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    Sunday, November 15, 2020




    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Im sure you can figure out what happened to me

    submitted by /u/Atruedad
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    So I embarked on a *seemingly* water-less rocky wastelands.... This fisherdwarf proved me wrong.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Why 5 year old worlds are underrated

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:53 PM PST

    They're so great!

    Goblin populations are so low that every other nation can reasonably compete with them so you never know how it will really turn out

    tons of monsters to catch at your fort for arena

    Adventurers, musicians and scholars who are too young to be married and so you can have your own reproducing human and elven population within years!

    No random vampires or werebeasts(until you create one)

    Quickly become the most legendary place in the entire planet as literally every historical monster, person and event are seemingly drawn to you

    I'm running one right now as a background fort. Goal is to set up the fort to run with little intervention and try to play out multiple generations to see what happens (I'm practicing giving my dwarves ample off time while catering the fort to their preferences once it's set up. Thus far it's working when it comes to stress management)

    Already got almost half our population as humans and most of them are single! I already had a previous fort where human adventurers got married and reproduced at my fort

    In the meanwhile over the (hopeful) centuries will slowly reshape every Z level into something for fun

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Hippy nest

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:01 AM PST

    when your fortress is just a big tavern and you are happy with it!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:13 AM PST

    Saziromost Ral - The Bridgetown of Silver

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    However shiny that sounds, that settlement ended up with not so much silver and no bridge, because I thought that you needed support for the whole thing or otherwise it would collapse. Instead, I ended up doing a tunnel beneath the strait. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
    Hi. This is a post with a couple of fullscreen GIFs (10-14 mb) and additional still images of a fortress I played quite some time ago. It holds a special place in my heart, for it was one of the very first fortresses that didn't succumb to an untimely death by a titan or a tantrum spiral. And it looks neat (for a wooden surface fort, anyway). Here's a GIF! It was a third fortress for me in this game overall, I think. A whole lot of the things were discovered by me for the first time here: the building of gable and hip roofs, moats, sieges, scholars, that you - the player - are a god, fps-death etc...I can also proudly say that I defeated one of the "bosses" of the game here while trying to get under the strait - THE AQUIFER. It took one failed attempt with a couple of casualties + a whole night of fighting it with QuantumMenace's double-slit method. Never again...

    So, here's the world, The Everlasting Realm. The Silver of Braids, a nation of dwarves, almost completely wiped out by a blitzkrieg-like goblin war campaign, decided to build themselves a new home far, far away. Not just somewhere, though, but on an active volcano! And in order to do it they had to get there (a ^ by the left border of the map, in the middle), from over a continent away (SE-continent). With little choice, fire in their hearts and my, Stibmer's, blessing (the deity of rivers, lakes, coasts and oceans), the dwarves traversed the deep roads and sailed the waters, where they could, to get to that volcano island, where before them only kobolds lived. A little remark: it appears that sometimes when you destroy something or someone valuable (via bridge smashing), there's an entry created in the legends that says that a certain deity destroyed said item/person. That's how I discovered my divinity! So, with me watching over them, the dwarves arrived on that island, but before attempting to tame the force of nature such as this volcano, they needed an outpost and an easy way of access to the new and, hopefully, friendlier continent. That's how the Bridgetown of Silver was started. Here's a gif of the strait between the island and the continent. We had friendly elves a day or two of travel from us; we had unfriendly elves, armed and armored with metal, holding a goblin civ's banner, which was new to me and scary. We had some noteworthy stories, but I only remember some of them, and of those - only the short versions. We had many run-ins with the werepanthers, which gave us much trouble and created the Pantherdorf - a dwarf who almost gave his life to save the fortress, but the curse saved him from the looming death. He was respected for his heroism and we made sure to lock him up every full moon and held watch around his house during that time. That worked fine until it didn't. Of course one month I totally forgot about him and a marksman had to bash his head in with a crossbow, when the Pantherdwarf turned right in front of him. What else? Honestly, I can't remember much, it's been a while. We had a mayor that refused to have any relationships PERIOD. His relationships screen was empty the entire time, I don't think he even had a deity in it. We had some eventful sieges, but nothing really to brag about. The main fun was the building of things and discovering new ways to do it. The grateful dwarves built me a temple by the shore that stood on stilts, with a gorgeous view on the volcano island and waves crashing against the stilts and sprinkling the statue of me through an open wall. There were gems in the windows and another statue on top of that little temple. One could spend hours there just watching the waves. Here's a gif of the temple and "The Deep Roads'' tavern over an entrance to the underground tunnel connecting the landmasses. The descent was voiced by a mini-waterfall in the middle of the square set of staircases, it splashed loudly at the bottom and turned into a little river, stealing away through a mined out channel. This is where one saw a gate with the stone around it richly engraved with symbols of our nation and deeds, so that a visitor knew whose hospitality he had to rely on.

