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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress It is time for another donations plot. I am proud of you all.

    Dwarf Fortress It is time for another donations plot. I am proud of you all.

    It is time for another donations plot. I am proud of you all.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:29 AM PST

    I know bards are there to keep dwarves happy but this may be a bit over the top

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 02:36 PM PST

    [Storytime] Adventurer Geralt hunts a monster in Dwarf Fortress (44.12)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:40 AM PST

    *This was my first real and challenging battle in my main Adventure Mode save, roleplaying as Geralt of Rivia. Playing with the AdventureCraft mod, allowing you to make potions out of beast hearts, craft your own weapons and armor (and repair them), coat your blade with poison harvested from dead, venomous opponents, and apply healing salve grinded from valley herbs with mortar and pestle. I spent an ungodly amount of time re-randomizing my character until the description was even somewhat akin to the character in the books.*

    Here is an in-depth and accurate story of what lead to the in-game encounter, and the epic, but sad conclusion of it. I think it will satisfy both the fans of the Witcher, and Dwarf Fortress alike. It's my second writing prompt ever, so please, judge not too harshly :)

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    This is a Geralt's Journal. All craftsmanship is of +Fine+ quality. The pages seem very old and worn.

    17th Felsite, 1003.

    Ever since that contract hunting the giant wolf pack, I have found little work around these parts of the realm. Only curious and dreadful, ramshackle hamlets. One after another, inhabited by what seems to be cave-swallow men. Rumours of an ancient dragon are being whispered in the dark alleys of this murky land, but I am afraid I am not equipped to take on that much muscle just yet. Not without steel at my disposal. And maybe I even have to get my hands on a shield, even though that is not exactly my usual style. Food supplies running low, other than the Blood Amaranth leaves I manage to scavenge from the wilderness around here. Could go for a pint of river spirits, too. Wind's howling...

    19th Felsite.

    Finally, civilization in sight. Discovered a human village, or at least mostly human, disregarding these damned cave-swallow people. Name's Shortstockade. A few small houses, and a few medium size ones too. Mostly farmers and poor workers of other trades. Did not find anyone skilled in brewing alcohol, but found a suitable contract. Talked to the lady in charge of the local garrison and outpost. Seems like a local Giantess has been terrorising this settlement, and especially the lady's family. Told me the giantess had killed and dragged off both her uncle and her brother, her only living relatives, and she seemed quite brooding and desperate about me taking this contract. Promised me a large sum of gold after completion, and gave me one of her soldiers as a temporary companion to help take on the beastly mistress. Little does the giantess know I regularly handle much scarier and more powerful female company. Ah, I miss Yen..

    Just hope my bronze greatsword will be enough. Giants have tough muscles and sinews. I trust my skills and ability to avoid it's crushing swoops, but can't say the same about my gear. Damn this blasted land, devoid of proper, cold steel. Silver's in abundance, but of no use with the monsters of this realm. Heard someone say dwarves are the master craftsmen of this world. Have to see, after this contract. Maybe I can afford a real sword.

    21st Felsite.

    Been following the directions to the Giantess's lair, given by the locals, now increasingly more human the more I travel eastwards. Utril, the whip-wielding soldier woman assigned to help me on this contract, has been a great help so far. Wouldn't have accepted her and risked endangering her life, were it not for my shite gear already risking my own life. She is not a very talkative woman, and seems to know her trade well, the way she spars with her shield and whip. Nearly knocked me off my feet during last evening's practice. Good to have someone to train with. Even Witchers need practice. She also seems to know the local countryside well to function as a guide, and to stay off the main road. We do not need to seek trouble, and brigands are known to have taken a liking to the highways in this place.

    25th Felsite.

    Found the lair of the monster. Giants are somewhat intelligent creatures, being oversized humanoids. Utril mayhaps saw my usual doubt when dealing with sentient monsters, and reminded me that this, this Caöy the Night-Black of Canyontop, has killed 14 people so far, and that's just in this human kingdom. Several other kingdoms border the lair of Caöy, and several of their villages are equally sad and defenceless.

