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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Dwarf Fortress ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    ☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Ask about anything related to Dwarf Fortress - including the game, utilities, bugs, problems you're having, mods, etc. You will get fast and friendly responses in this thread.

    Read the sidebar before posting! It has information on a range of game packages for new players, and links to all the best tutorials and quick-start guides. If you have read it and that hasn't helped, mention that!

    You should also take five minutes to search the wiki - if tutorials or the quickstart guide can't help, it usually has the information you're after. You can find the previous questions thread here.

    If you can answer questions, please sort by new and lend a hand - linking to a helpful resource (eg wiki page) is fine.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    World Gen gave me an island of goblins and necromancers

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:04 PM PST

    When a leader of a thug gang understands that you are stronger than him and tries to act like he has no deal with it

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:34 AM PST

    DFHack 0.44.12-r3 released

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 10:25 PM PST


    Release notes:

    DFHack 0.44.12-r3

    New Plugins

    • autoclothing: automatically manage clothing work orders
    • autofarm: replaces the previous Ruby script of the same name, with some fixes
    • map-render: allows programmatically rendering sections of the map that are off-screen
    • tailor: automatically manages keeping your dorfs clothed

    New Scripts

    • assign-attributes: changes the attributes of a unit
    • assign-beliefs: changes the beliefs of a unit
    • assign-facets: changes the facets (traits) of a unit
    • assign-goals: changes the goals of a unit
    • assign-preferences: changes the preferences of a unit
    • assign-profile: sets a dwarf's characteristics according to a predefined profile
    • assign-skills: changes the skills of a unit
    • combat-harden: sets a unit's combat-hardened value to a given percent
    • deep-embark: allows embarking underground
    • devel/find-twbt: finds a TWBT-related offset needed by the new map-render plugin
    • dwarf-op: optimizes dwarves for fort-mode work; makes managing labors easier
    • forget-dead-body: removes emotions associated with seeing a dead body
    • gui/create-tree: creates a tree at the selected tile
    • linger: takes over your killer in adventure mode
    • modtools/create-tree: creates a tree
    • modtools/pref-edit: add, remove, or edit the preferences of a unit
    • modtools/set-belief: changes the beliefs (values) of units
    • modtools/set-need: sets and edits unit needs
    • modtools/set-personality: changes the personality of units
    • modtools/spawn-liquid: spawns water or lava at the specified coordinates
    • set-orientation: edits a unit's orientation
    • unretire-anyone: turns any historical figure into a playable adventurer


    • Fixed a crash in the macOS/Linux console when the prompt was wider than the screen width
    • Fixed inconsistent results from Units::isGay for asexual units
    • Fixed some cases where Lua filtered lists would not properly intercept keys, potentially triggering other actions on the same screen
    • autofarm:

      • fixed biome detection to properly determine crop assignments on surface farms
      • reimplemented as a C++ plugin to make proper biome detection possible
    • bodyswap: fixed companion list not being updated often enough

    • cxxrandom: removed some extraneous debug information

    • digfort: now accounts for z-level changes when calculating maximum y dimension

    • embark-assistant:

      • fixed bug causing crash on worlds without generated metals (as well as pruning vectors as originally intended).
      • fixed bug causing mineral matching to fail to cut off at the magma sea, reporting presence of things that aren't (like DF does currently).
      • fixed bug causing half of the river tiles not to be recognized.
      • added logic to detect some river tiles DF doesn't generate data for (but are definitely present).
    • eventful: fixed invalid building ID in some building events

    • exportlegends: now escapes special characters in names properly

    • getplants: fixed designation of plants out of season (note that picked plants are still designated incorrectly)

    • gui/autogems: fixed error when no world is loaded

    • gui/companion-order:

      • fixed error when resetting group leaders
      • leave now properly removes companion links
    • gui/create-item: fixed module support - can now be used from other scripts

    • gui/stamper:

      • stopped "invert" from resetting the designation type
      • switched to using DF's designation keybindings instead of custom bindings
      • fixed some typos and text overlapping
    • modtools/create-unit:

      • fixed an error associating historical entities with units
      • stopped recalculating health to avoid newly-created citizens triggering a "recover wounded" job
      • fixed units created in arena mode having blank names
      • fixed units created in arena mode having the wrong race and/or interaction effects applied after creating units manually in-game
      • stopped units from spawning with extra items or skills previously selected in the arena
      • stopped setting some unneeded flags that could result in glowing creature tiles
      • set units created in adventure mode to have no family, instead of being related to the first creature in the world
    • modtools/reaction-product-trigger:

      • fixed an error dealing with reactions in adventure mode
      • blocked \\BUILDING_ID for adventure mode reactions
      • fixed -clear to work without passing other unneeded arguments
    • modtools/reaction-trigger:

