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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress He actually fucking did it, the mad lad

    Dwarf Fortress He actually fucking did it, the mad lad

    He actually fucking did it, the mad lad

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Our first artifact depicting a cave-in that killed our expedition leader on day 1

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:08 AM PST

    The Legend of the Masterpiece Crundle Roast of Death

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:33 AM PST

    TL;DR: I didn't get rid of everything in a deadly dust attack, items got lost in stockpiles, and I never could find them to stop the ongoing constant deaths in my fort.

    In ReveredArmor their are 3 major exports:



    and delicious food

    The entire economy was built around food export and many of the small worlds communities were economically dependent on the fortresses legendary meals. Countless tales, poems, and books made to honor the legendary meals

    and then one day a forgotten beast climbed from the depths. Not a new occurrence and so the dwarven squads went into battle. It's deadly dust launched several through the ceiling where their bodies were smashed fatally into the next level of flooring, and other dwarves were sliced apart by the dust before even reaching the creature, before the captain of the guard himself stepped forward slicing off the creatures leg and then head in one swift movement.

    Having heard legends of the dust the dwarves quickly disposed everything into magma. Bodies, clothes, weapons and armor! Yet one dwarf could not let go of what his eyes saw. A perfectly made roast of Crundle intestines and brain laid atop the bloody eviscerated remains of a dwarf. It wasn't too bloody and their didn't APPEAR to be a single speck of dust on it! What's a little blood for the diet anyway?

    The dwarf gave into temptation and took the food back to the stockpile while the others labored throwing what was left of their friends into the magma sea.

    It wasn't until weeks later, thanks to the massive stockpiles of food, that anyone knew better. A human bard desperately sprinted from the bottom of the earth to the top where the hospital was(I have no clue why I did that). Too late. His body fell apart and pools of blood covered every step. He fell over and died. His things were distributed to other human settlers, but the cause of death could not be determined. Nor did he have the roast on him(not that the dwarves knew yet)

    Over the months more deaths and more bodies. Up to 20 residents horribly dead and at this point the dwarves are throwing everything into the magma in hopes of finding the contaminant.

    They realize that every victim started out getting sick at the tavern and searched every keg and barrel of food, but no luck!

    Soon the dwarves simply gave up. They would have to trash their immense wealth of food to have any luck and for the next few years it simply became an accepted hazard of the fort: You truly may just die randomly while having your next meal!

    Many years later when the fortress waned and the goblins took over many still speak of goblins dying horribly. Their stomachs simply opening up and their intestines spilling onto the ground! None have yet to find the roast...and live

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Forgotten Beast Nelara Lanamiyetine

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:44 AM PST

    Help with Dwarf Fortress on Mac

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Whenever I play Dwarf Fortress using a Mac I can't quit the game and open it again. In order to play it again I have to redownload the game. Does anybody know how I can make the game work?

    submitted by /u/1232UNA
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    College of Dwarfology

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    I have officially started the College of Dwarfology!

    I am the RNG Strategist, and I stream informational Dwarf Fortress streams every Saturday from 4 to midnight. People have been able to come by and ask questions about; my game, their game, general troubleshooting, advanced techniques. you name it. I've been putting videos on YouTube, but the questions and answers have been placed throughout absolutely massive streams and haven't been helping anyone after the fact.

    I know we already have a questions and answers board here, and I am not trying to replace it, but some people need to see what we are talking about, not just read it.

    Since I am not certain about Reddit etiquette, I will not link to my channel yet, but I covered the fortress lighting system, especially how it pertains to farming, miasma, and cave adaption, in an 11 minute video. Next video I will be covering how to fish effectively and 100% (Measured in dwarf percents) safely.

    What I need from you guys is to post topics from simple to complex that could use an in-depth tour guide, Ill cover the topics in my College of Dwarfology playlist

    (I once went on a 2 hour ranting explanation about how the water system in dwarf fortress works, live on stream. It would have been real useful........had I done a well presented video on it that people could just find, and not buried within an 8 hour stream.)

    Losing is fun! (but pulling off a perfect base design is sooo satisfying.)

    submitted by /u/RNGstrategist
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    The item fits the civilization like the ring on one's finger

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Tips For Planning

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:44 PM PST

    I am new to the game, just got it today. Still trying to get the jist of it. I am trying to plan things out, rooms and such, but I don't know what to place where. How should I plan my rooms?

    submitted by /u/Yuh_boi69
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    Fortress organization

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:42 AM PST

    Hello! I am newb to this wonderful game and I have some issues.

    First, my fortress is mess! Any way to force picking up all ores? There are idle dwarves with hauling, but they seem to not care. Also my dwarves constantly does striptease in front of everyone and leave they clothes around. How to prevent this/make them grab their crap?

    Second. My concept for defense is 90 well drilled soldiers on cosntant training, ready to fight at any given time, 60 heavy armored meele and 30 light armor marksdwarves. This part is easy. But when it comes to remaining dwarves (workers) I want them in light armor with meele weaponry, as last line of defence for my fortress and it's riches. Can I schelude them to drill for 2 months per year? Will it make any sense? If it does and I can, how exactly do I set this? (Interface is tricky for me)

    Third, how to improve overall happiness of my dudes? They have temples, tavern instruments and lot of work to keep them busy. Any way to boost morale?

    submitted by /u/EmperorGulcasa
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