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    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Welcome to the Kobold Age

    Dwarf Fortress Welcome to the Kobold Age

    Welcome to the Kobold Age

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    none of the feels

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI: Round 3

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Document Hub

    Welcome again, all gentlebeings watching us from the Arena's tribunes or through other magical means. Today, the greatest sacrifice to Armok continues, as sixteen brave warriors get ready to enter the arena, their reward being glory or death - nothing in-between. I hope you are as excited as ever to see who of these worthy gladiators advances into the Quarterfinals! The chips are cast, the gates are opened, and Our Lord of Blood watches with anticipation, so let us not make Him wait any longer. May the horns sound!

    3A: [Redacted] the Kobold vs Treadwell the Grizzly Bear Man

    Combat Log


    [Redacted] (managed by u/Eris235) stumbles out from his gate, looking a little battered and bruised. However, as one of the crows flits up from the arena floor, disturbed from it's bloody meal, he jumps back a good several feet. Good to see that his time in our ☼specialty suite☼ has paid off. Last round we saw this tenacious kobold slay a fellow resident and thief of the caverns, Goon the Rodent Man. But how will he fare against a much larger and bulkier opponent?

    Treadwell (managed by u/Narwhale_Rider) seems to like his own chances. He's been matched up against nothing but pipsqueaks so far, and this kobold in his panoply of mismatched armor is the runtiest looking so far. He knows their weaknesses, and for all they like to pat themselves on the back for their skill, after one little scratch, they're collapsing on the floor like a cub after his first bee sting.

    Treadwell lands the first blow on the kobold after a determined exchange between the two of them. The kobold doesn't seem to like that, and something snaps in his little mind. With a high pitched snarl, he lunges at the hulking grizzly bear man, and stabs him in the right leg, causing Treadwell to fall to the ground.

    Treadwell then goes on the defensive, blocking another blow with his shield as the kobold stabs again into his right lower leg. The grizzly bear man, seeming to have had enough, then stabs the kobold in his own right foot, causing him to join Treadwell on the floor. Treadwell flies into a whirl wind of blows, slashing [Redacted]'s leather armor to shreds and spilling his guts out of his small belly.

    The kobold fights determinedly on though, but as he stabs at Treadwell, the bear man rolls away, taking off [Redacted]'s right foot, and with another two slashes, takes off the right leg entirely. [Redacted] stops moving once his whole leg is lopped off, and he seems to have run out of blood to give to Armok. Congratulations Treadwell!

    3B: Gary the Cannibalistic Gazelle Man vs MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE the Crab Man

    Combat Log


    Gary (managed by u/RandomRambler003) licks his lips contentedly and rubs his stomach. That gazelle flesh was straight from the savanna. And the mix of spices used to keep it fresh...mmm, delicious. Too bad he ate all of it that he could afford. But he has heard that crab tastes pretty good too, and that it's a luxury food as well.

    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE (managed by u/imperator1123) does his beach dance in the arena, weaving his knife in the air in an intricate pattern. He's tired of goin' down on the floor whenever some punk decides to touch one of his feet the wrong way. Hopefully these new iron kicks will keep him safe from that. He's a gladiator in the 3rd round! It's downright humiliating for the Chief of the Reef to spend his time all on the floor.

    Gary seems to have heard his thoughts though, and lunges forward with his steel spear, stabbing MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE right where his kicks don't protect him. The angry crab man goes to the ground, howling and spitting in rage. He scuttles towards his opponent, stabbing him hard in the right upper leg, and causing the gazelle man to join him in indignity. Continuing his punishment of the gazelle man, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE slices off his entire left arm.

    Howling in pain, Gary tries to strike back, but MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE ably blocks with his buckler and dagger, before slicing off his left hoof. Gary manages to finally strike back though, once again aiming for the crime boss's unprotected…(what are they called on a crab man? Should I call them shins? Sure, let's go with that) shins!

    MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE then begins to steadily work on Gary's remaining arm, eventually damaging it enough that he can no longer hold onto his spear. Gary then resorts to his last remaining weapon: his teeth. Snapping at MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE, he manages to dent his upper leg by biting on, but the crab crime boss slices off his left leg as repayment, and snips out his teeth with a pincer. The terror of the shallows then lunges at the severely wounded gazelle man, tearing and slashing at his vulnerable belly, before he finally goes still. From his nest of entrails, blood, and fur, MACHO CRAB SANDY RAVAGE emerges as the victor!

