• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress From dwarves moaning about lack of performers...to 6 different troupes arriving in one day whilst we're already struggling for drink, what a day to be alive!

    Dwarf Fortress From dwarves moaning about lack of performers...to 6 different troupes arriving in one day whilst we're already struggling for drink, what a day to be alive!

    From dwarves moaning about lack of performers...to 6 different troupes arriving in one day whilst we're already struggling for drink, what a day to be alive!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Hitting 300 years in longdeath (Live for 4-6 hours from posting)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Hey there lads, I just draw a troll based on a mod I made half a year back, they were stone trolls, they were mostly the same but they were stronger, with brown skin and green fur, the lack the tusks but have six small horns on the top of its head, hope you like it as much I do :)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Why do bins exist.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I knew about the fact that i shouldnt have bins for ammo, and i forgot that. I cant get my ammo out of the bins no matter what i do. It wouldnt be that hard to program in a way TO TAKE EVERYTHING OUT OF THE BIN.

    submitted by /u/TalksToHimself03
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Loser's Battle Royale

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    The crowd waits silently as various cauldrons of blood are placed around the arena. The robed arena maintenance dwarves quickly scurry out of the way once all of them are placed. On the balcony, the managers begin to steadily pound on the bell used to signal the beginning of every other battle. As the steady beat continues, the blood in each cauldron begins to boil and bubble, with no fire beneath it. The beat echoes throughout the arena, multiplying back on itself, and suddenly, hands thrust out of the boiling cauldrons, grabbing the sides and pulling themselves back into the material world. As the various fallen gladiators take their bearings, the arena manager steps forward to announce the beginning of the battle royale.

    "Returned to the world by Armok's grace, you shall fight one last time for a chance at everlasting glory! Begin!"

    Combat Log


    332: Garl Barrowmane is decapitated by Evala Silverthorn

    586: Sir Galehonk is decapitated after a long knightly duel with Sire Louvin de Fontaine

    779: Scar is stabbed in the head by Yoko

    800: Jojo is nearly cut in two by Burning Squash's adamantine dagger

    931: Kingling Erling is stabbed in the head by Shuuja

    937: Jake is decapitated by Johnathon Porklington's axe

    1038: Shukarkurig is bled to death by Tholtig II after losing multiple limbs.

    1074: Arachnida is stabbed to death by Hoggs

    1113: Kikrost is nearly cut in half by Treadwell's iron longsword

    1136: Ironhorn the Minotaur has his skull caved in by Brutalus Cleftfoot's morningstar

    1142: Terry is stabbed to death by Suya

    1354: Stibmer is stabbed in the head by Yoko

    1371: Duke Grubugosh smashed MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE's head into pulp.

    1464: Mrs. Robinson stabs Dr. Nathan Harrison clean in the head, killing him.

    1510: Alcri is stabbed in the neck by Evala, decapitating her.

    1581: Carlos Pastor is hacked to death by both Plypp Helmett and Treadwell

    1591: Palentoga is decapitated by All-Smiles

    1719: Johnathon Porklington is decapitated by Tholtig II

    1754: Plypp Helmett is cut in half by Treadwell

    1763: Sirius Windpaw grabs Yoko by the head and strikes it off, momentarily holding it for the world to see

    1812: Cuetzpalin cuts Kurby Stomps' head open.

