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    Sunday, July 26, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress I've been playing this game since 2009, and this is the first time I've gotten an age-change announcement.

    Dwarf Fortress I've been playing this game since 2009, and this is the first time I've gotten an age-change announcement.

    I've been playing this game since 2009, and this is the first time I've gotten an age-change announcement.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Dwarfy Dreams - A Tale About Dák Vagúsh

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Dák walked out of the arena exit. As she looked behind her, she knew that only half of the gladiators that had entered it today would leave. Fortunately for her, she was among that number.

    She walked over to the bracket board that had been set up by several of the staff of the arena. Glancing at it, a shock ran through her system. Not a single noble, proud, and sturdy dwarf had made it to the third round.

    The boastful and amiable Urist McGladiator had been stabbed by Disa, her next opponent. Kol, the scrappy marksdwarf, had been similarly killed by Tulantuk. And all others had perished even earlier.

    Staring at this tragedy, she hardly noticed as Urist McSoldier, her father, walked up behind her, and slapped her right on the back in his overly friendly way. His burliness from his soldiering days only made the effect on the unprepared Dák more startling.

    "Whatcha starin' at little diamond?", he asked with a smile on his face. "Contemplating how you'll disassemble your next opponent?"

    "No Da", she responded, "Just thinking about how there isn't a single dwarf left in the tournament."

    "What're you talking about?", responded her father. "Course there's still a dwarf in this tournament. I'm looking at her. She can cut down trees with the best of them, she adores the making of metals, and she can knock the rope reed sandals off of any pansy elf that tries to claim otherwise."

    "Thanks Da", said Dák, looking down at her father, who came up to her nose. "It's through your love and care that I got to this point though."

    "Oh, no need to flatter me", he replied. "Every drop of blood that you send into Armok's cup does enough to make me proud. Now whattaya say we go and get some real drink to celebrate, and then have a nice day long sleep afterwards, eh?"

    "Happy to", Dák responded, placing her hand on the pommel of her short sword as she followed the path her father created through the milling crowd of arena watchers.


    "Now that wash some gooood wine", slurred McSoldier, as he and Dák leaned on one another while walking towards their room at the inn.

    "Yes", said Dák simply, not trusting herself to be able to speak multiple words coherently.

    Some might've called it foolish to wander late at night, especially in a competitive place as this where trained killers dwelt, but apart from some mysterious cackles recently, no gladiator had ever reported any trouble or gone missing.

    "Sleep?", she prompted to her father.

    "Yeaaahhhh", he breathed out, "Shleep good", promptly collapsing face first onto his bed.

    Dák sighed, and wrapped him up in the blanket that he had fallen onto, before slowly making her way to her own bed, barely managing to avoid a collapse of her own before the embrace of sleep claimed her.


    Dák opened her eyes, but not to the same world she had closed them to. Everything seemed a bit...muted, and in the distance, where one would normally see things fade off into a blue haze, there was a gray cloudiness, as if in the center of an enormous fog cloud.

    But the oddest thing was almost certainly the colossus in front of her. It's flesh shone with platinum, a metal that Dák had only seen before at this arena, the cape shone of gold, and the armor was the glossy black of obsidian. And the eyes. She would never forget the eyes. Though they initially appeared as glass, there was a light behind them, a reddish orange glow that could only signify lava.

    Whoever this creature was that this statue honored, the dwarven makers of it had put in a tremendous amount of effort, and it seemed to tug at some memory of hers. So magnificent was it, that Dák failed to notice the path between the colossus's legs. Small figures rushed in and out from between them, and as she drew closer, they were unmistakably the figures of strong and stout dwarves.

    One stood out from the rest, a noble by the looks of his fine clothes, and his relative inactivity.

    "Ah, welcome", he said. "His Majesty has been waiting for you. If you would follow me?"

    Following the logic of the dream, Dák followed the dwarf deep into the bowels of the earth. It felt just like home; safe, secure, and comfortable. No terrifying water, no stinging sun, just peaceful stone.

    Caught up in her admiration of the fortress, Dák nearly ran into the dwarf when he stopped in front of a set of doors.

    "His Majesty awaits you inside", said the dwarf. "Please do your best not to anger him. He can be a bit...volatile."

    Dák nodded her head to the dwarf, and walked into the throne room. What immediately stood out to her was the smell of iron that permeated the room, as well as it's cause. It was one that Dák had become familiar with in the past few weeks.


