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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.13:Calmly Marching On

    Dwarf Fortress [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.13:Calmly Marching On

    [Kruggsmash] Scorchfountain Ep.13:Calmly Marching On

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    They say in war that only a handful of soldiers do all the killing, and I think this dwarf is definitely contending for top rank

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    Looking for feedback on my stone industry layout

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    He's more necromancer than you'll ever be!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    So I thought my new world had no necromancer towers until I saw this piece of land far south. Not sure what's keeping them there

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    An Totally One-Sided Battle That Ended in the Most Boring Way Possible.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    While playing other rogue-likes, I was reminded of a feature of DF that makes Adventurer mode a lot more fun: play with Legends Viewer open and search the names of the people and monsters you meet. It really elevates the experience.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    It would be lovely to include that in the base game as a "cheat mode." Would bring many more players to the IMO most under-appreciated mode of the game.

    submitted by /u/Metadomino
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    Lore Discussion: Why are undead killed when they are decapitated or have their heads destroyed?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    I get the reference to the good old fiction idea of "aim for the head", but those undead are typically created via parasites/disease, and reside in the heads of their hosts.

    However, DF's undead are powered by magic. So what makes the head so much more important to the magic than any other protrusion of the body, like an arm or leg? Interested to hear peoples' thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/Mkhos
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    I think I'm getting the hang of this.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:23 PM PDT

    I'm a seasoned RimWorld vet returning to DF after being discouraged the first time around. I'm on my second fortress since my return, third fortress ever, but I do have some understanding of what the game wants of me from RimWorld.

    When I first picked up the game, I was frozen with freedom. Nothing terrible was happening and I could do so much different stuff that I couldn't pick something to do. I also struggled (still kinda do) with managing storage, as well as why my dwarves won't move my horse and yak corpses to the corpse pile, or how to keep track of prepared meals, etc.. The discouragement was returning now because I knew how I was going to fail (or could make a damn good guess thanks to RimWorld). Not making enough food, not preparing for some environmental change, not keeping dangerous stuff safely stored, poor Dwarf mood, whatever. It's not a lot of FUN when you see it coming. But this time I said 'screw it, let's just dig', rather than quit.

    I have read the phrase "dig too deep" here and there and unfortunately spoiled a little bit of what's down there, but not all of it. So I decided that if I can't be surprised by the game's basic mechanics then I would commit adventurous fortress suicide. So I am digging down and down and down making a small + shaped room each level just to see what minerals are around. I haven't reached magma or worse yet, but during this process I did learn a valuable lesson: everything makes more sense and feels more meaningful when I have an objective, even if the objective is temporary or silly.

    During my dig I learned about how some levels have an absurd amount of certain minerals. I found 3 levels with nothing but granite where I cleared, so I am already thinking about how my next fortress will put the masonry bench in a granite level and build my walls and doors from that. I found that gems are beyond plentiful, but large quantities of a single type would be hard to procure. Not sure what to do with this yet, but I feel ideas coming on. I learned that both a lack of work and an excess will ruin Dwarven moods, so I'm now tasked with keeping my cooks busier and my miners more comfortable. I also had a Dwarf become possessed and build an armor stand, which now sits in his grand bedroom and almost certainly angers the Expedition Leader who I read is noble and demands a superior bedroom (but his doesn't even have smooth walls).

    My little dig project has solidified objectives for me. My next fortress is already playing out in my head...

    Anyway, this has been a fortress report full of what most people here probably already know. I just wanted to write it out to help process this enormously complex game for myself, and maybe provide some perceptive for wandering noobs that are feeling as directionless as I was.

    submitted by /u/SirNanigans
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    Ever have a bird rip a molar out your mouth and then taunt you with it? Massivedevil has. And he had witnesses.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    The Badlands of Glee

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    World Gen + New Embark - The map came out pretty cool, and I uploaded it to Gdrive: link in video

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    (World gen)10119 years old smaller world quirks and 99998 years pocket world's emptyness

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    (World gen)10119 years old smaller world quirks and 99998 years pocket world's emptyness



    Full moon in hight-savagery region, full of weregiraffes lairs. And that's only one big tile!

    So the first one is the pocked world, i originally intended it to be quite empty and set 400 max megabeast lairs, i hoped i will reach the age of emptiness, but it was a failure. Somehow alot of non-civilized intellegent creatures counted to the age, so it wouldnt truly be empty. I tried exploring it in the adventure mode but got bored pretty fast.

    The second one is much more interesting, in this world there is a lot of goblins and almost no other major races. I started in a human forest retreat and everyone i saw was armed and labeled as milita. Another human building was necromancer tower, but later in the game as i checked it, no living soul was there, just undead.

    Every month or something about a mounth the game was becoming extremely laggy for as it seems like no reason, i was fixing that that by finding a shelter, retiring, and going back into game skiping a couple of weeks. But one day traveling in a evil region and killing random creatures and gobling in lairs, the game started lagging again. In hope to fast travel to nearest active city i pressed the T button and was both horrified and delighted. Dozens and dozens of goblin-werebeasts, to say more accuratly weregiraffes, where out of their lairs and wandering in the outside world. And my viev was quite limited, so i can assume there is hungereds of them across the whole region. As my character became Axeman-Vampire-Necromancer i begin a hunt on these bastards to reduce lag, but i still needed to retire before every full moon to avoid horrendous lags every time i move a bit.
    If someone dont know how to breach the limit of 10000 in advanced parameters-I, myself, just used cheat engine to adjust end year in advanced parameters generator, but im sure there is a other way to do that. If you are interested in legends of either worlds or want to play them-just ask me, i could give you world or legends/map files. This is my first post on reddit and i hope it was at least a little bit entertaining

    submitted by /u/Rithodano
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