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    Saturday, June 26, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Unfortunate phrasing, unfortunate last name

    Dwarf Fortress Unfortunate phrasing, unfortunate last name

    Unfortunate phrasing, unfortunate last name

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    Drew some art for the tournament competitor ill be rooting for, haresbane!

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    The sixth annual /r/dwarffortress Gladiator Tournament is now open for sign-up! Deadline 1500 GMT July 11th!!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:23 PM PDT

    Document hub

    The sun was slowly setting in the Arena city, shining upon the crowds of people waiting before the gates of the Grand Arena, looking forward to the opening of the gates - be it to register, to witness the new contestants or merely to entertain themselves through watching the mass of sentient people of all stripes and forms.

    A shade amongst them moved quickly, trying not to be seen. Again was she at this square, blending in, keeping an eye on this forge, where legends rose, heroes and villains lived their stories, with many of them ending in a brutal death. This bloodsport was cruel beyond measure… and still, equally enchanting - even to her. But it was not time for these thoughts.

    Slowly, but steadily, the people grew restless, demanding the Arena to open quickly. But the ritual had its strict order, and it was not going to be disturbed due to impatient spectators. A few minutes passed in cacophony of cries, laughter and talks, before finally, a hooded dwarf, wearing the holy symbol of Armok, ascended upon the balcony overseeing the entrance.

    They raised their hand, forcing the horde of spectators and gladiators aspirant to quiet down. Then they spoke, their voice seeming to thunder across the entire city, while the sky continued to grow redder:

    "We welcome you, slaves to our Lord of Blood. Today, we once again open the gates to the greatest feast we could arrange in His honour. For many aspire to become the Champion of the Arena, and only one can succeed, leaving the blood of others to soak the sand. Nothing satisfies Him more than battle, and over the next weeks, He shall witness it, as will you. Let us all praise Armok, and let us all bathe in the bleeding sun of the eve, foretelling us whatgrand event is to occur!"

    And as the sun painted the sky completely scarlet, the figure finished their speech: "May the Tournament commence!"

    The great gates of the Arena opened, and people started pouring in. The shade could not help but think that the clouds in the heavens formed a bloodied smirk.

    The Arena Masters present…

    The Sixth Annual Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament!

    We hereby open the registration to the Gladiator Tournament VI! The registration form remains unchanged and is stored in the Master Document. Will your gladiator become a legend, like Paul the Pulveriser (art by u/_sarasti; note that he was vanquished in the previous Finale)? Sign up and see.

    The 2021 Master document.

    Important changes!

    This year, the Tournament Committee has decided to address some of the issues that have become clear in the tournament. Please, take time to read this!

    1. Adamantine clothes are hereby banned in the tournament. This decision was made due to unpredictable behaviours observed by them.
    2. The cost of the ranged skills has been massively reduced in order to compensate for their relative inefficiency.
    3. Probably the greatest change in the tournament: The points left over from the previous round will now increase by the factor of 1.5 instead of doubling. Previous tournament has shown the dangers of snowballing fighters, and it was only by a miracle that neither of the offenders won the tournament. Still, in order to reduce the impact of snowballing (and give a small buff to the larger fighters), this change was made.
    4. We now have a fast reference for the point scoring of animal people! The Race tab on the Master Document was updated accordingly; note that you still can choose any race below the size of 300 even if it is not represented on said list.

    How does it work?

    The /r/dwarffortress Gladiator Tournament is a fun contest that uses the Dwarf Fortress Object Testing Arena to create a subreddit wide bloodbath. Redditors will assume the role of managers and will use the information and rules supplied in the master document, along with their own creative panache, to create their own gladiators complete with skills, equipment and backstories. These gladiators will then be seeded into a standard single elimination tournament, fighting in progressive rounds of single combat until one remains undefeated.

    The results of the tournament will be posted by round, with each matchup being documented in bloody detail including videos and combat logs. Between rounds managers will have the chance to upgrade their gladiators' skills and equipment (providing their gladiator survived), forming persistent characters who get stronger with each victory. Spectators can go over the gory details of each fight and discuss future matchups. Losers will have a chance to redeem themselves in a losers' battle royale held before the grand finale. The tournament will last around 6 to 7 weeks, with a single grand champion crowned at the end.

