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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I play DF, and I am on youtube

    Dwarf Fortress I play DF, and I am on youtube

    I play DF, and I am on youtube

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:44 AM PST

    Soooo, I started a lets play on youtube, and couldn't find any rule that says I shouldn't post here.

    You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLADDMnBnU8cmJClBNMKUbM9HCwYvLqyL5

    I'm not saying I'm an expert, not even that I'm entertaining, but I would sooo like some feedback and some views.

    If you have some time to spare, please have a look.

    With your help, I might have some !!FUN!!

    submitted by /u/SauliusTheBlack
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    Nice introductory video to dwarf fortress

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Army of adventurers just came to my fort.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:26 AM PST

    Making guards and patrols.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:24 AM PST

    I had the idea to make a thread from a player saying that he didn't even know about stations or patrols so I thought I'd give some information on how I do it. With all these set up you can have permanent guards and patrols around the fortress to keep your dwarves safe!

    With the scheduling you can designate patrol/station or burrow commands. With patrol you can set notes where you want your dwarves to patrol and then use routes in the same menu to create one. Then you can go into the military menu and into scheduling and select "Patrol Routes" and select the route you want. Station is done by making a note where you want a soldier to be and then going again into military scheduling and selecting "Station".

    The thing with the station order is that they won't stand exactly on the spot, they'll move around a small area around it. If you want a static guard somewhere you need to make a 1 tile burrow where you want them to be and then selecting it from the scheduling "Guard Burrow" option, then they'll stand exactly on that tile. When making the burrow just don't set anyone in it, the Guard Burrow order doesn't care.

    With all of these you can have your scheduling set up such that most of your squad is training, one or two patrolling and then some gate guards. If you select all of the dwarves when making the order and then set the min required option to the number you want they'll automatically rotate the guards and having anyone not guarding or patrolling will be training.

    I usually give my gate guard and patrol jobs to my fortress guard squad as they're the cream of the crop but I leave the military commander off the patrol/burrow/station orders when selecting soldiers and have him always train as he will be the most skilled and the best trainer. Two on the main gate, two patrolling and for flavor a guard outside the commander's room. This leaves 5 training one of which will be the commander.

    submitted by /u/trib_
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    My militia leader is a terrible person.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:37 AM PST

    WHAT!!! one of my miner dwarfs just became a baroness out of the blue!!!!!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 05:06 AM PST

    A proud moment

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST

    I'm super new to the game but I successfully installed obsidian. I don't have much to say so here's a lion.


    submitted by /u/TacticalLemin
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    Playing as a Necromancer Experiment in adventure mode. I found out my creature can fly!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:15 PM PST

    Chantedfins: Episode 9 - The Fifth Age

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 02:01 AM PST

    newbie here.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 09:16 AM PST

    hey, just started playing and i love it so far. if anyone has beginner tips that would be awesome. also i use space fox tile set so assume your seeing those graphics.

    submitted by /u/PIEPYRO
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    100+ year old fortress livestream (Live for 4+ hours) Vod will be linked once offline.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 10:48 AM PST

    Ixix's Tale: my ASCII story reward from Threetoe

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:45 AM PST

    Howdy fellow dwarves, just thought I'd share the wonderful story I just received from our illustrious leaders. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and please consider donating if you haven't already!


    The queen had sent her. There was no way but forward for Ixix. She had traveled many leagues, finally reaching the gates of the dwarf fortress. Not many ant people had come this far south. The weather wasn't like back at the Hill. Thunder storms regularly blew across the land, pelting the area with rain and sleet. Ixix's antennae shivered in the cold. She lifted her lower arm to knock on the door and a friendly dwarf welcomed her inside.

    "You have come far," said the aged dwarf. "Have some mead."

    Thanking the dwarf with her language of clicks and buzzes, Ixix took the cup. Though it was a product of of her sworn enemies, the bee people, Ixix had always enjoyed the contraband barrels that the caravaners smuggled into the Hill. The dwarf toasted the peace that had come to the world after the truce between the insect peoples had been signed.

    The dwarf's name was Kogan. He had lived so many years it was difficult for Ixix to calculate the number of ant peoples' lifetimes he had dwelt in the Prime Dimension. They were deep in the cups before the ant person finally brought up the reason she had made the journey to the dwarf fortress.

    There were just not enough drones back in the rolling golden hills of Ant Country. The queens had been forced to search far and wide for males, who were as scarce as hen's teeth. When he heard that Kogan leaned back and raised his eye brows. It was not just the ant people who would suffer if the queen couldn't find a mate.

    For years the dwarves had counted on lumber imports from Ant Country. Though the dwarf fortress was in the middle of a vast old growth forest, the elves had set a stiff quota on the number of trees felled. So it was with enthusiasm that Kogan agreed to join Ixix in the quest.

    Climbing to the ridge of the mountain, Kogan pictured where a young drone would be. There were many places a winged insect could go to seek adventure. After pondering for a while, the dwarf climbed back down to where Ixix was waiting.

    "I think they have gone to the Garum," said Kogan.

    "To the cursed marshland?" exclaimed Ixix. "But why?"

    "It is said," said Kogan, "that the mosquito women that live there are the most beautiful insects in the world."

    Ixix was thoroughly disgusted. As she gathered her things she should could not help but imagine the obscenities the drones had been engaging in. The Garum was many days away as the crow flies. It was only after a few leagues that Ixix began to question her motivation. Why would the queen want her daughters to marry such perverts? Ixix decided then and there to defect to the Elf Forest Retreat.

    Several years later, a young ant princess came to the forest. She had heard of Ixix and her quest to find the drones. When she finally found her, Ixix was still drunk from the night before. She had really let herself go.

    "Ixix," asked the princess, "why have you not returned with a drone for me?"

    "Those ant men aren't worth your time," said Ixix. "Join me for a drink. It is mid afternoon somewhere."


    submitted by /u/KrytikalMasz
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    Something is very wrong here

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:57 PM PST

    Pie's first first kinda second fortress

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 08:27 AM PST

    so my first fortress i seriously played that recently died played out like this. i was still getting the hang of controls and what not. i didnt reallly have a military because i didnt need one but heres how its demise came. it was a decent fortress a few workshops no floor or roof but good enuf with individual bedrooms. that is. until sumer came. our main river instantly dried but and i didnt know how to simply tell a dwarf to go up the river. not to mention our food stock just ran out and i still dont know how to melt ice. slowly one by one my fortresses dwarfs died and before the last dwarf died i abandoned it. time to start a new one! (also i was using lazy newb pack i like it so far)

    submitted by /u/PIEPYRO
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    Since when do the Dwarven Outpost Liaisons have gills, he's been vibing there, nonmoving, for about 15 minutes now

    Posted: 18 Nov 2020 11:37 AM PST

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