    3C: Hoggs the Feral Wild Boar Man vs Tholtig II the Dwarf

    Combat Log


    Hoggs (managed by u/Jebidijed) seems giddy with excitement, bouncing up and down on his hooves. You should have seen his reaction when we told him he was going up against a true dwarven warrior. You'd have thought we gave him a full set of adamantine! The boar man seems to have finally upgraded his weapon to fit the occasion, having replaced his rusty old iron boar spear with a brand new steel one.

    Tholtig II (managed by u/Morpheus_Darkwater) stands at the ready. She breathes in and out cleanly, feeling the ache of her exercised muscles. She had meditated on the many gods of the dwarven faith, but her thoughts continually circled back to Armok. Regardless of what lands a dwarf may hail from, or what experiences their folk may have had, Armok is always central. He is the world-maker and the life-taker, and the rewarder and the punisher. Whenever blood is spilt, no matter what cause it is spilled in, it will always go back to him.

    The two paragons of battle meet in a clash of metal, Hoggs' steel spear flashing in the sun as it seeks an opening into Tholtig's flesh, and Tholtig's axes glinting as they rise and fall again and again, continually kept at bay by Hoggs' armor and skill. Tholtig attempts to break the deadlock by bullrishing the boar man, but they both tangle with one another and fall to the ground.

    Hoggs stands up quickest, and sinks his spear into Tholtig's stomach. The dwarven portion of the crowd groans, and Hoggs quickly follows up with a stab to Tholtig's leg that cracks against the bone, ensuring she won't be getting up. He then gores her in the right foot, and stabs her in the left arm. The limb goes limp, and Tholtig releases her copper axe from her grasp.

    With a wild roar, Tholtig swings her remaining iron battle axe, pushing the boar man back, and creating space. "Stupid hog man", she grumbles, "stomach wounds are a slow death. That leaves me plenty of time to finish you off."

    She then lunges from the ground at him, slipping past his guard, and slicing his whole left arm off, which was the arm holding his steel spear! Next, she smashes her axe into one of his tusks, knocking it out of his mouth. Hoggs is immediately put in an unfamiliar position that he hasn't been in during his time in the arena so far: the defensive. He attempts to fall back against her onslaught by protecting himself with his wagon wood shield, but Tholtig continues to land blows on his remaining tusk, knocking it out as well, and on his torso, hacking through his feeble leather armor, and tearing it apart.

    Tholtig then lands a blow on Hoggs' leg, toppling him to the ground, and causing him to go into shock. She then steadily hacks away at his torso, finally cleaving him in two in a shower of blood. Heaving her viscera-stained battle axe in the air, she chants "AKUR AKIR AKAM!" (Champions are rewarded by fortune!), and the crowd roars the famous war cry back at her. 2,338 more to go Tholtig!

    3D: Slitherfuk the Magnificent Anaconda Man vs Ortinar the Harrower

    Combat Log


    Slitherfuk (managed by u/flaccidusmanager) rubs his head through his spiffy new adamantine helm with a hand encased in adamantine. It hardly feels like it's there, the metal's so light! That could also be his lingering hangover, or the result of whatever the dwarf managers did to him in that blood temple of theirs to ensure he was in "tip-top fighting shape".

    Ortinar (managed by u/ergotofwhy) considers the foe before him, the dwarves above him cheering at the historical chance for there to be 2 dwarves in the fourth round of the arena. Unlike Slitherfuk's last opponent, he plans to actually put a dent in the snakeman's armor. His torso is still encased in steel and with enough hacks, he should be able to rip right through it with his own adamantine battleaxe that he recovered from his encounter with those "moddid" creatures.

    The two charge at one another, trading several blows, but it is Ortinar who scores the first hit with his adamantine battleaxe, directly to Slitherfuk's chest. The snake man hisses and rears back, holding a gauntleted hand to the cut region. As he removes it to examine the damage, a couple bisected steel rings bounce out of the steel mail shirt and fall onto the floor. But not a single drop of blood.

    Slitherfuk seems to smile beneath his helm, and lunges forward once again at the nearly naked dwarf, cutting open his right upper leg, and causing him to collapse to the floor. Ortinar strikes at Slitherfuk's left upper arm, and several more steel rings fly away, but still no blood. Slitherfuk then stabs Ortinar right in the gut, while latching onto his right leg with his teeth. Wildly shaking his head, like a cat killing a mouse, Slitherfuk throws Ortinar to and fro in the air, with pops and snaps resounding around the arena.

