• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I was just checking for new updates on the steam site and saw this. The level of detail <3

    Dwarf Fortress I was just checking for new updates on the steam site and saw this. The level of detail <3

    I was just checking for new updates on the steam site and saw this. The level of detail <3

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    ...I am also a vampire!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    DevLog 17 July 2020: "I'd been hoping to get the first UI screen images together, with a glance by the artists (the screens are currently frightful, described as Elven in my programmer's color scheme), but the real world became variously intense again, so that hasn't happened yet."

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:56 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 1

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    Document hub

    Our dearest spectators! Welcome once again to the Great Arena, where the Fifth annual tournament will take place! This is the birthplace of heroes and villains, the crucible which only the worthiest fighters can survive, and the others valiantly offer themselves as the tribute to the Highest of all Gods, Armok! And now, at the precipice of this grand event, I can ask you all but one thing: Are you ready to see blood spill?! Are you ready to see legends begin and end?! Of course, you are ready! So, let us begin!

    Fight 1A: Nora Gomez vs. Jack E. Chan

    Our two first contestants are certainly peculiar characters, which is the least to be said about them. In the upper corner, we have Nora Gomez (managed by u/snisel), a philosophy student who just couldn't find any fame. With a longsword and a bit of armour, she decided to make a name for herself in the Arena - possibly entirely new name. Of course, that isn't going to be easy...Her opponent is Jack E. Chan (managed by u/Timemaster_2000), a gremlin with a lot of ego, as it seems. Having decided that winning the tournament is no more difficult than winning a bar fight, he has strolled in with nothing but his teeth and fists. Let's see how he holds up in real battle!

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    The horn sounds for the first time this year, and the rivals rush towards each other. The fight starts with a flurry of blows directed at Nora, which leaves her with a messed-up face very early in the fight. Still, quite a few of them get deflected by the woman's newly-bought armour, and while the gremlin seems extremely confident in continuing his offensive, it is soon cut short - along with his leg, that is. With the gremlin on the ground, bleeding profusely, it is not too hard for the student to get another strike in; her sword plunges into the gremlin's stomach, and soon enough bloodloss proves way too severe for Jack to continue moving. With her opponent dead, Nora sets her sun hat right, before moving away through the doors of the arena.

    Congratulations, Nora! Today, you've started to claim your name.

    Fight 1B: SHLAGAFLAGADEEBUS, The Bronze Buffoon vs. Anyola the Obscured

    First blood is spilt - but we must immediately move to our next fighters! SHLAGAFLAGADEEBUS (managed by u/JA_Pascal) is a kobold of many unknowns; their (we're not sure about the gender) elven trainer claims that they were once a human demigod, turned by the gods into a kobold with no memories of themselves and wishing to reclaim their glory. In any case, they seem pretty competent with his bow; but will it help them?

    Opposing him is Anyola the Obscured (managed by u/NordicNooob) is a masked lovebird woman with a long and tragic history of kinslaying, subterfuge and hateful family; the history which she has come to put an end to, one way or another. Fighting for the riches to ensure her safety from her clan, she wields her dagger with precision and skill. Will there be a continuation to her story?

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    As soon as the horn sounds, the kobold lets loose an arrow - one that goes off the course; the bird woman closes in too quickly for Shlagaflagadeebus to shoot another before she starts stabbing mercilessly. They barely manage to set another arrow flying before Anyola plunges a dagger in their foot, making them fall, and starts methodically cutting down the kobold. Pretty much defenseless against her assault, the kobold loses more and more blood and body parts, and eventually is left completely exsanguinated. Anyola sweeps her dagger clean of the kobold blood, before silently and quickly leaving.

    Congratulations, Anyola! It seems no secret now how you've escaped your assassins.

    Fight 1C: Kol Tatloshók vs. Boris the Bottomless, Student of the Old Terrors

    Our next gladiator is Kol Tatloshók (managed by u/sh4mmat)! Hailing from the dwarven fortress of Rintorngalák, known as the birthplace of Shorast from the previous tournament, she has been sent as an… invader of the arena? Anyway, she fights for the glory of her fortress and seems like a good shot with her crossbow. Will she go farther than her predecessor?..

    Standing against her is Boris the Bottomless (managed by u/imperator1123), a gnome of deep thoughts. He has been dissatisfied with the gnome way of life, and sought a new one - finding it amongst the Carp. With a dagger in his hand, he is determined to show it to his brethren. We will see whether he succeeds.

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    Right at the start, Kol's bolt flies towards the gnome and misses; Boris quickly ducks under another one, before making a quick and precise stab to the dwarf's leg, then to her stomach and both of her arms. Her crossbow and bolts lie on the floor with her, and her fate seems to be sealed - but as the gnome's dagger is stuck in her hand, she manages to turn over and put the gnome into a headlock with her leg, before throwing the small creature into the wall. Gnome's own leg does not survive the encounter, and Kol starts biting him and shaking. She grapples skillfully, not letting the gnome get away to a safe distance and continuing the assault. Of course, Boris does not relent either, stabbing and slicing the dwarf to the best of his ability; still, soon enough, one of his arms is ripped off and another is crushed, and his dagger falls next to the dwarf's weaponry. Still, the gnome starts to use his own teeth and claws, and what follows is a brutal biting match. Biting marks and scratches form all over the fighters' bodies, and by the end of it both of them are mangled almost beyond recognition. Still, despite the ferocious fighting by the gnome, his much lesser blood volume decides the day, and he falls, completely lifeless. Kol is looking much worse for wear, with wounds on every single part of her body and can't do anything but wait for the arena medics to arrive - but she is still breathing.

