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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress Playing Dwarf Fortress with coworkers around...

    Dwarf Fortress Playing Dwarf Fortress with coworkers around...

    Playing Dwarf Fortress with coworkers around...

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:13 AM PST

    Coworker: What are you doing?

    Me: I'm playing a game called Dwarf Fortress.

    CW: Oh. I thought you were coding, or looking at the Matrix or something.

    Little does he know, I wasn't even playing with ASCII, I use Phoebus tileset. It could have been much worse.

    submitted by /u/JavaforShort
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    [LONG] Accidentally tamed a Demon - not sure what to do

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:14 AM PST

    (TL;DR at the bottom, but I encourage you to read the entire thing!)

    Hey there all. You may or may not remember me from this post in which I asked some of you for some ideas for my Goblin Vampire Striker.
    Well, one of the suggestions was that I overthrow the Demon ruling over my parent Goblin civ, which I thought was a really good idea, so I followed out on it. Now, my Goblin (Gusslaxsangöm, or Cobrastrikes. Originally known as Tirist Kibendok, but I had to change my identity after infiltrating a Dark Pits, then a Dark Fortress. More on that later) was not a native of any Goblin civ, but instead was raised in the Dwarven Capital, Plankshimmer, a Fortress with a formerly large population of Goblin, but now it was dwindling. So, I did a little bit of digging in Legends Mode, and I found out the following:

    • Cobrastrikes' ancestors fled from Olngösmunet, Monsterscandal, capital of the largest Goblin civ in my world, known as The Sly Curse, after a Roc had attacked in 8
    • An influx of Goblin refugees and migrants was suddenly introduced to Plankshimmers, not just Cobrastrikes' ancestors.
    • Over time (59 years to be precise) the Goblins who fled Olngösmunet intermingled with one another until finally, Cobrastrikes appeared!

    So, with that in mind, I finally set out with my loyal Macedwarf companion. I was not content with simply punching things, so Monsterscandal was on my mind - and luckily it was close by.

    Soon after embarking and passing through the Dark Pits, rampant with the scent of my kind and blood smeared along the entrance, I found out that the army of Aquov Ussambolli, of The Braided Nation, had attacked. A neighboring Human civ, it appeared that the attack was provoked due to the kidnapping of children. This was haunting to me, but I shrugged it off and continued until Monsterscandal was within sight.

    Climbing through the seemingly endless stairs leading to the main chamber, the corpses of Beak Dog, and Troll, Goblin and Human, were strewn around. Blood the color of Adamantine and Red Tourmaline pooling by the walls and corners, corrupting my steel armor. Terrible.

    When I finally reached the main chamber, I saw that the Demon Master and Goblin Master were still alive, yet the Goblin seemed to have taken quite the brunt. Their entire left arm had been severed, their right thumb and index finger had was gone, probably bitten off, and their legs bore multiple, jagged scars.

    The Demon was perfectly fine, and I soon found out what type of demon they were. A Moose Fiend - A huge, scaly moose twisted into humanoid form. It is ravening. It's dark green scales are large and close-set. Beware its noxious secretions!

    Here they were. The Demon that started this manhunt of sorts. Gusmul Ongoxu Sermok Ongox.

    I wasted no time introducing myself to Gusmul and the Goblin Master who I soon forgot the name of. I then proceeded to kill the Goblin Master, and that was where I realized the fact that if I had not been a Vampire, nor had I adopted a new, Goblin identity reminiscent of the ways of my ancestors, then I would have been slain on the spot by Gusmul. I was one lucky Goblin!

    Unscathed by this all, Gusmul returned conversation with me, and we shared a lovely talk between each other, where I discovered a couple of things. The first being about the human invasion, and the second being that ANOTHER civilization's army was now headed to Monsterscandal. This time, however, it was Dwarven in nature - sent straight from Plankshimmers, Cobrastrike's home-fortress, and where a small diaspora of Goblins from Monsterscandal resided in. I would imagine that the Goblins there, upon hearing the news, would be likely sent fleeing to the tunnels, executed by the guards, or were exiled to the unforgiving Avetho Iwo, The Desert of Maws, where they were likely given an untimely death being struck down by a two-humped camel or some nonsense like that.

    The army of Aban Creedmountain and his Hammerdwarves, Swordsdwarves, and Axedwarves recruited straight from the halls in which Cobrastrikes grew up in were near, and so, just to see if Gusmul had any reaction to it, I asked the Moose Fiend himself if he wanted my rescue and follow me.




    Lo and behold, Gusmul the Moose Fiend was now one of my companions.

    This was a few out of game hours ago, and since then, Gusmul, my other companion and I have begun to explore the lands, terrorizing the people, and claiming towns and hamlets as Lady with my Demon.

    I'm honestly not sure what to do anymore. Gusmul, my Macedwarf and I are currently performing The Sister of Sweetness outside a hamlet, a solo dance originating from The Tick of Ghouls, and is accompanied by The Poet of Intricacies.

    Here is the proof of my current predicament:

    Gusmul, Rikoth and Gusslaxsangöm performing for themselves

    My companions

    Gusmul himself

    I really need some ideas of what to do with Gusmul, now that I have to take care of a Moose Fiend now. I'm eagerly anticipating some !!FUN!! ideas from this community, so feel free to comment them down below.

    TL;DR My Vampiric Goblin puncher went on an adventure to overthrow the ruler of their ancestor's civ with a Macedwarf and managed to convince a Demon to follow them around. Need ideas.

    submitted by /u/hdhedjjdjfh
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    I spent 10 hours generating a large world with 1000 years history, 30 minutes finding the perfect embark spot, and 10 minutes choosing gear. I haven't unpaused yet and just KNOW these are gonna ruin everything.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Central Spiral Ramp Design (Excellent for FPS)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Low-light Vision raw editing question

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    I've tried looking this up but I couldn't find anything useful. I know lowlight vision is the token or flag for a creature's vision radius in the dark and I want to add/modify it to other races for adventure mode, primarily. Being in a fortress as a nondwarf is frustrating.

