Rilstud Valleyrider.

    Rilstud's Conquest

    As an undead slave of Nela Motherwaves, Rilstud lead their first attack against The Yellow League. The greatest test of his might, the enemy was lead by a necromancer of their own. Rilstud triumphed, and for the next 517 years, Rilstud constantly fought for The Azure Sorcerers. He came to wield a legendary silver scourge named Sweltereddwindled and become personally responsible for the death of 8 famous historical figures. Most famously he struck down Lor Tradepage, who once lived an undead life as a mayor, then a chieftess, and then a chief executioner of The Ignited Band. All in all Rilstud either led or participated in at least 430 battles for Nela Motherwaves and The Azure Sorcerers.

    It wasn't until the great roc Thefin Pristinewanders 'the Moutainous Renown', a fearsome beast and enemy of all civilized life, responsible for the death of 71 famous figures and countless masses, and still alive today, finally struck down Rilstud in the year 956. By then his story was already written and The Azure Sorcerers already propelled to world conquest. Now the living population of all the world is barely 5000, with countless undead occupying most sites, humble and sacred alike.

    submitted by /u/SirNanigans
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