    Taking a few steps back, here's another picture of the fort. It's really a miracle no one's started a fire anywhere on the map. You can see how the houses are interlinked with walls. We needed that to defend ourselves from the werepanthers and occasional monkey-raids before there were bigger walls and the moat. One time, a group of these rascals waited patiently by an outer door and, when somebody headed out, they rushed in and raided the armory/treasury, causing chaos along the way. Some of them tried to make it out with artifact weapons in their paws. Anyway.. the houses are mostly 2-floored with some rare exceptions, where 3 floors were constructed due to the influx of new dwarves from our homeland. I was very proud of these houses (and they do look fine from the top-down view), but then I rendered the whole thing in Stonesense and all of the architecture appeared to be...squat. Which makes perfect sense, when you build 1z-high rooms without ever considering the 3d perspective. I was better off using my imagination.. In the next fort I had to do everything at the very least 2z-high, and that was a lot more work. The stone building is the entrance to "the subway" with a temple and a library. Leading to it is a statue garden of all the noteworthy dwarves and our deities made of various stone and glass. Under it you can see the pillars that hold "The Sunken Shoe' tavern and that are surrounded by clothes workshops. The most popular music among the dwarves here seemed to be "The Sun Sets on Boats", which is very thematic considering their long journey here, fleeing the war-torn homeland.
    172 dwarves lived here before many of them moved to the fortress in the mountains under the volcano that was built after 10-15 years of establishing this outpost. Dark skin, jade eyes, scratchy voices, these were the dwarves of The Silver of Braids.
    The end. Fin. To be continued. Maybe. Thanks for reading this bored deity's post. Stibmer out.

    submitted by /u/Have_Some_Tea
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    A mod idea I have.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:10 AM PST

    Not the best idea I had, but I find it interesting.

    So whenever someone or something dies in your fortress or adventure, they, along with their legends and equipment, get copied to a world without life and have all their wounds healed. It acts like an afterlife.

    This means to truly kill a dangerous enemy, you need to have a strong hero in the afterlife. And if you decide to make a cat blood defence system, you're going to have a lot more cats in the afterlife.

    submitted by /u/CAT-CENA
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    It looks like my new Adventurer will not be an atheist this time.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Why is the Combat so Awesome?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:25 PM PST

    Undead mosh pit

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Risk of rain? Work continues on Daggerpaddle the aboveground fort (2-3hrs, starts in 15 mins)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:45 AM PST

    Monk Dwarves, not Working Dwarves

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:27 AM PST

    "The Sin of Organizations", Urvad's engraving depicting Morul engraving Morul engraving a masterful engraving. I love DF.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:51 PM PST

    What could theoreticaly be the strongest Titan/Forgotten Beast

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:47 PM PST

    I would say a flying non-tarantula spider composed of steel, with paralysis-inducing deadly dust. Not sure if anything could beat that, except for an adamantine clad dwarf or a stupid dwarf trick. Not sure if steel would be the strongest though, maybe platinum?

    submitted by /u/pog_irl
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