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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Really enjoying this new minimalist tileset

    Dwarf Fortress Really enjoying this new minimalist tileset

    Really enjoying this new minimalist tileset

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    [TOU] Stormclaw Vs City Guard NPC - Round IV

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    My fortress after one (ingame) year.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    A cave gremlin finding some gold and a firefly

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Silence at Last (DFGT V)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Grekk entered the arena, but it was clear to even the most casual fan of the arena that something was different this time. None could quite put a finger on the change, but it was palpable.

    It was clear, however, to Grekk. The voices were getting impatient. This was his third fight and still he had killed no Minotaurs. The only Minotaur he had seen die had been brought back by some foul sorcery, his scent even now lingering in the arena pit. The fact that the hyenaman had no control over who he fought was immaterial to them, and their vitriol poured like a spigot.

    Some taunted him for his weakness, mocking his inability to kill the bullmen outside of the pit. Others whispered of the hopelessness of his cause, sibilant giggles bidding him to simply lay down and die. Yet more, perhaps born of the ruins of whatever sanity he may have ever had, questioned the validity of his goal in the first place.

    All those and more fought to be heard, but Grekk paid them as little heed as possible. He was used to their presence. They had been a constant companion for almost a year, and were as much a part of him now as his own limbs. There was, however, a voice he could not shake so easily. A new voice.

    This voice was quieter than the rest, but all the more sinister for it. It whispered its venom into his ear, and as it did Grekk's composure began to break. It accused him of not having the resolve to complete his mission. That he was a coward without the drive needed to exterminate the filth that had killed Birdee. That he would never accomplish his mission.

    As it spoke Grekk's rage began to grow. The voice lied, he knew it did, he would kill them. He would avenge his idol. There would be a reckoning. There would be a reckoning.

    "There will be a reckoning!" he screamed aloud, having succumbed to his mania. Froth ran from his muzzle as he charged across the sands towards his opponent, blind to all else but her destruction.

    The two combatants met, striking at each other simultaneously. As their weapons collided Grekk's heavier hammer batted his opponent's lightweight dagger strike away, but the accidental parry nevertheless robbed most of the force from his blow.

    As the hyenaman attempts to make a second strike he falls to the floor, his leg cut off at the knee, and again his blow is robbed of force as the strike is reduced to an unbalanced flail.

    His opponent darts and weaves around him, far too agile to land a blow against in his prone state. As each dagger strike lands, Grekk's madness begins to fade and his doubt begins to grow.

    A second hit lands on his severed leg, hacking off the half that had remained and opened the artery. The pain, unlike anything he had encountered so far, cleared the storm raging in his head. His body frantically attempted to defend itself, survival instincts running automatically, but his mind was no longer present. Even when he landed a strike, crushing her off-hand, he remained resigned to his fate.

    He would die here, this Grekk was certain. He would die by this torturer's knife, and his quest would end with him. Strangely Grekk wasn't upset by this. Instead he felt a sense of peace. As his blood (and limbs) left his body, so too did his worries. The weight of madness, having pressed down on him so hard since last year's tournament, was finally lifting. The voices, one by one, began to fall silent.

    In his final moments, Grekk's mind was his own. At peace. As the light began to fill his eyes, the afterlife coming to greet him, he took solace in the fact that he could finally see the one he had spent so long fighting for.

    Far away, in the goblin pit of Hateimage, the Capybara Fiend grimaced. He could feel the determination of the soul that had just lost its life in the arena, and would clearly need to pull some strings to ensure that it stayed far, far away from his own afterlife.

    submitted by /u/ReverendBelial
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    release the kraken

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 3 Results

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 4 Betting

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Document hub

    u/Rowsdower11 got the best payout in round 2 with his bet on SITSY, getting the full sum of 545 gold.

    u/Jebidijed on the other hand made a mad gamble, and got the record breaking 232x return on invested money, for a total of 232 gold. He was the only one who believed a dwarf could win in this tournament. Congratulations on being back in the gambling game.

    u/Rowsdower11 is now richest, with

    u/Mkhos in second place, and

    u/DragonslayerElf in third

    The most popular gladiators were SITSY(775), Disa (460) and Grekk (393). Only SITSY survived.

    All bets and funds can be found in the master document

    The Rules are as follows:

    Anyone can bet.

    Everybody starts with 100 gold.

    You can only bet on one gladiator at a time.

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
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    My first attempt at reclaiming a fort did not go well.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Magma and ghosts everywhere, and when we made it into the fortress, two ettins killed everyone.

    Quickest failure in a while. Oh well...

    submitted by /u/NZSloth
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 4 upgrade post

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Please update as soon as possible.

    Anything posted after 6. August will have to be ignored. I'll start running the fights once any pair is both updated, so please help me to help you.

    Upgrading is done in the same manner as creating, check the original post if things are unclear. Please post in this thread. Any posting anywhere else will be ignored, and your Gladiator will continue without you.

    Please be specific when selling and buying equipment. There are still some gladiators left, and much to read and check.

    You are the successful winners, and you have this many points to spend:

    u/CalamarRojo 222

    u/NordicNooob 474

    u/KapitanInggo 131

    u/Kjak0110 150

    u/Mkhos 221

    u/kesperan 129

    u/Rowsdower11 194

    u/kippyster 344

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
    [link] [comments]

    Just what you want from trunked, armless, murder-crazed undead mutant trolls

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 04:02 PM PDT

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