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    Saturday, September 19, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress BF - Damaged reputation

    Dwarf Fortress BF - Damaged reputation

    BF - Damaged reputation

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    !!SCIENCE!! Experiments with memories, stress and happiness: an application of the blank slate hypothesis: update 1

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    The theory of how memories work

    This is the amalgamated knowledge of many, and in particular this thread and this table, I'm working on the basis that all assumptions are correct.

    Every thought, happy or unhappy creates a memory of a certain strength, and each type of memory falls into a group. A dwarf has 8 short term memory slots. When a dwarf has a thought which doesn't fall into one of the groups that already take up a memory slot, the new thought will overwrite the weakest memory in the 8 short term memory slots - even if the overwritten memory is stronger than the new one. If the thought already has one of its group in a memory slot the new thought will be ignored if the existing memory is stronger, or will overwrite the slot if the existing memory is weaker. For example, a dwarf gets caught in the rain and is dejected (strength 1/4). If they have not seen rain before, this will be written to their memory, overwriting the weakest existing memory of a different group. If they have seen the rain before, it will overwrite the previously weaker emotion of being annoyed by the rain (strength 1/8), or ignore the new experience if the old emotion was the stronger being dismayed by the rain (strength 1/2).

    Once a memory has remained in a short term memory slot for one year it will attempt to be promoted to a long term memory slot. There are 8 long term memory slots, and as with short term memories, if an existing memory of the same type exists, the promotion will fail if the existing long term memory is stronger, or will overwrite if the existing long term memory is weaker.

    A long term memory has a 1:3 chance of being written to core memory and causing a personality change if the dwarf revisits the emotion. There is no limit on the number of core memory slots. It is believed that long term memories that are written to the core memory are removed from long term memory, thereby leaving an empty slot.

    It is uncertain how long it is likely to take for a long term memory to be revisited, or what may provoke the revisiting. I work on the assumption that it will take a further year before we are likely to see symptoms.

    It is uncertain if short term memories that fail to promote are discarded or remain in short term memory, potentially indefinitely.

    The blank slate hypothesis

    When new migrants arrive they have 8 empty short term and 8 empty long term slots. This makes their first 8 experiences extremely important. Any new experience will fill an empty slot, even if an experience of that type already exists.

    A new migrant could hypothetically gain 8 short term memories of being horrified by seeing 8 different corpses on their way inside. Because being horrified is of the strongest strength of emotion (1/1), and every new experience will overwrite the weakest emotion in the short term memory slot, each new experience will overwrite the previous new experience, leaving 7 short term slots filled with horror at corpses. The horror of seeing the corpses will never be the weakest emotion, and so will never be overwritten.

    To prevent short term memory from being filled with strong negative emotions of the same grouping, it is important that new migrants have 8 new and different emotions to fill the slots, mitigating the risk of strong negative memories to one slot per memory type.


    The experiment that I'm conducting will be carried out over several fortresses, the first fortress is currently in its 4th year. I'm attempting to ensure that all new migrants are shielded from negative thoughts and have 8 happy experiences as quickly as possible. New migrants enter the fortress via tunnel entrances close to the edge of the map, mitigating corpse, rain and scary wild animal experiences. They are not exposed to rain, fighting or corpses in their first year. They should experience sleeping in a palatial bedroom, eating in a legendary dining room, seeing a fine piece of furniture, learning a new skill, preying to a deity, satisfaction at work, training in the military, acquiring an object, they also have the opportunity to experience various positive emotions in a tavern, a guildhall, and a library. After year 1 they have fine clothing to replace their worn clothing.

    A fortress needs to be built at the start, so the migrant waves that arrive in the first two years are not given the same protection as the later migrants. These are the only dwarfs that are exhibiting signs of long term memory acquisition of negative emotions (personality changes due to rain in year 1 and year 2, seeing corpses in year 1 and year 2). Many dwarfs are remembering positive emotions and stress in the fortress is low. So far, only one dwarf has reached unhappy stress levels, this dwarf had a depression propensity of 1/100, the highest possible level. She was sent on 'an adventure' from which she hasn't returned, so as not to upset the rest of the experiment. The fortress has now been running long enough that we should start seeing long term memories from the molly-coddled newer migrants being written to core memory.

    Unfortunately an accident with a 'malfunctioning' garbage crusher caused a rain of corpse parts to fall on a handful of farmers in year 3, so we may see memories Atu Ghoulgullies' dismembered rotten nose resurface in the newer dwarfs in the next year or so.

    submitted by /u/SalfordSal
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    I bet your fort is called Skullshatters or Magmadeath

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    Streaming further experiments with dwarf memories and happiness: lots of digging for a pump stack. (VOD will be in the comments after the stream is ended)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Update from adventurers vs super soldier. I did it! All hail the goblin assassin, fifth assassin of its kind, wielding a cloak and two silver short swords

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    A Suggested Randomized Adventure Spawner

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    As someone who gets obsessed with creating adventurers according to a strictly regulated, randomized method, I thought I would share my system with you. It is not very fancy, but it makes the game fun for me.

    I'm happy to hear what others use too.


    I think that there is so much fun being an intelligent wilderness creature that I like to increase the odds of that happening with this roll table:

    1d6 Result
    1 Dwarf
    2 Elf
    3 Goblin
    4 Human
    5-6 Smart Critter-Person

    If I get a 5 or 6, I then use an online random number generator to roll a d117 twice. As best as I can count that's one number for ever intelligent wilderness creature. I pick my favorite of the two rolls.


    This roll table is designed to decide status with a slant towards the more common "peasant" and less towards "destroyer-of-all."

    1d6 Result
    1-3 Peasant
    4-5 Hero
    6 Demigod

    Stats and Skills

    I don't set any strict rules for doing this. That would take the fun out of it.


    I only accept randomized names, but I hit random as many times as I want.


    I use a random number generator to determine my starting location.


    I use the first description no matter what. I like trying to force the already determined information into the provided character.

    And that's it. Thank you for reading this.

    submitted by /u/eyesmaybe
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    A wee bit of Dwarf Fortress for all you beardophiles kicking off in about 5 minutes

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

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