    Congratulations, Kol! You've literally taken victory from the jaws of death, and will be able to continue your expedition.

    Fight 1D: Odsnên the ongle susmat vs. Tulantuk "Caveman" Reshtar

    Well, that was something, wasn't it? Anyway, onto the next one! In the upper corner, we have Odsnên (managed by u/Rithodano), a strangler who was caught and tortured by the goblins to the point of complete apathy. He entered the tournament to free himself or die trying. Which will it be?

    In the lower corner is Tulantuk Reshtar (managed by u/Meatyblues), known as the Caveman. Ever curious, he wandered off with a caravan, which was intercepted by bandits. He escaped, but got lost in the caverns. He fights to get a ship back home - but the Arena may not look favourably upon him...

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    The duel begins with a quick exchange of strikes between two gladiators - which is quickly decided by Tulantuk's spear striking right in Odsnen's body, making him gasp for breath, Another stab sends the strangler to the ground without a foot; a few more stabs are left unanswered, as any attempted counterattacks are effortlessly deflected. Strangler is clearly outmatched, and the Caveman's flurry of blows ends in Odsnen's head impaled on the spear. Tulantuk quickly leaves, not giving any attention to the cheering audience.

    Congratulations, Tulantuk! You are one step closer to your home.

    Fight 1E: Shàmmansub Arelumid vs. Romek Sagar, the Ferocious Occupation

    Welcome Shàmmansub Arelumid (managed by u/TheBigArchitect)! A wild and powerful warrior, he proved himself in fights against different opponents again and again. Eventually he decided to find anyone who could rival his talents, and this search led him to the arena. Of course, one must always be careful what they wish for…

    Romek Sagar, the Ferocious Occupation (managed by u/Babycloud519) comes forward as his opponent! One of the bet amongst his kind, he nevertheless was unable to defeat the leader of his pack. He fought in many wars, and now he decides to fight in the arena to prove he is ready to return home. Assuming, of course, that he wins…

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    The first few strikes of the battle are landed by Romek, both hitting the minotaur pretty hard. Still, one more strike of a hammer is knocked away by the axe of the minotaur, and the momentum drives it towards the leg of the wold, leaving a scratch. Then, Shammansub charges the warlord, tumbling him over; the following hack of an axe to the leg ensures that the wolf cannot stand up. From there, Romek is slowly disassembled by the minotaur: with an arm, a hand and both legs lost, it doesn't take long before the warlord bleeds out completely. Shammansub strikes his chest a few times before the audience.

    Congratulations, Shàmmansub! This one was not quite the match for your strength.

    Fight 1F: Hacker Man vs. Leg'O Lämme the Delicious

    Another fighter enters the arena, and his name is Hacker Man (managed by u/eFFiX)! Exiled from his parents' cellar, he now hopes to achieve victory in the tournament through his monstrous weight - which, of course, has no intrinsic merit…

    His opponent is a minotaur, going by the name of Leg'O Lämme the Delicious (managed by u/Immortal-D)! He is a fighter who escaped from a fighting pit, only to voluntarily bring himself here for his glory. His outfit is outrageous to some of our dwarven patrons; will he prove himself strong enough to change their mind?..

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    Neither combatant uses any weapons beyond their natural ones, and so it seems the fight will come down to a contest of pure strength. The combatants rush at each other and exchange a few dodged blows before Leg'O finally grabs the Hacker and throws him into the wall - though not before receiving a punch to the leg. Afterwards, the minotaur starts mercilessly pounding on the snakeman, periodically throwing him, only to continue the beatdown. Eventually, the pythonman freezes in fear, as the fight seems hopeless - before he finally latches out at his opponent in desperation. The fangs pierce into the minotaur's leg, tumbling him over. This seems to boost his confidence, and even as the minotaur grabs him by the teeth, he simply bites the hand. The brutal fighting continues, snake's tooth against a bull's might. The opponents are covered in blood and sweat, as they exhaust themselves further - and the Delicious is the first to give. From there, the pythonman's fangs impale the minotaur's body, and he starts violently shaking him around. This goes on for quite a while, before Leg'O finally stops breathing. Hacker Man gives the audience a tired salute, before slithering away, fatigued.

    Congratulations, Hacker! One barrier down, five to go.

