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    Sunday, February 9, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Dwarf Fortress text mode in a fullscreen terminal ��

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 05:34 AM PST

    Do Not Raid Site For Prisoner! (I Rescued 1000+ elves from a site)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    Looks like this embark is gonna be a good one!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Catguise the mole fiend was a legendary wrestler unmatched for over 150 years

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    Opened a hole to a cavern, blind cave ogre comes in. Somehow half my fortress is a legendary observer now.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    Local justiciar has an philosophical crisis

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 10:50 PM PST

    How can a crow vomit this much

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

    Vesh, the vomit quadruped who wondered the depths ��

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 08:38 AM PST

    Tentative (very experimental) DFHack build for .47.02 on Linux

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Some of the DFHack structures have been updated so you can compile it yourself if you like. So far all the plugins I've tested work. Here (https://filebin.net/l8gv5d8gmw5uyn8b/dfhack.0.47.02.prerelease.tar.gz) is a build for Linux.

    All the usual disclaimers are still valid: it's still very buggy, I take no responsibility if your game crashes, your saves are corrupted, your computer catches fire, this is a bunch of binaries downloaded off of a stranger from the internet, etc. This is meant as a temporary solution for people who can't wait for the proper DFHack release and don't want/can't build it themselves.

    submitted by /u/urtherist
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    Imagine that!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:13 AM PST

    The Werebeast Problem

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 02:02 AM PST

    I just want to mention my problems with werebeasts in a world and how brilliantly DF handles migration ;-) .

    I started a fresh world and built up a fortress up to around 140 dwarves. Everything flourished until a werewolf infected half of my population. I abandoned the fortress and started over a new one from same civilization. Within first migration wave, infected dwarves came to my new fortress and wiped out my very first beginning. Same problem with 3rd and 4th fortress!

    Then I inspected the history of my newly arrived migrants and *WHAM* I realized they all came from my first abandoned fortress!

    Chapeau DF!

    submitted by /u/TyborAUT
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    So I decided to give DF another shot..

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 01:35 PM PST

    PSA: Legends Viewer Works!! This is the story of The Windy Planet.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:28 AM PST

    PSA: Legends Viewer Works!! This is the story of The Windy Planet.

    This world was different than most. By year 300, I would expect evil to have dominated the land and yet, there was only peace and prosperity. Only two small battles had ever occurred.


    The Dwarf King, Deduk, had an amazing story. A very interesting guy.

    He was born into royalty, made some childhood friends, became a broker, prayed for immortality and received necromancy from a god, changed his identity, tried to corrupt his childhood friends, planed a coup with a lover to overthrow the Queen his mother, gets convicted of a few serious crimes and imprisoned, escapes prison, becomes the King, attempts to frame all of his childhood friends who wouldn't help him in his coup, continues to hold power unchallenged from the seat of the throne as well as somehow conducting the plot to overthrow himself, lays down countless oppressive edicts upon the land, holds on again off again relationships and spear throwing competitions through the ages.


    As part of the annual Autumn festivities, the dwarfs hold a wrestlin' competition where anyone can go a few rounds with this fella.

    This is the first year he attended, seemingly out of the blue. He usually wins then goes home.

    When the dwarfs accidentally dug too deep, they unleashed an enormous feathered mammoth demon into the world. Luckily, a heroic elf and their grizzly bear companion were there to save the world!

    Sometimes peace can survive.

    submitted by /u/Count_Triple
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    Nauseating magic from undead lieutenant

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    Quick question on villains, plots, and justice.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 10:58 AM PST

    So I have a quick question on enemy agents and justice. In dwarf fortress mode, I caught one of my own dwarves attempting to steal an artifact instrument from a crowded temple (genius!) and interrogated him. He admitted under interrogation that a visiting human 'Poet' threatened him into stealing. Is there any way for me to punish this agent before he leaves, besides sending my military squad after him?

    submitted by /u/Confusum
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    DF RoundTable: EP23 In Which Kiefer Returns to Chat About The New Stuff – And Some Not New Stuff.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 04:59 AM PST

    Army of Cats

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Though it's highly unlikely I'm anywhere near the first to do this I just wanted to tell you about my pet cat army. It all started when I downloaded the new update and started a new Adventure after looking over all the new stuff I quickly could see the fantastic potential of this update.

    So out I set with my new cat army, the first combat came about in record time for any Adventure I've so far played. So it started with me facing off agest a Skinny Macedwarf. Well, it was me and about 12 cats facing off agest a Skinny Macedwarf, 12 cats that not only didn't take a single hit in the fight but without my help jumped this poor soul and ripped them apart.

    Now it did take the cats a long time to kill the target, but no problem right if they can take something down without taking a hit like that all I have to do is walk over and smash there head in, easy.

    This, however, is where the !fun! begins. After such an easy fight I wanted to test out just how powerful the cats were and so found a group of 3 Goblins. After the first few rounds of combat I know I had to run to help my cats as they were one by one being taken out. There was no helping many of the cats however and I had not put any points into combat skills for my self so after having my whip taken from me mid-combat I turned tail and RUN. Behind me my army of cats was ripped apart. With the death of the last cat, named Thel, they came after me. This was the end for me and my army of cats but not the idea of a cat army, no-no-no.

