• Breaking News

    Wednesday, November 20, 2019

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarven science has concluded that goblins can safely be gelded with socks.

    Dwarf Fortress Dwarven science has concluded that goblins can safely be gelded with socks.

    Dwarven science has concluded that goblins can safely be gelded with socks.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:44 AM PST

    Don't forget, hunting dogs behind a fortification are an effective way to spot stealthy thieves!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:46 PM PST

    Someone really likes bayberries

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 12:41 AM PST

    Pro tip:

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 01:42 AM PST

    Name one of your seven Dwarves after yourself so that if you mess up your fortress, you get yourself killed. I find it adds a bit more stakes/incentive to do better.

    submitted by /u/Buckethatman
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    GUIDE : The best animal men to play in Adventure Mode

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:54 PM PST


    The Elephant man is the biggest land animal men. And in DF, size is proportional to strength, endurance and possible damage. A simple punch from one of these is enough to explode a human-sized foe's head. He also have awesome tusks to impale enemies.

    Honorary mentions :

    • Sperm whale man (5 times bigger than elephant men but they drown on land)
    • Rhinoceros man (60% smaller, but still huge and has a horn to gore enemies)
    • Elephant seal man (males are the same size than rhinos, and also amphibious)

    As /u/BaileyTheWhitesican said, being too big (or small) for common armors have the downside of being unprotected and thus to die from infection, or from a lucky hit in your head. To make a armor for non-dwarf or human creatures in fortress mode, you must have at least one inhabitant of this species. For infections, I wonder if having soap in your inventory and using it after battles is effective in adventure mode.


    The most useful venoms are the ones powerful enough to paralyze a human-sized creature, thus stopping its breathing system and asphyxiating them. Thus, the best animal men in this category are, by ascending size order (although the difference is too slight to make an noticeable difference) :

    • Black Mamba man,
    • King Cobra man
    • Bushmaster man.

    However, in Adventure mode, syndromes work 72 times slower than in fortress mode. So in vanilla game, you can kill your victim with weapons 5 times before the venom kills it. To make combat-relevant syndromes work properly in both modes, you can mod their timing for adventure mode (by dividing all their timers by 72) and then add DWF_STRETCH:72 after them to slow down the effect in fort mode so they don't take effect instantly.

    Honorary mentions : Strong pain syndromes may help foes to "give in to pain" faster. So animal men with strong pain venom like :

    • adder men
    • bark scorpion men

    may have a nice plus.


    Many animal men have special token allowing them to navigate more easily in many circumstances. The most notable are :


    Amphibious creatures can breath inside or outside water, making them great for water exploration. The best ones are :

    • Capybara man, for being able to wear dwarf-sized armor.
    • Elephant seal man, males are the biggest one (but females are much smaller)
    • Walrus man, big and can gore foes with his tusks
    • Pond turtle man, also able to retract in his shell (the shell becomes the only body part exposed to attacks)

    Honorary mentions :

    • Gila monster man and platypus man have a venomous attack (but its effect is just a pain and swelling)

    Alligator and Saltwater crocodile men look awesome, but I don't know if their bite is particularly powerful, some other amphibious animal men are bigger, and they are unable to jump like the animals they are based on.


    Flying allows you to go up and down like in stairs, but literally anywhere if there is no floor or ceiling. Great to fly over obstacles or even over ocean, and to escape ground foes. The best ones are :

    • Swan man, the biggest flying animal man
    • Peregrine falcon man, the fastest flying animal man, moving at the maximum gait of 87 kph.

    Honorary mention :

    • The mosquito woman can suck blood with her trunk. Which can be useful if you play a vampire.


    Arachnid men are awesome. They have a legendary-level skill in clibing, feel no pain, no stun, no fear, are immune to paralysis, have extravision (do not need eyes to see), do not need to sleep, and most of them have venom. They also have 6 arms (and 2 pincers for scorpions), allowing them to carry 6 (or 8) weapons or shields. Since using several weapons during the same turn make them less accurate, the most optimal way to play is to use 5 (or 7) shields and a weapon, to have 5 (or 7) chances to block attacks. But hey, using 7 weapons looks much cooler. However, they are unable to swim and can't consume vegetal food. The best ones are :

    • Brown recluse spider man, who are also able to shoot webs (overpowered in DF), and are immune to them. Their venom can also cause severe localized necrosis
    • Bark scorpion man, who have two pincers on top of 6 arms, thus able to use 8 weapons or shields


    Retracting in its shell protects from many attacks, as the shell becomes the only body part exposed to thses. Giant Tortoise men are the biggest animal men able to do this.