      • fixed a bug when determining whether a command was run
      • fixed handling of -resetPolicy
    • mousequery: fixed calculation of map dimensions, which was sometimes preventing scrolling the map with the mouse when TWBT was enabled

    • RemoteFortressReader: fixed a crash when a unit's path has a length of 0

    • stonesense: fixed crash due to wagons and other soul-less creatures

    • tame: now sets the civ ID of tamed animals (fixes compatibility with autobutcher)

    • title-folder: silenced error when PRINT_MODE is set to TEXT

    Misc Improvements

    • Added a note to dfhack-run when called with no arguments (which is usually unintentional)
    • On macOS, the launcher now attempts to un-quarantine the rest of DFHack
    • bodyswap: added arena mode support
    • combine-drinks: added more default output, similar to combine-plants
    • createitem: added a list of valid castes to the "invalid caste" error message, for convenience
    • devel/export-dt-ini: added more size information needed by newer Dwarf Therapist versions
    • dwarfmonitor: enabled widgets to access other scripts and plugins by switching to the core Lua context
    • embark-assistant:

      • added an in-game option to activate on the embark screen
      • changed waterfall detection to look for level drop rather than just presence
      • changed matching to take incursions, i.e. parts of other biomes, into consideration when evaluating tiles. This allows for e.g. finding multiple biomes on single tile embarks.
      • changed overlay display to show when incursion surveying is incomplete
      • changed overlay display to show evil weather
      • added optional parameter "fileresult" for crude external harness automated match support
      • improved focus movement logic to go to only required world tiles, increasing speed of subsequent searches considerably
    • exportlegends: added rivers to custom XML export

    • exterminate: added support for a special enemy caste

    • gui/gm-unit:

      • added support for editing:
      • added attribute editor
      • added orientation editor
      • added editor for bodies and body parts
      • added color editor
      • added belief editor
      • added personality editor
    • modtools/create-item: documented already-existing -quality option

    • modtools/create-unit:

      • added the ability to specify \\LOCAL for the fort group entity
      • now enables the default labours for adult units with CAN_LEARN.
      • now sets historical figure orientation.
      • improved speed of creating multiple units at once
      • made the script usable as a module (from other scripts)
    • modtools/reaction-trigger:

      • added -ignoreWorker: ignores the worker when selecting the targets
      • changed the default behavior to skip inactive/dead units; added -dontSkipInactive to include creatures that are inactive
      • added -range: controls how far elligible targets can be from the workshop
      • syndromes now are applied before commands are run, not after
      • if both a command and a syndrome are given, the command only runs if the syndrome could be applied
    • mousequery: made it more clear when features are enabled

    • RemoteFortressReader:

      • added a basic framework for controlling and reading the menus in DF (currently only supports the building menu)
      • added support for reading item raws
      • added a check for whether or not the game is currently saving or loading, for utilities to check if it's safe to read from DF
      • added unit facing direction estimate and position within tiles
      • added unit age
      • added unit wounds
      • added tree information
      • added check for units' current jobs when calculating the direction they are facing


    • Added new plugin_load_data and plugin_save_data events for plugins to load/save persistent data
    • Added Maps::GetBiomeType and Maps::GetBiomeTypeByRef to infer biome types properly
    • Added Units::getPhysicalDescription (note that this depends on the unit_get_physical_description offset, which is not yet available for all DF builds)


    • Added new Persistence module
    • Cut down on internal DFHack dependencies to improve build times
    • Improved concurrency in event and server handlers
    • Persistent data is now stored in JSON files instead of historical figures - existing data will be migrated when saving
    • stonesense: fixed some OpenGL build issues on Linux


    • Exposed gui.dwarfmode.get_movement_delta and gui.dwarfmode.get_hotkey_target
    • dfhack.run_command now returns the command's return code


    • Made unit_ishostile consistently return a boolean


    • Added unit_get_physical_description function offset on some platforms
    • Added/identified types:

      • assume_identity_mode
      • musical_form_purpose
      • musical_form_style
      • musical_form_pitch_style
      • musical_form_feature
      • musical_form_vocals
      • musical_form_melodies
      • musical_form_interval
      • unit_emotion_memory
    • need_type: fixed PrayOrMeditate typo

    • personality_facet_type, value_type: added NONE values

    • twbt_render_map: added for 64-bit 0.44.12 (for map-render)

    submitted by /u/lethosor
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    found this fella in legends

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Using DFHack 0.44.12-r3 to manage stress and effectively provide custom stress options

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:15 AM PST

    DFHack 0.44.12-r3 has now been released, and with it a new number of ways to handle different aspects of stress have been added on top of what was already there. Here's a few ways you can use dfhack to customise the way you play in regards to stress, since more options are always better!

