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    Wednesday, September 22, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Part 20 of the Crowdkitchens saga is now live!

    Dwarf Fortress Part 20 of the Crowdkitchens saga is now live!

    Part 20 of the Crowdkitchens saga is now live!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    They have chosen death.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    It was a very bizarre sequence of events that started the war. First a fire breathing FB appeared in the lowest cavern level. No big deal, I wasn't using it so it's sealed. Eventually a pair of cave dragons came, such great and powerful beasts, and immune to fire. It was something like a fair fight, the FB was defeated but took one of them down with it. Sadly I missed the details.

    Fast forward two years. I never got around to using the cavern and it took me that long to notice there were still somehow corpses burning in there. I tried to send in dwarves and they wouldn't enter. Ah, I'd seen this before. I had temperature disabled to save on FPS, it created a bug. Simple fix reset the temp settings and restart. The entire cavern layer just exploded into fire on start up. Every inch of the cave was full of great walls of fire and clouds of billowing smoke. Then, perhaps it was my imagination but from beyond the parting smoke and dying flame I thought I heard a voice call out:


    Suddenly, without warning and seemingly without reason cavern creatures of every description began pouring from every accessible map edge in the cavern. Hungry Heads, Crundles, Trolls, VCCs, Blood Men, Mud Men and more by the dozen they just kept coming in waves. Roughly three hundred in all and every single one of them wanted to kill the rest or so it seemed. My FPS dropped like a new noble's approval rating.

    Well. This was a conundrum. We're a nano fort, 32 strong. All well trained in fighting even a few experts but it would be foolish to send anyone into that, especially without armor and we had little.

    No no, I said to myself, if we're going to take the FPS hit lets have some fun. Dig a few tunnels, carve out some fortifications and give the necromancer sheriff a front row view to each cavern section.

    You'd think I would have been smarter. Well ok maybe you wouldn't but I certainly would have. I was overjoyed earlier to breach that particular cavern and see delicious candy. On a 1x1 map candy can be rare enough but four delicious stacks of it reaching up from the cavern bottom, how wonderful a find. I was just busy with other things, I'd get to it. Those words will be on my slab.

    Well I marked out the tunnels, and the dwarves dug the tunnels. As you've probably guessed, they dug them straight into the blasted clown car. Add another two hundred creatures to my FPS woes.

    Well no sense giving it up. We couldn't fight a bunch of cavern rabble there was nothing to be done against the legions of hell. There was one hope, the tunnels had been dug off the main shaft. A twisting turning vertical spire of ramps through the entire crust of the world. Every level was open to the level above by only two tiles. If we could get those two tiles blocked off on any level between them and the fortress proper they'd be contained within the shaft.

    I gave the orders. The breach level couldn't be sealed. Two anteater fiends led the charge, one faster than the other it reached the intended wall position at the same time as the unfortunate builder. Stukos, founding member, middling engraver and rather accomplished backside polisher. She put up a fight. Which is to say it took a full eight pages of beatings before she actually died. If I'm reading the logs right one of the creatures punched her into the air, then the fiend kicked her, her leg skimmed the floor but she didn't land...it's the fiend again with the kick IT'S GOOD! BALL STILL IN PLAY! creature number one with a kick of it's own again, fiend follows it up with a vicious punch rupturing the engraver's entire upper body. Game over. With their ball now deflated the players resumed their assault.

    On the next level they met Oddom, our militia commander and a dwarf that could shape steal with a glare. Unfortunately she'd been practicing unarmed training.

    The fiend, now named Sweatfroth was not concerned with the pitiful bruises Oddom inflicted nor any intensity of glare. He simply bit her in the liver and with a shake of his head disemboweled her upon the stone killing her instantly.

    This level was slightly larger than the others as two of the tunnels had begun to be dug here before the Breach. The miners had turned and seized the nearby stones as ordered and tried to push them into place. One of them was Lokum, she was responsible for the initial breach and had somehow fallen back to start digging another tunnel without being killed. She was armed with her pick. Whatever happened to her I didn't see it, the combat log vanished too fast but it left her in bits. Many bits.

    I watched the rest play out. The second miner, Fikod our carpenter and yet another founding member stood there with his pick in hand. That's when I saw her. A baby, ònul the youngest daughter of Stukos and our manager.. She'd somehow crawled three levels up ahead of the demons from where her mother died. Fikod was standing between the child and the forces of hell itself.

    The second anteater fiend stepped up to the level and Fikod embedded his pick deep in it's skull. Not deep enough. Then a beautiful and yet terrible sound. Stone slipping neatly into place against stone. The passage behind was closed. Someone had made it down, and they'd pulled it off. The plan had always been to sacrifice anyone needed to seal the spire. If one group couldn't seal a level maybe they'd buy the next level time to get the job done. It had worked perfectly. I felt terrible.

    Knowing the end had come Fikod stood strong and swung his pick with everything he had, but he'd missed his shot. He wouldn't land another meaningful hit before Sweatfroth brought him to the ground by simply destroying his leg with a contemptuous kick. After the kick though, Fikod brought the pain. With a last mighty swing he drove his weapon deep into Sweatfroth's heart. The abomination would bleed out in moments though Fikod would not last to see it.

    After that the demons were alone in the dark with the little girl. There are some things that shouldn't be shared. What they did to that baby is one of them. It was the second fiend that dealt the final blow.

    Yet for the cost of five lives the fortress was saved. The forces below are contained. The beloved dead are deeply mourned. Our manager who lost his wife and child in the attack happens to bear the name Lokum and his second daughter the name Fikod. When the time comes it will be they who lead our return.

    I have not faced these beasts in many years, and I have never won. Two things that shall now change. We will train, we will produce, w e will design and build and we will be back. We shall drive the lesson of their folly deep into the very heart of the Underworld. Grand memorials to the Fallen Five shall be erected within. Resplendent in gold and jewels and the corpses of our foes. Sweatfroth and the one now called Louseblister in particular shall hang eternal above their tombs. Not since the Draining of Stakud or Tobul's Arrow have I been so incensed with the enemies of this game.

    submitted by /u/Dorf_of_the_Fortress
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    Great Magma Sea at -29

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    Meph Tileset Help! Claystone wall and floor looks exactly the same!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    Meph Tileset Help! Claystone wall and floor looks exactly the same!

    I'm playing with on the latest Meph Launcher and Claystone walls and floor look exactly the same and its driving me insane! Is there any fix?

    the bedrooms look flat

    claystone with granite on the bottom, note that you can distinguish the granite walls

    submitted by /u/TheLoneSentientRock
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