    While being flung around, Ortinar seems unable to land a good blow on the snake man, but eventually manages to throw his body weight around enough to get away from him. As he does so though, Slitherfuk slices open his belly, spilling his entrails behind him as he rolls. Slitherfuk casually continues his advance, slicing off Ortinar's right lower arm, left upper leg, and left foot, all while occasionally jamming his sword between the dwarf's ribs into his chest. Finally, Ortinar goes still. It seems that Tholtig shall remain the last hope of the dwarves in Round 4, much like Dák and Dante did in their own tournaments.

    3E: Sirus Windpaw the Cheetah Woman vs Evala Silverthorn the Elf

    Combat Log


    Sirus (managed by u/Meatyblues) lazily swings her new adamantine rapier back and forth through the air, creating a humming noise as the super-fine blade. "I think I will call you...Wind Cutter", she says. And it looks like Wind Cutter's first test is right ahead of her. We've seen how deadly Sirus is with just steel, now we'll see how dangerous she is with one of the sharpest blades our smiths have to offer!

    Evala (managed by u/Kesperan) flexes her hands and arms, marveling at the feel of steel mail and plates covering every inch of her body. Proper armor is supposed to feel like an evenly distributed second skin, and we dwarves make the best armor there is. She'll never want to go back to wearing shrubbery if she survives our arena, we can promise that!

    Sirius and Evala dash at one another, and Sirus strikes first, stabbing Evala right in her left hand. However, Evala carries her steel scimitar in her right, and manages to scratch up Sirus' tail while Sirus shears some mail rings off of her mail shirt. Hissing in discomfort, the cheetah woman slashes Evala in the left foot, tearing through the steel and into the muscle beneath, causing the elf to fall to the ground.

    The two skilled swordswomen then enter a series of parries and ripostes with one another, their lethal blades leaping through the air. Sirus is the one who breaks the chain again, slicing off Evala's left hand through her damaged gauntlet. The loss of a hand seems to motivate the elf to take greater risks, and she slashes Sirus in the side of her chest, causing her opponent to fall back wheezing.

    Evala advances on the retreating form of Sirus, managing to get a good stab in on her chest, but from there on, Sirius seems to regather herself. The two once again enter a ferocious flurry of blows, never quite landing a hit on the other, until finally, Sirius stabs Evala in her injured left lower arm, slicing it off entirely, and follows it up with a blow to her injured left foot as well. Evala managed one last attack at Sirus, who jumps away, before collapsing to the ground. Congratulations Sirus!

    3F: Duke Grubugosh the Worm Man vs Scar the Lion Man

    Combat Log


    Scar (managed by u/eFFiX) hefts a copper morningstar in one hand, and a copper flail in the other. He managed to win his last fight with a single blow to the head against that simple rock breaker. But now he's reduced even further to fighting a worm man noble! As dirt grubbing creatures like them could even dream of the idea of nobility. Ah well, if he wants to be King of beasts once more, he'll have to get his paws dirty a couple of times. Despite his adamantine gauntlets and helm, this "duke's" chest is still bare and unprotected.

    Duke Grubugosh (managed by u/FedoraFinder) examines the lion man before him. He's certainly a large foe, double wielding those massive weapons as he is. But his love for his beloved is even larger, and he'll demonstrate it by smashing up this deposed royal. It will certainly be good to be able to add even more fertilizer to his marriage bed.

    The two begin their fight, with the Duke apparently intent on working on the arms of his opponent, in order to cause him to drop them, and be defenseless to his rain of blows. Meanwhile, Scar attempts to strike the Duke as well, but wherever his blows land, the Duke seems ready to defend himself with his adamantine gauntlets.

    Finally, the spikes of Scar's morningstar land in Grubugosh's upper body, puncturing several neat holes in him. However, the Duke takes advantage of the Lion Man's closeness to punch him in the left paw, fracturing the bone, and toppling him to the floor as the appendage is no longer able to bear his weight.

    Scar swings his mace once again into Duke Grubugosh's left upper arm and left hand, but seems unable to do more than puncture him, which only seems to annoy the worm man as his noble ichor dribbles out of him slowly. The duke, after steadily wearing the Lion Man down, manages to land a blow on his left hand, fracturing it, and rendering it unable to hold his morningstar.

    Scar roars angrily, and swings with his remaining weapon, his newly bought copper flail, at the worm man's left hand. The flail seems to catch the gauntlet, and flings off the entire hand, as it is safely protected within it's nearly unbreakable adamantine case. The Duke seems appalled at his grievous wound, and lashes out with a right jab to Scar's head, knocking him out immediately. However, this isn't a boxing match, it's a gladiatorial one to the death. With 4 more harsh punches to his head, the Duke caves in the exiled Lion Man's head, and secures his advancement!