    I've never edited raws so I had a couple questions;

    1) does this affect all iterations of the creature/race I modify across all saves 2) does it break existing saves 3) will it conflict with mods or be undone by them and under what circumstances 4) is there a better way, say, gm-gui/edit in dfhack console (I think that's the command)

    Thanks. Also any links to tutorials or videos are appreciated. I'm interested in the mod potential especially with the upcoming steam release.

    submitted by /u/Un4tunate
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    Welcome to Armorallied! Don't expect us to open the door for you if you don't kill something out there, though.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    Why don't we have a subreddit specific upvote/downvote? Such a narrow-cliche fanbase like ours could have some great discource community driven arrows!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:57 PM PST

    Unless I am missing them and they are hidden under some option, it seems we have not customized our upvote or downvote arrows. Why not have them as a forgotten beast, happy dwarf, or any other combination of our discourse community specific context?

    Is there a process that needs to happen? Does it cost money? What do I, or we, need to do to get this to happen?

    Thanks, just thought I'd throw the question out to hear some thoughts.

    Strike the earth hard and remember to have FUN!

    submitted by /u/MuffinsofJoy
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    Northhold: Ep 4 - The Hunt

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 01:26 PM PST

    Design Strategies

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 05:34 PM PST

    Does anyone have unique design strategies that go into your forts? Any particular shapes you like to use? What about trap halls and the like? Do you have a specific mindset when making a fort?

    I'll start it off. When playing dwarf fortress, I like to dig straight down with a square pit. In the edges of the pit I carve ramps/stairs, with an open place in the center. On flat ground I like to make a Egyptian style pyramid over the top to stop fliers and climbers from getting in. Then i have 4-5 rooms on the left and right sides of the pit on each level, where dwarves live. The north and south facing sides I leave for workshops, stockpiles, and public spaces.

    For temperament, I usually provide a private craftsdwarf workshop to each of the 4-5 rooms, which is set to pump out figurines, limited to the five or so dwarves living in that room cluster. I find that this lowers stress, as dwarves will get less bored with their normal work, and have a creative outlet.

    For defense I use mostly marksdwarves, which harass invaders from the safety of fortifications set into walls along the spiral downward. I use a miners militia for fighting early on, thanks to the mining skill counting as a weapon skill, and picks being fairly decent weapons. I have three rotating work squads of miners that trade out training, relaxing, and working each month. I usually have access hallways going to important rooms, which I can seal up with bridge walls in control rooms, so my civilians can continuously fall back to deeper and deeper barrows and still get to their homes and places of work.

    As a rule I don't seal off my fortress after the third year. I make a rule for myself that If my prep wasn't enough, then it is time for FUN! So we are never perfectly safe. We can seal off convenient routs, such as access tunnels, but not the main spiral down. The bottom floor is also always open; never sealed off.

    submitted by /u/cyberwarrior101
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    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 04:01 PM PST

    How I got a vampire mercenary

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    So I had a particularly interesting visitor come to my fort, an elite crossbowwoman, I noticed something was off when I noted that she was wearing amulets made out of human body parts, I checked the crossbow to see if she had any kills on it, since vampires have pretty long kill lists, but she had none.

    I was already on alert since earlier on my world, I had the announcement screen glitch out and for some reason I got the announcement:

    Human Vampire Crossbowwoman is visiting.

    Maybe the vampire (or the game) forgot to put on a cover identity, but she just went and hanged around my tavern and left the map.

    I tought of getting my 7 dwarves on a squad and killing the vampire, but I didn't know how dangerous the vampire might be, and I didn't want to put up with upset dwarves over the death of a human vampire/another dwarf, I already have enough dwarves who suddenly just turned into stress bombs for getting rained on once.

    Later onto the game I was minding my own business, when I get a notification about a dwarf being found drained of blood, so I went and checked every dwarfs toughts for toughts about inebriation, and I had one suspect resident that had no toughts about inebriation, so I locked him in a room and waited, but the moment he got there he fell asleep, and upon further inspection, he did get toughts about inebriation but he didn't get euphoric about it (something I've never seen before.)

    But then I saw a little blinking green Ü, that turned out to be the vampire from earlier, this time with a proper undercover identity, and I checked the inventory, and everything was there, from the crossbow encrusted with turkey and black mamba bones to the human hair amulet. Unfortunately the vampire already satiated with his feast on my dwarf was leaving, so she got away again.

    Which leaves us at the current time where I get a notification about a human visitor, which is already unusual since I am at war with the humans, so human visitors are rare, and sure enough, the vampire was there, so after she chatted with my dwarves in the tavern turns out she was looking forward to residing in my fort, for the purpose of soldiering.

    So now I have a vampire mercenary, which leaves me with a few problems for me and a few questions for any DF experts:

    Can Mercenaries petition for residence in your fort like Bards and Scholars do?

    I was thinking of having this vampire sent onto solo raids into goblin pits, but turns out mercenaries can't be part of a lone squad, there needs to be a leader on my squad and the leader must be a resident, which leaves me with the option of assigning her onto a squad with only one dwarf as the leader, tho I am playing with a cap of 60 wich means that every dwarf plays a semi important role in my fort, I don't have a lot of cannon fodder.

    Also Mercenaries cannot be appointed noble positions or jobs wich leaves out the vampire slave out of the picture.

    How do I use this vampire to my advantage?

    submitted by /u/Vcd14
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