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    Monday, January 20, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress a summary of the first splatterface tournament I made, from the way krugg talked about the contestants :)

    Dwarf Fortress a summary of the first splatterface tournament I made, from the way krugg talked about the contestants :)

    a summary of the first splatterface tournament I made, from the way krugg talked about the contestants :)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:23 AM PST

    My fortresses are always so messy!

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    Do you guys have any tips to clean up a fortress and make it look nice? It triggers me so bad for some reason and makes me want to quit playing the fortress, it just looks so messy, and I think I have major ocd and I know this is such a weird question to ask, because the simple answer is, don't be messy.

    But do you guys have any tips with making the fortress nice and not as messy?

    What do you guys? Do you make a whole Z-level dedicated to stockpiles, and a whole one dedicated to workshops? DO you guys have any pictures of example clean forts I should build? What's a good starting area? please help D: thanks bbs.

    submitted by /u/SS13Nerd
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    Dealing with Caverns

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:40 AM PST

    I have a new* fortress that was placed on top of an aquifer, I managed to penetrate the aq layers but have stumbled into triumphantly discovered a cavern system right below it. If my understanding is correct, the existence of the cavern should mean that the aquifer layer is above me entirely (except maybe some high up blocks, but all the ones near open space should be okay. And that I can probe the area for living space. I caught the cavern at a high point, and it seems to just descend like a chasm without much floor space, and it has a underground lake at the bottom. I do not know the extent of the caver. How should I go about building my fortress around the thing? With the exception of flying enemies, what risks do I face digging down into the cavern? It seems that the walls of it are sheer cliff faces, there dosent seem to be any actual caves for creatures to walk around except for the tops of underground trees and the water surface itself. Right now I'm just digging around it looking for the borders on a few z-levels.

    **TLDR**: Found cavern, below aquifer, how dig? Help plz.

    E: It is at least 20 levels of sheer cliff and (lots of) gold. I have found troglodyte blood in the river, as well as pond grabber, olm man and cave swallow man remains.

    submitted by /u/CardinalSyns
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    How to destroy items in Adventure Mode

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:41 AM PST

    How to destroy items in Adventure Mode

    Dear they he she beardeds,

    I tried too many things to destroy items in Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode even DFhacks. I was tired of packing those raven corpses and mangled bear corpses in bins, but recently I discover a new trick and I wanted to share it with you.

    My new adventure mode base with chimney

    You can make a fireplace like the one above in the picture and throw items to the ashes to destroy them. You can repeat this process as many times as you want this way you can practice archery and throwing too, hehe.

    It needs a back wall, two walls in the sides and at least three ashes in front of the throwing point, my throwing point is the throne in the middle of the main hall as you can see in the picture. To produce the ashes, first do a campfire and wait until it burns. Then the ashes will remain.

    The position is important, I sit in my throne and then I spend the night throwing boar heads to the ashes with my drunk dwarf friends.

    I hope you like the advice,

    Until the next one, bye bye.

    submitted by /u/Percennio
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    Why can't wolves be war-trained?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Touchedgates was in its second year, a fortress dedicated to the annihilation of a nearby human civilization and their pantheon of dark gods, "The Messianic Union". Spring had arrived and the dwarves came out of their burrow in the ground to find an elven caravan coming over the hills. They quickly hauled up their precious stone goods to the trade depot and began negotiating when the trader noticed 2 fine noble beasts. Wolves. Not just wolves but a breeding pair of tamed wolves. Quickly they made a deal for the wolves, a barn owl, and some food, then quickly assigned a ranger the duty of training the beasts for war.

    Only... he couldn't. You can train dogs for war, you can train Jaguars and dragons and rhinos but not wolves, which are literally just angry dogs. I'm probably gonna edit the raws to make them war trainable since they were one of the first animals domesticated in history but I want to know why they can't be war or hunting trained by default.

    submitted by /u/TheBloodyCleric
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    Vucar Kadolrulush, brave adventurer

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:39 PM PST

    Vucar Kadolrulush was a fortress guard of Zonuvel. He was an expert spearman, and even skilled in unarmed combat. However, he longed for something more out of life, something exciting.

