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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress Ew... I have no idea how this could have happened either!

    Dwarf Fortress Ew... I have no idea how this could have happened either!

    Ew... I have no idea how this could have happened either!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:00 AM PST

    All my forts end up torturing my dwarves somehow

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Ranging from fatally to somewhat mean. Whether its early super forgotten beasts in the basement, or long haul distances to the point where they're too stupid to put down a rock so that they don't die of thirst. Or less fatally, putting the magma forge at a low level so that hauling down coal and metal and up weapons, armor and trade goods takes up a big percent of the fort's population.

    In some forts it was the results of sieges. Swampcavern saw so much death from the constant fighting. A siege on average every other year of its existence, slightly more. Half the forgotten beasts in the smaller world Swampcavern exists in came there to die. I don't mean many, I mean about 50 of the 100 some the world started with. It seems like every citizen saw every death ever whether on the surface or in the third layer of the caves. So many mosquito men, giant honey badgers (2-3 a year?) giants, were beasts. Wave after wave, season after season of crundles or hungry heads. Most if not all of the fort had that hardened quality to them where it says somewhere in their personality that they really don't care about anything anymore. The fort was only happy because of the mist generator and all the nice stuff they had.

    Now in Peakfortunes with their current crabby mechanics we have the rain. I built the tavern on the surface this time so if were beasts are just going to turn their, they are going to do it outside the fort proper on the surface. But I built stairs going down to the tunnel entrance so they don't have to outside in the rain to get to the tavern and back.

    And they never, ever use them. Their pets do, proving that it works just fine. The pets use the stairs constantly.

    Ok, I get it, the south side of the tavern, it's faster to get to the fort, you'd have to take 2 steps out of your way to use the stairs.

    But the very north side of the fort, the stairs are between you and the door. It should be faster to take the stairs. And yet, I watch a guy go out of his way to use the door instead of the stairs. In fact every guy. I'm not sure I've seen a dwarf of a human use the stairs even once.

    It's only a short gap between the tavern and the surface entrance. How much rain does it take to trigger the "got caught in the rain complaint" Feels like any amount. I'm pretty sure the whole fort has visited the tavern sooner or later, and I'm pretty sure the entire fort is complaining about the non stop rain having only seen it and never been hit by a drop of it. Oh no I saw some rain falling in the literally two seconds I was outside on the way to the tavern! The horror! THE HORROR!

    Peakfortunes is kind of a starter fort, they have bedrooms for everyone but not all the nicest stuff yet. They are rewarded with being medium happy, they are mostly right in the middle. I bet that would be nudged up higher if the entire fort didnt have the caught in the rain tag.

    Makes me think of making a fort where you do it on purpose. I'd call it the Tomb of Suffering or something like that. Make them live in dirt walls using only tools and weapons made by beginners. Only clothes bought or made by people bad at it. Forbid the booze stockpile for months at a time just for fun. Use only the stone from the very bottom of the world. Have half as many beds as the fort needs and only one communal bedroom. Make your temple be on top of the hill outside in a rainy biome. For bonus points put dwarves known for cruelty or lack of empathy in charge.

    For defense it could have a Senseless Pummeling Factory, which is a name I borrow from an old Warner Brothers cartoon. It would be an extra long murder maze to protect the fort from sieges. Then provoke some neighbors and make the dwarves clean up the resulting mess just to see if you can get tantrum spirals to activate again.

    submitted by /u/TheEqualsE
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    Every human starting as a peasant.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I modded the game to make humans playable, I've also made the able to use steel and have haircuts. But when I embark, all my humans are peasants. Did I fucked up something in the raw files?

    submitted by /u/LordNinrod
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    Urists, Tell Us Tales of Your Best Animal Men

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:14 PM PST

    I love the idea of recruiting cool and good animal men to my fortresses but so far all I have managed are poets and bards. Today I spawned a new world and noticed that there are a lot of tiger men in my world so I am really hoping to attract some. My plan is to entice them with a tavern supplying flour, dwarven sugar, and milk to anyone that visits.

    Of animal men I have attracted only two have been notable.

    My Mosquito Woman poet was a rather short lived resident. She was mysteriously exploded into gore, for no discernible reason, while admiring my unicorns. There was no combat log and as far as I could tell nobody saw anything.

    The second was a Porcupine Woman Bard that resided at the same fort. She defeated 2 goblins and a troll during a siege although I can't for the life of me come up with any reason for her to be outside the fort walls at the time, she had a great job (party non-stop) and a well appointed room. She later died of old age in the middle of the tavern and was interred along with the rest of the fortress dwarves that died in trees when their ladders were accidentally sold.

    submitted by /u/acheeseplug
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    Fisherman will not fish

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:03 AM PST

    Hi guys im new to playing dwarf fortress ive watched video after video trying to figure out what to do. I have 3 fisherman with a river flowing by my base with fish visible swimming by, i try to send my guys to fish through the "u" then "z" and to their labour and put it as their main objective, as soon as i click out they just keep planting so i go back and their fishing skills arent highlighted so i do it again and again and it wont work. Probably me just being a noob but if anyone could help me that would be great thanks:)

    submitted by /u/rockstonem
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