    3G: Keesa the Ocelot Man vs Borm of the South, the Polar Bear Man

    Combat Log


    Keesa (managed by u/PurpleMastodon) twirls his iron spear nonchalantly in one clawed hand. So many foes, yet so few humans to kill. Forced to be content with more half-men like himself, who unlike him, rejected the wilds and their freedom to ape the humans they claim to be so different from. Keesa is coming to hate them all. They won't even have the decency to stay out of his way and let him kill all the humans. Especially this scion of polar bear man "royalty". As if animals should have kings!

    Borm (managed by u/TeflonPrince) stands confident before his foe in his iron armor. His father may have meant it as an insult to send this inferior slave armor of dwarven slag to him, but against Keesa's darting spear, it may be enough. He'll show them all, one can make a living out of violence. Why else does this arena exist?

    Keesa darts forward, stabbing quickly into the lumbering polar bear man before he can respond. However, the crude armor Borm wears is still enough to protect him against Keesa's equally crude iron spear. Raising his copper great axe, Borm swings downward into Keesa's leg, causing more blood than the crowd has seen in a while spurt from the agile ocelot man's thigh. Keesa falls to the ground from his wound, but continues to thrust.

    However, not confined to the ground, he appears to have lost a great deal of mobility, and Borm hacks downward again and again. His dull copper axe is not the best instrument of vivisection though, and it's only after several swings that he lops off Keesa's right arm at the elbow. The Ocelot man continues to strike with his spear, but Borm eventually lands a solid blow to his head.

    While Keesa is not slain, the force from the blow seems to have shattered something vital, and only his head seems capable of moving. As Borm raises his axe once more, carefully aiming for Keesa's neck, a hiss can be heard emanating from the cat man's lips.


    Borm swings down, and roaring in triumph, lifts up his foe's severed head with his free hand!

    3H: Ironhorn the Minotaur vs Leg'O Beef the Glazed

    Combat Log


    Ironhorn (managed by u/arbyD) snorts, steam visible from his warm nostrils. He is tired of having to answer questions from nosy "fans". He is tired of being forced to drink funny tasting concoctions. The one thing he does not get tired of doing, is killing. And he is definitely going to do that now. This pompous bear has been bragging of his physical might, and even took the middle of a gladiatorial fight to demonstrate various holds on an inferior foe. If Leg'O Beef wants to know what strength looks like, he should look no further.

    Leg'O Beef (managed by u/Immortal-D) doesn't seem to be concerned by his opponent's size, as he rocks back and forth on the heels of his paws. Aldo was even larger than this big brute, and he folded quicker than a rotten leaf. What's an overly muscled minotaur with an overblown belief in his species' power?

    A force to reckoned with it seems, as Ironhorn darts forward on his hoofed feet to jab his pike into Leg'O's right arm, working up and down it, and quickly rendering it useless. Leg'O attempts to counter by charging and tumbling into the Minotaur, but he simply bounces off of his resolute opponent. Ironhorn's pike slams into Leg'O Beef's head, rocking him, but otherwise failing to do anything.

    The minotaur then enters a frenzy of stabs, tearing up the leather armor on Leg'O Beef's lower body to shred, and piercing his belly and thighs. He then smashes his pike into the bear's mouth, and while Leg'O Beef is reeling from that blow, strikes him in the left leg, producing an audible crack as he penetrates down to the bone. Leg'O Beef faints in pain, and Ironhorn begins to hammer down with his steel pike onto Leg'O Beef's steel helmed head.

    The thought of removing the helm doesn't seem to occur to the minotaur, as for several minutes, he steadily hammers on the helm, visibly wearing it down and denting it severely after several minutes of non-stop strikes. Finally though, the arena managers ring the bell when Leg'O Beef's chest ceases to rise and fall, Ironhorn evidently having jostled enough things around in the bear's neck with his constant blows to cause him to suffocate.


    And with this delightful display of brutality, the third round of the Tournament comes to an end. May Armok remember the fallen gladiators, and may we see even greater battles moving forward. We shall see the winners in a week, after they've sharpened their skills and weighted their new equipment. Until then, our dearest spectators, and thank you for being with us, here, in the Arena.