    Nobody's home. We checked the lair, a stretching, pitch-black cave of several dozen meters, zig-zagging through the malachite rock, with several wider "rooms" inside. A foul stench lingered everywhere within it's walls. The reports were true; human remains were scattered all around the cave, and a few elven ones, too. Must have been at least 30 people, maybe more. This giantess has definitely earned this contract on her head.

    We settle down to wait for her return, presumably from another feeding trip on some hapless peasant family, or what it seemed like, even the families of the local nobles, powerless to prevent this beast from suddenly bursting through the wall and having it's way with the people. As the moon paints the forest surrounding the lair a shade of forebodingly ghostly white, I coat my two-handed bronze sword in Bark Scorpion Venom, capable of causing agonizing pain upon entry into the creature's blood circulation. I have no potions available for this one, but Utril should provide sufficient help in distracting the giantess, while I take swings at it with my blade. I warn her of the giant's strength, to which she says she is aware of it. She is brave, I give her that.

    We find the least stinking corner in the lair as we wait for the sun to rise, the time for giants to come sleep in their lairs again. Though not strictly speaking night creatures, they prefer the cover of darkness for ambushing their diurnal prey during their sleep.

    Utril asks if it's necessary to spend the night here. I start to meditate, and she seems to try to do the same.

    26th Felsite, dawn.

    Caöy has come, a gigantic creature resembling a human, almost unparalleled in size. Despite all the human and elven remains in the cave, she seems skinny, incredibly so. Her ankle bones, knees, elbows and ribcage bulge outwards from inside her skin, not to mention her giant breasts, flapping grotesquely back and forth as she saunters back into the lair. She is so large that she covers the entire 11 feet entrance of the cave. She has no prey with her. Judging from a distance, her age could be anywhere within the range of a few decades and a hundred years. Difficult to tell, as she seems to be badly malnourished. I feel another measure of pity as I quietly hop up.

    Utril asks, not quite being able to see in the dark: "What is that noise? Is that damned creature back?". I whisper her a positive response, and she readies her whip, covered in iron teeth and spikes, and her copper shield, decorated with elk bone, depicting the cherry tree symbol of her civilization.

    She instictively moves next to me, and goes onward to cover the entrance, while the giantess moves past us in the darkness of the lair, accustomed to marching back to her sleeping spot without surprises, as per her usual routine after a hunt.

    Just as she is about to lay down on her bed of moss and twigs, I speak out to her: "Caöy, is it? My name is Geralt the Wanderer [Legoy in the language of DF]. I have been hired to hunt you down by the lady of Shortstockade."

    She jumps up and turns with surprising speed for her size, and gasps, and then sniffs and growls and swings about, not understanding how anyone would have dared to sneak into her lair, her safe spot and her fortress in this world inhabited by us tiny humans.

    She presents a rather menacing image of herself, as she speaks, seemingly catching Utril off-guard. Not many humans know giants are sapient and can speak. "Geralt, Garalt, little human man. Creeps into my lair, stalks a hunter in the dark. You are on wrong side. You are stupid. I am dangerous girl. Get out of here!" She grows furious as she speaks to me, by the end of her speech shouting at me so loud Utril holds her ears with both her whip and her shieldhand.

    The sun slowly starts to peek from behind Utril, from behind my own back, into the cave, revealing our positions. I answer, raising my blade at her in the dark: "Caöy, there is no way out of this. Yield now, and I'll make this quick!". Her response surprises even myself: "Geralt, maybe you are dangerous creature. I like you, but this stands now between us. Like said you, no way out of this." [Actually 90% what the giant said in-game to me just before combat]. Then she shrieks one last horrendous yell, and leaps at me.

    Her charge stops just outside the range of my blade. Perhaps she can smell the poison on it. She steps once to the left, then takes two rapid steps to the right. I follow her footwork. She is a capable fighter, I can tell. Then she leaps at me again. Her giant hand misses me, and my swing, aiming at the tendons on her left ankle, misses too. Then her other hand comes suddenly swinging powerfully, and very quickly from left, and I barely manage to dodge it with a tight crouch, nearly dropping my blade. She then takes a sudden run past me, kicking me in the process out of the way. I try to soften the blow by turning towards the cave's southern wall, but to no avail. I slam against the wall, getting the air blown out of my lungs, though no bones break.

