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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress By forbidding all but one item of a type your strange mood dwarf needs, you can create some ridiculous artifacts of insanely high value.

    Dwarf Fortress By forbidding all but one item of a type your strange mood dwarf needs, you can create some ridiculous artifacts of insanely high value.

    By forbidding all but one item of a type your strange mood dwarf needs, you can create some ridiculous artifacts of insanely high value.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:10 AM PST

    Undead human spearman that single handedly ended my fresh embark on a terrifying biome

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:53 AM PST

    You can nominate games for the Steam games awards. I don't think there is any question about which game should win the Labor of Love award.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PST

    My gloriously glitchy fort and the curse of the immoral clusterfuck

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:29 PM PST

    I just started playing this game. I watched that video about how levels and stairs work, and got to work myself. Other than that, all i know is that dead bodies turn into ghosts that rip your lips off, and that lovecraftian monsters periodically crawl up from underground to shoot anthrax at you.

    Already things are weird. My fortress's name is stuck as "mirror". All i could do to change it was add "of x" to the end. Now it's Onul Osod.

    Somehow despite having the least logistically sound fortress possible, I've survived a year so far. I've already lost all my seeds somehow, save for a few plump helmets, which are growing at a snail's pace. I heard that you get seeds back only by turning them into alcohol. So i set my only food source to be constantly fermented into booze and packaged into extremely finite barrels, thus solving the problem once and for all.

    Among other concerns, I have ample armor and clothing, and no idea how to equip it. I have a room full of magically starvation-proof geese in hopes of getting eggs from them, but they refuse to use my egg boxes. They also constantly leak slugs and worms.

    I somehow managed to accidentally write a memorial laying to rest a child that is still alive.

    My dwarves will not use my wood furnace under any circumstances, thus making ingots and by extension metal equipment impossible.

    I don't even know how to check my inventory, and I'm pretty sure i have several live fish in it, which i have no idea what to do with.

    The dwarves are unhappy about a lack of beds and things to drink with, and i think the general roughness of the place is getting to them.

    There's a corner in the dormitory with no wall that i can't reach to place a wall.

    Needless to say, things were going good.

    Suddenly a goddamn were-zebra begins charging down the top of the mountain whilst an enormous caravan of dwarven migrants and 3 human visitors decided to appear and several of my dwarves were outside despite having no jobs outside.

    Having no idea how burrows worked, i immediately created one in the fort and assigned everyone to it so they'd know where to go. I then flipped a lever that sealed the only entrance with an enormous cinnabar vault door with the zebra inches away.

    Several people, including a chicken with a legendary title were unceremoniously turned into silly putty and i think a human near the door was removed from existence on a molecular level.

    In any case, the zebra pretty much immediately reverted to a human and left. I still haven't opened the vault, since I'll be damned if I allow some deviantart furry apocalypse into the base to yiff everyone into a smeared paste next full moon.

    However, on the inside, my tiny 17 person civilization has been turned to a 39 person bum colony sharing 12 beds, with an additional 9 people doing their best impression of an outdoor pool in front of the vault door. One of them was a guy named urist carrying a baby named urist.

    Standing in this pool is a human in armor patiently waiting to be let in. I'm also being assailed with a "petition" to let some guy in to "kill monsters". Coincidentally it's not the guy outside the door.

    Naturally I checked the combat logs. Given that it took a while for the people outside the door to be "found dead", I'm not sure if i can trust these combat logs to tell me everything that happened and everyone involved, but it's the best I have. I found there's was a single person involved in combat with the zebra who wasn't immediately killed.

    A heavily traumatized dwarf child that -according to the combat log - dodged the werebeast while panicking and reminding himself to withdraw, then ran inside during the brief hesitation when the vault closed. It doesn't show that he sustained any injuries from the zebra, but considering the only ones to see the attack were him and the guy waiting outside the vault door to give us cooties, I'm not sure if I can believe him.

    Thus, I nicknamed him "dodgy", both for his dodging skills and for the state he has put us in; through his crime of continuing to be alive.

    So now 39 drunken babies are hiding inside a feasibly unopenable fortress built for 12, with 500 food, 300 drink, dirt for walls, and 9 corpses waiting to turn into ghosts, one of which is potentially a legendary chicken?

    submitted by /u/mynameishweuw
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    Ah yes, the famous staccagato technique.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:03 AM PST

    Okej guys i think this "trail effect" would make DF a lot more manageable!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:13 PM PST

    When you realize diggy diggy hole is not about Minecraft but about DF

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:04 AM PST


    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:38 PM PST

    My dwarves reenacting the fight from Warcraft Shadowlands trailer.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:56 PM PST

    Talking Dwarf Fortress With Civillain

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Something that makes me kinda sad

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Theres no more from "the story of logan" by u/interfederational.

    submitted by /u/Pliniomelo09
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