• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress My cooks were creating lavish meals composed of minced fish, wine, and ale.

    Dwarf Fortress My cooks were creating lavish meals composed of minced fish, wine, and ale.

    My cooks were creating lavish meals composed of minced fish, wine, and ale.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:55 PM PST

    Steam dwarf fortress is not a tile pack

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:16 AM PST

    You can see in the trailers that there are paper doll systems for clothing and armor and such. This is big.

    submitted by /u/gyroismyhubby
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    Ramul a mercenary too pure for this world!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:06 PM PST

    I know for most people mercenaries, artists, and monster slayers are an early game meat shield, but because of how they stand out amongst the dwarves I tend to get the most attached to them. My first fort ended up being mostly humans who married, had children, etc

    Anyway. Ramul was already a hero in my world's time. He had fought wars and slain some of the world's last monsters. He also raised children and had grand children and an excruciatingly long list of cousins, aunts, uncles and nephews.

    How does Ramul spend his twilight years? The legendary pikeman helps our dwarves in reclaiming one of our only forts. Imagine a 70 year old man fighting off forgotten beasts, goblin and zombie hordes?

    Not only did he survive all those 20 years avoiding deadly dust, infection, acid blood, etc. He weeped as he fought, because even though he was a mercenary dedicated to fighting he hated killing things! What the heck man?

    He died finally. Training in our barracks he finally died from his old age, and immortalized in platinum statues what deeds were it that our dwarves were so touched by they would immortalize him?

    One statue of him slaying a goblin that attacked us

    One statue of him holding his wife to commemorate his marriage

    and another of him and one of his children

    This game gives me hard feels between the dwarves being melted alive.

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Dwarf fortress's biggest charms are also the biggest problems in optimization

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:14 AM PST

    All the insane little detail about what body parts have water covering or the temperature all take a lot of computation. Grabbing the left pinky with your right elbow takes a lot of work for the computer. This is why I think rimworld and gnomeria and all the df-likes fail to capture the quirkyness and joy of df

    submitted by /u/gyroismyhubby
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    Sent a fresh new squad out to clean the caves out a bit and this happened, this Mebzuth dude was crazy.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:10 PM PST

    City Birodfel a.k.a. "Strongheld". A Human Fortress (3th/4thish year)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:26 PM PST

    The Fall of Machinepages a.k.a. My discovery of the circus

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:05 PM PST

    So I've actually played a decent amount of dwarf fortress throughout the years somehow have never hit the circus. Ive even had a fort where i succesfully mined quite a bit of adamantine and made a helms and chest pieces for a couple squads. Must have gotten lucky by not striking the tunnel. Anyway, this is the tale of Machinepages:

    The fort was booming. I had master dwarfs of most professions all with their own personal workshop pumping out goods. Good bedding and amenities for all the dwarfs and visitors. The military was performing nicely as well. I had a melee squad and a marksdwarf squad when I encountered my first forgotten beast in the cavern. A giant spider, for some reason titled "the Just". The mercenaries came upon him first and were totally wiped out by webs and poison. Luckily my marksdwarfs were hot on its tail. Unluckily they did not have any ammo. the poor bastards charged him with crossbows and tried to bash him. Before my melee squad could even arrive, all but one of the rangers were slaughterd. The last one was bit in the head and poisoned and trapped in some webbing. Finally the melee squad arrives and starts doing some real damage to the beast, but they are taking fire as well. 3 more dwarfs lost their life to the beast before my military commander managed to hack a couple of its legs off and the battle turned around tremendously. What was amazing was when the final blow was dealt by the marksdwarf who somehow freed himself from webbing and retching the entire time managed to rejoin the fray and killed the beast by bashing its head in with a crossbow. And so ended the life of the Just spider. The marksdwarf was treated for his wounds and promoted to captain of the guard.

    A few more seasons, perhaps years go by at the fort. A few more squads have been added to the military and they have seen their fair share of beasts and armies. Im confidant they can take anything. Plus... I already conquered the circus, right? I breached into the caverns and killed all the forgotten beasts I could find and hadn't seen any for a while. I had a vague idea there may be more deeper but had no clue what was in store for me.

    I begin digging deeper and deeper, in search of magma because charcoal was becoming too troublesome to keep up with my forges. I found magma and, praise the miners, adamantine at the same time. I happily move my miner to the candy and start mining away unaware of what laid beyond. Suddenly the announcement that my dwarf discovered a vast cavern with an eerie glow. I examine it in awe, realizing I just opened a cavern to hell itself. Warily I unpause, and within seconds combat with the miner began. He was being scorched alive by fire that was now filling the entire tunnel. Fire that was coming from demons and colossal venom spewing moths. I was suddenly aware that I had not in fact conquered the circus. That everything I had done so far wasnt even worth mentioning to others. These were the clowns. I have two checkpoints between my fort and this tower, but unfortunately the second one was under construction and didnt even have a working drawbridge. I send two squads of well trained killer dwarfs to the second checkpoint to deal with them and keep my squad of archers back at the first checkpoint with fortifications to shoot them from afar.

    It was now that I finally took the time to examine the rapidly advancing clowns that were screeching up the staircase to my fortress. I read their descriptions of massive beings composed entirely of fire. Of one eyed giant moths covered in spikes and spewing poison. Every horror imaginable. And in that moment I realized that two squads were far from enough. I gave the order that the first checkpoint be sealed off via drawbridge. Suddenly my thoughts of defeating the monsters turned to just hoping that two squads can hold them off long enough for a simple lever to be pulled.... and I wasnt sure they could do it. The clowns raced into the second checkpoint and in a handful of moments 20 dwarfs were ripped to shreds and burned alive. The second checkpoint was sealed as the beasts were just tiles away from entering. Now they spend their time loitering near the bridge or killing every living thing they can find in the caverns below. Sealed off from its supply of metals and flux stone, Machinepages begins to stagnant. Unless a hero can defeat the demons, there is no future for these greedy dwarfs.

    And thus, I was harshly shown why all dwarves ought to fear the deep.

    submitted by /u/Tod_Gottes
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    Caught my first dwarf vampire.... bastard killed a legendary miner and a decent hunter while they slept... he will forever be bound to a room I dug out of chalk.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:03 PM PST

    Making a Containment Fort (Questions)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:25 PM PST

    So I was looking around for a SCP builder game but I only found Lobotomy Corp. which it does not look like at all what I want. However, I did find someone's comment from a couple years ago (I forget their username) who had an idea to make bases based around containment.

    He would basically round up and contain Ancient Beasts in a high hostility small world.

    So, how exactly do I go about capturing beasts, how do I find a lot of them, is there any easy way to capture them and put them in cages? Plus how do I ensure they don't starve to death?

    I have the LazyNoob Pack, so is it at all possible to start off with a larger number of dwarves and stuff? (Like 20 or so dwarves) so I can just dive into making the base?

    submitted by /u/DapperWeasel
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