    Utril with her shieldwall is the only thing standing between the giantess and her escape from the lair. The giantess screams in rage at Utril, and Utril responds with a powerful snap of her iron-toothed whip, which does a powerful crack in the air. The giantess tries to run past her, too, but the whip then takes a downturn as Utril pulls it down with a mighty swing, splitting the giantess's left ear off, and slicing a nasty vertical wound across Caöy's upper body. Caöy stops before Utril, furiously swinging at her, not landing a single blow and Utril finds her way around the giantess's swings. The whip cracks again, licking the giantess's forearms. Then she slams Utril from both sides with her enormous fists, jute rope wrapped around her tree-trunk sized wrists and nasty, uncut nails on her fingers enclose on Utril. She screams in pain, not a match for the giantess's deathly grip around her. Like a devious child about to mistreat a small forest critter.

    In the meantime I have found my way on my feet again, and aiming a precise blow across Caöy's back with my greatsword. Just as she is about to squeeze my female aide into pulped submission, I do a long, dragging cut with my blade across her giant back, ripping tendons near her spine as the blade travels across her skin and flesh. As expected, Caöy releases Utril from her iron grip and screams in terror. Seems like nobody ever fought back this hard during her hunting trips among the local populace. She turns quickly, and stares at me with utter hate in her eyes. Enraged swings follow. I dodge - left, right, backwards. She charges a backhand swing far from her right with ler left hand, and as I predict it's trajectory, and it misses, I take the opportunity and stab the sword blade between her ribs from my right. She still heavily resists, seemingly unfettered by her oozing wounds, as she grabs my forearms pushing the blade in, and yanks out the sword and me attached to it, throwing me backwards. I land deftly on my feet and re-balance the sword, taking the offensive.

    The sword's blade travels back and forth, the giant moving and dodging inside the cave. A quick cut hits her left ankle, and then a swift slash lands on her forearm as she defends her head. Then she retaliates with an uppercut, scratching my bronze shoulder plate completely off, with mail rings, protecting me underneath the plate, flying past my head. The armour has taken a powerful blow, but I remain still in one piece. I feel my entire right side being pulled as a result of her savage swing. Then she takes another scratching swing at me from the other side. A quick pirouette dodges it to the right.

    Utril has gotten back on her feet, with blood streaming from several parts of her body. She runs up to the giant and starts to whip her with her iron whip again. One strike slices off the giantess's other ear, catching her attention. As I think my moment has come, I take a heavy swing at her lower body, which she notices, skillfully managing the fight on two sides simultaneously. I barely manage to pull off another crouching dodge of her foot kicking past my head, nearly crushing me like a catapult shot. I roll backwards to gain space for my next attack. The giantess turns at Utril, and gives a swooshing open-hand slam at her, with Utril blocking it with her shield. She flies sideways, lucky to not have blocked a vertical swing from up high. Then Caöy prepares another swing with a shaking fist, which the heavily wounded companion partly manages to dodge, as she catches the punch with the side of her breastplate, jamming some of the metal into her muscles and perhaps into her guts.

    I shout at Caöy, who is fiercely eyeing Utril laying on the cave's floor and preparing to finish her off: "Hey, you, stinking bitch! Fight me!". Caöy's attention shifts again towards me. She bleeds just as profusely as Utril. "Damn, you're ugly!" I continue to taunt her. She lets out another enraged shriek at me, but stops, as blood spurts out of her mouth.

    The poison is doing it's work, I notice, as Caöy visibly suffers, breathing heavily and spitting blood, gripping her neck in agony, and then her thighs as she rests a bit. Utril tries to stand, but fails to find her balance. As I aproach the giantess, she kicks Utril further away, and still find strength to leap at me, squeezing the last of her remaining hate at me. Violent, but unbalanced swings follow. I dodge past her legs, and slice a major artery open in her thigh. She howls in pain. I leap up behind her and dodge a predictable defensive swing that she aims at nothing particular as she tries to keep me off her. I strike at her, missing once, and twice, and she once more furiously shouts at me, failing to scare off a veteran witcher.

    As she swings a powerful up-to-down blow with her fist, I carefully leap to the side, preparing a powerful vertical swing from down, raising up high. It find's it's mark, brutally cloving the giantess, with a fleshy rip that could only originate from a spectacular greatsword slash. Caöy stumbles backwards, her head shaking from the shock of my blow and the scorpion venom inflaming her from the inside.

