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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    ☼Fortress Friday☼

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Our weekly thread for posting interesting events without cluttering up /r/dwarffortress. Screenshots, stories, details, achievements, or other posts are all welcome here! (That includes adventure and legends mode, even if there's no fortress involved.)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    you dont say

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    The combat in dwarf fortress is absolutely horrifying

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    I'm glad that Tarn hasn't implemented a PTSD mechanic because any and all millitary dwarves would deffinately get it. Reading some of the combat logs is absolutely brutal, reading them makes me wonder about how the AI decides what to do next in combat.

    The event that illuminated this to me was when a wererat came to my fort, and I was very worried as I know a single bite from a wererat effectively sentances a dwarf to death, unless you're going for a full werecreature fort (I wouldn't do that with wererats). However, in my forts I like to have a single squad constantly training until they're legendary at most things in combat, and I had already achieved that aim.

    My soldiers (side note the civ I was playing as worshipped a death god, so they were all death worshipping axedwarves, the squad was named the executioners, just thought that was a cool detail) approached the wererat, and I stepped through the combat one . at a time. To my suprise the wererat didn't land any bites, or even scratches or kicks on my soldiers, it couldn't even hit them.

    But I read through it, and my soldiers took their time as they hacked the wererat to pieces, there was one specific part that really shocked me, they were both just hacking at the wererats lower body and exposed guts for ages, no mercy kill where they just lop off its head which they were all very capable of. They had already cut off 3 of its limbs and redered it mostly harmless. Were they hacking pieces off of this crazed cursed being for axe practice?

    Anyway, just a thought.

    submitted by /u/ooohFah
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    I'm playing some psycho tiger man

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Urist McGladiator is here to drink ale and win tournaments, and he's all out of ale.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Shendau Goldpeak, the Ascetic, the Hermit, likes mountain goat men for their mastery of the Art of the Sword

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Where to find information on developing a dwarf fortress extension

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Hey, I'm a developer dipping my toes into high performance VR graphics. I think it might be a good place to practice my skills by developing a 3d dwarf fortress visualizer, playable in VR.

    Hopefully, this could be done in realtime, so it would be possible to not only view a world in 3d/vr, but it could be played in that context. I know there currently exist 3d world visualizers, but I assume those work by reading/parsing a static world file.

    Is there a known interface to get realtime data from a playing dwarf fortress instance? The first challenge will be to visualize what is currently shown on a running DF screen in 3d- the second will be to show multiple height levels simultaneously (otherwise 3d won't be very useful), which will require an interface to explicitly do so.

    If anyone has any tips, or points of contacts, I'd appreciate it!

    edit: astounded why this would get a downvote... is there some etiquette I'm misunderstanding w/ this subreddit?

    submitted by /u/Phildos
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    Here's a complicated tutorial for you, so grab your snacks, buckle up and dive in! Tinkering with the advanced parameters can create all kinds of wonderful worlds that you can't get with the usual create world options. The wiki has the information, this vid shows you how to apply it :)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Y'all like animal caretakers?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    Baron Von Pierce-A-Lot enters the Gladiator Tournament V Betting Hall

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Baron Von Pierce-A-Lot enters the betting hall, straddling along his hip, a pouch of gold given by his dwarven king, a small reward for his deadly work in the fighting pits. He struts his body across the room and showed his height amongst the smaller fighters, emanating a sense of discrimination towards them, save for the like and larger creatures who he respects for their strength and size.

    As he closes the distance towards the counter, he feels his right arm tugged. In a quick reaction, he swats the arm away and spins towards the likely assailant, readying his body to attack.

    "Peace, brother, peace, I am your kin!"

    "Kin?" A muscular minotaur presents itself to the Baron. An unsavory sight as it wears only a thong for its undergarments. The Baron, unamused, quickly lowered his stance.

    "Yes, I remember those horns from anywhere, are you still stabbing your enemies like always, Baron?"

    "Yes, but who are you? And why do you only wear a thong?"

    "After I've left that hellhole of birthland that we call the dwarven fighting pits, I've shunned all things that Dwarves hold sacred most notably- the wearing of pants." The half-naked minotaur could not help but flex his whole body and showed smile towards his new potential companion.

    "Leg'O Lämme?" The Baron spews smoke from his nostrils in disbelief. A smirk begun to form.

    The two minotaurs, recognizing they are acquaintances engaged in butting heads as greeting, known well in minotaur customs. Leg'O proceeded to drag the Baron to his table where food and alcohol awaited. The Baron ordered a Large sized mug of mead and drank it all in one go, readying himself to converse with another kin.

    "I heard half the garrison tried chasing you down until a goblin army made a surprise attack?"

    "It's Leg'O Lämme "The Delicious" now, brother!" Leg'O flaunting his muscular body again to the Baron.

    "Yes, quite a fitting title..." The Baron masks his disgust.

    "I stepped on a few dwarven children in that escape, one bit me my hooves and it latched on like a leech till I grabbed it and threw it towards their militia captain!" Leg'O howled a laugh and emptied his mug, gesturing again to the waiter for another. "Those bloody dwarves couldn't catch a snail when their life depended on it."

    "Leg'O, shut your cow mouth!" The Baron's eyes signalling towards gladiator dwarves in the corner, the dwarves were fortunately too drunk to notice.

    "Please, what are you afraid of, with the two of us we can tear those dwarves aparts, and dethrone that damned king."

    The Baron was amused in his kin's confidence, a result of having tasted freedom. "True, I remember you wrestling five humans at once, maybe you can wrestle a dozen dwarves."

    "And while I pin them down, you stab them with your spear!" The two minotaurs rejoice with laughter of the thought!