    Fight 1G: Kelvinn Bloodaxe Beul the Executioner vs. Skyler Rich

    No rest for our wicked spectators! The first combatant in our next bout is Kelvinn Bloodaxe (managed by u/krackbaby11), the winner of the heavyweight Battle Royale! He is a grim one, not in small part due to the goblins ravaging his home. He comes here to prove his worth - and Arena is, of course, the best judge of that…

    The first combatant in our next bout is Beul the Executioner (managed by u/Kjak0110)! Formerly one of those lost in the Battle Royale, he was given a second chance when Kelvinn Bloodaxe suddenly disappeared (if you find him, there is a bounty). The minotaur was captured by the goblins and made their slave, before fighting his way to the executioner's position. In the Arena, he seeks to prove that his position does not mean weakness. We only have to wonder if it is true.

    His opponent is Skyler Rich (managed by u/aspy523), who introduced himself with a dozen and a half titles which I'm not going to recite, for everyone's sanity. As a son of a famous industrialist, he claims to be outraged by the lack of elven fan favourites recently (which really depends on one's definition of recent, to be honest), and has entered to show everyone the supposed superiority of elves. He's proud, that's for sure, but will he really prove it?

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    The horn sounds once more, and the elf rushes forward, his shield in front of him, to meet the dwarf. For some time, the two engage in a whirlwind of strikes, blocking them with their shields as masterfully as they strike - before Kelvinn pushes the elf with his shield, making him fall, and severely slashes the latter's sword hand as soon as he hits the ground! Skyler drops his scimitar on the floor and takes another slash to the stomach from the mercenary, but then continues defending himself - before receiving a stab straight to the heart. The elf merely smirks arrogantly, even though such a wound is clearly fatal. A few more moments of Skyler trying to defend himself, but he just cannot. Two strikes to the legs, and the elf is brought on his knees. Another one leaves him gasping for breath, and he collapses, drained. Kelvinn merely scoffs, before leaving.

    The very first seconds define this match: a strike of the giant sword from the minotaur is deflected by Skyler's shield, then a scimitar plunges into the Beul's leg, sending him to the ground - and immediately after the sword falls on the sword arm of the elf, cutting it off completely! The elf is now left with nothing but his shield, but it does not diminish his fighting spirit, as he smashes it against the minotaur several times, before the sword is driven deep into his leg. The elf merly scoffs as he falls and bites into the minotaur's leg, before Beul, with surgical precision, removes the elf's head from his body. Beul lets out a triumphant roar and twirls the sword over his head a few times.

    Congratulations, Beul! Your first feat of strength has been shown.

    Fight 1H: Mörul Kogandodók vs. Urist of the Boreal Valley

    Enter Mörul Kogandodók, The Many-Colored, Cthu-lite, Master of Cuddles and Cuttles (managed by u/SmoothCricket), riding in a richly decorated vat of water made specifically for him! As a hero of the Empire of Octopusman, he entered the arena to get a fortune which will win a war for his nation. If he falls, his Empire will as well. But Armok doesn't care about the causes…Today, he faces Urist of the Boreal Valley (managed by u/Jebidijed)! A macelord turned into an ice monster, his purpose turned from defending his Fortress to defending the Dwarves, and, all logic twisted by his mind, he decided that fighting in the Tournament will help him uphold justice. He may be huge, but the Arena has not been kind to its largest fighters…

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    It seems that the surface doesn't accommodate the cuttlefish man very well, as, immediately after he crawls out of it, he starts suffocating. In such a state, he offers almost no resistance to Urist, who brutally bashes in Morul's arms, leg and stomach, before finishing with a mighty strike to the head which sends it flying to the wall, the hopes of the Octopusmen with it. Urist roars triumphantly and moves away to prepare for the next fight.

    Congratulations, Urist! Your cause, whatever it is, is advanced.

    Fight 1I: Mephisopheles II, the other Foul Blendec vs. Zip Zop (Art by u/smileymaster)

    Look in the upper corner, where Meph the Second (managed by u/Meph248) stands, preparing himself for combat. A foul blendec extremely similar to the gladiator with the same name participating in the previous tournament, he comes for the same reason: to search for someone called Dr. Faustus. We'll see whether his luck is better than his namesake's…

    Turn your gazes to the lower corner, onto Zip Zop (managed by u/Smileymaster). This goblin has come… well, the official version is "from a far-off land to claim great riches and glory". The reality is that she just wants to pay off her debts in the corner tavern. Remarkably, she has tied an anchovy to her head, hoping to distract her opponents with it. Time will tell whether it will work...

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    The foul blendec wastes no time, hitting the goblin straight in the head with the flat of his blade mere seconds from the horn's blow. And yet, it doesn't seem to dazzle Zip Zop too much, and she lashes out with her blood thorn weapons at the blendec. The two are locked in a deadly dance, their skills matching each other well, before Meph manages to stab the goblin's arm, making her drop her whip. Now only left with her dagger, she manages to fend him off anyway, if barely, before the scimitar enters her upper body. The goblin turns truly furious, and when the foul blendec charges her, tumbling to the ground with her, she manages to get a stab through his mail shirt, making him wince in pain. She continues the assault, and the blendec panics because of this turn of events. He runs away, as she continues to strike him with her wooden dagger again, and again, and again, as blood starts to seep through his armor. With more and more strikes landing on Mephs's body, he eventually starts vomiting due to a strong blow to his guts; with goblin's offense not relenting, he slowly and painfully bleeds out from a thousand scratches, and in a few minutes, he draws his last breath, unconscious. Zip Zop cheers, sweat and blood covering her whole body.