    The following animal men are able to wear dwarf-sized armor and clothes :

    • Emu man
    • Wolf man
    • Capybara man (also amphibious)
    • Aardvark man
    • Cassowary man
    • Cheetah man (also runs fast)
    • Ibex man
    • Impala man
    • Leopard man
    • Mountain goat man
    • Sponge man (drowns outside of water)

    The following ones are able to wear human-sized armor and clothes. Both are also bigger than humans :

    • Jaguar man
    • Wild Boar man (bigger than the former)

    The following ones are able to wear both dwarf-sized and human-sized armor and clothes :

    • Cougar man
    • Hyena man

    If you have additions or corrections to make to my post, feel free to post these, so I can improve this guide.

    submitted by /u/Stained_Class
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    Military hauling rocks

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 08:03 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I sent my squads to explore a abandoned place, but they are taking hours to leave the map because most of them are hauling ores/stones... Is this because they were hauling stuff at the moment I set the mission? Military dwarves were off duty at the time I made the selection, maybe I should activate them first?


    submitted by /u/snakesoul
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    Think I found Gaston (Or Goku)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:19 AM PST

    Amkash Ponderjester the Elf

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:31 PM PST

    I started my first adventurer just a few days ago, Amkash the Elf swordsman, and I felt like sharing the tale that brought him to his demise:

    His journey began in The Enjoyable Realms, far to the North, where he stumbled across a human named Rin Jailweb. Rin, who was known by the people as "Stral," told Amkash of his unfortunate cousin Uda, who had been captured by Goblins and taken to the Goblin Fortress named Eviltaxed many years ago. Immediately, Amkash offered to join Stral on a mission to rescue his cousin. Stral accepted, and so the two headed off.

    On their journey, they slayed a giant cougar, Brain of Harmonies the troll, and even one zombie human who nearly succeeded in taking out Stral. They encountered dozens of dwarfs and humans, and greatened the rescue party as well.

    Eventually the party arrived at their destination - Eviltaxed. Stozu Drinkblack was the first goblin to fall by the hand of Amkash as the party delved deep into the trenches of the fortress, and unfortunately, was the only one. Shortly after his death, the party split, and Amkash was left alone with Zom Appearedfiend, a goblin craftsman. After being sliced across the chest, Zom charged at Amkash, causing the two of them to tumble deep into one of the trenches. The fall tore several tendons in Amkash's left hand, which was already battered from his previous battle with a giant cougar, and Amkash dropped his silver longsword.

    From that moment on, Amkash was hopeless. The goblin Zom punched, kicked, and bit Amkash as he was defenseless, so much that when Amkash finally brought up his sword and shield in defense, he could not hit a single swing. Zom continued to brutally beat Amkash, restricting his breathing and eventually knocking him out. When Amkash awoke, his companion Stral was beside him, wrestling the goblin craftsman as best he could.

    But it was too late. Amkash had been mortally wounded, was covered in his own vomit and blood, and had absolutely no energy or fight left in his body.

    In the midspring of 125, Amkash Ponderjester suffocated, slain by the goblin craftsman Zom Appearedfiend.

    submitted by /u/hybridGangster
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    Ep.19: In Which Alexei Returns to Talk Dog Biscuits, Soap Slides, and !FUN! Much Nonsense and Mirth

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:43 PM PST

    Traders in path of forest fire...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    Traders in path of forest fire...

    but they're elven traders, so no big loss :)

    srsly tho i have no idea how this fire started. just noticed a giant FPS drop and then followed some panicking dwarf topside and saw... this. never had this happen before.


    submitted by /u/cphanna
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    UCSC CMPM 147 Generative Design, Tarn Adams Guest Talk November 2019

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    [Fortress Story] Ginetcog, "Crewed Boot". Year 2 since embark and the elves WILL fall.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:01 PM PST

    Album with pictures: https://imgur.com/a/bm1OsT0


    We, the dwarves of Ginetcog, have left our mountain home, in disgust, seeking somewhere to establish our idea of success. The mountain home is focused too heavily on trade; the mountain home trades with elves and lives with strange creatures. The mountain home won't listen to reason, so we will become reason in this world. We arrived in the year 550 during the 13th of Granite with the mission to wage war with the elves and wipe them out from the earth. The mountain home will listen to reason, willing or not.