    1835: Pawnan is cut in half by Tholtig II

    1928: Burning Squash is stabbed to death by Keesa

    1860: Kupek Tet is stabbed in the head by Shuuja

    2097: Shagrug is stabbed in the head by Hoggs

    2159: Ortinar the Harrower is stabbed to death by Goon

    2186: Haresbane is decapitated by All-Smiles

    2293: Aldo Leapers is stabbed to death by Gary

    2244: Dob D Dobson is stabbed in the head by Litava

    2329: Erith Nunushorast is stabbed in half by Nobody

    2372: Ulm is decapitated by Sire Louvin De La Fontaine

    2429: Mrs. Robinson is nearly cut in half by Sirus Windpaw

    2476: [Redacted] is beaten to death by Duke Grubugosh

    2544: Shuuja is bled out by Cuetzpalin

    2614: Sergeant Uluru Chagga is decapitated by Arthur

    2638: Duke Grubugosh's upper body collapses after being stabbed by Sirus

    2651: Guki is stabbed in the head by Hoggs

    2656: Morris is decapitated by Evala

    2824: Brutalus Cleftfoot is chopped in half by Tholtig II

    2974: All-Smiles is decapitated by Goon

    2977: Urist McGladiator II caves Sire Louvin De La Fontaine's skull in

    3006: Phalanx is chopped in half by Tholtig II

    3038: Thob is decapitated by Arthur

    3058: Princess Aenicta bleeds out after her thorax is cut open by Treadwell

    3085: Goon is stabbed to death by Hoggs the Feral

    3189: Litava is crushed after Urist McGladiator II bites and shakes her around

    3223: I the Kea Man is slashed apart by Arthur

    3246: Sirius and Evala have a rematch against one another, and Sirus decapitates her.

    3314: Treadwell has his head smashed open by Cuetzpalin

    3335: Keesa has her head hacked open by Tholtig II

    3358: Gary is stabbed to death by Hoggs the Feral

    3513: Leg O'Beef the Glazed head is crushed in by Urist McGladiator II's warhammer

    3558: Nobody is decapitated by Sirus Windpaw

    3566: Arthur is strangled by Tholtig II

    3696: Suya is stabbed to death by Hoggs

    3750: Rocky the Bald Boa is stabbed and slashed apart by Sirus Windpaw

    3886: Henry the Invincible is strangled by Hoggs

    3986: Urist McGladiator II's head is hacked open by Cuetzpalin

    4234: Hoggs the feral is suffocated by Tholtig II

    4235: Tholtig II is suffocates by Hoggs, both having destroyed the upper spine of the other

    "Not again", grumbles the arena manager dwarf, clutching his face with his hand, as both Sirus and Cuetzpalin strut around and proclaim their victory to the cheering crowd.

    "Oi, you two!", he yells, "Stay right where you are, we'll clean up the mess, then you two will finish this once and for all before Armok calls you back to his hall!"

    Combat Log


    The hulking monitor lizard woman and the slender cheetah woman are an odd pair, but this arena is well known for such mismatches!

    Sirus darts in after a quick initial exchange, slashing open the back of Cuetzpalin's shin, sending her to the ground. Sirius then lops off the exposed foot, before taking off Cuetzpalin's right shield arm at the elbow.

    The crowd cheers, happy to see the dexterous skill of this accomplished fighter one last time. Cuetzpalin continues, oblivious to the noise, mechanically hacking again and again at the flitting cheetah woman, but Sirus continues to evade her. Nevertheless, the lizard woman continues, even when Sirus sticks her rapier in her arm, only stopping once the blood gushing from her neck and left leg run out, leaving her with none left to sustain herself.

    Sirius raises her sword in victory over the fallen body of her opponent, as both collapse into the pools of blood from whence they came.

    Kill Count:

    8 kills: Tholtig II and Hoggs the Feral

    6 kills: Sirus Windpaw

    4 kills: Cuetzpalin

    3.5 kills: Treadwell

    3 kills: Urist McGladiator II, Evala Silverthorn, and Arthur

    2 kills: Goon, Shuuja Sire Louvin de la Fontaine, and Yoko

    1 kill: Brutalus Cleftfoot, Burning Squash, Gary the cannibal gazelle man, Jonathan Porklington, Keesa, Litava, Mrs. Robinson, Suya, and Nobody

    0.5 kills: Plypp Helmett

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    A kick to the left eyelid and what improves?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    Play with ALL races (MODS)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    Theres a mod to play with all races, exept kobolds, called: all races playable...

    ...and theres a mod to play with kobolds called: kobold kamp (with K).