    Congratulations, Zip Zop! This is your first step to the glory and riches.

    Fight 1J: Udib Ironruler vs. Van the Dungeon Master

    Here comes Udib Ironruler (managed by u/askuaninja)! The baron of a great fortress of BlaseFurnace, he always had a remarkable affinity for iron, and the entire fortress was clad in it due to his mandates, straining the metal industry quite a bit. Because of this, the dwarves of his fortress sent him to the Arena in the finest iron armor and with the finest weaponry they had to offer. Will he show that the nobility is not as useless as many dwarves believe?Opposing him is Van the Dungeon Master (managed by u/BauxiteMechanism)! He is a troll who has made a career out of pleasing people with very weird interests - namely, being beaten up. As it brought him little fame after a hundred years of work, he has decided to try himself in the Arena, already claiming himself its boss. Will he be able to practice his art with less willing subjects?

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    The match starts off with a short dance, troll managing to hit the noble a few times, though with much of the force deflected by the armor. Then, Van manages to grab his opponent by the hand and scratch the armored leg, producing the sound of torn flesh and tumbling Udib to the ground. The dwarf defends himself successfully for a few seconds, his will slowly breaking before the Dungeon Master's fists. Eventually, the troll manages to pin the noble down and squeezes his neck with his hand. The dwarf soon goes completely pale. Van then moves away, his eyes completely cold.

    Congratulations, Van! Your strength is plain for all to see.

    Fight 1K: Heribert, the Iron Elf vs. Ipetynalzo Toothbreaker, the Pretty Stomping-Boy

    And into the fray heads Heribert, the Iron Elf (managed by u/Glimmerglase)! He is considered a coward among his kin, but he has decided that he has turned this lack of spirit into an advantage. He believes himself to be the first elf to voluntarily clad himself in iron (a notice which has been challenged at the Arena already), and hopes to get an edge this way; but equipment is not everything…

    Opposite him, you see Ipetn- Ipetynza- Ipetynalzo Toothbreaker (managed by u/Buddhas_Palm)! He is an extremely effeminate elf who has tired of people hating him for his crossdressing ways. In his lust for revenge, he has found that he enjoys kicking his opponents' teeth out; now he hopes to prove that beauty equals strength. This, of course, will be called into question today...

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    Ipetynalzo opens the match with a hurricane of kicks and punches, most deflected by Heribert's buckler. Still, it is enough to make the latter quiver in fear, giving the Toothbreaker a chance to rip one of his fingers off! The fight continues to be extremely one-sided, as Heribert's weak will does not allow him to land a single strike on his opponent, and the pretty boy beats him up mercilessly, if somewhat futilely. Eventually, Heribert loses his buckler, then falls unconscious. Ipetynalzo continues beating up his unconscious body in blind rage for several minutes straight, before finally deciding to end his opponent by strangulation. When limp body of Heribert falls on the floor, Ipetynalzo twirls and bows before the audience.

    Congratulations, Ipetynalzo! You have proven that beauty, at the very least, does not equal weakness.

    Fight 1L: City Guard NPC vs. Flipper Gut-Ripper, the Chipper Drink-Tipper

    Welcome our next fighter: the man known only as "City Guard NPC" (managed by u/CalamarRojo)! He's a pretty boring fellow, to be honest, with guarding the city composing most of his personality. That and wanting to go on an adventure, but being afraid of getting shot in the knee. He deemed the Arena the best place for that. Of course, here getting shot is one of the least concerns…

    Opposing him is Flipper Gut-Ripper, the Chipper Drink-Tipper (managed by u/Sinoroth)! This frightening little penguin man has learnt of Global Warming due to all of his favourite taverns melting, and now he has begun a crusade to exterminate all life to stop it. I'm not blaming any of you for getting a Deja Vu… or having your post-traumatic trigger activate, for that matter. Anyway, let's see whether he can push on with that rage…

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    From the get-go the difference in skill is extremely apparent, as the Guard's pike is deflected by the axe, and three precise strikes follow - neither cutting through his armor, but still making the NPC fall down in pain, his leg damaged severely. The penguin man continues his assault, as the pikeman futilely tries to do something against the fury of his opponent… except for the fact that his armor holds pretty steadily against Flipper's assault. With increasing frustration, the penguin man continues beating the Guard with his axe and his feet, at one time jabbing the axe into his eye, making a bloody mess out of it. Still, the man doesn't even think of giving up, and Flipper's frustration slowly grows into panic as he cannot get through his enemy's armour. Then, the Guard makes a stab that is surely too close for comfort, and Flipper starts running around in panic - for a moment, before getting back to trying to break open the iron can. Soon enough, he collapses from exhaustion, still not relenting - but giving the NPC a chance, one which the latter does not waste. A thrust of the pike, and a wound opens on penguin's arm. Another - and his upper body is pierced, with the penguin man showing signs of lung damage. The tide of battle is turned, and injuries from many strikes of the pike form on the environmentalist. Soon enough he passes out, and it takes a few more strikes before one particularly lucky strike nearly cuts the penguins body in two, ridding the world of another 'green' genocider. The City Guard is almost breathless and waits for the medical team to pick him up.

