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    Sunday, November 14, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress One of my dwarves made an artifact boot... as a tribute to her shin, apparently.

    Dwarf Fortress One of my dwarves made an artifact boot... as a tribute to her shin, apparently.

    One of my dwarves made an artifact boot... as a tribute to her shin, apparently.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Starting a Dwarven Fashion House

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 06:26 AM PST

    I've been playing DF for about a year now, and I think I'm ready to start my first themed fortress. I want to build a fort centered around the fashion industry, producing the finest clothes for all the known world.

    However, I'm also a noob when it comes to anything specialized, so does anyone have advice on how to make this viable? I already have some ideas on how to best train peasants to become passable clothiers, but any guidance is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SindriHarrowedSeas
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    Meph's Tileset is no longer available for download

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 03:20 PM PST

    This is a superior quality hemp sock.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 12:31 PM PST

    Dwarf Fortress Roundtable is now live with a new episode! (11am Central Daylight Time to 12am)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2021 09:07 AM PST

    A tower, a book, and a baby dorf.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 06:44 PM PST

    My proud hamlet of Laboreddabble, four years in, has survived several sieges from a nearby necromantic tower thanks to a trusty regiment of speardwarves in fine leather armor. I decided to take it to my agressor's turf with a series of increasingly bold raids culminating in the razing of the tower, the freeing of several longtime prisoners, and an impressive haul of books to garnish my brand new sprawling library, the Laborious Vault.

    Soon thereafter, a routine sortie to clean up an enemy ambush found my Speardwarves fighting amongst themselves! With several Spearmasters down as well as some collateral civilian casualties, I set out to discover what happened and found this in the combat logs:
    "a rotten billy goat skin is fighting!"

    It turns out that one of my humble planters, Avuz Wingtraded, had stumbled upon a certain dusty tome - looted from the defunct tower - and had taught herself some arcane skills in her leisure time. Spooked by battle, she had raised a whole army of problems, including legendary spearmaster zombies.

    Determined to spare myself future fun, I forbade the black book, and set about to find a way to remove Avuz. Eschewing violence, I decided to 'reassign' her to the Hillocks of Bridgesweltered, a recently established podunk dependency a day's travel towards the west.

    Curiously, instead of departoing via the obvious overland route, she decided to leave via the 3rd caverns. As I watched, there was another dorf in tow, who turned out to be her husband - Sakzul the Milker. Of course. Fair enough.

    My satisfaction turned to dismay as, right on the edge of the map, a new face appeared. Catten Runfortresses, a baby not one year of age, dropped unceremoniously in the most terrifying place imaginable as his parents left the map. Catten the now-orphan started randomly stumbling around the caverns, dangerously near a group of Molemarians who were standing over the shredded remains of a wayward Bard.

    This wouldn't do. I immediately dispatched my army to wipe out the molemen, stationing them around the wandering tot to ward off any other dangers. Meanwhile, I dispatched a messenger to Bridgesweltered to politely request the return of its parents. Several days later I was pleased to see Avuz return and head down to the caverns to scoop up her infant and return to work in the safety of the hemp farms.

    Lessons learned.

    submitted by /u/dekosser
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