    "Say Baron, how did you escape?" Leg'O asks after finishing another round of beer. "Wait, don't tell me, you stabbed a lot of dwarves?"

    The Baron felt his heart sunk, knowing he cannot lie to his kin. He readied himself to face his kin's wrath.

    "I never did, I'm here on behalf of the dwarven king." The Baron lowers his eyes, ashamed to never have never tasted freedom as his kin has. And guilty that he's here on behalf of the dwarven king that enslaved them.

    "YOU'RE HERE ON BEHALF OF THAT MIDGET!" Leg'O rose from his bench and bent his metal mug into an unusable piece of junk. "Did you even try escaping!"

    "I had no choice!" Baron shouted! "After you escaped, the goblin siege lasted years!"

    "The dwarves had to block the entrance and to make more space they had to drag us deeper into the lower levels, there was no chance of us escaping. By the time the siege was finished, they fortified everything, inside and out!"

    Leg'O face showed understanding and sat back down on his bench, clearly saddened by his anger towards his kin. "But why are you here on his behalf?"

    "The king picked me for my strength." The Baron clearly shaken from the outbursts. "The dwarves itched for entertainment after a few months, so they captured cave beasts for our kin to fight." He grimaced at the thought. "Those beast were powerful, many of our kin were slaughter fighting for those damned dwarves. I was one of the only few that was left of kin. When I left the caves to be here, there was only 5 of us left."

    "That is sad to hear." Leg'O said in a mourning tone. "Do you even want to fight in this tournament?"

    "To be true, I want this, In those years fighting in that forsaken pit, I learned to love the fight and I hope to die in a fight." The Baron said with a smirk.

    "Are you telling me you plan to die in this tournament?"

    "If my last breath was to be in this glorious tournament, I hope so." The Baron said in a stern tone. "Better than that dwarven pit."

    Leg'O felt uneasy as he realized that he will have to fight his kin. "Listen Baron, I'm here to use the prize money to get some fancy boots. If we end up fighting each other, even with us being kin, I need those boots."

    "And I want to fight, a fight with you will be glorious, so I don't plan on going easy on you either, just make sure you keep you balls out of my face." The two minotaurs snorted and with smiles they shouted for more mead.

    "To the pits! To fight things to bits!" They both chanted. A shout made by their kin before battling in the pits.

    As the two minotaurs poured themselves with mead and stories of old, a menacing minotaur, wielding a two-handed sword, entered the halls. He scanned the room and heard a familiar chant.

    "Well, well, well. You two are still alive?" The unknown minotaur quietly sat next Leg'O. "I thought I'd never see you two again."

    "Beul?" The Baron and Leg'O said in unison. Another old kinsman joins the table. They begun butting head in greeting.

    "I thought you died in your labyrinth when the goblin army came?" The Baron asked while perplexed of Beul existence.

    "I almost did, when the dwarves left me behind, the goblins beat me up and captured me and to make me a slave for their demon lord."

    "Wait, If you're a slave, why are you here?" Asked Leg'O.

    "They pitted me against their executioner and if I win, I'd be their executioner."

    "And you won?" The Baron said while handing a mug to Beul.

    "I'm Beul, the Executioner, boys! Executioner of the Demon Lord!" The other minotaurs cheered for their kinsman. "But that still doesn't answer why your here." Remarked the Baron.

    "The other demons think of me as weak since I behead prisoners." Beul takes a sip from his cup. "I'm here to show them I'm someone to not be messed with and be held with respect and honor!"

    The minotaurs knew they may end up killing each other, but cheered knowing they have a chance for glory, honor, and boots!

    I hope the managers of Beul and Leg'O are fine with me including them here.

    If you guys see this DM me for issues or ideas.

    P.S. May improve and expand the writing later, very sleepy.



    The Baron after conversing with his kinsmen, remembers he has not placed his bet yet. He then excuses himself for a moment and walked towards the betting counter, his gold pouch already on his right hand. He'll bet on anyone he wants, the gold was not his to keep even if he had the bets.

    Nurskit Maneater, a goblin, was at the counter and had seemed to place his bet. The Baron did not it was his opponent nor did he even know the name he was suppose to fight. He then came to the betting counter.

    "Your name sir?" Asked the bookmaker.

    "Baron Von Pierce-A-Lot."

    "Oh, the goblin before you betted on you for 50 gold coins, he thinks you'll win the fight somehow. I don't even know how he'll use it if he wins"

    "I'm quite flattered, what is his name? I'd like to bet on him the same amount"

    "Are you sure about that, he is your oppone...."

    "Yes, I'm sure."


    (Baron Von Pierce-A-Lot Bets 50 gold on Nurskit Maneater)

    submitted by /u/KapitanInggo
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    Dwarf fortress keeps crashing, it's not freezing and then not responding, just closing instantly. I'm running the game on a good pc(16gb ram), and early into the game only in my third year. Game has crashed 4 times now before I finished my third year. I'm using the lazy newb pack.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:22 AM PDT

    Most info in title, any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any other information drop a comment.

    [Edit] forgot to add flair and it won't let me now sorry.

    submitted by /u/bucketking16
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    Tips on creating an organic fortress

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    This was bothering me quite a bit lately. In almost all of my fortresses, I subconsciously build fortresses as effectively and organized as possible, but the fortresses pretty much all look the same and become quite boring in the end. I wanted to ask you guys about how to build a realistic/organic looking fortress that is fun to oversee.

    submitted by /u/loli_account69
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    Quantum Stockpiles + Dumping into a Pit

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    the jeweler, new video!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    the jeweler is a new video in my series of two noobs playing dwarf fortress, https://youtu.be/h8dCS92K-JU .

    submitted by /u/charz185
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