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    Monday, January 3, 2022

    Dwarf Fortress After 6 years of playing DF I finally attracted my first Dragon

    Dwarf Fortress After 6 years of playing DF I finally attracted my first Dragon

    After 6 years of playing DF I finally attracted my first Dragon

    Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:39 AM PST

    After 6 years of playing DF I finally attracted my first Dragon

    It was closing on year 3 of the volcano fortress of Claspedrites. That first summer the surrounding cliffs, laden in gold, silver, copper, lapis lazuli, and hematite were delved into with frenzy and the dwarves were immediately sent to smelting and forging over the magma crater. Quickly they went from squalor to bedecked and furnished in shining brilliance, and the militia kitted in iron plate.

    Then from the south the dragon Zes Shakethziril Relubbul had come. The marksdwarves practicing their skills at the base of the mountain had little chance or warning and were quickly vaporized in an eruption of spewed flame that spread to the grasses and wildfires scorched the earth. As the the only squad left in Claspedrites, the Secretive Keys were mustered to do battle, and alone in the vanguard was the Axe Lord Limul Logemduthnur. Sprinting in full iron kit she rushed the mighty wyrm Zes. Before he could realize it his limbs, one by one, were hacked from under him, he collapsed, incapable of moving from his wounds and before he could spew forth another torrent of fiery hell our champion Limul, wielding her silver axe hacked, slashed, and tore her way from his belly to his head where his skull was cloven asunder!

    She was immortalized in gold in every public space of that fortress and four years later, after countless raids on goblin pits, the eradication and genocide of every kobold stronghold in the land, and surviving the tragic rampage of the one-eyed anteater forgotten beast she was elected Mayor of Claspedrites and now rests in a throne room fit for a champion of her stature, where she periodically trains new recruits for those fallen in the Secretive Keys.

    I gotta say, I wasn't expecting such an epic tale to unfold with my first dragon encounter. I was fully expecting !Fun! and destruction and almost relished at the thought, having never attracted more than a bronze colossus in the past, especially so early on in the forts history. I typically start my forts on medium to small maps as well. I thought this time I'd try a smaller world with a very short history, and I think this was the great factor in pulling in such a beast and so early in the game.


    submitted by /u/limitofthought
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    Do you actually think Dwarf Fortress will be popular on Steam?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2022 10:04 AM PST

    I'm talking about here one of the most important aspects of DF and the primary issue all players eventually have to consider after they've been playing for awhile. Which would be the game's unstable performance.

    It is well known to all of us fans that DF is such a simulation heavy game with hundreds of background data having to be processed constantly, like states of filth and wetness on objects; temperature affecting every little sitting item and roaming entity; world history being run with its beast populations, curses, wars, plots and etc; and not to mention, the heavy pathing calculations for all creatures on the map that must be done.

    We adoring fans all know the performance problems exist and glaze over it because we know we can just gut a series of these systems from the game, by going into the RAW files and either disabling or deleting sources of lag, to help us a little; but that also means limiting our own potential fun by having to excise them.

    Is that really going to be fine though once DF is officially on Steam and people will be paying money for likely the most popular dreadfully laggy game in existence? Where Forts in Fortress Mode will make player's framerates bog down into a sloggy 10 frames a second by 10 years of game time have passed? When the most popular cause of a fort being abandoned is from the lag itself? And their main options will be to dig through other player made guides to find out why everything is slowing down into a slog?

    Even with the new pretty touch ups and music to be added. I'm expecting the wider audience of consumers leaving a mountain of negative reviews saying "Game's not ready yet. I can barely run a fortress" and things like that. Honestly I would not blame them either.

    submitted by /u/codylish
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    Stay back... I'm armed!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2022 07:15 AM PST

    DevLog 1 January 2022: "I will offer updates as possible, unless we are all consumed by what rises when the ritual is not observed in timely fashion."

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 04:30 PM PST

    Adventure mode tavern under construction

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 03:25 PM PST

    Future of the Fortress 1 January 2022: "Yeah, the saves should be compatible between the Premium and Classic versions, and Premium (or Classic people with graphics mods installed) should also be able to switch between them, probably on the fly [....] it's not 100% settled."

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 04:39 PM PST

    Peat tile materializing in my sinkhole.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2022 06:23 AM PST

    Adventure mode: Power hungry businessman run

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 12:46 PM PST

    My goals:

    1. Build a tavern
    2. Tax every tavern in the nearest town 40% of their total revenue (this is me being generous)
    3. Take 50% of all their alcohol (Leave them some to sell so I can make more tax money)
    4. Make an example out of anyone that refuses to pay their share

    Edit: Forgot to mention my party is 3 fully decked out necromancer hammer users

    submitted by /u/ValvanHNW
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    The Bay 12 Games Report, January 1st, 2022

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 04:43 PM PST

    Kobold int-dead came to my fort to prepare a coup

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 05:16 PM PST

    Steam Edition - 2021 Recap Everything We Know.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 02:52 PM PST

    Best CPU

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 08:22 PM PST

    So I know that dwarf fortress runs on a single CPU core, making multiple core CPUs pointless for increasing frame rates in high population fortresses. So, what CPU on the market today runs dwarf fortress best. I have no interest in overclocking.

    submitted by /u/sockofillrepute
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    Necromancer Expel Crash

    Posted: 01 Jan 2022 04:20 PM PST

    During one of my recent migration waves I had 3 necromancers join my fort. I want my fort to consider them evil, so I try expelling them one by one. However there is a specific necromancer that when I attempt to expel the game crashes (I don't even get to "are you sure" part before it crashes).

    I'm going to workaround and just atom smash her or send her off on crazy missions.

    Just curious if anyone is having a similar issue or may know why a specific dwarf is causing this crash?

    I'm using PeridexisErrant's starter pack 0.47.05-r06

    submitted by /u/The_Windmill
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