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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Dwarf Fortress Need for light, especially in underground forts, should be implemented in game

    Dwarf Fortress Need for light, especially in underground forts, should be implemented in game

    Need for light, especially in underground forts, should be implemented in game

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    In the midst of everything that's modeled, absence of things like the need to actually see in the dark, and all potential gameplay mechanics that could be implemented with it (think RimWorld) is surprising. And i'm not buying the "they can sense their surroundings with beards" as female dwarves don't have beards, the "beard senses" are absent in adventure mode and not all creatures are dwarves to begin with.

    submitted by /u/VicomteChateaubriand
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    "You feel uneasy" is an understatement.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:57 AM PST

    Music Thread!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:40 AM PST

    What music do you listen to when striking the earth?
    Personally I love acoustic guitar in the background, and this album in particular I find to be very good :)

    submitted by /u/spookycranium
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    Dwarf Fortress Talk #28 released!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:24 AM PST

    I just had two dwarves get into what I imagine is a drinking contest....

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:55 AM PST

    They both died at the exact same moment very close together, by suffocation in my tavern surrounded by other dwarves and visitors. Not sure who won...

    One way to go, I suppose.

    submitted by /u/CrazyLegs88
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    My first fort (first mid summer) how did i do?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Updated! LinuxDwarfPack-0.47.05 ALPHA (with DFHack-alpha0)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 02:30 PM PST

    Tour of my peaceful multi-generation fort (with pictures)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Tour of my peaceful multi-generation fort (with pictures)

    So I had a few goals for this fort that have really made me enjoy it!

    1. Multiple generations of dwarves living here to see how the passing of time affects this "Huge" sized world
    2. Experiment with parts of Dwarf fortress I don't understand well; such as minecarts
    3. Experiment with dwarf moods and happiness to master the skill for more high pressure forts

    Welcome to Furnacetangle ruled locally by the Salve of Pillars! It was founded 5 years after the world itself was born. Everyone simply waking up and having a lot of "knowings" of what to do such as group together with civilizations, dig, forge, etc

    Only 30 dwarves were allowed to move to this Mirthful Savannah. A hot paradise for the dark-skinned dwarves who share it with 30 human artists and mercenaries. Everyone else who shall live there must be born there!

    This is our central facility. It is a 4 level granite compound that we are still adding a roof onto. The first floor being a variety of offices, a small jail, barracks, library and museum for artifacts and rare monsters we capture

    First floor: Note our two Ettins and one Cylcops caged in the top left of building

    The next two levels are all craftshops dedicated to each citizen so they can all have artistic outlets to keep those happy thoughts! At this point practically every citizen is legendary in one job or another. Even just passively doing tasks was enough

    The top one is all other industries(still adding a roof!) metalworking, jeweling, glassworking, glazing, etc. All of it fits snugly on that floor because of how small we keep things.

    Note we have an outdoor stockpile on the bottom. Materials are carted from under the earth and taken to whichever industry floor is relevant

    We are also trying to gather all the worlds famous monsters. Minotaurs, cyclops, ettins, dragons and rocs. So we set a high priority on creative traps

    Below is a Titan trap to catch one if they show up! We have three in place!

    The stone box is filled with all sorts of smash able goodies like a reverse-pinata!

    The elves bring us so many rhinos and elephants that we train for war or to hunt that as we breed we sell them! After we sell a couple hundred to various nations I plan to duplicate the game to see if it had an effect on the rest of the world. I mean what would 100 war elephants do?


    The world itself is interesting. Goblins aren't overpopulated so all over humanity or elvenkind is locked in pitched battle. Some are winning some are losing. We actually have the last member of one human civilization with us. Our human trade partner has been profiting so much they've been conquering all the other human civs around us and are forming an empire. We don't get goblins because in our nearest homeland they're busy fighting humans.

    At the top are surface apartments: Dwarves and humans live on the surface to prevent cave acclimation. At some point if they reproduce enough I may develop a second society that lives solely underground. The brown structure is a wooden inn and a very popular one. Sunshine alcohol being highly sought after. Top right is just a 4 level platform I leave as a basic area of worship.

    Many of the world's poetry, dance and song forms have been created at our tavern

    Here is my first "mega-project" Since I'm in no rush I only let dwarves work 6 months out of the year and so this project is slow going and that is fine.

    They are going to dig out 6-z levels of stone and earth across the entirety of the map, and channel it out leaving only pillars between them that you can see. Once done it will be flooded with water to create the largest possible artificial cavern layer-garden

    The pillars you see from the criss-cross digging will be what's left connecting them. This is also where I've half-learned how to use minecarts so my workers don't work themselves to death

    We are only 10 Z levels deep into the ground and not going deeper anytime sooner because...not in a rush.

    Once we do finish this project though we are going to build multiple arenas for our rare monsters to fight in, and may start a war or two to attract new "contestants"

    After that I plan to build a second city in the first cavern layer(and build some forgotten beast traps) I haven't decided whether to second city will be a whole separate society or the city will only be used during times of the year where we need it.

    Either way I don't want most of my dwarves acclimatizing to the caves

    Sorry if this was boring, but I do love this fort genuinely. It's like my "home" fort inbetween my others. Whenever I just wanna chill I turn this fort on and watch the little guys live life, get married and have kids and all of that good stuff!

    If I get really lucky and attract a couple of dragons over the centuries I really look forward to selling trained dragons(that I breed) to other empires to see what happens hahaha

    submitted by /u/WarriorofArmok
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    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 03:12 PM PST


    It started when Rocha the militia captain of the Stress Fracture squad threw a tantrum and unwisely hurled a pig tail hood in the direction of fellow militia captain Lokum and the swordsmaster Mosus. The two dodged the projectile and drew their weapons immediately. All three clad in full steel armour, the fight would not be over quickly. As the sounds of axe, spear and sword striking armour rang out, Lokum was the first to draw blood from his attacker, lodging his spear deep in his opponent. Yanking the spear free he then bashed Rocha's head with his shield. As Rocha staggered back from the blow, Mosus took advantage of his opponent's plight and delivered a triple strike with his sword, slashing her foot clean off. Working himself up into a frenzy he continued his assault, causing Rocha to drop her shield, then her axe, and severing her other foot. Meanwhile Lokum's spear reached out and repeatedly struck, seeking its mark between the plates of steel armour. Finally Lokum bashed Rocha's head and twisted her neck. Rocha's body went limp.

    While Lokum stood over Rocha's dead body in contemplation, Mosus was not so easily quiesced. He proceeded to rampage through the fortress killing dwarf after dwarf seemingly at random. With 25 dwarves lying dead throughout the fortress, among them two marksdwarves who did not even get a shot off, the swordsmaster proceeded straight to the barracks to watch a fighting demonstration. It is not clear whether he just felt cheated of his kill, or whether he was rooting out all those loyal to Rocha, or if he just imagined he was taking part in the fighting demonstration. All I know is no one dares report any crimes against him. For now I've named him Manson, I'll need to keep an eye on him.


    submitted by /u/TheLifeOfRyanB
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    The ruins of Kniferim the dwarven capital of the Moral Towers. (story in comments.)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:59 AM PST

    Rough breakup, eh?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    Zombie King and his army (60 Strong)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:14 PM PST

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