    Repeating Commands

    Before I get into it, it's worth learning about the repeat script. You can use repeat to regularly run dfhack commands, which will be useful for most of these scripts. If you wanted to follow the steps for removing stress outlined in the next section, you could use repeat to ensure that the command is run once every in-game month like so: repeat -time 1 -timeUnits months -command [ remove-stress -all ] -name removestress

    Removing stress altogether

    remove-stress completely de-stresses (un-stresses? uh, removes all stress from) a selected unit. By using remove-stress -all you can alternatively remove stress from all units. Do note that rather than set their stress back to neutral, this script actually makes them incredibly happy instead (a simple edit to the script can change that, though).

    Stopping citizens getting bad thoughts from witnessing death

    combat-harden can be used to modify the stat that governs how people react to death. For example, the following command will make all of your citizens feel nothing at seeing a corpse combat-harden -tier 4 -citizens
    If a unit has existing bad thoughts about seeing a body, you can use forget-dead-body to change the emotion the selected unit feels about it to nothing (append -all to run that on all of your citizens).

    Satisfying certain/all needs, or removing them

    modtools/set-need can be used for managing almost everything need related. Here are a few examples of things you might want to use it for:

    • Satisfying all needs for all citizens: modtools/set-need -edit -all -focus 400 -citizens
    • Permanently removing the need to eat a good meal from the selected unit (just append -citizens to make it target all citizens): modtools/set-need -remove -need EatGoodMeal
    • Set the strength of everybody's needs to slight need, meaning it takes longer before each need becomes unfocused/distracted after dropping past the not distracted stage: modtools/set-need -edit -all -level 1 -citizens

    Managing preferences, like adding easier to satisfy ones or removing difficult ones

    There are a lot of different scripts for managing preferences. Here's a quick rundown on each of them and what they're used for:

    • pref-adjust allows wiping all preferences, as well as assigning a fixed set of easily satisfied preferences.
    • prefchange is more focused on adding specific preferences to dwarfs to give them more ideal sets of preferences for the purposes of strange moods. It can also be used to wipe all preferences from a unit.
    • assign-preferences can be used to wipe all preferences as well as manually add whatever specific preferences you'd like.modtools/pref-edit does exactly the same, though also supports removing single preferences as well (and serves as a reminder for me to check what's already been submitted to the dfhack repo before adding my own - if you're wondering why there's a few new scripts that do the same thing as others added, that's my bad :P).

    These scripts are all complicated/nuanced enough that it's worth you reading through their documentation to see how they work, rather than me providing examples on how to use each of them.

    I should probably mention that I haven't actually run any of these commands to see if they're working properly... Hey, some of us rely on LNP releases to setup everything for us ;P. If you spot any errors with this, have any questions, or suggestions of things to add, drop a comment and I'll make an edit.

    Edit 1: Whoops, forgot about forget-dead-body

    submitted by /u/Atkana
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    Storytime: The Balanced Monster

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

    The Balanced Monster

    The goblin empire had always kept to themselves. They never waged a war or settled outside of their respective homeland. One of the goblins newer sites, the dark pits of Leechcurse, was founded in 268, situated deep within a quiet temperate forest. Life there was simple and serene for a goblin. This all changed in 284 mid-spring, when the elf armada arrived.

    The elves were led by the infamous bloodthirsty princess, Bilalo. This was her sixth military campaign, all of which had ended miserably while always managing a timely retreat for herself. The bulk of her ranks consisted of several hundred battle-hardened elves along with several hundred animal people, war animals, and giant war animals. Her most powerful units by far were her grizzly bears, elephants, and giant elephants which were usually the last things standing during her signature retreats. In one notable attack against the humans, her entire army was effortlessly slain while the giant war elephants trampled all 7,290 members of the humans defense, resulting in her only true victory..

    So Leechcurse was pretty screwed. They had enough goblins and trolls to match the elves in number but were helpless against Bilalos elephants. As the battle began it became clear that there was no contest. The elves smeared the goblins like scream cheese as all of the defenders were cut down or trampled during the attack.

    In walks Sospin, the powerful skunk-monster demon, radiating his poisonous gasses. All fell quiet as he witnessed the atrocities committed by Bilalo and her army. Bilalo howled out the order "Destroy him!" Waves of troops and walls of elephants descended upon Sospin. The demon reacted with supernatural unholy speed and began cleaving through the front lines, sending up a wake of blood, carnage, and poisonous gasses behind him (cue the death metal). While immersed in an elegant martial trance, he stole and equipped several historic artifacts from the fallen. Sospin single-handedly took down about 95% of Bilalos forces with ease, elephants and all. She was forced to call a retreat and the elves limped home in utter defeat.

    The end.

    submitted by /u/Count_Triple
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    Starting a fort on an island overrun with gobbos at 730-8pm PST

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 06:42 PM PST

    I need a Miss Marple dwarf to solve this heinous crime

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 12:39 PM PST

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