    Tournament run by u/Black_Griffin23

    Fights narrated by u/Mkhos

    Betting run by u/Mkhos

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
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    Years of entertaining intelligent undead in my grand tavern, capped off by these halloween-lookin asses out of nowhere

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    This is why I hate elves.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Dwarf Fortress Tournament VI - Round 4 Betting

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    Congratulations to u/FedoraFinder, for being the richest Urist 2 times in a row, with his bet Duke Grubugosh netting him over 200 more gold than his closest competitor. The three most bet on gladiators were Scar, Duke Grubugosh, and Ortinar, with 606, 465, and 426 bet on them respectively.

    Betting results can be found in the main document, and are due by August 15th, at 17 GMT.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
    [link] [comments]

    Fanart of a typical (for me) Giant Cave Spider fight against an ill prepared militia. Made in Dreams (ps4-ps5), from hand drawn sketches. I want to do more of these.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    40 sturdy dwarves making home in the slopes of a volcano far, far in the north, accompanied only by a horde of watchful war dogs, they face the worst werebeast this overseer has ever seen...

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Animal caretaker/herbalist migrants and a workaround

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Some of you may have noticed that animal caretakers and herbalists tend to dominate the migrant pool in some circumstances. You can end up with over half of your migrants being of those two professions in extreme cases. I have potentially managed to track down the cause of this:

    The elves.

    The root of the issue seems to be that people only ever become animal caretakers and herbalists in elven settlements. Fire up legends mode and have a gander at any random forest retreat, and you will see that, apart from the occasional bard, scholar and scout, everyone is just there to be an animal caretaker or a herbalist. Other professions should exist; specifically, there should be weavers, clothiers, woodcrafters, traders, and bowyers, but nobody ever takes them. The permitted jobs for an elven settlement look like this: (entity_default.txt)


    If the elves are really the ones responsible for the job distribution being out of whack, then it would stand to reason that removing the two lines [PERMITTED_JOB:ANIMAL_CARETAKER] and [PERMITTED_JOB:HERBALIST] might solve the issue.

    I was curious if it is really is that simple, so I generated three worlds: two with the default raws (250 and 500 years of history, resp.), one with the modified raws (250 years history). I was specifically interested in how many histfigs there are for each profession and which new jobs people take most frequently. I made a modified exportlegends DFHack script that only exports the relevant data and then wrote two Python scripts to plot them. The plots look like shit, because frankly, I couldn't bother with improving them after spending half the day on this. At least they're colour-coded by profession.

    Default raws, 250 years history

    Job distribution

    This includes every histfig who can have a profession that isn't standard, i. e. all the civilised races and individuals who are still alive. Soldiers, children and babies, and some other non-relevant professions were excluded and the counts were normalised. As you can see, animal caretakers and herbalists completely dominate the histfig pool.

    New_job value of change job events

    During world gen, and presumably after world activation, people can move around and take on new jobs. In the game, these are represented as historical events of the change_hf_job type. The above graph shows which new jobs people take the most frequently. Again, animal caretakers and herbalists are at the top, far ahead of everything else.

    Default raws, 500 years history

    Job distribution

    Again, too many animal caretakers and herbalists. Except this time, it's even worse. The longer world generation goes on, the more the job distribution seems to skew towards those two professions.

    New_job value of change job events

    Same situation here. There had been about twice as many people becoming caretakers/herbalists than any other profession.

    Modified raws, 250 years history

    Next up, a world with 250 years of history, except animal caretaking and herbalism is disabled for the elves.

    Job distribution

    As you can see, those professions are nowhere near the top this time. There is still plenty of them, but they aren't dominating the pool. There are too many clerks and traders this time, it seems fairly reasonable overall.

    New_job value of change job events

    Again, no more animal caretakers and herbalists at the top, so problem solved. Most people seem to become scouts, performers or adventurers instead.


    As you can see, removing those two lines from the entity_default.txt seems to solve the problem for now. I need to do some more tests and look at 44.12 to see, if the issue is present there. But it seems the cause of the bug is that something is wrong with the jobs at elven sites. It probably has something to do with the reintroduced guilds. I'll open a bug report about this, once I get some more confirmation that this really is the problem. Hopefully, it can get fixed during the Steam bug-fixing spree.

    submitted by /u/Nilsolm
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    [47.05] ZM5's Modpack - 47.05 Update with WoW 9.1 creatures

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Gelded goblin corpse teaches me a lesson: Helms are good

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    my highest value artifact ever

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I think my dwarf forged the infinity gauntlet. Besides finding the reality stone

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:01 PM PDT

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