    A river of red blood trickled out from the back wall, and flowed around the dais upon which the enthroned king sat, and was crossed by a small stone bridge.

    As Dák shifted her attention to the king, she immediately noted his lanky form, clad in burnished steel, the long handled war hammer, lying in his lap, and his horned helm, which rested upon his point-

    Dák's eyes widened, and she swiftly drew her sword.

    "Who are you knife ear? What dendrophiliac magic have you wrought on these innocent dwarves?", she cried.

    The "king", or whatever he was, unfolded himself from his throne, easily grasping the long handled warhammer with just one hand. His face, which previously had been grim, took on a small, tight smile.

    "So we're going to fight, is that it?", asked Dák. "Alright then weed eater, have at you!"

    She lunged forward, the tip of her sword aimed right at the elf's face. In a blur of motion, the elf flicked her sword aside with the head of his war hammer, and grabbed her by the throat with his free hand.

    "Hmmm", he said. "Has everyone forgotten who I am already? Perhaps this will remind you then, Dák Vagúsh. Or should I call you Tree Killer?"

    The elf pulled her eyes up to his, his extra head in height causing her feet to dangle off the floor. Dák's blue eyes aligned with his black, flinty ones, and she felt her mind be bombarded with images.

    Peace. Serenity. Then chaos and pain. A love lost, lost forever. So much hurt. So much anger.

    Then the anger roared like a fire. It released itself in war and fighting. So much fighting.

    Then, a crown? Still the anger was there.

    And then some time aimlessly wandering, before arriving at a simple hole in the ground fortress.

    A dragon died before their eyes, it's skull exploding after being struck with their hammer.

    A horse was kicked out from beneath its rider, and both perished.

    A horde of goblins, faced down at the bridge, in the shadow of the colossus.

    And throughout all of this, there was that anger. It cooled with time, yes, but only so that it could freeze in place, and forever more preserve its raging form.

    Dák gasped like a swimmer coming up for air as she reentered her own mind.

    "You", she said in a tone laced with fear. "You're him. The Immortal Onslaught. The elven king of dwarves. You're-"

    "Cacame Awemedinade. Yes, I know my own name, thank you very much."

    With that, King Cacame released his grip on her throat, dropping her to the floor. As he settled back onto his throne, Dák quickly knelt.

    "I'm sorry your majesty, it's just that I assumed-"

    "Yes, yes", said Cacame, waving his gauntleted hand dismissively. "I know what you assumed. The same as any other good, loyal dwarf. Now get off the floor, I get enough obeisance from the dwarves here without you doing it as well."

    "Of course, your majesty. May I know why I'm here? Have...have I insulted you in some way?"


    "Then why am I here?"

    There was a long pause as Cacame stared at the she-elf before him. She was so similar to his beloved Nemo. It wasn't the hair, the face, or even anything physical. It was her spirit. That solid determination, that will and drive to overcome any obstacle, it all reminded him a little too much of his murdered wife.

    "You...amuse me", he finally answered, pausing as he thought about the most correct word to use. "You and I, we are both alike. We prove the righteousness of the dwarven cause. While they squabble and kill and devour and poke each other with their little sticks, we." At this Cacame paused, seeming to reconsider his words and his vitriolic tone before subtly slumping his head. "You, at least, have the chance of greater happiness and success than any being like us ought to know. And right now, you prove that as you fight in that fun little arena."

    "You can see it?", asked Dák, in a disbelieving tone. "You mean that you're not stuck here? But my father always said that your world disappeared back into blood, like all of Armok's creations."

    "You think the destruction of my world will stop me?", answered Cacame, with a wry smile on his face. "Little tree killer, there is a reason that my kin call me the Immortal Onslaught. When my world died, I did not die with it. I simply escaped it."

    Dák looked around at the throne room. Some of the details seemed to become less distinct, as engravings blurred together, and the smell of blood waxed and waned.

    "I am afraid that you have your own onslaught to attend to Dák. May you continue to deliver blood to Armok."

    Dák kneeled one last time.

    "I will your maje-"

    As Dák spoke, the world seemed to swirl around her. She opened her eyes once more, only to be assaulted by the piercing light of the sun. As she rose from her bed, a tremendous headache clamped around her head, only exacerbated by the sawing noise of her father's comfortable snoring.

    She looked around at the inn room. Her sword was by her bed, just where she had put it. She felt no pain at her throat, and her wrist didn't hurt from the force of her sword being knocked away.

