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    Saturday, August 7, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress 'Tis but a scratch

    Dwarf Fortress 'Tis but a scratch

    'Tis but a scratch

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:49 AM PDT

    Toady answers why giants won't wear pants! (Nasty! Who wants to see that?)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE: A little posing for all those fans out there in the Crustacean Nation, Oh yeah!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Skip the text walls and follow the Gladiator Tournament with your hosts Tod Humanson and Urist McCommentator!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    Some nice goblins started a pit near my fortress linked to my economy.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    My favorite Titan ever (poor Anvilburies)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    my favorite titan

    Kidel is basically a titan-sized, venomous praying mantis made of orange resin -- who's also a unicorn. I've played a lot of DF and can't remember a more ridiculous creature -- this is the F in FUN. Makes me wish I could draw!


    A little context (spoilers below):

    Anvilberries was founded in a mild location for the purpose of research and learning. Great libraries were constructed to attract scholars from around the world.

    We were fortuitous in our digging, craftsdwarfship, and trading. And, praise the miners, a full militia was equipped in short order. But as we grew stronger our eyes looked northeast -- toward the dark tower of Tomescreatures, where intel said books of dark knowledge were in plentiful supply.

    The Copper Feet rose to the occasion and infiltrated the site, bringing home codex after codex of forbidden information.

    We Dwarves began to study. We learned the immortal power inside blood and stone and devoted ourselves to the Necromanic arts. We built temples and worshiped at the feet of the Holy Swamp. One by one our conversion was complete.

    And, for a time, there was peace. Anvilberries thrived as a center of scholarship and entertainment. A free exchange of our death-symbiotic ideals attracted the curious and devout alike from every part of the world.

    But all the while, our sturdy Copper Feet continued their search for plunder.

    Alas, in the late summer of 129 an army of Goblins with their attendant Beak Dogs, Ogres, and Trolls sieged our home. Our pump operators performed valiantly, holding the line between invader and flood-trap.

    In the midst of battle, Kidel arrived. And so all was lost...

    submitted by /u/quintus_nictor
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    What do you guys like to do in the 'late game'?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    The game sort of encourages you to grow an army and conquer your neighbours etc once you've got your fortress properly up and running. Or to amass wealth in artefacts and other riches, or books.

    Just wondering if that's what you guys find yourselves falling into as you play... Or do you get caught up in your own particular goals based on idiosyncratic happenings or characters in the fortress, role play style?

    submitted by /u/Geouk1
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    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE Promo III (Gladiator Tournament VI)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    This one's going out to Gary the Gazelle, yeah. I hear you like to snack on your opponents, well you better pack yourself some apple slices for this next fight 'cause there won't be any crab legs on the menu. slaps shiny new iron boots That's right, when I come in for the fight that night you can go ahead and call the stadium a Benihana cause the Chief's gonna be the Chef and the ring my hi-bat-chi grill, oh yeah. And I think the Chef's special is gonna be just to your taste, oh yes it is, But you won't be getting to taste it, oh no, cause while I'm serving up a steaming hot plate of MACHO CRAB magnificence to the Crustation Nation, for you there's gonna be no salvation. I've already got your order in and it's nice big plate of slice and dice, oh yeah, you've seen it before and now you'll see it twice.

    And if you're starting to get cold feet there in the hot seat, well that's too bad, yeah. That's just too bad. You're gonna be seeing me in the ring, and when I make that dagger sing you'll be thinking back to how you shoulda seen this coming, yeah. You shoulda seen this coming, cause who better than a baker to rec-og-nize this MACHO dough's on the rise. Not a sourdough though, cause all the fans know the MACHO CRAB is sweeter than sweet and just can't be beat.

    So there's a little somethin' for you to chew over while you wait, and later we got a date, oh yeah. It's gonna be you and me and the audience makes three, and three's a crowd, and they'll be shoutin' out loud for the MACHO CRAB. Cause I'm the Hell in a Shell, the Typhoon of Knife Wounds, the Side-steppin', Sea Reppin', Champion to Be, OH YEAH, that's ME! Dig it!

    submitted by /u/imperator1123
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    A closer look on depiction of deities

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    Ok guys, I'm not particularly familiar with raw structure and how things in DF work, but i wonder if there's any way to generate detailed deity appearances, since they count as historical figures and some creatures may sometimes disguise themselves as one of worshipped gods? Would be really cool to see if they're depicted with certain skin color and hair/facial features.

    submitted by /u/soapwings
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    More of Straphelm - Queen Kivish Sokanrigòth's Wing of the palace. The previous Queen loved armor stands.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:48 PM PDT

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