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    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Apparently a weapon in Diablo III is a direct reference to Boatmurdered, a famous succession DF game.

    Dwarf Fortress Apparently a weapon in Diablo III is a direct reference to Boatmurdered, a famous succession DF game.

    Apparently a weapon in Diablo III is a direct reference to Boatmurdered, a famous succession DF game.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday to Tarn "Toady One" Adams, of Dwarf Fortress and Bay 12 Games fame!

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    DevLog 17 April 2021: " We've got new container graphics underway! I went through today and selected alcohol colors for all of the alcohols, because you can now see them in the barrel tops, along with meats, bags, fish, prepared food, and the various plants."

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    My first real !FUN! experience.

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    I had a pretty decent fort with around ~120 dwarves, 30 of them were soldiers who've trained for years. Keep in mind I'm a new player, so I didn't know how to monitor and manage the stress levels of my dwarves. The first thing that happened is a useless fisherdwarf pulled a tantrum in the tavern, causing the militia captain to come and slaughter it in front of the entire population of the fort. Clearly this had some mild psychological damage on my dwarves as they started throwing tantrums exponentially. While this is occurring, I'm just trying to design an irrigation system for an expanded farm, so I would occasionally pop back to my dwarves to see how much society is collapsing.

    First time I look, the crappy fisherdwarf is dead. Second time, one or two good dwarves dead after tantrums. Third time, the hallway outside the tavern is smeared with trails of blood. Either the captain of the guard was getting a little too passionate about their duties, or a hysteria-fueled riot was brewing. My hospital was almost at full capacity. Many of the patients were actually members of the guard, which was suprising considering their skill and armor (all my armor was scavenged off of previous goblin sieges however,) but makes sense because they were probably fighting dozens of anarchist dwarves.

    And then the game detected my fort's moment of vulnerability and activated the !FUN!! A vile force of darkness enters from the top left corner of the map, around 40 tiles from my entrance. It was fuckin massive, probably 200 units. I *may* have had a fair fight if the fortress was stable but no. Of my three squads, the first one (captain of the guard) was half hospitalized and the second squad was in the bottom of the map chasing a pack of warthogs. I desperately needed soap to clean my hospitalized dwarves, so I sent out that squad to hunt as we needed fat for tallow. I ordered the civilians into the tavern and stationed what left of the military I had right outside it's doors. Absolute bloodbath for those poor soldiers, I knew what was coming for them as I previously witnessed the goblin horde rain a hellstorm of bolts onto some poor haulers just trying to move dwarves into the refuse pile (maybe the 6 ghosts haunting the fort caused the mental breakdowns?)

    I get most of the civilians to squeeze through the bloody massacre and evacuate into the unfinished farm mentioned previously. I try to order themselves to wall themselves off but their too busy having panick attacks.

    It would be interesting to explore the remnants of the fort in adventure mode. How do you fellow humans deal with dwarves and stress?

    submitted by /u/jeesuscheesus
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    My totally unnecessary and impractical hospital

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Gem Setting Necromancer

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    Gem Setting Necromancer

    I've just had a Gem Setting Necromancer show up as a migrant. WTF?

    What should I do about it?


    submitted by /u/jlerossignol
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    The Spanish Fortress is here again!!! [ESP/ENG]

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    As a new player, it's a real project to learn the game. When did you feel that the game rewarded you for learning its ins and outs? What gives it the edge over less obtuse games?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Forced Caravan Entrance

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    The name of this artifact surprised me

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    At what point do you give up a fortress?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    So far my ethos was to see things through to the end, but right now my current fortress is far beyond saving but has 73 people (about 30 bards) still alive. I doubt that I could bring it back from this point, people are depressed, insane, the hospital is full, there are only about 10 people who do any work, rotting bodies everywhere, miasma spreading through the fort, blood all over the tavern...

    I have tons of food and drink saved up and I can lock it down in case of an invasion, plus so far my military that still sort of exists managed to take care of threats from below. At this point there's not much I can do, but the fortress would survive for a while right?

    submitted by /u/chairflunger
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    My High-Security Vault for Artifacts

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:47 PM PDT

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