    Basic clothing made out of non-armor material is free, but please don't overdo it. Somebody (us) has to punch everything into character creation in arena, so 1-3 items are preferable.

    Now go with honor, and bring glory to Armok!

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
    [link] [comments]

    I posted my fort success, now at 199 pop and decent fps (about 24 usually), and some asked to see it.. I tried to avoid lots of alternate paths, making dead end branching corridors for bedroom, and I keep most of the caverns sealed off. Lots of bridge smash.Pics from top to bottom of the main areas.

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    *Laughs in dabbling surgeon*

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Tarnished Pride (Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    One would expect an individual as loud, confrontational, and frankly foul smelling as Garl Barrowmane to do their drinking alone. Indeed, one expects someone who refers to themselves as "Barrowmane" to have few friends, and fewer social skills.

    One would only be half right.

    His place in the Arena secured, Garl returned to the small campsite on the outskirts of the fortress and slumped down heavily by the thin fire. Emerging from the threadbare tent came Garl's only remaining friend, a scorpion man by the name of Krat.

    "It's done then. You've made up your mind."

    It wasn't a question, Krat had known his companion too long to mistake the look on his face. The look of determination, contemplation, and quiet shame.

    "It is done," Garl grunted in return, "Soon enough I shall have glory or death. Penance or..."

    The warrior trailed off, unsure of exactly what. Truthfully he didn't expect to find glory, he was old and he was tired, his once golden hair having long since faded to an earthen brown. He ran his paws through his braids, tracing the carvings upon the beads still visible under the layers of grime. Each one was a memory of a time since passed, the last vestiges of his fallen tribe etched into the fragments of their very bones before being woven into his mane.

    "You didn't fail them you know." Krat dropped a fresh log on the fire, bringing it to a more respectable size. "I doubt you'll listen to me now any more than you have the last hundred times I said it, but its still true. And besides the sooner you realize it the sooner this can end and you can scrape that filth off yourself for once. If not for you then do it for my poor nose."

    Garl growled lightly, causing scorpionman to put up some of his hands. The barbarian softened at that, slumping further down.

    "I'm sorry old friend," he sighed, "I know you mean no offense. Perhaps you are right, but that is why we are here. Only death can put an end to this, it is up to fate to determine who must pay that price."

    "No harm done, I shouldn't have pushed like that. I know it's not my business to say one way or another. But say, for argument, that you do win. That you put paid to those ghosts around your head. Show them your mettle. What then?"

    Garl studied his braids again.

    "Find new ghosts I suppose. Perhaps to honor, this time."

    Standard post-writeup disclaimer thing where I apologize to you all for having had to endure my literary ramblings, which even I don't know if they actually made sense this time or not.

    submitted by /u/ReverendBelial
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    Help, i cant produce Iron

    Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I create like 3 World and embark on each of them, and i cant find in any of them abything to create iron.

    What can i do to find one of them in one of my game?

    submitted by /u/Watterzold
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    Dwarf Fortress Gladiator Tournament VI - Document Hub

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    This post is meant to make finding the other posts easier. Links will follow.

    The 2021 Master document. All relevant art and stories will be linked on the Hall of Fame page inside this document.

    Link to the Tournament's Discord server. Participation here is purely voluntary, but Arena Masters will post updates on the status of the tournament here so that you don't miss anything.

    Contestant registration post

    Entry Battle Royale Heavy division results

    Entry Battle Royale Light division results

    Round 1 Betting page

    Round 2 Betting page

    Round 3 Betting page

    Round 4 Betting page

    Round 5 Betting page

    Finale Betting page

    Round 1 Results

    Round 2 Results

    Round 3 Results

    Round 4 Results

    Round 5 Results

    The Losers Battle Royale

    Finale Results

    Round 2 upgrade post

    Round 3 upgrade post

    Round 4 upgrade post

    Round 5 upgrade post

    Finale upgrade post

    submitted by /u/Black_Griffin23
    [link] [comments]

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