    Congratulations, City Guard NPC! You've protected your city - long with so many others - successfully.

    Fight 1M: Wullbinkle the Mooseman vs. McDwarf

    In the upper corner, we have Wullbinkle the Mooseman (managed by u/SilverJohnny)! Despite his intimidating stature, he has always been a good and gentle creature. With nothing but a helmet got from a blacksmith who he saved, he decided to come here to hunt anyone who would threaten his kind. Will he succeed?In the lower corner, we have McDwarf (managed by u/zai13)! There is very little to say about this individual: he has come to the arena to become the champion or die trying. Well, one of these fates will surely come to pass...

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    From the first seconds, the mooseman starts using his enormous size advantage to knock over the dwarf three times, and while he gets hit in his leg by McDwarf's mace several times, he stomps the dwarf's main hand, mangling it completely. As the mace is sent rolling on the floor, McDwarf draws sharp breaths, panicking. Slowly, but steadily, he is broken by the mooseman, and the fight eventually ends with McDwarf's life being choked out of him. Wullbinkle moves away, without as much as a sound.

    Congratulations, Wullbinkle! Your power is truly that of a giant.

    Fight 1N: Kosak Stormclaw, Polar Bear Man Adventurer vs. Adil "The Hammer" Furnacedrinks, First Shield of Safedays

    The first contestant for our next match is Kosak Stormclaw (managed by u/kesperan)! A polar bear man with a spear made of meteoric iron, he is known for almost single-pawedly turning the tide against the yeti invasion in Stonegleam, only asking for a cask of bear for his troubles. The reason why this grim warrior has entered the tournament is unclear, but he does seem to be a fighter of great skill; of course, the Arena holds many masterful gladiators…

    His opponent for today is Adil Furnacedrinks (managed by u/Panzerbeards)! The First Shield of the fortress of Ekastolod, which has decided to isolate itself in the wilderness in hopes that if everything else falls, it will stand, he holds a fundamental disagreement on philosophy of hiding; after all, no door can remain barred forever. He has come to the tournament to inspire his comrades to take up arms and fight for what is good in the world; one must remember, however, that the Arena makes most heroes into martyrs...

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    There is truly brutal efficiency in this fight demonstrated by Kosak: after a strike of the hammer is deflected by his spear, he delivers three precise strikes: the first to the leg, tumbling Adil to the floor; the second to the hand, severing it and making the dwarf lose his warhammer, and the third to the upper body, the stab going all the way through to the spine and practically paralyzing the guard captain. From there on, it's just a matter of time before Adil is ended. His last moments are spent in agony, as the bearman mutilates his body with both his spear and his claws. After the dwarf stops breathing completely, a roar sounds over the arena, feeling strangely matter-of-fact.

    Congratulations, Kosak! You've demonstrated your skills easily for all to see.

    Fight 1O: The Almighty (and kinda stinky) BAM BAM vs. Liet El-Kharim

    And now enters BAM BAM (managed by u/witcher222), the Almighty, and, frankly, stinky. This sasquatch was brought to us by the goblin slavers (note that the administration of the Arena in now way condones slavery), this creature hail from the savagest of woods and will fight for freedom. To get it, however, he needs to get through six opponents…

    The first of whom is Liet El-Kharim (managed by u/Duck_hallucinations)! He is a guardian of the woodlands, befell by sorrow due to all the trees that were killed. As he is aging, he believes that this tournament will be his final message to the lesser creatures that the forest will not be deterred. This message might not be the most effective if he dies too soon, however...

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    The two fighters are among the largest the Arena has ever seen - or will see; the arena almost shakes as they rush towards each other. The guardian of the forest gets the first strike right in the sasquatch's stomach, who then retaliates with two bashes of his mace in his arm. Then the mooseman knocks Bam over and hits him twice on both of his legs, ensuring Bam Bam won't get up. Disappointingly to many, the sasquatch passes out soon enough, and Liet hacks him in the head several times, before finally it gets stuck in the head of the slave. Leaving his axe in the skull, the moose man bellows deeply to the public.

    Congratulations, Liet! Your message may yet come through.

    Fight 1P: Shendau Goldpeak, the Ascetic, the Hermit, the Master of the Art of the Sword vs. Gardner Minshew III (aka The GOAT)

    And onto the floor of the arena steps one of the instant fan favourites for this tournament, Shendau Goldpeak (managed by u/MavellDuceau)! Having trained in the blade mastery on a secluded mountain, this goat man claims to have practiced one strike a thousand times. Let us see whether this claim is proven right.

    In the opposite corner, you can see Gardner Minshew III (managed by u/TopTrumps02)! As a student of martial arts, he was bullied, before defeating the leaders of every school in his lands. This has bolstered his ego to heights unseen, and he has declared himself the Greatest of All Time (or GOAT for short), having come to the tournament to prove it. Of course, the Arena might have other plans...