    What is the general goal?

    Formulate a strong military of 50 legendary dwarves with a well guarded fort entrance. Once that goal is met, send missions to essentially initiate war with all elves on the map. Switch to adventure mode and recruit the some of the fort, taking them around the map wiping out the elven civilization as well as all beasts and foul creatures that exist. Eventually I may try for the "Age of Death" or some other extreme goal. In the least, I want to wipe out all non dwarven creatures, minus perhaps the dragons and interesting beasts/titans.


    Planet: The Planet of Enchanting

    Continent: The Twinkling Continent

    Volcano: The Dignified Torch

    Brook: Helped Wheel

    Biome: Temperate Savanna

    Savagery: Untamed Wilds

    Nearby Civilizations: Goblins (at war, obviously), Elves, Goblins

    Conflicts? No conflicts beyond a giant adder tried attacking a dwarf and got caught in a cage trap.

    What have I done to get to where I am at?

    Just the basics; I have a small brewing/farming industry making wine, a craft industry pumping out rock crafts, and a volcano entrance for that extra pizazz. The first squad has begun training now in the barracks.

    What defenses am I using?

    Cage traps surrounding a circular volcanic entrance. I may incorporate bridges eventually for added security. The military barracks is near the entrance to the internal fortress, the final hallway has eight (seven in the screenshots now, but eight by the time I post this) hunting dogs with fortifications to warn me of sneaking FUN! I may put a couple of catapults in the volcanic circle eventually as well as some weapon traps. I am also considering using lava mist in one or two areas, but that's a plan as of yet.

    In terms of military, I have opted to allow the dwarves to guide their own weapon preferences and armor preferences. This may not be the best idea but it feels more immersive and I despise micromanaging equipment. Three squads will patrol the trap free portion of the volcanic ring entrance in turns while another three will patrol the caverns and production portion of the fort. One squad will patrol the living quarters but it will be an off duty squad from another area as I'm not really worried about anything happening in that area.

    Why do I have 3000 food and nearly no drinks?

    Great question. The second trade with the mountain home included only food, and I just bought it all. I'm hoping the next one contains a similar amount of drink but we'll see. I just set three carpenters to build barrels on repeat, so either way there is at least a thousand drink in the immediate future. I intended to have more drinks at this point through trade; however, I pissed off the elves immediately after they arrives in year one by offering them wood crafts and the dwarves in year two only brought me food.

    Why bother doing this?

    Silly question. Obviously because I'm addicted to dwarf fortress.

    Seriously though, I've been wanting to manipulate some worlds for a while now. I'm also curious about turning an entire world into necromancers, then starting a dwarf civilization to defeat them; culling all intelligent creatures and playing around in adventure mode as the last survivor, probably only to become bored immediately after; age a world to 1000+ years and still have it in the age of myth, run around in adventure mode and try to turn it into the twilight age; create a world with every race thriving after 1xxx years, and many other ideas.

    tl;dr for why did I bother: because that's the point of Dwarf Fortress.

    Why are some of the dwarves so happy compared to others?

    I used DFHack to set them to happy because I was frustrated that they almost went insane because of the rain. I use DFHack rarely as I enjoy the lore and storytelling of dwarf fortress, NOT the "I didn't die" play style.

    Strike the earth!

    submitted by /u/MuffinsofJoy
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    Masterworks sound sense is not working!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:49 PM PST

    I just downloaded masterworks and configured everything. Everything is working except for sound sense. The pack was downloaded successfully and the sounds play when selected manually, however it doesn't read the game log and play the sounds or anything. Wondering if anyone else had this problem? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Gloryhole_butler
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