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    Thursday, December 12, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Strangler

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Strangler

    Dwarf Fortress creature illustration - Strangler

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:39 AM PST

    I made this piece picturing my current adventurer, a white fox man with aquamarine eyes (I edited the raws to give some animal men more genes to see what happens) and his adventuring partner!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:44 PM PST

    [Kruggsmash] The First Annual Splatterface Tournament (Intro)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 03:04 AM PST

    I've made a drawing of my last adventurer. He was a was a greate warrior that tried to take control over his past civilization, but was forced to scape to the south assuming another identity after he was betrayed by his friend.( he is also a vampire now)

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 08:30 AM PST

    That one time the dwarves both won and lost...

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:30 AM PST

    So I've recently been inspired to get into DF again, and even have a working fort goin, and all this very minor success reminded me of my first fort to ever get past the first winter...

    I'd figured out mushroom farms and stills, but metalworking was still a mystery as I went in kinda blind, (just the LNP for tilesets and an easier setup) and it was around year three my dwarves got noticed by the goblins. The green menace attacked and my guys somehow managed to chase the small force off, leaving me totally astonished as well as super proud of them, but that didn't last long...

    During the invasion, the goblins injured a few dwarves, but even worse, they managed to kill a cat someone had bonded with. This started utter hysteria within the fort. I learned of tantrim spirals that day, the little civil war left me with one lone and insane dwarf in a pair of pigtail pants and a crown he'd made from some unfortunate victim. I guess the tantrum spiral causes fel moods.

    Just figured I'd share the tale, always makes me chuckle.

    submitted by /u/Redrick73
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    DevLog 12 December 2019: "A collection of scaly horned failed-experimental maggots accompanied the usual zombies, which was cheerful. . .."

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:27 AM PST

    Pixel-art of a Adamantine Short-sword.

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:52 AM PST

    Steam Community Update 12 December 2019: "Procedurally-generated scaly horned maggots"

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 10:45 AM PST

    I was wondering what to do about the Titan, but the game had my back

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:40 PM PST

    A brief Dwarf Fortress themed adventure in AI Dungeon

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    So I've been addicted to this new thing called AI Dungeon lately, and I've been experimenting with custom prompts. Decided to try a Dwarf Fortress themed adventure and was kinda surprised with how well it went, if it was a little short.

    My saves if anyone wants to pick it up:







    edit: The print feature in this game is kinda weird. It exports your entire adventure in this format, but for some reason replaces 'mine' with 'yours', so whenever you see 'yours' in a weird place, it's supposed to be 'mine'.

    You are Urist Beardedwalls, an experienced miner in the Dwarven Fortress of Bridgesails. You were digging deep underground when suddenly you struck raw adamantine! The shock was so great that your body went into spasms and you fell unconscious. When you woke up, you found yourself on a small platform suspended over a chasm

    You look around.

    The chasm is about fifty feet wide and twenty feet high. There is no way to climb down. You have been here for some time now and there is nothing but air below you

    You look up.

    Your eyes adjust quickly and you see that the chasm is actually a series of stairs leading upwards. It would appear that you have fallen from one of these staircases onto a ledge above the chasm

    You climb up stairs.

    You scramble up the steps, your arms feeling like lead as they dig into the rock. The ground is slick with water and you are not sure if you will make it before you slip and fall.

    Suddenly, you hear a voice in your head.

    "Hey! What's going on?" It sounds like a man's voice. You turn your head and see a man standing next to you, holding a small fishing rod in his hand. He looks at you expectantly

    . "What do you want?" He seems to be looking right through you. "I'm looking for my wife".

    You ask the man if he can help you up.

    "Sure thing". He says and begins to help you up the steps.

    You catch your breath and then ask him where he last saw his wife.

    "She lives over there by the bridge".

    You take him with you on the way to go look for his wife.

    "Well I guess we should get going then".

    You ask him his name.

    "My name is Jack".

    You comment how that's an unusual dwarf name.

    "Yeah, well it's just what my dad called me when I was born".

    You nod your head and shrug.

    "So what brings you out here anyway? You seem pretty tired".

    You explain how you was digging in the mines when you discover raw adamantine.

    "Oh yeah, I used to work in the mines too back in the day. I found this stuff when I was trying to find something else".

    You emphasize how you found adamantine, the rarest metal in the world.

    "That's nice of you, but I thought you were talking about the other kind of ore".

    You explain that this stuff is the blessing of Armok.

    "Armok is a god, but he doesn't give away his precious metals like that!"

    You nod in agreement and explain that you was tempted to strike the ore, but feared the demons below.

    "Okay, so tell me more about this stuff".

    You explain how adamantine is impossibly light, incredibly strong, and insanely sharp, a true gift from Armok.