    He had recently heard of an abandonded fortress to the southwest: Lularbomrek, "Rootedwhipped". Vucar knew this was exactly what he needed, and starting preparing immediately. He gathered up the little personal possesions he had, his copper spear and shield, borrowed a barrel of rum from the tavern, and set off for a true adventure.

    Almost immediately after leaving the fortress, Vucar realized he had forgotten to bring any food with him. He couldn't return to the fortress, unless someone noticed the missing alcohol, so he set out to find some wild animal to kill. Luckily, a group of boars was only a short distance away. After his attempts to sneak up on them failed, he eventually singled one out from the rest and chased it around, sneaking in spear pokes where possible. Vucar eventually was able to make it nearly immobile, but his copper spear kept glancing off the boar's skull, and the friking thing just wouldn't friking die. He waited for it to bleed to death.

    Food in hand, Vucar was finally ready to travel to the abandonded fortres. Luckily, he arrived just in time: the sun was nearly setting, and with the safety of the fortress, no bogeymen would be eating him tonight. Although personally, he thought bogeymen were just a myth made up to keep children from wandering too far aboveground. Vucar's naiveity aside, he decided to celebrate a hard day's work with some rum and boar tripe.

    Vucar woke up with the rising sun, realized he was still tired, and fell asleep again until noon.

    Drowsiness now fully vanguished, he had a breakfast of some rum and boar kidney, then delved into the fortress. The rum was making him feel dizzy, so he drank a bit more to get rid of it. Vucar bravely explored the twisting passageways of this mysterious fortress, currently in what was probably the bedrooms. There were some cherries on the floor, so he took them. Vucar couldn't believe people would just leave cherries sitting on the floor unattended.

    At this point, Vucar was feeling slightly nauseaus from all the alcohol he had ingested. He drank more alcohol to try and fix it, but this only made it worse. He began to retch and vomit, and was fading in and out of conciousness. Vucar died of choking on his own vomit, the death of a truly brave adventurer.

    Years later, when his body was found, dwarven scientists used his story as an example of natural selection, and the dangers of being a lightweight.

    submitted by /u/conthtable-igor
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    I can't wait to see how divinations in the upcoming Villian update will work!

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 12:56 PM PST

    Hopefully we'll get the option to regenerate lost limbs without having to be cursed as werebeasts. I've never been this hyped for anything to be honest.

    submitted by /u/otakarg
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    Help... please

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    So I'm new to dwarf fortress(know absolutely nothing about the game). But I heard it was interesting and wanted to play it. Turns out it isn't something you can just jump into. So can anyone give me a link to a good guide or any beginners tips maybe?

    submitted by /u/Quintenh1442
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    ReveredArmor was an inside job!(follow-up post for dwarf queen who belongs to goblin civ)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/dwarffortress/comments/dqkdyb/dwarf_queen_with_a_goblin_name_values_and_no/

    Finally and accidentally tracked our queen down. This is after we've lost every major settlement to the goblin hordes.

    I made an adventurer, and for the first time for me, I spawned in a military camp in the middle of a battle against some very muscular chad-like goblins


    It's cool to see my civ taking the fight to the goblins and explains why the gobbos seemed so silent since they took our capital- Reveredarmor

    I went to some old now abandoned dwarven towns one of whom is the queen's hometown that legends said she returned to. With my squad of dwarf soldiers I recruited from the camp we were ambushed in the middle.

    Surrounding us were all the barons of our dwarf civ with goblin guards. They proceeded to absolutely stomp our faces in

    with my artery on my foot cut I crawled uphill as Udill shook one baron back and forth by the neck with his teeth as goblins stabbed and cut him apart

    and on top of the hill was her! OUR QUEEN! Xuspgas the dwarf queen surrounded by goblins who ran past her and killed me brutally as I crawled away.

    Lesson from this: My dwarf civ is controlled by the goblin illuminati who have infiltrated the highest tiers of our society!

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Gobbo Island stream at 730pm PST

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:52 PM PST

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