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    The fighters seem to go neck to neck at first, a mace clashing with a longsword. Several times, Gardner even manages to break through the Hermit's defenses, mace first landing on his body, then on the hoof. Neither of those strikes seem to defer Shendau, however, and eventually he finds an opening to stab through the GOAT's arm. This is immediately answered by a bash of the mace to Goldpeak's leg, before the latter pushes Minshew to the ground, stabbing his leg. GOAT does not get up, pain causing him to pass out almost immediately, and Shendau quickly drives a sword through his opponent's eye, finishing the fight. He then bows before his dead opponent, cleans his blade and walks away, stoic.

    Congratulations, Shendau! Your training did pay off, as it seems.

    Fight 1Q: Rattleback Jr. vs. Jean-Benoit, the last Heir of the Cuddlefish

    And yet another pair of gladiators comes to claim the glory! Rattleback Jr. (managed by u/Daniel_The_Finn) is a kingsnake man, who has watched the Splatterface Tournament not long ago, rooting for Rattleback the snake man. When the latter fell in the first round, this warrior has decided to take on his name and redeem the honour of the snakes everywhere.

    Let's watch him try to do that!Today, his rival will be… another vat with a cuttlefish man, going by the name of Jean-Benoit (managed by u/Ytaro). His arms were bitten off by a shark, but he has trained his legs' muscles to a state nearing perfection. Now, he wishes to show off his magnificent legs before the entire world. Seeing what happened to Morul, I wouldn't hold my breath.

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    The fight goes as well as expected, with Jean-Benoit starting to suffocate almost immediately after stepping out of water. Consequently, the fight is a cakewalk for the snake man, who mercilessly stabs the breathless mariner until the latter's blue blood runs out. One would think that the cuttlefish men would be smarter than this. In any case, Rattleback raises his spear high, letting out a triumphant hiss.

    Congratulations, Rattleback! His name lives on, as do you.

    Fight 1R: Grekk the Deranged vs. Ngezbo the Feisty Gremlin

    And now, I present to you Grekk the Deranged (managed by u/ReverendBelial)! Some of you may have already seen him on the tribunes of the Battle Royale. A not-very-sane in the first place fan of Birdee Petalmaligned, one of the most beloved participants of the previous tournament, he has gone completely mad when she met her end. Now he swears to kill every minotaur for what they did to her - an oath that's far easier given than upheld…

    And so enters his opponent, Ngezbo the Feisty Gremlin (managed by u/RexRedstone)! I honestly can't say very much about him without any advertising, so forgive me. Ahem, ahem… This feisty gremlin is outfitted by the finest set of Bembul's High Quality Iron Armor, which will protect him from the mightiest blows! Order yours today and get a free commemorative tunic! Oh well, let's see whether we'll need to sue them for false advertisement.

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    With the very first blow of Grekk's heavy maul, the gremlin's arm shatters, causing him to drop his dagger. The second blow to the leg is deflected by the gremlin's armor - but then the hyena man lunges forward, trying to bite the gremlin's head off. While the helm itself holds, the sheer force of impact seemingly breaks Ngezbo's neck, and he is left completely paralyzed! Of course, in such a state the gremlin is helpless against the slaughter that follows, with the hyena man bashing and biting, overcome by bloodlust. The gremlin holds for an impressive amount of time, all things considered, but quickly bleeds out, fear easily readable in his eyes. Grekk cackles psychotically over the corpse of his enemy.

    Congratulations, Grekk! Your quest to avenge Birdee is not over just yet.

    Fight 1S: Adrinna Catastor vs. Spiro Escargot Mulluscagneau

    Now, in the upper corner of the Arena, we have Adrinna Catastor (managed by u/Extension_Driver)! This woman claims to be a traveller from another, dead world, having entered through a tear in time and space. Considering everything, I might even believe her. In any case, she seems to have heard of great prizes that our tournament offers and thinks that she can win it all. She needs to do her best, because the arena is a cruel mistress…

    In the lower corner stands Spiro Escargot Mulluscagneau (managed by u/Folzfodefelz)! A former slave in a dwarven fortress, who has only escaped due to a forgotten beast utterly destroying it, they with a few of his fellow snail people have reclaimed an abandoned fortress and created a mercenary company, the Saline Order, where they have risen up to the rank of a Paladin. Now, they are on a quest to find a sacred artifact for his people. To do that, they need to get through the Tournament, however…

    Log; Combat Video

    After a quick dance between the two warriors, Adrinna is the first to get a strike in, simply severing Spiro's shield hand. Another strike soon follows, though it is simply a scratch. The dance continues shortly, before the snail man manages to get two strikes with their flail in - neither doing too much damage. This allows the woman to push Spiro to the ground, where she gets two precise stabs to their upper body and flail hand - the latter making them drop their weapon. Now defenseless, Spiro tries hopelessly to defend themselves against the flurry of strikes by Adrinna, but fails. More and more wounds appear on their body, before they finally collapse, most of their silver blood now staining the floor of the arena. Adrinna smirks, cleans her spear and walks off, satisfied with her battle.

