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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Steam DF - Suggestions for instruments and instrument components.

    Dwarf Fortress Steam DF - Suggestions for instruments and instrument components.

    Steam DF - Suggestions for instruments and instrument components.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    This migrant just popped in and when I was going to disable his fishing labour he hit me with this like a sack of bricks to the face.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I often refer to my to-do list on stream, and I often get asked for it, so here it is, my to-do list for the first three years of a fortress

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    This is my to-do list that I keep to hand, updated for 0.47.04. I only use it as a rough guide and alter the order and the timeline goals depending on the embark. For example, in a dangerous embark I'll aim to get my entrances secure and get everything off the wagon and brought underground within the first two weeks. Also, a lot of things are implied, like to get a clothing industry set up in summer 2 I'll start farming pigtails in summer 1, and a lot of things are completely dependant upon the embark, like what I make to trade and when I start to churn out trade goods. You'll notice that military and metals are quite late on the list, this is because I play with the rather broken stress mechanic switched on, which really doesn't allow for a long lived fortress with combat that results in corpses. I usually leave that until much later when I'll have a lot of dwarfs and so I can handpick some that are impervious to stress to deal with the aftermath - but only if the embark allows the luxury of turtling in the early years.

    Spring 1: some beds, doors/hatches on all entrances, all stuff on wagon brought into safe storage.

    Summer 1: start farms, start barrel/rock pot production, goblets, start on defences, meeting hall/dining room, depot, pasture dogs, pasture birds, note migrants arrive this season, a meeting hall zone is needed if the wagon has been deconstructed for migrants to enter the map.

    Autumn 1: move depot underground after trading if on the surface, note caravan arrives early this season, thief, migrants.

    Winter 1: secure against building destroyers, build hospital, gem cutter, temple, collect bees, note likely to need farmer's guild by this season.

    Spring 2: refuse/corpse pit, water source and well, weaponsmith guild, start bedrooms, note werebeast triggers could be hit now.

    Summer 2: start outdoor constructions, butcher, tanner, farmshop, clothing industry, library.

    Autumn 2: sort stockpiles, sort workshops, cheese, chests for bedrooms.

    Winter 2: barracks, military, tavern.

    Spring 3: armoursmiths guild, secure surface area.

    Summer 3: burial area, discover caverns, magma sea, forges, set up coffins and slab production, note there should be a mayor by now.

    Autumn 3: cavern security for web collection.

    Winter 3: secondary exits, jail and justice, noble facilities, bookkeeper, manager (I use dfhack workflows up until now)

    submitted by /u/SalfordSal
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    One of the most interesting forgotten beasts I've ever encountered

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    I Think Adventure Mode Is Too Easy

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    First of all you have the ability to explore the world around without being an immobilized fortress. As a fortress you need to take care of a lot of people to prevent attackers from ruining you.

    You can simply create an elf character for that they don't age and have high natural disease resistance of 2000 on "average" level while also having debuffed patience that doesn't matter in the case of your character.

    Your elf has boosted skills that grant better dodging. While creating your character you can focus on you most important stats while dumping something completely useless for some extra points. Memory is always at 5000.

    Invest your skillpoints in dodging. Eventually if you are playing as a dwarf interested in necromancy to prevent a need to sleep, starvation or thist you can have novice reading. Maybe also novice swimming. Dwarfs can see in darkness and unlike goblins they aren't being hated that much. You're lifespan is also very large. Being a necromancer makes you neutral with boogeymen.

    You can basically set needs of your character to be slight in one thing. Often best done with "stay occupied". My character turned out to know a "masterful" poem that takes very short time to spell out without having to press commas or dots. Having it unfettered gives over 40% boost in all stats.

    If there is anything you can equip your adventurer with on start of your journey it would be more waterskins for enduring winters and summers.

    Near safe zones you can provoke domestic animals in attempts to level up your dodging. You should start from ducks or other low damage and unmeant for combat animals that won't flee. If you try wrestling you may eventually get hit as wrestling weakens you're dodge. To reset stamina of yours and your opponent you can try fast travel on really short distance if possible. Works badly with fortresses. Forest retreats and hamlets are better. Dodging they're attacks also improves fighting and many skills related to stamina and dodge chance. You can have you're dodging level up above legendary. As far as I had noticed you can become completely unhittable to some enemies even if there were 5 of them constantly attacking you at the same time and those would be fort guards (I also had my attributes superelven). I mean... seriously, they couldn't hit me for literally more than hundreds of times in a row. I think you can really have dodge chance above 100%. Just remember to satisfy you're stamina somehow. Even if you still had to be "legendary" when tired for some reason due to your grinds you would still be at risk of over-exertion.

    Once you get to a bandit camp of some sort you can pick up a lot of coins if you find them and just throw them under yourself in order to level up you're strength much faster.

    Since you are supposted to be unhittable you can basically embark armorless (take shields for dragons). Backpack can be used for storing food. You know, light armor actually gives a lot of protection against falling from waterfall. Happened to me once. 7 deflections and only one part turned into gore. Without those starting elf clothes I would possibly receive a mortal wound.

    The best weapon to haste you're kills is probably a slash weapon like axe or sword since you will eventually behead most enemies in one strike. They might be armored but higher strength breaks armor faster. Also allows butchering. Alternatively use bow arrow for it. You could use something powerful for bronze colossuses.

    I recommended playing as an elf because sometimes a world won't generate with necromancers or other biological immortality sources and you would eventually mandatorily lose. Ultimately it's your decision.

    And what do you think? Is Fortress mode actually even easier but I was never interested in learning to play it? Let me know in comments.

    submitted by /u/rico6822
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    More adventures in Skywall - a hypervertical embark (starting in 10 mins, 2hr runtime)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Bridgeflame: Year 10 of the Succession Fort - The Cycle of Vanity continues tonight at 6PM ET

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    The final year of the second cycle is upon us! A lot has happened so far and I can't wait to leave my mark on the fort. As the title suggests ego has not been in short supply. You can find me at https://www.twitch.tv/mossygriffin

    For those who wish a highlight video of years 1-5 can be found here

    Once year 10 is complete we will be working on creating the 2nd cycle highlight video.

    The Overseers are:

    1. Formal_Blizzard: https://www.twitch.tv/formal_blizzard
    2. MossyGriffin: https://www.twitch.tv/mossygriffin
    3. TastyandtheCats: https://www.twitch.tv/tastyandthecats
    4. NichoLive: https://www.twitch.tv/nicholive
    5. VeruMamo: https://www.twitch.tv/verumamo

    Note to the community: I know some view these stream announcement posts wearily and are nervous what might evolve from these. I also share those feelings and we are looking into possible ways to update everyone here about our succession forts (more campaigns to come) but at the same time not inundate this place with posts. I am guessing there is a known simple way but my skill level with reddit is blank.

    submitted by /u/mossygriffin
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    [Stream] Last fort flooded via ocean... Time for a new fort! The military outpost of Daggerfence! Trying to focus on military which I'm usually bad at (3-4 hours long)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Bookkeeper problems

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    My bookkeeper is not tracking items and it says "Bookkeeper name cancels update stockpile records: need office" even when he has an office. Why?

    submitted by /u/Emoney_Madness
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