    "I guess it all was just a dream", she said, more to herself than anyone else, shaking her head as if to clear it from some fog. She got out of her bed, and headed downstairs in order to fill her stomach with breakfast.


    A tall figure in a hooded cloak watched the inn from an alley that drenched in the shadows of the rising sun. As the figure exited the alley, an elf bumped into the figure. But, instead of the soft impact of cloth, the elf bounced right off of the figure, as if he had run right into a metal pole.

    "Hey, watch whe-", were the last words out of his mouth.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    Im so proud of my first successful fort(havent had any FUN yet)! I just have some questions...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    BF - Return of the Baron

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Urist McGladiator, Before the Fall

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    How to have fun in Df

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I am very new and i have like 4 fortresses. 1-3 i got bored because nothing happend i didnt know what to do after you set up the very basics 4. Fortress failed because i had no wood. So what usally happens is i set up my basics (bedrooms workshops tavern etc) and then nothing really happens. What do i do? Create huge mines? Maybe neee to find out how to smith and smelt first. Do you learn about your dwarfes? Well i try but appart from the description text i dont know of any way to get closer to your dwarfs

    So what i am askins is...

    How do i have fun in this game? Also is waiting just part of the experience?

    Also i think one problem is that i am afraid of losing. I dont know why its a really bad mindset i need to get out of. I give up in games way to fast

    submitted by /u/Wolfkralle4
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    Most Adventurer Kills

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    What is the highest number of kills achieved by your genocidal adventurers? For me, my vampire-necromancer axe lord has 683 and climbing.

    submitted by /u/HumanBeing136
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    Here's the first episode in the let's play that features the three embarks shown in my recent tutorials. A dwarven utopia in a good biome, a wilderness biome next to some mysterious night creature, and an evil ruin that we're going to reclaim. I didn't expect the first day to be quite so eventful!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:20 PM PDT

    Divinebrass - Forts and Fishermen (2hr stream, starting now)

    Posted: 26 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Looming Darkness IV: Jeremias Brab's speech

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Come on... just.. work you idiotic piece of equipment. For God's sake... where's tech support when you need them?

    Greetings, all you humans, dwarfs, elves and animal people - especially the axolotl people, whether you be male or female, psychotic or sane, watching this. In case you do not know me, I am Adrinna's best friend and year-long companion, Jeremias Brab.

    So, you have seen her defeat at the hands of that axolotl woman. What am I to do now? Rebuild civilization, as she said? Well, that may certainly come to fruition. I've tracked down some human settlements - from my world - that binder of hers described.

    The other thing is... Adrinna wanted to be remembered. I'll arrange a little funeral ceremony, if you guys help pay for that stuff. If not I'll see what the guys from my world can do about it. Even then a plaque in the arena wings might be enough. I saw that when I was with Adrinna, giving her that little pep-talk before her first round.

    Now, even if I can't rebuild civilization, I can still write! There are quite a few gladiators that have described their careers after they have retired. Had she survived her last fight and gone on to win, it's what she would have done.

    How many people had their world torn from them, utterly destroyed, in the blink of an eye? It's a unique experience to say the least. My story will not be one of victory. It will be the tale of crushing defeat in a world gone mad. A dead world that people struggle to resurrect.

    Speaking of resurrection, I have heard your world offers these services. Expensive as Hell though, and if it's botched, you'll get a walking zombie instead of your dear grandmother.

    Who would I bet on next round? Well, that soldier from another world of course! We'll get along great. I sure hope he survives..

    One last thing: whoever gets to fight that axolotl woman... I wish you the best of luck. You'll need it.

    This has been Jeremais Brab, signing off.

    submitted by /u/Extension_Driver
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    Mysterious Fire Just Ignited Inside My Fortress

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Mysterious Fire Just Ignited Inside My Fortress

    I have no idea what produced it and now my cattle is probably going to die.I'm very confused, outside (above ground) there's a cyclops but everyone got inside in time to lock the bridge, deep in the cavers there is indeed a fire spitting monster (that claimed a few lives when it first appeared) but it's locked down there many many levels away and it would have massacred all the fortress before even getting close to the place of the fire, I checked, no monster inside the fort, it's still there just doing it's things keeping the caves fertile and stinky, no other underground fires currently.

    Maybe a visitor made it? some kind of saboteur? IDFK, no idea what is going on, it just happened.


    submitted by /u/Oorter_23
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    Well, this is a first

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

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