    Congratulations, Adrinna! This brave new world welcomes fighters like you.

    Fight 1T: Andaloth "The Peculiar Pecker" Kilt vs. She Intends To Stab You

    Please, welcome Andaloth Kilt (managed by u/rentedred1), who goes by the nickname "The Peculiar Pecker"! He's constantly quite messy and smelly, as it seems; despite it, his flock claims to like him, which is exactly why they sent him into the Arena. I somehow doubt their motives. In any case, let's see whether he can proceed, for…

    His opponent is She Intends To Stab You (managed by u/kippyster)! Her newly-chosen name seems to fully encapsulate her intentions in this tournament; with her frankly creepy smile and dark, piercing eyes, she certainly does seem like the kind of person to stab people to death. Though it's not an easy task in the Arena…

    Log; Combat Video

    This knife fighting match begins with an enrapturing display of skill, as the gladiators dodge and parry the stabs and slashes from each other. They make their first hits almost simultaneously, with Her striking Andaloth's arm strongly enough for an audible crunch and the bushtit man managing to get to the axolotl woman's leg, if barely. A few more strikes, and Andaloth lands a scratch on Her face with a dagger, before overonfidently charging and bouncing off her. She immediately takes advantage by cutting off the bird man's foot, sending him on the floor. From there, it becomes a massacre, with the axolotl quickly (and literally) disarming her opponent and starting to land stabs all over him. He slowly, but steadily, bleeds dry, and Her face doesn't show any change as her opponent draws his last breath.

    Congratulations, She Intends To Stab You! You certainly can fulfil your intentions.

    Alright, our dearest spectators, this was a lot of fights. I think everyone needs a break, don't you? We'll let silence fall upon the arena for now, but do not tune out or go too far away. The carnage has not yet been ended. See you soon!
    Written by u/Black_Griffin23

    Edited by u/Morpheus_Darkwater

    All drawings by u/Devilingo, unless otherwise noted

    Tournament run by u/Morpheus_Darkwater
    Continuation in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
    [link] [comments]

    She Intends to Stab You

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I feel horribly threatened...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Fare the well, poor Foul Blendec gladiator... stabbed to death over 500 rounds by a wooden dagger :/

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    Experimenting with art style for a project I'm working on so here's my current fortress legendary miner

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 2 upgrade post

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Please update as soon as possible.

    Anything posted after 23. July will have to be ignored. I'll start running the fights once any pair is both updated, so please help me to help you.

    Upgrading is done in the same manner as creating, check the original post if things are unclear. Please post in this thread. Any posting anywhere else will be ignored, and your Gladiator will continue without you.

    Please be specific when selling and buying equipment. There are still a lot of gladiators, and much to read and check.

    You are the successful winners, and you have this many points to spend:

    u/CalamarRojo 214

    u/Extension_Driver 216

    u/NordicNooob 334

    u/Rolikir 222

    u/KapitanInggo 221

    u/Kjak0110 220

    u/Mkhos 252

    u/Lemunde 264

    u/flaccidusmanager 264

    u/myfirstreddit01 133

    u/ReverendBelial 215

    u/eFFiX 175

    u/Buddhas_Palm 258

    u/sh4mmat 220

    u/kesperan 127

    u/Duck_hallucinations 105

    u/WizardLarry 146

    u/AcridBrimistic 211

    u/Rowsdower11 132

    u/snisel 236

    u/wolfmaster888 222

    u/Daniel_The_Finn 265

    u/TheBigArchitect 164

    u/kippyster 260

    u/MavellDuceau 260

    u/pkjamoo 276

    u/Meatyblues 214

    u/69CommunismWillWin69 224

    u/Jebidijed 103

    u/BeuxiteMechanism 120

    u/SilverJohnny 104

    u/Smileymaster 230

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
    [link] [comments]

    Love it when this happens

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    DF Talk 24 17 July 2020: "In this episode, Rainseeker returns to join Capntastic and Toady One to tease UI development and play with the myth generator prototype."

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    So not only is one of my first immigrants a necromancer, but also the previous queen of the civilisation i'm apart of

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V - Round 1 fighters (44 out of 64) fan art

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament V Round 2 Betting

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Document hub

    u/Meatyblues got the best payout in round 1 with his bet on Talantuk. Congrats!

    All bets and fund can be found in the master document

    The Rules are as follows:

    Anyone can bet.

    Everybody starts with 100 gold.

    A better can only bet on one contestant every round.

    Payout is calculated by the popularity of the fighting gladiator, and his opponent. More, and bigger bets on any one gladiator will give less payout overall. There is a formula that does the work, I have no opinion on who are the more popular gladiators.

    Remember that your fighter actually has to win, so if you bet on the biggest underdog out there, you either get very rich, or very poor.

    Bets are posted here. Try to only post bets, and make them easy to read. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Morpheus_Darkwater
    [link] [comments]

    Spiro Escargot Mulluscagneau. Death for the death god, salt for the salt throne

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Spiro pre-tournament story (DFGTV)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    Spiro sits on the edge of their cot in a small pilgrim's cell, offered by the nuns who keep the shrine to the local salt deity. They stare blankly at the helm and flail sitting on the small palm wood table in the room's corner, musing on the challenges that the coming day will hold.

