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    Thursday, August 26, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Crimsontrumpets 5: Warcall

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Crimsontrumpets 5: Warcall

    [Kruggsmash] Crimsontrumpets 5: Warcall

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    Steam Community Update Delayed Until Tomorrow, Friday 27 August 2021

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    Everything's fine on Tarn's end, just a Kitfox related delay. They're taking a well-deserved break after a game release. It should be back on schedule going forward.

    submitted by /u/clinodev
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    Smallriver #1 — ☼ Expansion Program ☼

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    As far as I can tell, Omon Acath is a small, new continent with little documented history: many are the monsters that still roam the land and the different civilizations are just emerging. We are in the year 75 and four races share the place: dwarves, humans, goblins and elves.


    As of the last census, our sole dwarven civilization, The Elder Mirror, is largely dominated by all other races: there are only around 1500 of us, while the goblins are approximately 5000 and the humans 3000. Even the elves are more numerous than us, representing about 3000 souls. Oh, and it is said that a civilization of kobolds once existed; perhaps it is a legend since nobody has ever seen one...


    Omon Acath, The Realm of Prophecies — I've circled our destination.


    There are only a few things to know about this land from a geopolitical standpoint. First, the goblins are deeply and viscerally opposed to the elves, whom they have attacked over eight major wars, out of the eleven that our continent witnessed. These tree-fondling hippies have always been thwarted in their ambitions for expansion; they drew their hatred whenever they tried to expand. Almost 1000 elves died during these conflicts, but they have now been left in peace for the last six years.


    As for the humans, they have always been very discreet. One of the two existing human civilizations once had to defend themselves from a war waged by the goblins. It was something related to a territorial dispute but we don't know much about it. It ended quickly, though, a peace agreement having been reached after only a few months; that was nearly two decades ago. They are now at war since 67 against The North Gladness, a necromancers group — the only war that is still ongoing on the continent.


    As for us, we maintain cordial relations with everyone: over the past 75 years, we have never been engaged in any major conflict. Secluded in our southeastern mountains, we were out of reach of the goblins. But that didn't mean we were safe from the other nasties: three of our sites were recently destroyed by a roc, a titan and a dragon.


    Civilization development over the 75 years.


    See that white square that appears right next to us in our southeastern mountains? Some poorly goblin bastards who traveled the entire world to repopulate one of our sites after it was destroyed by a roc in the early 60's. Considering that the goblins are getting extremely close to us and that they are not likely to have purely good intents, I, Sodel Datanronstiz have been chosen to establish an outpost along the Northern Major River, somewhere where dwarves have never set foot. I don't really buy the goblin threat they are all talking about, but it doesn't matter: I am glad that I have been chosen to lead the expedition and I want to show them all that they made the right decision.


    I admit to being a bit nervous about this expansion program: we're going to be far away from our fellows. On top of that, this is a region we know almost nothing about. In fact, one thing I do know... is that rumor has it that Ostri Hotflickers — the dragon that destroyed one of our fortresses a few years ago — was recently spotted in a cave not far from there. I keep this information quiet, not wanting to frighten my fellows before we even strike the earth, but we'll definitely have to keep an eye open on that.


    We've set out with a 7-dwarf crew. Taking advice from some people who stayed at home, we left with plenty of booze, some seeds that'll be useful to start our drink industry should we not find any on site, a few tools too. We also took a few dogs and cats, as well as some poultries. I am pretty sure the dogs will help in warding off savage wildlife until we have trained the military, while the cats will make our dwellings more enjoyable and pest-free.


    Enough talking, we reached our destination. The place looks very much like what was expected, except for the presence of alligators, which I had not been told about. We will leave them alone and hope that they do not attack us.


    We have finally arrived.


    The terrain is beautiful, particularly flat, which calls for fancy surface constructions. The place is also pretty wooded. Our area is split in two by a large river in which the other dwarves see not only a plentiful source of food, but also of hydropower. They have many ambitious projects in mind. As for me, I can't help but see it as a source of danger, its fast-running water frightens me and Armok only knows what sea creatures it will carry along.


    Anyway, it's now time to get going. There is a long way to go and it is well known that only with stout labor comes sustenance.


    Bonus — A 3D view of the continent.

    submitted by /u/Hoofrad
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    Science report: Experimental training of dwarves by having them manhandled by an elephant woman.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    My first and current adventurer game

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    I started as cougar woman from dwarven civilization. Started as a clerk. I immediately make up a backstory that she lost her position due to something and has to do something extraordinary to regain it.

    I head out and in the next village I hear some religion, Cult of Gravel, wants their cloak back. Cloak is in the goblin fortress of 10000 inhabitants. It has a very endearing name - Hellscream. Okay, good enough, that's gonna be my quest.

    But, I lose my horse somewhere. I climb up a tree to have a vantage point and then stupidly fall off it. Lower back broken. Oh shit. Just made my adventurer permanently disabled. That won't stop us!

    I crawl my way through the mountains. Almost starve and dehydrate there, but all ends well when I meet a bunch of gazellas. I meet some refugees and give them coins for their trouble. I head north. By the way peregrines are absolutely everywhere.

    Along the way I pass through another goblin fortress, Seducedflesh, with even more greenskins then Hellscream - yeah, FPS were pretty bad. There I talk to the goblin visitor. She tells me about the battle she was through. Interestingly enough, it was at Hellscream. I check legends mode. Quite a battle I tell you. A sole human maceman attacked the entire fortress of 10k goblins, defended by 100 goblins and 100 trolls. Best thing? He was taken prisoner. So afaik he's still alive and there. Better yet, he also belongs to Cult of Gravel. These guys don't like Hellscream it seems.

    So now I add another mission to the list - finding and freeing this living legend. Right now I'm on my way to Hellscream. Not looking forward to FPS death, but I'll pull through it to find that damn cloak and this prisoner. Would be quite a feat for the adventurer with broken spine to crawl through it all.

    BTW, this is the same world where the siege of Lanternchamber with Uktang Greasestarves occured, if anyone remembers that.

    submitted by /u/Kleanthes302
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    Captain_Duck with stream 2 of Tunneldust. Running Duckstarter 2021 fundraiser for a new comp

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    Yesterday i did a stream and wow it was really successful, I finished the fundraiser! But theres still some stretch goals to go so let's continue that same fort:


    The fundraiser is here:


    And note the updated infographic

    submitted by /u/captain_duck
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