    Then she suddenly starts to helplessly weep. Howls of pain and agony fill the cave in a turn even I have never witnessed before. Caöy yelps: "I had no choices, I had none! EAT OR DIE, I HAD NO CHOICE!" I feel embarrassed, despite dodging certain death just a moment ago. It is a strange feeling, one that only warriors and soldiers can admit having felt. A sting of regret. I feel it too often for my liking. Wish the Trials had rid me of it.

    She continues: "I is dying, bones protrude, sad is a giant life in this world! Also animals bones here!" She falls onto all fours with a thud, not able to keep standing. Some of the blood pouring from her wounds is slightly emerald-green from the venom. She tries to cover the wounds, not able to patch the flow with her shaking palms. "Also animal here. I ate what found! I like boar best. And barn owl I likes. Humans kill all life. Humans turn forest to ASH! Humans kill animals, hunters take my boar and barn owl! I have to eat humans. Humans taste shit. Not barn owl or boar taste. I hate." Tears keep streaming down her blood-spatter covered cheeks. They mix together on the cheekbone lumps that protrude from her cheeks, creating a lake of red and transparent as they fall on the dusty floor of the cave.

    I prepare to end this act before I regret it too much to turn up for coin anymore. As I walk up to her, now wailing and crying in a fetal position against the North corner of this room of the cave, I ready my sword, lifting it high above my shoulders, and then above my head. Caöy cries, one last time, in despair and pain: "Someone save me! Help, help!". I find it strange. Giants are always solitary creatures. Who is going to come to the aid of the villager-killing giantess? Yet I understand where her words are coming from.

    26th Felsite, some time later.

    Caöy is dead. Beheaded, though I can't lie that I managed it in one swing. Damned bronze. Even Nilfgaardian slaves are better armed. Damned continent the portal brought me to.

    Utril also died an hour ago. Tried to apply as many bandages and the golden salve I had left on her wounds, but they were too grievious to bear. The breastplate had indeed been shattered from the giantess's blow and many pieces found their way into her guts. Many bones had been shattered, chief among them her shield-arm, which was utterly pulverised. She had told me she was a fresh recruit from the village, yet fought very well. I soothed her pain as much as I could with the salve. Her death was not in vain.

    28th Felsite.

    I returned to Shortstockade. Met the lady again. Her joy was indescribable as I slammed the heavy head of Caöy on the floor of her great hall. Her men made sure to start erecting it on a pike at the gate of her hall. A proof of the victory of man over nature. Got my reward, every piece of it.

    Gave half to the husband of Utril, a gelder in Shortstockade. He was not as happy as the noblewoman, but had never seen so much gold under his roof. Nevertheless he was grateful.

    They pointed me towards the nearest city, a week's journey away, North of here. I need a drink.

    submitted by /u/Hilluja
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    Hey everybody, we've released a new episode of the Dwarf Fortress Roundtable podcast: Ep.20:In Which The Adams Brothers Join Us to Talk About Some Game They Are Making

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 09:21 PM PST

    [Work in progress] Yet another workshop flowchart (V2)

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Preventing vandalism

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:10 PM PST

    I have a recurring issue where, once my fortress has reached a certain size, my dorfs will destroy vital furniture, such as bridges and wells. I've had entire fortresses crumble because of this. Example:

    1. Some random dorf with a tantrum decides to take it out on furniture.
    2. Said dorf happens to destroy a well or two
    3. due to thirst, everyone starts migrating to the surface to drink from the river
    4. sunlight exposure causes more bad moods
    5. eventually some other dorf destroys the drawbridge leading to the surface, dramatically increasing the distance they need to travel for water
    6. 90% of dorf-hours are now spent running between surface and accomodations.

    Is there a way, with or without cheaty methods (I don't care at this point, as the above detracts from gameplay enjoyment). Say, by disabling tantrum-inspired vandalism?

    submitted by /u/kjarmund
    [link] [comments]

    2 pages about torn arteries in the head. humans can take some damage o.o nearly dwarflike, a death of a warrior

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 04:58 PM PST

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