    "Tomorrow I may be killed", they think numbly. The idea seems unreal. "...and what then? Is it true that we come from salt and return to salt, in an endless cycle? Will anyone miss me, or remember my deeds? Is it true what the dwarves say, that our souls will be ground down to feed their blood god? What- what if there is no Lady of Salt-"

    They nervously tug at the bed's blanket and lower their eye stalks in shame. "No, perish the thought! She IS real. She MUST be. If not, what about the Lettuce? The Holy Lettuce. It showed itself to me. The path is true." They stand up and begin pace back and forth. "The Holy Lettuce, which will finally bring us Death Beyond Death. An escape from this endless cycle of birth, violence, death and exploitation. I must find this to free all snailpersonkind. It is my holy duty." They sit back down on the bed with determination.

    But the thought creeps in.

    "But what if the Holy Lettuce is no more than-NO IT IS REAL" The last part is yelled out loud, and Spiro nervously fumbles with the drawstring keeping closed a small pouch hanging from a cord around their neck. They pour out a small measure of white crystal grains onto their moist, porous skin, and gasp in pain as the substance greedily draws out the moisture through osmosis.

    "Oh Lady of Salt please forgive this sinner, who has doubted thy holy mission and faltered in its execution. Please grant thy worthless servant the strength of will to face their enemies, who are thine, and the strength of arms to smite them, in order that thy glory and the proliferation of salt and death may be spread in the world." They pause to push back the pain, " Libad Nabid , Ïlun råsh."

    The purification ritual concluded, they clean off the salt in a washbasin and curl up in their cot, content. They think of their opponent in the arena tomorrow, Adrinna Catastor. They had caught sight of the female human very briefly in the crowd outside the Arena, and was surprised by most peculiar manner in which her arms and armor were fashioned. Rumor had it that she had traveled from another world that had been afflicted by a great cataclysm. Spiro muses at the idea: could there be other worlds beyond their own? Did they venerate salt? Was there a world out there where snailpeople could live in peace? Spiro shrugs off such idle thoughts, feeling sleepy.

    They think back to their childhood in the abbatoir pits of the Dwarven fortress of Cheerfulhappy. The unhappy years of scrambling beneath the corpses of their siblings to avoid being served as a masterwork meal to visiting bards and poets. The strenous decade and a half laboring away as a pump operator and the months in the slave-militia fighting a constant losing war against the undead. And then came Rimtar. Rimtar, that peerless prophet from the deeps, paragon of Salt and liberator of snailpersonkind, who brought low the Dwarven oppressors and inspired in their former cuisine a singular reverence for that most hydrophilic of minerals. Brief memories bubble up and burst on the border of the snailperson's slumber, of the great exodus from the ruins of Cheerfulhappy along the river "The salt of tears", the arduous trek across the sands of "the wet of desiccation", and the discovery of the rock salt fortress of Mercymurdered. Their last thoughts before drifting off to sleep are of their training as a knight of salt, and the friends and family they left behind when they departed on their quest.

    The snail person's dreams echo with the likeness of the Holy Lettuce, and they sleep peacefully, knowing that whatever happens tomorrow, they have tried their best as a servant of Salt and are prepared to join their siblings and comrades in the arms of the Lady.

    They are Spiro Escargot Mulluscagneau, Outrider Knight-Errant Paladin of the Saline Order, devotee of Our Lady of Salt, seeker of the Holy Lettuce, and they are prepared confront their fate in the arena.

    EDIT: typo

    submitted by /u/Folzfodefelz
    [link] [comments]

    Finally Caught this "Uninvited Guest"!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Over Three Quarters of the Dwarven race are outcasts of this one civilization.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I visualized a Dwarf Fortress generated map in Blender

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Failed to get into dw

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    newby here. I tried to get into dw. I thought adventure mode seems more fun and easier to get into so I tried to do so. I tried for 2 weeks and couldn't get the controls nor understand what the fuck am I looking at. and I was the noobs staters pack. didn't event succeed on recruiting people fighting or not dying of thirst or starvation. Please help actually do something in this game

    submitted by /u/METRO_CAT
    [link] [comments]

    Guard NPC in the arena: "My wife must be asking herself where am i"

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Weird Guys Military Activity

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    So, i saw an "*" symbol on a hamlet on the world map, so i went there with my party to check it out.

    As i approached, i was brouth to the hamlet with a message "you feel uneasy". And then suddenly there are a lot of soldiers outside the hamlet, they are friendly, cracking jokes and they talked to my party. I even asked one of them why they where travelling, they answered "Im on an important mission".

    Ok, i checked to see if combat was going to happen but no. They started to follow me instead.

    (I accessed my party orders screen "O" before all of this, and told All my party to follow me, don't know if thats why they are all following me all of the sudden.) But im confused as to what they where doing in that hamlet)

    edit: some spelling errors

    submitted by /u/tpsSurvivoR
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