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    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] *Important* Upload Schedule Update

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] *Important* Upload Schedule Update

    [Kruggsmash] *Important* Upload Schedule Update

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Gladiator Tournament V Poster! Make sure to sign-up by Sunday, July 5th at 0900 GMT!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Weird outcome of a weregiraffe attack

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    This fortress is new, so I have zero protections on it aside from a drawbridge. No one spotted the weregiraffe until he was right at the door to the fortress, so he got in before I could close the door.

    I was 100% sure I was going to lose the fortress. I threw a couple dwarves into a squad, assigned my war-trained giant jaguar (lucky buy from the elves) and prepared to lose everything.

    I watched the weregiraffe and he ignored 10 dwarves he passed... and then mauled the shit out of a puppy. Its ribs punctured its lungs. The poor thing is mangled.

    Then one of the visitor dudes chilling in my tavern (human poet faded hunter) 'raised his hand' and... something happened? I don't fully get it. The weregiraffe flew like 10 z levels down the stairs and 'collided with' the ground and died instantly.

    I carved a slab to see if it might have more info on wtf happened, but it just says that the weregiraffe 'went missing' in my fortress. I installed the slab next to my tavern in memory of the incident.

    There are a bunch of log entries of dwarves dodging out of the way or failing to hit the weregiraffe, but no one was bitten or injured at all.

    Even the puppy is still alive. Literally the only thing that died was the weregiraffe.

    I guess sometimes the stars align and everybody lives.

    submitted by /u/WordsWithSharpEdges
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    "In the midst of conflict... I feel no terror". This dwarf is a big talker.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    I've never had such a sad and crazy fort.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    The Fatal Cathedral

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 06:26 AM PDT

    Oh dear

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Types of Madness

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    Are there any factors that affect what type of madness (berserk, wandering around babbling etc.) and unhappy dwarf will end up with when they finally snap. I'm trying to theorise the plausibility of having an army of berserk vampires.

    submitted by /u/RustyBrusher
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    Streaming Dwarf Fortress, it's Telear's Fabulous Embark and today we're looking into the more obscure industries! VOD will be linked in the comments once we're done :)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Am I really going to exile this orphaned child for being depressed? OF COURSE I AM!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    What is the best way to build bedrooms for your dwarfs?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I've been spending hours designing how to arrange bedrooms and thinking about logistics. And it kinda gets messy at some point with scaling.

    Lets assume we have a predefined overall single room surface area - be it 3,5,6 or more tiles. Defining that the task is to build the most efficient bedroom complex for dwarfs on a single N×N plane with a single in/out point (stairs) in center. Measuring success in how much dorfs you can pack in and distribution of time for each to get into his bedroom.

    Taking into account that the building space is uniform (no obstacles) I think some interesting fractal pattern may be a solution. Sorry if I'm becoming too nerdy but I think there could be interesting math problem behind this. Was it discussed somewhere?

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Writer
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    Parchedbranded the Flickering Sparks, a reanimated dragon and his reign of terror

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:01 PM PDT

    Nelare Brandtax the Golden Warmth, a male dragon, led a tame life striking down elven monster slayers that came to its cavern.

    After failing to slay an elf in the early spring of 103 Nelare attacked the human site Brunchgroup to take out some frustration. Unfortunately, this would be his death.

    In the midwinter of 424, three hundred and twenty one years later, the body of Nelare was reanimated by a human necromancer named Artha Appeartraded and received the name Parchedbranded the Flickering Sparks.

    Not much happened for a few years until 426 when The Crazed Confederations, a human civilization, led an attack on the group of necromancer's called The Denominations of Closing. The Squashed Conflict did not end well the humans, and would be the beginning of Parchedbranded's reign of terror.

    In just over a full year Parchedbranded participated in only five battles but racked up a serious amount of kills.

    A nameless dwarf would be the one to strike down Parchedbranded and spare countless others from the dragon's wrath. It is sad that such a hero would be forgotten.

    Some other notable things I found out while looking through the history of the dragon and his necromancer master.

    An insane amount of non-notable kills.

    The necromancer who taught Artha the secrets of life and death was slain by Parchedbranded.

    Artha's mother died of old age and became a mummy

    submitted by /u/Zruku
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