    It seems to me that there is a number of cats that should be able to take down anything in the game, this number is what I'll call the critical cat if this number of cats could be acquired then the owner of such an army would be more powerful then every dragon and titan in the world.

    This has now become my goal.

    submitted by /u/TowerTom1
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    Dwarven Humour

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Question regarding Starter Pack

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Does the starter pack work for the new version of DF that came out recently? Does dwarf therapist work? I tried using both, but couldn't get it to work after a while of trying. Gave up in the end. Does ( /should ) it work, or do I just need to wait?

    submitted by /u/MatsRivel
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    Smaller World, Destroyed by Necromancers and a Roc

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 02:24 PM PST

    The world I generated last night is kinda like playing dark souls. Entire world is dead and taken over by necromancers. It's been a thousand years of The Roc Age, and the denizens of the world have been twisted into one eyed, black skinned undead night creatures. I incarnated as a copper armored, copper masked demigod human outsider riding a giant war lion. Lion died pretty quick fighting those things but I fight on, on a quest to kill the Roc and the necromancers who killed the world. Villains update is great so far

    submitted by /u/Witchlies
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    Assimilation of Flock of Keas into Dwarven Culture, Colorized

    Posted: 09 Feb 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Oh come on, that's not fair!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Sugardust's Cartographic Color Pallete

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Howdy everyone.

    I am Sugardust, and I have enjoyed playing DF (very badly) for the past couple years with ASCII using wacky color palettes.

    I have recently posted my own iteration of one such palette which was originally posted here a couple years ago by user u/PentagularDark, which featured the first actually nice inverted color palette with a bright background and flat colors. The post got some minor attention and many people seemed to like it, and those people suggested making the background a more beige/cream color and to fix some of the hard-to-read text, but this was never posted by the OP.

    I have played with the palette heavily and have made many tweaks to it over time to fit my personal taste and thought it would be nice to share it with the Dwarf Fortress community. There is a distinct lack of any light-themed color palettes whatsoever online, so I would like to contribute and grow that list just a bit. Some changes that I have made to the original palette have been mainly to the background, which I have made a beige/cream color like people suggested in the original thread. I have also changed colors such as blues, greens, and yellows to be easier to read and to reduce eye-strain and to hopefully reduce squinting.

    One thing to note however, I have been tweaking this palette mainly using taffer's 9x9 ASCII tileset, which can be found here. I have tested the palette with the Dwarf Fortress default curses_640x300 tileset, and have run into a problem where tree trunks don't seem to want to draw. I am fairly certain that my palette doesn't have anything to do with that though and that may just be a problem on my end. However, I still encourage a square ASCII tileset to use with this tileset, as I think that looks best in my opinion.

    Some screenies:

    Small World Preview

    Embark Site

    Thoughts and Preferences Screen

    A Fort in Construction - (Using a slightly older version with a brighter background)

    In my opinion, this palette really shines (pun intended) in displaying menus and world maps, and adds an overall cartographic feel to the game. It's easy on the eyes, and the flat colors give off an almost hand-drawn look, especially with colors like brown or black on the cream background. Cyan can still be somewhat troublesome to read at times, but it's usually only used to display one-sentence descriptions in dwarf thoughts and preferences.

    One more thing to note, anything which was associated with the color white in-game has had it's color changed to black. White just does not work with the background, so black was the only real way to go. This sounds horrid at first, but here is a screenshot displaying a white sand and rock salt hill. It's a sacrifice that had to be made which doesn't actually look that bad in my opinion.

    That's all I got today. Here is the DF Modding Forum post about the palette. Thanks to everyone here and have a great day.

    EDIT: You can find the palette code in the "Palette" spoiler in the DF Modding Forum post. I'm not gonna include it in this post because it's really large.

    submitted by /u/JellySugardust
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    A way to play as a zombie/undead lieutenant in adventurer mode

    Posted: 08 Feb 2020 08:13 PM PST

    47.01 has introduced a new type of zombies, they're called undead lieutenants as far as I know, they use magic like invisibility, jedi-like foce push, temporary blindness and so on. Evidently there are different "schools" of necromancy and different towers have undead lieutenants with different powers. What's interesting is that you can now raise undead lieutenants if you're necromancer yourself.

    But what's even more interesting is that now you can play as an undead lieutenant, and here's the instruction:

    1. In the new update you can start adventurer mode with a party, and that's what you need to do. Create a party of two or more adventurers, you will need to make one (and only one) of them a necromancer.
      If you already have a necromancer, you can just add a new character to their party from the character creation screen.
    2. Once you have a necromancer, switch to his living companion with Tab and drown him in a nearby river or ocean. You can't strangle him, because he will remember this and become hostile upon resurrection.
    3. Once it's done, switch back to a necromancer and raise your dead companion with a new ability.
    4. Now you can switch to your now undead companion.

    And that's it. The abilities tab of the undead lieutenant should have new acquired powers depending on the necromancy school he was raised with. Some of the new abilities are near to useless, others are a bit overpowered, but anyway, it's pretty interesting mechanic to play with and a nice addition to the game. You can also make your undead lieutenant read necromancy book, so he will become even more powerful.

    submitted by /u/AndrewKleiner
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