    "I don't know anything about that. I only got this stuff because my boss said it was good enough to use in weapons and armor".

    You agree and say that it is extremely valuable for that reason.

    "I suppose you're right. Well, I think we've had enough fun for today, let's get back to our own business".

    You agree and search for the man's wife.

    You walk back to the edge of the chasm and watch the man and woman leave. You decide to follow them back to their home.

    You go inside Jack's home and introduce yourself to his wife.

    You enter Jack's house and find his wife sitting at her kitchen table. She is dressed in fine clothing and has a smile on her face. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail and she wears a necklace made of pure silver. "Hello, I'm Linda"

    You comment how her necklace looks gorgeous.

    "Thanks, I really appreciate it".

    You ask Jack and Linda about their time in the mountainhome.

    "We didn't stay long in the mountainhome, we went straight back to town after we finished working on the mine".

    You comment that the town is nice but the yours is where dwarves belong.

    "Yeah, I suppose so...well anyway, I need to get ready for bed, I'll talk to you later".

    You thank the couple for their time and leave.

    You exit Jack's house and start walking towards the mines. As you approach the entrance of the mines, you suddenly feel very cold. It feels like someone has frozen you solid. As you continue walking, you notice a large boulder blocking the path ahead

    You shiver from the cold and look around.

    You hear a noise behind you and turn around to see a group of four men dressed in black cloaks approaching you. They are armed with crossbows and wearing horned helmets. The leader of the group stands before you.

    You ask the men why they're in the yours.

    "We came here to investigate reports of strange activity in the mine, but we heard you shouting about strange creatures down there, so we decided to come check it out ourselves".

    You explain to the men that you're not sure how you got here.

    "No, no, nothing like that. We were just passing through and happened upon some strange rock formations while exploring the area. We figured since these rocks looked similar to those in the mountains, maybe we'd find some sort of treasure down here as well"

    You eagerly explain to the men that you know where to find adamantine.

    "Hmm, sounds like you have a lot of faith in Armok. But I assure you, there is nothing down here worth getting your hands on".

    You tell the men that you know of a place where there is raw adamantine for sure.

    "Hmmm, okay, I guess you're right. Good luck finding it though, it's probably buried deep underground somewhere. Now if you'll excuse us, we've been told by the guards to keep a close eye on things in the mine, and to be careful out there"

    You ask if one of the men can escort you deeper into the yours to find this adamantine.

    "Sure thing, I'll take care of everything. See ya soon!".

    You go back to where you found the adamantine.

    You return to the spot where you found the adamantine and begin searching. After several minutes of searching, you finally find the spot. There is a small hole in the ground leading up to a shaft which leads to a small cave.

    You grab pick and yours the adamantine.

    You grab the pick and dig a small opening in the earth. You then put the pick in the opening and quickly shove the pick into the shaft. You wait patiently for an hour or two and then carefully pull the pick out. You are surprised to find that the pick is still intact

    You keep mining adamantine.

    You continue to mine adamantine until you run out of the stuff. When you stop, you find that you have dug a tunnel that goes all the way to the bottom of the mine. You also find that you have left a few coins on the floor of the mine

    You you hear a noise coming from where the tunnel leads from the adamantine vein.

    You hear a noise coming from the direction of the adamantine vein. You hurry over to the sound and find that it comes from a large creature covered in scales and covered in spikes.

    You fall down and beg the creature not to kill you.

    You fall down and try to crawl away from the creature, but it attacks you. You struggle against its powerful jaws and claws, but eventually you are ripped apart and eaten

    You try to crawl away.

    You attempt to crawl away from the creature, but it grabs you and begins tearing you apart piece by piece. Eventually you are torn apart and eaten

    You try to hit it with your pickaxe with your last breath.

    You try to hit the creature with your pickaxe with your last breath, but fail miserably. You die screaming in agony

    submitted by /u/Zerim023
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    This mote digging gone wrong...

    Posted: 12 Dec 2019 12:44 AM PST

    This mote digging gone wrong...

    I like this game so much, but I'm a recent parent and the death of this dwarven baby exacts a great toll.

    You will be honored for generations, little one.

    submitted by /u/Br_kke
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    Those Elves on the other side of here... if we kill them all... Does that mean... will we be free

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Found this as one of my civilization deities. All I can imagine it as Eren from attack on Titan


    submitted by /u/Stevewinrar
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    Môn Snun : The Savage Lang of Festivals - Episode 6 ; Blue Blood, Blue Caves

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST


    Hey everyone! Sixth episode of my serie about the colonization of a max savagery peninsula is finally out! I'm wishing to get some feedback from y'all and, possible, some more fans ^^

    submitted by /u/Pandito24
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    For anyone tired of the kind of... ridiculous automoderation or rules in this sub.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

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