    Theres is any way to make this two mods work togheder? Can someone help?

    submitted by /u/CzarItalian
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    A story of my latest fort plus two questions about bugs

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    So I was having a lot of troubles with a fort so I retired it and started fresh. In this new fort, I built up all of my defenses. Tons of spike and cage traps, and a 3-high wall with an overhang and fortifications on the top. Everything was going smoothly... too smoothly... I was getting bored! Where were the sieges? Meanwhile hillocks were popping up ALL OVER THE PLACE. I think 8 different hillocks were formed all around me. I guess success was nothing to be sad about, but I wanted some action.

    So, I found it in the 3rd cave layer. Cave dragons kept wandering in and killing a good number of unlucky dwarves caught in the caves. Looked it up, looks like they're tameable and war trainable! Ok! I thought. Sounds good. I caught one and trained it.

    Then, a Roc shows up. I have no idea what a Roc is, but it's tameable!! (with a little note on the Wiki that says my military dwarves will never be peaceful with it) Ok, I think... I can just keep it burried in the caves so it can fight forgotten beasts for me. I catch and tame the Roc, assign it to pasture.

    But it doesn't go to the pasture (turns out it was inactive) so it wanders around my fort until it finds my LEGENDARY MILITARY DECKED OUT IN FULL STEEL EVERYTHING. Of course, my military attack it. I was not very afraid of this happening because I figured they could take it... but... suddenly I read "urist mcdworf was found dead..." and notice already 4 dwarves had died in a matter of 2 seconds. I try and assign my military to kill the Roc, but it's friendly so I can't. So I just assign them to move near it. I look at the messages again, and there are 20 death messages?!?! In what had to be 10 seconds. That's too fast for a Roc to even headshot everyone, right?!

    And then I notice the Roc is still alive, not fighting, at the end of a hallway... and my dwarves are all huddled together at the staircase. I keep watching until my trained dragon (who is assigned as a pet to my legendary fighter and baronness, Tobul) walks over and kills the Roc itself.

    By the time this happens, maybe a total of 25 seconds of gametime has played. I check my dwarf count and it went from 134 to 62. HOW?? HOW?? That can't be possible. So, I check the fighting log for the Roc, and honestly, there wasn't much to read. So I open report after report of my dorfs just SLAUGHTERING EACH OTHER.

    Best I can make out... my legendary military attacked my Roc, my other dorfs saw it as friendly fire and a civil war broke out until half my units were dead (and about half the military was still alive).

    I thought about ending the fortress, but since nobody really seemed to go mad because of it (besides one legendary fighter who kept throwing tantrums and killing people) and I realized my legendary axedorf/baronness/dragon owner, Tobul was still alive. I figured I'd keep playing.

    I sent Tobul to slay a forgotten beast alone, and she did it without even flinching or getting a scratch.

    So I assigned her and my champion together in a squad of 2 with the dragon and decided to conduct raids with just them two. The first raid, the dragon did 100% of the killing. The second raid, the dragon didn't participate but they won. But, the dragon didn't come back :(. I had no idea where it went off to, but on the 3rd raid (to the same goblin site) Tobul and the champion got captured. So, I sent a raiding party 3 times to try and get them back and they kept winning and rampaging through the town, but never saved Tobul and the champion.

    So, I went and conquered the site... but somehow they are still listed as prisoners?? Frustrated, I went to legends to see what happened.

    1. The dragon apperently resettled in another location (idk why?)
    2. Tobul was apperently corrupted before she ever went on those raids by an enemy "monster slayer necromancer" (who I had seen visiting but just thought it was cool) because he made a threat against her.
    3. No information as to why I couldn't save Tobul the corrupted baronness, dragon rider, beast slayer, legendary axedorf from her imprisonment. (I even went to the site in adventurer mode to try and free her but couldn't find her)

    So, this is a story, as well as a question about two bugs:

    1. why did all my dorfs kill each other so quickly all over a "disagreement about the treatment of animals"?
    2. Why could I not break out Tobul from imprisonment no matter what I did?

    Tl;dr: My dwarves all killed each other and i want to know why. and why can't I save my captured baronness with raids?

    submitted by /u/Successful-Gas-6166
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    DF Keycaps Available Now!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:11 AM PDT

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